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C Douglass Dillon

Ron Bulman

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JFK's Secretary of the Treasury.  Flying over the Pacific at the time of the Assassination, no way he could have been involved on any level, right?  As Secretary of the Treasury he was also head of the Secret Service.  After reading Vince Palamara's Survivor's Guilt I was suspicious of him given the SS failure to protect the President and some references to him in the book.

After re reading the index references to him in it and those in Donald Gibson's Battling Wall Street, Mal Hyman's Burying the Lead and most especially David Talbot's Devil's Chess Board I wonder if he didn't participate in the set up of it.  Maybe even in the authorization of it.

No, he didn't tell a subordinate in the SS to back off in Dallas.  But he well could have told one to speak to someone in the CIA or AI and cooperate/coordinate with them.  He was a very powerful man, affiliated with the Rockefeller's he may well have been able to suggest to Allen Dulles what should be done, even after Dulles "retirement".

It will be a couple of day's before I can get back to this, it gets much deeper.  But for now I'll defer to a real researcher and author, pg. 560 of Talbot's Chessboard.

"At the end of October, Dillon notified (Notified?) The President(?) that he planned to take a "deferred summer vacation" in November abandoning his Washington post for Hobe Sound until the 18th of the month. After that, Dillon informed Kennedy (Informed the President!) , he planned to fly to Tokyo with other cabinet members."  So JFK was informed by his Secretary of the Treasury they were going to Tokyo via Hawaii amid Vietnam de escalation talks on the way?  But the flight was aborted, they turned around, but they never found the code book. 

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16 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

JFK's Secretary of the Treasury.  Flying over the Pacific at the time of the Assassination, no way he could have been involved on any level, right?  As Secretary of the Treasury he was also head of the Secret Service.  After reading Vince Palamara's Survivor's Guilt I was suspicious of him given the SS failure to protect the President and some references to him in the book.

After re reading the index references to him in it and those in Donald Gibson's Battling Wall Street, Mal Hyman's Burying the Lead and most especially David Talbot's Devil's Chess Board I wonder if he didn't participate in the set up of it.  Maybe even in the authorization of it.

No, he didn't tell a subordinate in the SS to back off in Dallas.  But he well could have told one to speak to someone in the CIA or AI and cooperate/coordinate with them.  He was a very powerful man, affiliated with the Rockefeller's he may well have been able to suggest to Allen Dulles what should be done, even after Dulles "retirement".

It will be a couple of day's before I can get back to this, it gets much deeper.  But for now I'll defer to a real researcher and author, pg. 560 of Talbot's Chessboard.

"At the end of October, Dillon notified (Notified?) The President(?) that he planned to take a "deferred summer vacation" in November abandoning his Washington post for Hobe Sound until the 18th of the month. After that, Dillon informed Kennedy (Informed the President!) , he planned to fly to Tokyo with other cabinet members."  So JFK was informed by his Secretary of the Treasury they were going to Tokyo via Hawaii amid Vietnam de escalation talks on the way?  But the flight was aborted, they turned around, but they never found the code book. 

The missing code book meant they were incommunicado with official channels on the way back.  Most of the Cabinet included.  An interesting aside.

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Ron, Glad to see you posted this. I too grew very suspicious of this character after reading Devil's Chessboard. Would like to learn more about him. These intriguing facts culled from wiki:

"U.S. Ambassador to France (1953–1957) ....Dillon began his education at Pine Lodge School in Lakehurst, New Jersey which he attended at the same time as three of the Rockefeller brothers, Nelson, Laurance, and John ....Dillon had been active in Republican politics since 1934. He worked for John Foster Dulles in Thomas E. Dewey's 1948 presidential campaign. In 1951 he organized the New Jersey effort to secure the 1952 Republican nomination for Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was also a major contributor to Eisenhower's general election campaign in 1952....A close friend of John D. Rockefeller III, he was chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1972 to 1975. He also served alongside John Rockefeller on the 1973 Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs, and under Nelson Rockefeller in the Rockefeller Commission to investigate CIA activities (along with Ronald Reagan)." (We all know what a whitewash that was.) "He had been president of Harvard Board of Overseers, chairman of the Brookings Institution, and vice chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations."

Also, as noted in Devil's Chessboard, he was a close associate of Allen Dulles.

Edited by Rob Couteau
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I should wait until I'm home again with the books but from memory...  Allen vacationed at Dillon's chateau in the south of France.  His brother Secretary of State John Foster Dulles spent several of his last days on earth convalescing from the effects of colon cancer at Dillon's Palm Beach estate. They served the Rockefellers and Dillon well, including Nazi interests in WWII, and were rewarded well.

Interestingly, regarding the Dulles and Dewey part...  In 1948 young Congressman Richard Nixon, head of the fledgling House Committee on Un American Activities met with Dewey at his hotel, along with John Foster, Allen, and Dillon.  His documents convinced them Alger Hiss was a worthy scapegoat in the Red Scare.  He was given the green light to purse their friend and close business associate.  A major stepping stone in his ascendency.  

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Dillon and the Dulles brothers led the charge to discredit then dispose of Lumumba, on behalf of Dillon and the Rockefeller investments in the Congo among others.  Then JFK made him  the ultimate head of his security.  JFK was in reality somewhat naïve about the machinations of the true blue blood east coast establishment looking backwards.  Though I am a neophyte in this respect.

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"Doug Dillon was the kind of affluent Washington power player Allen Dulles listened to.  Over the years the Dulles brothers and Dillon grew quite close. … When it came to executive action , Dulles might have been chairman of the board, but he answered to a group of men with far more wealth and,  in some ways more power than he had - men like Doug Dillon.  …  the spy chief's power came from the fact that - even after his departure from the CIA - his wealthy sponsors continued to invest him with it.  …  Threats to these men's wealth and stature brought out their lethal impulses."  pg. 551, Chessboard.

So is it unreasonable to think at some point Dillon might have nodded his head during a discussion amongst a few of his peers regarding the need for action in getting JFK out of office?  If not is it unthinkable that Dulles might have said in private something to Dillon the effect of We might need the assistance of some of your men in backing off, might you have Paterni, or ? meet with (I don't know, Shackley? wasn't he east coast establishment, to convey operational needs from?  say Morales?)?  Yeah speculation.  Unfounded?

Somehow standard procedures were ignored.  Any turn requiring significant slowdown of the motorcade in turn required prior inspection of it and the surrounding buildings.  Wasn't done.  Why?  Cooperation at some level between the CIA and the SS?  Sanctioned by the highest levels? 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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This horse ain't dead yet.  

On 12/20/2019 at 7:59 PM, Rob Couteau said:

Ron, Glad to see you posted this. I too grew very suspicious of this character after reading Devil's Chessboard. Would like to learn more about him. These intriguing facts culled from wiki:

"U.S. Ambassador to France (1953–1957) ....Dillon began his education at Pine Lodge School in Lakehurst, New Jersey which he attended at the same time as three of the Rockefeller brothers, Nelson, Laurance, and John ....Dillon had been active in Republican politics since 1934. He worked for John Foster Dulles in Thomas E. Dewey's 1948 presidential campaign. In 1951 he organized the New Jersey effort to secure the 1952 Republican nomination for Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was also a major contributor to Eisenhower's general election campaign in 1952....A close friend of John D. Rockefeller III, he was chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1972 to 1975. He also served alongside John Rockefeller on the 1973 Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs, and under Nelson Rockefeller in the Rockefeller Commission to investigate CIA activities (along with Ronald Reagan)." (We all know what a whitewash that was.) "He had been president of Harvard Board of Overseers, chairman of the Brookings Institution, and vice chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations."

Also, as noted in Devil's Chessboard, he was a close associate of Allen Dulles.

Curious.  Wonder regarding pine lodge school and John if you mean John David III.



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Like Byrd, owner of the TSBD taking his first ever African hunting trip?  Why was the Secretary of the Treasury needed on a trip to Tokyo via Hawaii to discuss Vietnam military decisions on the way.  Why press secretary Pierre Salinger, normally involved in parade arrangements, on the trip through Hawaii?  I can understand the Secretary of Foreign relations who was along or the Secretary of Defense, who wasn't.  Where's that code book  …  checked off as being there before take off  I'd guess. Standard Operating Procedure?  

If Talbot is right David, Dillon and others approved.  So Dulles acted.

A monkey wrench I read the other day was about David Rockefeller (jd3?) during WWII instead of being OSS like others of the East Coast Establishment was Army Intelligence.  Maybe of interest to Steve Thomas, Paul Brancato or Larry Hancock, Stu ?  Probably already known by them.

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This says Dillon was in the Navy in WWII, in the Pacific.  Survivors Guilt says he, like Dulles was in the OSS.  Just wondering if anybody else could clarify.  Was he in OSS then the Navy?     Maybe not important.  But Dulles was OSS in Sweden in the war and Dillon had been born there.  The home of Swiss bank accounts, useful for bankers like Dillon nd the Rockefellers doing business with/financing the Nazis, just another odd coincidence.  I thought the OSS only operated in the European theater, Mac Arthur had his own intelligence service and wanted nothing to do with them?

If he did survive suicide bombers on board ship he had surviving the Pacific in common with JFK.  I'd read the Spartacus bio on him before but not noticed this, thought he was OSS. 

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On 12/24/2019 at 12:09 AM, Rob Couteau said:


Would be interesting to make a list of all those significant figures who had made conveniently made travel plans to be "somewhere else" on the day JFK was killed - such as Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, and C. Douglass Dillon.

Maybe not travel plans but the absence of Dillon subordinate in the SS Gerald Behn on the Texas trip makes me ask why?  Head of the WH Detail.  There on the Florida trip days before.  But not on the one passing through the city Adali Stevenson was spat upon and hit with a placard a year or two before.  Where LBJ and Ladybird were harassed in the 1960 campaign, Walker was based out of.  Then Floyd Boring is given responsibility but somehow we end up with a third choice in Roy Kellerman.  In what JFK called "nut country" after reading the Dallas paper in Fort Worth 4-5 hours before he died. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really dropped the ball starting this topic.  Searched the site for him but found little.  I should connect the dots I found better.  While there is no proof, I think enough there a reasonable person would wonder.  

He is involved in the cover up as well.  Calling on Mc Cone and LBJ for protection when pressed by the Warren Omission  for records. 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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