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Is anyone interested in Apollo missions...

Jack White

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Guest David Guyatt
Owen, would you be kind enough to post below the Prouty quote you referenced please.

Sure. See this post of mine here. And thanks for the Brandt article.

Thanks and you're welcome on the Brandt article. I don't like to see a man of Prouty's courage and calibre "offed" by simpleton's, who no matter what the weight of the evidence is continue to decline to alter their discriminatory prejudices.


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Drago your insinuation that I’m a Holocaust denier is vile and disgusting. If you follow this forum you know that I'm a descendant of a Holocaust victim but even if you didn't know that your insinuation is abhorrent.

NOTE - I originally wrote this post using stonger language but toned it down.

Gee, I've annoyed Mr. Colby.

How can I ever apologize?

Perhaps I might start to make amends by inviting him to celebrate the life of the family member he references.

So what happened?

(Offensive remark deleted by moderator.)

Edited by Kathy Beckett
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You want serious, Colby? I'll give you serious.

You and Lamson are interchangeable in every meaningful way.

Lamson plays the "anti-semite" card when it suits his vile purposes.

In other words, with the exception of truth, nothing is off the boards as far as he is concerned.

If you're sincere in your previous post -- and it's a big "if" as far as I'm concerned -- you know now what it's like to be on the receiving end of that stick.

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You want serious, Colby? I'll give you serious.

You and Lamson are interchangeable in every meaningful way.

Lamson plays the "anti-semite" card when it suits his vile purposes.

In other words, with the exception of truth, nothing is off the boards as far as he is concerned.

If you're sincere in your previous post -- and it's a big "if" as far as I'm concerned -- you know now what it's like to be on the receiving end of that stick.

Mark is what he is. He should just embrace the real Mark instead of hiding himself in his pseudo intellectual fishwrap. .

As for "sticky fingers" Drago, no one has anything on YOU when it comes to vile. I'm not sure you would know "truth' if it chomped on your ample azz...

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Drago your insinuation that I’m a Holocaust denier is vile and disgusting. If you follow this forum you know that I'm a descendant of a Holocaust victim but even if you didn't know that your insinuation is abhorrent.

NOTE - I originally wrote this post using stonger language but toned it down.

Gee, I've annoyed Mr. Colby.

Your obvious intention, congratulations you succeeded.

How can I ever apologize?

Perhaps I might start to make amends by inviting him to celebrate the life of the family member he references.

So what happened?

(Offensive remark deleted by moderator.)

You follow one vile posting with another, much as I’m tempted to further respond I’ll heed the advice of those say “don’t feed the trolls”.

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You want serious, Colby? I'll give you serious.

You and Lamson are interchangeable in every meaningful way.

Lamson plays the "anti-semite" card when it suits his vile purposes.

In other words, with the exception of truth, nothing is off the boards as far as he is concerned.

If you're sincere in your previous post -- and it's a big "if" as far as I'm concerned -- you know now what it's like to be on the receiving end of that stick.

You want sincere? #%^& *$%! I meant that with all due sincerity. I have nothing more to say to you. "Don't feed the trolls"

(Offensive remark edited by moderator)

Edited by Kathy Beckett
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How can I ever apologize?

Perhaps I might start to make amends by inviting him to celebrate the life of the family member he references.

Or you could try being a constructive and reflective member of this forum.

I notice that most of your posts are designed to irritate, offend and annoy other members of this forum rather than to develop debate or argument.

It is clear from your mode of expression that the idea of yourself as an "intellectual" excites you.

Unfortunately the content of your contributions suggests quite the opposite.

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My Dear Mr. Walker,

Your characterizations of my posts are duly noted.

As is the silence with which you receive -- make that "welcome" -- the posts of Colby and Lamson.

Silence as approval, of course. Lamson plays the "anti-semite" card, and you turn your face. Colby endlessly and vacuously challenges, and you are marked "absent." All of which, given your aggressive posture regarding my words, is indicative of approval of theirs. Or else surely you would have opined to the contrary.

John Cleese in the "All England Twit of the Year Competition" sketch suddenly rushes to mind. Good lord, you're as much a challenge as a matchbook steeplechase.

History judges.

God bless you, good luck in therapy, and be gone.

Charles Drago

PS -- Not so nice try at goading me into an intemperate response. Your agenda is as transparent as it is simpleminded. Huddle with Colby and Lamson. Take your time. Or better yet, go get your shine box.

Edited by Charles Drago
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My Dear Mr. Walker,

Your characterizations of my posts are duly noted.

As is the silence with which you receive -- make that "welcome" -- the posts of Colby and Lamson.

Silence as approval, of course. Lamson plays the "anti-semite" card, and you turn your face. Colby endlessly and vacuously challenges, and you are marked "absent." All of which, given your aggressive posture regarding my words, is indicative of approval of theirs. Or else surely you would have opined to the contrary.

John Cleese in the "All England Twit of the Year Competition" sketch suddenly rushes to mind. Good lord, you're as much a challenge as a matchbook steeplechase.

History judges.

God bless you, good luck in therapy, and be gone.

Charles Drago

PS -- Not so nice try at goading me into an intemperate response. Your agenda is as transparent as it is simpleminded. Huddle with Colby and Lamson. Take your time. Or better yet, go get your shine box.

Charles, Nice piece of work dude. Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel? Don't hold back next time.

And who is this Walker guy? Don't see his posts.

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Until you actually attend a COPA conference and listen to what people say about Prouty

and listen to what HE SAYS about the Kennedys you will just not be convinced. And yes,

Lou Wolf worked either for or with Schaap and Ray but how can anyone ignore the evidence

about IHR, Willis Carto and Right Magazine or his Sons of Liberty or the Mel Mermestein

case for that matter? How about Tim McVeigh and Liberty Lobby and that dude from Germany

he called just before the OK bombing? Yellow journalism just for a buck or something else?

"Colonel Prouty is like us on all the N**ger issues" Does that sound like a Nazi crackpot or what?

I will also track down the other versions of the anti-Kennedy statement made by Prouty. When

he was alive I did not post the full statement. Billy Kelly and John Judge help us out here.

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My Dear Mr. Walker,

Your characterizations of my posts are duly noted.

As is the silence with which you receive -- make that "welcome" -- the posts of Colby and Lamson.

Silence as approval, of course. Lamson plays the "anti-semite" card, and you turn your face. Colby endlessly and vacuously challenges, and you are marked "absent." All of which, given your aggressive posture regarding my words, is indicative of approval of theirs. Or else surely you would have opined to the contrary.

John Cleese in the "All England Twit of the Year Competition" sketch suddenly rushes to mind. Good lord, you're as much a challenge as a matchbook steeplechase.

History judges.

God bless you, good luck in therapy, and be gone.

Charles Drago

PS -- Not so nice try at goading me into an intemperate response. Your agenda is as transparent as it is simpleminded. Huddle with Colby and Lamson. Take your time. Or better yet, go get your shine box.

Craig, Andy,

There is a saying down here “deixa ele late só” which means, “let him bark alone”. I think that is the best approach for Drago and his ilk; it’s hard to engage them without sinking down to their level. It also serves to further derail the thread. The best thing is to simply ignore him.


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Pamela wrote:

They [Mossad] must of had knowledge of what was happening.

Do you have any evidence to back this belief? Why must have the Mossad know if the CIA didn’t? Is this the same all knowing Mossad that missed the signs that Egypt and Syria were planning to attack Israel in 1973 or took several year to figure out that ‘Israel Beer’ a top military advisor to Ben-Gurion was in fact a Soviet spy?

Israel is in a different position than the US (or used to be) and their objectives are more intense as a result. They are surrounded by Arab countries threatening their destruction. In addition, they are far more sophisticated in intelligence than we are. Our FBI passed over a chance to search Moussaoui's laptop. Do you think Mossad would have been that careless? Look at the raids on Entebbe and those on the perpetrators of the Munich massacre. Quite brilliant. Mossad has its ears to the ground in the Middle East and in Europe. It is my thinking that they had more information than anyone else and probably a better understanding of the possible consequences.

You reference the Yom Kippur War. Israeli intelligence was definitely lacking and/or compromised at that time. I believe they improved significantly after that debacle. Another thing about Mossad is that they don't make the same mistake twice.

In other words it’s just a hunch and you have no evidence. Don’t forget that it was an attack against the US by a group based in Afghanistan that had never attacked Israeli targets (though they seemed to have funded a few) by a cell based in the US and before that Germany none of whose members were associated with Palestinian groups.

It would be a mistake to underestimate Mossad. You seem inclined to want to do that. In addition, your focus seems rather narrow. If you believe Mossad didn't see AlQuaeda and Bin Laden as a threat to them you would be exhibiting again a lack of orientation to their scope and sophistication.

"Our FBI passed over a chance to search Moussaoui's laptop. Do you think Mossad would have been that careless?"

That had something to due with a pesky little document called the Constitution, even now probable cause is required for a search warrant and they didn’t have any at the he was being held on immigration charges.

Not so. FBI had processes in place that were not used. It took Colleen Rowley to define their failure.

"Look at the raid on Entebbe"

That was an IDF operation.

How simplistic. Just where do you think they got their information?

The Entebbe hijacking was just one of many terrorist attacks by anti-Israeli groups against Israeli targets that the Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies failed to detect or prevent. Many of those attacks were planned and organized in the occupied territories by people already known to the Israelis. So why would you expect them to have known about 9/11 (see above)?

Why ask that as though it is such an unusual question? Mossad is sophisticated and tough. They move faster than we do. They don't discount information as we do. They also are comfortable using unorthodox means to acquire information, such as the back door in Promis. Why underestimate them and pretend they did not?

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Why ask that as though it is such an unusual question? Mossad is sophisticated and tough. They move faster than we do. They don't discount information as we do. They also are comfortable using unorthodox means to acquire information, such as the back door in Promis. Why underestimate them and pretend they did not?

So it's still just a hunch unsupported by evidence. Yes the " Mossad is sophisticated and tough" and acording to reputation better than the CIA but they aren't prefect you still haven't addressed the question as to why they should have know about an attack against the US by a group based in Afganistan, Germany and the US with no Palestinians when they missed attacks by Palestinians from the occupied territories against Israel

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Why ask that as though it is such an unusual question? Mossad is sophisticated and tough. They move faster than we do. They don't discount information as we do. They also are comfortable using unorthodox means to acquire information, such as the back door in Promis. Why underestimate them and pretend they did not?

So it's still just a hunch unsupported by evidence. Yes the " Mossad is sophisticated and tough" and acording to reputation better than the CIA but they aren't prefect you still haven't addressed the question as to why they should have know about an attack against the US by a group based in Afganistan, Germany and the US with no Palestinians when they missed attacks by Palestinians from the occupied territories against Israel

Why are you discounting Promis? Do you understand the implications? That happened twenty years ago. The Mossad figured out how to get into the intelligence of any country using that software.

In addition, it seems your perspective is a bit narrow. Bin Laden is not a Palestinian, but he certainly is anti-Semitic, and has excoriated the US for being involved with Israel.

Another point, again in a wider perspective, is that Mossad has to protect the Israeli's wherever they go. You may realize that they hop across the pond frequently. Sharon, until his stroke, was here, Netanyahu is here, as well as others who do not end up on CNN or Fox. Therefore, Mossad has also a vested interest in knowing what the environment is like when they are traveling.

I don't know what events you are referencing when you say "attacks from Palestinians", as Israel is constantly being bombarded by rockets from them. What is your point?

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