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Destroying the WC Lies --- An Easy Shot ? ( video )

Gil Jesus

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1 hour ago, Lance Payette said:

No, I don't expect you to believe that. You have no factual basis for saying Oswald hadn't fired a rifle in four years. The ammunition was not 20 years old. No one argues three shots were taken in 5 seconds. The WC estimated 5.6 to 8.3. The HSCA estimated as long as 8.5. Both the WC and HSCA and their respective firearms experts believed precisely what you say you don't believe. Which is fine, but you might get your facts straight since this topic has been hashed and rehashed for decades.

OK, let's be straight. ALL the initial reports were that the first shot hit. Virtually all the subsequent reports were that the first shot hit. This put the WC in a bind. They could not turn around and say the first shot missed. And they were also reluctant to say the third shot missed. So they needed to make it look like a single-gunman could fire three shots between when JFK was first hit and when he was last hit. The problem was that JBC did not react till after Z-224, and having three shots fire between Z-224 and Z-313 was too fast, 4.9 seconds. So they pretended a shot struck both JFK and JBC at 210, which came out at 5.6 seconds--the bare minimum amount of time required to fire three shots with that rifle, according to the FBI. They then put out a report saying they didn't know maybe the first shot missed.

Within a few years people realized that even 5.6 secs defied belief. So CBS pushed that the first shot missed, and the shooter really had 8 seconds or more to fire three shots. Enough time had passed since the day of the shooting that people largely went along with it. But it was pure crap. Utter hogwash. Even a rudimentary study of the witness statements proved JFK was hit by the first shot. 

So then they had to come up with some other crap. Voila! TV shows began pushing deliberately deceptive animation "proving" the SBT. But they were crap as well. 

The SBT was, and remains, a HOAX. 

P.S. To be clear, the WC offered that JFK and JBC were hit by the same shot, and that this shot may have been the first of three shots. As their supporters have come to claim this first shot struck at 224, this means the WC's favored scenario was that the shots were fired in 4.9 seconds. 

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