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John Fahey-- The Salesman Who Knew Too Much

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     Pete Mellor recently mentioned Fernando Faura's 2016 book, The Polka Dot File, on one of the RFK/Sirhan threads here, and I started reading the book last night.

     It occurred to me that John Fahey's taped interview with Faura about his strange day in L.A. and Malibu on June 4, 1968 reads like a screenplay for an Alfred Hitchcock thriller.

     Salesman encounters an attractive damsel in distress at the Ambassador Hotel.  She's in trouble and needs a passport to flee the country.  They drive up Highway 1 through Malibu, and he realizes that they are being tailed.  The man following them pulls into the parking lot by the big rock in Malibu, after they pull over.    They finally lose him by weaving through the streets of Ventura.   Meanwhile, she tells Fahey that "they" are planning to kill Robert Kennedy that night.  He is frightened, and finally drops her off back at the Ambassador at 7 PM.

    Has anyone ever written a screenplay or considered making a movie about Fahey's incredible story?

    IMO, it would be quite a thriller-- especially since it is based on a true story about the conspiracy to murder Robert F. Kennedy.

    The film would also provide a valuable public service, by informing the public about the conspiracy.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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I didn't know there was a Robert Kennedy forum within the JFK assassination forum.  Some interesting looking older topics going back to 2005.  But no replies to any of those in the last 6 years.

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14 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I didn't know there was a Robert Kennedy forum within the JFK assassination forum.  Some interesting looking older topics going back to 2005.  But no replies to any of those in the last 6 years.

Yes, exiling threads from the main board is kind of like being banished to Siberia.

And, speaking of Siberia, the wind chill was -10 F in Denver when I went outside to shovel snow this morning.

It was like One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, but only for half an hour.

Could have been worse.  It's -30 F in the Dakotas today... 🤥 

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Are the Dakota's not like Siberia?  Not above freezing here the next 60 hours or so, sleet, low 20s w/ wind chill factor in single digits.

Fahey would make a good hour story.  A better part of the day before story.  Fleshing out the polk a dot girl in more detail later in the evening with him included before would be even better.

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On 2/22/2022 at 8:58 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Are the Dakota's not like Siberia?  Not above freezing here the next 60 hours or so, sleet, low 20s w/ wind chill factor in single digits.

Fahey would make a good hour story.  A better part of the day before story.  Fleshing out the polk a dot girl in more detail later in the evening with him included before would be even better.

I think a movie about Fahey's story on June 4th (and later) would be an Oscar winning thriller.

Can you imagine how Fahey must have felt when he woke up on June 5th and heard the news that RFK was shot at the Ambassador Hotel?

After his detailed interview with Faura, then with the LAPD, he was re-contacted by the FBI and refused to talk to Faura.

The guy was, obviously, terrified.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Yes, but his story would have to include the rest of the Polk A Dot dress girl story, which I think she was.  Which would lead to look alike Michael Wayne, the double tap on the elbow and the pinch.

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