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Somewhat Interesting Take On Oliver Stone's "JFK" By S.F. Chronicle Film Critic.

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I saw this in the San Francisco Chronicle ( pink ) Date Book/Movies section from their January 5-11 issue.

In the "ASK MICK LASALLE " column:

Dear Mick:

"I've always thought the the film "JFK" was one of the finest ever made. Did I miss the bus on this one?"  Robert from Petaluma.

Dear Robert:

" No, it's one of the great films of the 1990's. I've watched it about a half dozen time ---Always the 206-minute director's cut. The problem is that Lee Harvey Oswald has somehow come back in style. People actually want to believe he did it."

Any comment J. McBride, Jim Di.?



Edited by Joe Bauer
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That is actually not bad at all.

And he is correct, the LHO bit has comeback in style.  But this was before Bob Dylan.

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