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ATTENTION ALL HANDS! ALL-NEW EPISODE #169 HAS UPLOADED! CLICK THIS LINK https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-dallas-actions-tracks TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD!
We are joined by Special Guest BILL SIMPICH ("State Secret", "The Twelve Who Built The Oswald Legend") for a Fantastically Enjoyable conversation covering a wide spectrum of Assassination-Centric topics, including but not limited to: The Operational Head-Butting between US Army Intelligence and the CIA; more discussion of the hijacking of CIA Covert Ops by A.I.; The ghostly and powerful A.I. Agent who seems to have several shady connections to Dealey Plaza, and who shadowed Oswald's friend (Handler) George DeMohrenschildt to and from his Warren Commission Testimony; what a KGB Defector had to say about Oswald in Russia; new discoveries at The Mary Farrell Foundation, JFK Assassination Research moving forward and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Written & Hosted By Doug Campbell
Recorded & Produced By Grant Wilson

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thank you - incredible interview. I wonder if they will include Colonel Frank Brandstetter in the discussion about Dorothe Matlack. 
seems so obvious that the DPD/Army Intel connections are important. 

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1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:

I can't get any sound after clicking on the play arrow from your link.  (I use Linux-based machines, but seldom have difficulty with web-based audio.) 

Jim, I use Linux (slackware) too and I'm able to listen to them.  I realize that doesn't fix your problem, but you can probably rule out OS issues as the culprit.  I'm using chrome Version 80.0.3987.106.  There was a silent pause for a few seconds at the beginning for me. 

Also, you can download the mp3 by clicking on the quote bubble of the little app.

Edited by Kirk Ross
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On 3/14/2020 at 5:44 AM, David Boylan said:

We are joined by Special Guest BILL SIMPICH ("State Secret", "The Twelve Who Built The Oswald Legend") for a Fantastically Enjoyable conversation covering a wide spectrum of Assassination-Centric topics

That was interesting.  Some interesting (to me) items to note, as I remember it:

15:04 Dorothy Matlack was an entry clerk (or some such) that worked her way up to be a debriefing specialist and the Pentagon liason to CIA. 

17:16 Her "big break" in Army Intelligence was handling refugees from Hungary and Cuba in the early 60's. 

18:30 She is part of Inter Agency Defector Committee.

20:50 It was revealed that she consulted with DS2137 about how soviets handle defectors in 62 (I think) about the time Oswald and Webster returned.  DS2137, according to Simpich, was Golytsin.

22:55 Marina questioned by NVD shortly before leaving for US according to Golytsin

28:42 "Oswald's wife was our swallow" according to an Soviet internal counter intelligence agent much later.

33:41 She met George DeM at the airport when he came to testify (Church committee?) and possibly coached him before his testimony.  She was not a lawyer, so he could have answered that he had not been coached by any lawyers.



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2 hours ago, Kirk Ross said:

That was interesting.  Some interesting (to me) items to note, as I remember it:

15:04 Dorothy Matlack was an entry clerk (or some such) that worked her way up to be a debriefing specialist and the Pentagon liason to CIA. 

17:16 Her "big break" in Army Intelligence was handling refugees from Hungary and Cuba in the early 60's. 

18:30 She is part of Inter Agency Defector Committee.

20:50 It was revealed that she consulted with DS2137 about how soviets handle defectors in 62 (I think) about the time Oswald and Webster returned.  DS2137, according to Simpich, was Golytsin.

22:55 Marina questioned by NVD shortly before leaving for US according to Golytsin

28:42 "Oswald's wife was our swallow" according to an Soviet internal counter intelligence agent much later.

33:41 She met George DeM at the airport when he came to testify (Church committee?) and possibly coached him before his testimony.  She was not a lawyer, so he could have answered that he had not been coached by any lawyers.



Good summary. Also lots on Westbrook and the other DPD detectives who were also in Reserve Army Intelligence units. 
Matlack’s association with Golitsyn is troubling on so many counts. For some reason I thought she was of Hungarian ancestry. Apparently not, but she was the handler in ACSI for Eastern European and Cuban emigres. Our Man in Haiti has good material on Matlack and DeMohrenschildt. Another interesting connection to ACSI was Hungarian born Army Colonel Frank M Brandstetter. He makes it clear in his semi autobiographical books that his assignment to the Dallas based 488th MID in 1959 was through ACSI, to whom he reported for two decades. He was recruited by Henry Crown to run the Acapulco Hilton in the early 1960’s. I find it exceedingly strange that Philipe de Vosjoli, French Intel agent who defected to the US in October of 1963, went to stay with Brandstetter within days of the JFK assassination. This is one degree of separation from Golitsyn and Angleton. Army Colonel Jack Crichton started the 488th, according to himself. He claimed nearly half the men in his unit were Dallas Police detectives, probably members of the DPD Special Services Bureau. 
it’s taken us way too long to seriously consider the idea that the assassination was an act of state, run by the Military (Army) and their Dallas Police compatriots. 

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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I find it exceedingly strange that Philipe de Vosjoli, French Intel agent who defected to the US in October of 1963, went to stay with Brandstetter within days of the JFK assassination.

What seems strange about it?  Seems like a natural choice, given the situation.  Wasn't Brandstetter's house well fortified, or am I thinking of someone else?

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32 minutes ago, Kirk Ross said:

What seems strange about it?  Seems like a natural choice, given the situation.  Wasn't Brandstetter's house well fortified, or am I thinking of someone else?

According to Peter Dale Scott, DeVosjoli went to visit Brandstetter in Dallas, not Acapulco. 

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12 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

According to Peter Dale Scott, DeVosjoli went to visit Brandstetter in Dallas, not Acapulco. 

Now that you mention it I think I was thinking of something in Acapulco.  Can't remember where I read about it, though. 

So Paul, what I was thinking I remembered was that in the days prior to the assassination  DeVosjoli, while working with Angeleton and Golitsyn became convinced that there was a mole inside SDECE and that he was targeted for assassination by the Soviets or communists or something like that.  I don't recall him being placed in Dallas, I thought I remembered hims going to Mexico for a while to hide out.  But that's just what I think I remember I read, not saying it's a fact.  Can you give me some idea of what you are suggesting?  His presence in Dallas sounds ominous, but I'm not  really getting the implication of him even being there, much less going to Brandstetter's.  What is it that you think might have been going on?

Here's the assumption I'm operating on.  https://www.edwardjayepstein.com/diary/devosjoli.htm

according to Epstein, De Vosjoli told him that:

"he had been posted to Washington in 1960 as the liaison officer between the French intelligence service, SDECE, and the CIA. He was the first French liaison officer. In this capacity, he worked closely with Angleton. Beginning in 1962, Angleton warned him that a CIA source, Anatoli Golitsyn, who had defected from the Russian Embassy in Finland, had revealed that the KGB had managed to infiltrate SDECE, his own intelligence service, at the highest levels. At first, he had assumed Golitsyn was a "lunatic". Then, Angleton gave him a "shopping list" of questions about US missile programs. It was, according to Golitsyn, to be filled by SDECE officers moonlighting for the KGB. Again, it sounded "insane" to him that French officers would be spies for the KGB and acquire US secrets on demand. His view changed radically when SDECE headquarters told him to organize a spying operation in Washington. Its targets were precisely the ones that Golitsyn had identified. He alerted the head of his service that a KGB spy ring was operating from within its ranks. In November 1963, he learned from an associate in France that he had been ordered assassinated by his own intelligence service. When he received a telegram the next week ordering him back to Paris, he assumed it was his death notice."

So, based on that, it seems reasonable that he was trying to escape an assassination attempt.  What are you thinking he was doing and do you discount the above Epstein/De Vosjoli account?

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3 hours ago, Kirk Ross said:

Now that you mention it I think I was thinking of something in Acapulco.  Can't remember where I read about it, though. 

So Paul, what I was thinking I remembered was that in the days prior to the assassination  DeVosjoli, while working with Angeleton and Golitsyn became convinced that there was a mole inside SDECE and that he was targeted for assassination by the Soviets or communists or something like that.  I don't recall him being placed in Dallas, I thought I remembered hims going to Mexico for a while to hide out.  But that's just what I think I remember I read, not saying it's a fact.  Can you give me some idea of what you are suggesting?  His presence in Dallas sounds ominous, but I'm not  really getting the implication of him even being there, much less going to Brandstetter's.  What is it that you think might have been going on?

Here's the assumption I'm operating on.  https://www.edwardjayepstein.com/diary/devosjoli.htm

according to Epstein, De Vosjoli told him that:

"he had been posted to Washington in 1960 as the liaison officer between the French intelligence service, SDECE, and the CIA. He was the first French liaison officer. In this capacity, he worked closely with Angleton. Beginning in 1962, Angleton warned him that a CIA source, Anatoli Golitsyn, who had defected from the Russian Embassy in Finland, had revealed that the KGB had managed to infiltrate SDECE, his own intelligence service, at the highest levels. At first, he had assumed Golitsyn was a "lunatic". Then, Angleton gave him a "shopping list" of questions about US missile programs. It was, according to Golitsyn, to be filled by SDECE officers moonlighting for the KGB. Again, it sounded "insane" to him that French officers would be spies for the KGB and acquire US secrets on demand. His view changed radically when SDECE headquarters told him to organize a spying operation in Washington. Its targets were precisely the ones that Golitsyn had identified. He alerted the head of his service that a KGB spy ring was operating from within its ranks. In November 1963, he learned from an associate in France that he had been ordered assassinated by his own intelligence service. When he received a telegram the next week ordering him back to Paris, he assumed it was his death notice."

So, based on that, it seems reasonable that he was trying to escape an assassination attempt.  What are you thinking he was doing and do you discount the above Epstein/De Vosjoli account?

I have never read Epstein’s account, but I’ve read others. I think it’s an important story. John Newman says that Golitsyn was a real defector, and Nosenko fake. Golitsyn famously named British Prime Minister Harold Wilson as a KGB asset. I don’t see the evidence for that, and the Brits sure looked into it. We should however wonder about Angleton himself. He sure screwed up with Philby. 
DeVosjoli wrote an interesting account of having overheard a bunch of Texas fat cats in a restaurant in NYC planning an assassination of JFK.I got the story about DeVosjoli’s destination in person from Peter Dale Scott. I asked him about Brandstetter and DeVosjoli and the story of the latter’s frantic drive to Acapulco after the JFK hit to visit his friend. Peter said he had heard from an unnamed but reputable source that it was to Brandstetter’s home in Dallas that he hightailed. Brandy being in Dallas wouldn’t be so weird. His wife was institutionalized there. I don’t know why he would have gone a’visiting, but he did claim as Epstein points out that the SDECE wanted him dead. Btw it wasn’t just one Soviet mole it was several. Hard to know who was feeding who. I think it was DeVosjoli to Golitsyn not the other way around. But that’s just conjecture. Was DeGaulle a Soviet asset too? 
Have you read either of Brandstetter’s co-written autobiographies? He talks about DeVosjoli a fair amount.

I have a bigger question that no one ever considers, and maybe it’s because I’m thinking too far outside the box. But I question the Cold War itself. A clue for me was the correspondence between Krushchev and Kennedy in the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis which Douglass writes about in his book JFK and the Unspeakable. They admitted to each other that they could not easily control their own military hardliners. JFK certainly saw his Joint Chiefs as a threat. Apparently Kruschchev had a similar problem. There were huge profits to be made on both sides. 


Edited by Paul Brancato
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