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The Commission Film - 2003

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11 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Mark did a wonderful job on the film, including its cast.  We did preview it in its earliest form at the Lancer 2004 conference and it was most impressive.  However funding is key not in just doing a film but in getting it placed and released for commercial use - I know Mark tried that for some time.  No doubt it was a frustrating experience and he increasingly turned to RFK. It was during his RFK iwork with William Law that they were gracious enough to interrupt filming interviews on that to get the Wheaton interview on video. 

Some of the newer members who may not fully appreciate how long this all has been going on but it does wear people down.

I appreciate what you Jim and so many others have done for so many years.  Actual research and writing about it.  About all I do is read the work of you all and try to interpret it, incorrectly at times.  Without all of you I'd have noting to interpret.  Because you care enough to do what you do, I do, too.

For several years before I discovered JFK on the internet I'd buy 1-2-3 books on the subject in the fall.  Reading other stuff in between into January.  Hit and miss with no internet review's, msm didn't review most.  By January I felt like I had to get away from the subject, that I was obsessing over it.  It seems the search for the Truth is never ending, new information still seems to slip out somehow.  Still enough out there new to me I don't have time for it all.  Still haven't finished Mel Hyman's Burying the Lead, the KA Coverup is (finally) on the shelf. Many video's I'd like to watch.  I still take breaks.

As Larry's an Okie, maybe he can appreciate...  western historically based fiction by the great grandson of the real Rooster Cogburn  about Eufala  and the Smokewagon. 

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Thanks Ron...although I'm going to fail that test.  I'm from out in western Oklahoma where we have less rain and less history - maybe because much of it went to California during  the dust bowl.  We didn't even really get Bonnie and Clyde although the James boys did pass by and buried a little gold here and there.  You got me on that one.



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