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Ross Lester Crozier

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Interesting USA Today profile of a JFK-era CIA spook who worked in Cuba, Mexico City and Miami. Nothing really interesting in regard to JFK assassination, but provides decent color on what a CIA spy was up to then.


Fifty-six years after John F. Kennedy's murder, unsealed government files detail dangerous intrigues about Cuba. This CIA spy was deeply involved.



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Thanks for posting this, Andrew.  For this longtime PR professional and student of the assassination, I personally thought this article was a major breakthrough for MSM after 56  years of dodging the case. 

  • It addressed a relevant story from the case on its own terms - no reliance on conclusions from the WC or HSCA
  • It used the factual discoveries of researchers when appropriate
  • The story originated with the paper's own research - not just reporting what Jefferson Morley or other independent journalist found or announced
  • It sets the context for what was to follow with the next DRE case officer - George Joannides
  • It sources primary materials with links in the copy

THIS is the way forward, IMHO gents and ladies, if we truly want to resolve the case to the satisfaction of everyone.

It just so happened I used this USA Today story in a talk I gave to my fellow communications professionals this past Friday, Nov. 22, providing an overview of the ways PR and propaganda have been integral to the case even BEFORE the assassination.  Here's a link to the preso in case you're interested:




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