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JFK Lancer 2021 Conference

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JFK Lancer will host its 2021 annual conference November 19-21.   The conference will again be “virtual” with presentations streamed during the conference dates and with a dedicated Facebook page for registered attendees to ask questions and participate in dialogs with presenters.  The feel  will be $64.99 for conference viewing only and $119.99 for conference viewing plus digital download.


Scheduled presenters at this time include Jim DiEugenio, David Boylan,  Donald Jeffries with Chuck Ochelli, Larry Schnapf, Mike Chesser, Bill Simpich, Andrew Kiel, Debra Conway, Larry Hancock, Stuart Wexler, Malcolm Blunt, Bill Kelly, Russ Baker, Gill Jesus, Robert Groden, and Brent Holland.  Other presenters have been invited but have not yet committed as of this date. 


As I understand from Debra Conway, something like three weeks ago Lancer’s web host  removed the JFK Lancer web site from the host server without any notification.  Initially it appeared that would be quickly corrected and the Lancer home page was shown as being under construction. Then  the hosting company loaded pages from 2019 and that totally confused matters for those going to the site address.  

Its a long three weeks for Debra, which I'm not going to attempt to describe in any detail, but the result is that she is now working on the creation of a new site under a new domain name and and should be available very shortly.  That site will provide the access to register for the 2021 conference. 

Work on the conference itself is well under way and proceeding on schedule - the conference itself will be streamed independently. 

Apologies for any confusion, its been a pretty bad experience for Debra.  I will provide further updates here but if possible please share with others that the 2021 conference itself is indeed alive, well and proceeding towards November. 





Edited by Larry Hancock
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Gosh,I sure would like to attend one of these conferences before I pass away.I have not been on the site for awhile now & it's good to see that Bill Kelly is still alive.I have not seen him post on here for a long long time.


Thanks for the info Larry.

Edited by Michael Crane
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The web site thing has been immensely frustrating and chewed up a lot of time and mental energy for Deb,  its about the strangest thing I have ever seen. 

I stay in touch with Bill but I think he spends most of his time communicating via his blog.

As to James Richards,  several of us have tried various means to contact him over the past year but with no success.  He had a unique collection of photos and some equally unique contacts in Miami that were always way beyond me.  We communicated literally for years, but I've had no responses from him for some time now.  Interestingly enough I'm still working one of the leads (and photos) he gave me something like two decades ago...amazing. 



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Thanks Benjamin,  the website is still a work in progress,  should be very close but it seems like something new turns up every day...    In some ways virtual conferences are easier to  organize but in other respects it just seems to spread the last minute stress out over a longer time...grin.  

I am particularly looking forward to it as a forum for people to share new research and we are particularly happy to have Gil Jusus join us this year given how busy he has been on the forum and his web site in recent months.  Jim's insights into the Stone documentary should be really welcome and the review of Malcolm Blunt's new archives will be very important.

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I wanted to advise everyone that we now have a registration page up for the JFK Lancer 2021 Conference - you will find it at:


Note the new domain name for JFK Lancer - as I noted before Debra is going to have to move to a new host and initially recreate a Lancer Web site.  That is obviously going to take some time but as I said, the conference itself will stream separately as well as have its own attendee Facebook page so the domain and web site change is not a problem for the conference itself.

I had also gotten a comment on my own blog about missing the guided walking tours of the Plaza that we had done over the years.  As it so happens Gabriella and I recorded and extended video of that walking tour last year, unfortunately we had some problems getting it  posted on Facebook but this year she has new video editing software and we are certainly going to try to make that available for the attendees.  The good news is that it would not involve the rain or sleet or cold wind we sometimes ran into in November in the "live" tours.

As a reminder, this years scheduled speakers include:

Scheduled presenters at this time include Jim DiEugenio, David Boylan,  Donald Jeffries with Chuck Ochelli, Larry Schnapf, Mike Chesser, Bill Simpich, Andrew Kiel, Debra Conway, Larry Hancock, Stuart Wexler, Malcolm Blunt, Bill Kelly, Russ Baker, Gill Jesus, Robert Groden, and Brent Holland. 





Edited by Larry Hancock
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