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Much like Oliver Stone's 4 hour documentary,you have been selected to produce a 4-hour documentary to either prove Oswald's innocence or to present a cover-up after the fact to convince the public to open up another investigation like Robert Groden on The Geraldo Show & Oliver Stones movie JFK.It's your turn to shine.You have 4 hours to talk about 10 things you feel hit the hardest & will convince the public of the cover-up.They do not have to be in any particular order.

EXAMPLE: Ex President Gerald Ford raising the back wound up to the neck.

Let's hear it researchers,historians & authors.Become famous.State your case like the attorney that you are.











Edited by Michael Crane
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On the forensic parts that don't focus on Oswald or the Sixth Floor - No stuff about the occipital blowout or the dictabelt besides to maybe mention that it isn't as convincing as once thought.

1. Vaguely explain to the viewer that virtually every single aspect of the case has come under some multiple layers of doubt, and that many of these concerns are legitimate and are the kind of thing that would be compromising in a court trial.

2. Inform viewers on the two basic bullet trajectories in the official story, explain the limitations within the official version of the shooting, explain to the viewers that the official version requires the magic bullet to move straight until it hits Connally's fifth rib, how 6.5 rounds behave.

3. Quickly inform the viewer on the developments in the creation of 3D models that match the photographs which may show whether the Single Bullet Theory is possible, inform the viewer that this information is still a work in progress, but that it would constitute physical evidence if the craft were perfected.

4. Anatomical arguments against the Single Bullet Theory

5. Overview of how many possible shooter locations, hiding spots and escape routes there are in Dealey Plaza, plausibility of multiple weapons being used, noise-supressors, sabots, low-caliber weapons, modified ammunition, high tech ammunition

6. Grassy knoll "ear" witnesses

7. Witnesses who saw smoke on the grassy knoll, smelled gunpowder

8. Official rifle is too loud for shots to be described as a firecracker

9. The witness evidence that the first loud report occurred around Z180-224, last two shots close together, how it relates to Connally's statements, a la Pat Speer

10. Evidence for extra weapons, shell casings, bullets, fragments, or bullet marks in Dealey Plaza

11. Pre-autopsy witnesses to the back wound

12. Throat wound looked like a bullet entry, Throat wound too small to be exit for a 6.5?

13. Casket charade

14. General overview of the unprofessional nature of the autopsy

15. Shallow back wound, T3 back wound, clothing evidence

16. Allegedly no dissection of torso wounds or removal of neck organs, despite other statements to the contrary

17. Chest tubes

18. The throat wound ignorance story

19. The case for an altered throat wound

20. "Surgery of the head" statement, large head wound

21. EOP wound

22. Dr. Burkley's conspiracy-oriented statements

23. F8 "mystery" open-cranium photo

24. Small wound(s) in the front of Kennedy's head

25. Authenticity and chain of custody for the autopsy photographs, witnesses to additional photographs not currently in the official collection

26. Issues with the supplemental brain exam, a la Doug Horne

27. Missing body specimens

28. Missing autopsy notes, authenticity and chain of custody for the autopsy documents

Edited by Micah Mileto
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1. The current position of the US government is that it was probably a conspiracy.

2. The WC did not state that there was not a conspiracy, just that it could not find evidence of one.

3. The frontal neck wound appeared to be consistent with an entrance wound, not an exit.

4. JFK's back wound was shallow and was never tracked through the body.

5. LHO had no motive. He continually denied the crimes, which undercuts the claim the he killed JFK in order to "be somebody" and earn his place in history.

6. LHO was seen on the 2nd floor five minutes before the assassination and again seen in the 2nd floor two minutes after, not sweating or winded. Combined with statements from witnesses who were travelling on the staircase just after the assassination , it's strong circumstantial evidence that he was not on the sixth floor at 12:30.

7. Three WC members and LBJ himself doubted LHO acted alone.

8. No gunpowder residue found on LHO's cheek. From what I understand this would have been court admissible evidence that LHO had not fired a rifle that day.

9. JFK's personal physician and the only medical professional to see JFK at Parkland and Bethesda refused to go on record agreeing with the number of bullets the WC said entered JFK's body.

10. CIA's J. Walton Moore > intelligence connected George de Mohrenschildt > CIA connected Ruth Paine = LHO in Dallas and in the TSBD.

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I would cut the program into segments.

The first segment would recount what happened, and the WC's conclusion it was Oswald, acting alone.

Then it would move onto problems with this scenario, including 1) the Sheriff's Dept. immediate racing to the knoll, 2) the railroad men's claim they saw smoke on the knoll, 3) Bonnie Ray's immediate statements he'd heard but two shots, 4) Adams', Styles' and Gardner's claim no one ran down the stairs, and 5) Brennan's claim the shooter was not wearing the shirt Oswald was wearing when arrested. Show how these problems were ignored or dismissed by the WC and CBS, etc. This should raise a reasonable doubt.

The program would then start questioning other evidence. The problems with the bag and the Oswald prints on the rifle and SN would be demonstrated. 

The next segment would move on to the medical evidence. The movement of the back wound would be demonstrated. Reveal Specter as a xxxx. The subsequent movement of the entrance wound on the back of the head would be demonstrated. Reveal Fisher and Morgan as XXXXX. Finally, footage would be shown of Baden's testifying with his exhibit upside down, and of his nonsensical statements regarding the head wounds and the evidence in general. (In order for this program or any program to be successful, IMO, the cult of expertise around the government's experts needs to be exposed and destroyed.)

Then show the HSCA's use of Canning and his completely bogus trajectory analysis. Compare his claims to the Z-film. At this point the audience will be forced to concede that   the government's investigations have been nonsense. 

This will lead then to the climactic segment in which the likelihood the fatal shot impacted at the supposed exit is demonstrated through both witness evidence, photographic evidence, and physical evidence. This will give the audience (and media) something on which to build a new consensus. 

The conclusion will say something like "We may not ever know who killed Kennedy, but we can now state with absolute authority that the government's investigations have been shoddy and deceptive, and have pushed conclusions as to how many shots were fired, from where they fired, and from whom they were fired, that were not supported by the bulk of the evidence." 





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I’m sorry fellas,but most of my claims deals with tampering of the evidence.

  1. What better evidence is there than actual video of the event? The black blobs,the splicing & the back & to the left points to tampering & a gunman in the front in the Zapruder film.

  2. The pictures at the archives & the pictures that are not.Pictures that show the probes would let us know where the bullets entered & what degree the probe is at.Knudsen said that there might have been up to 3 probes in the pictures.Pictures that are there show the back of the head with no damage & hair & the pictures of the brain are the wrong view & wrong kind of film.

  3. The missing x-rays.Riebe said that he took more than what is in the collection.What is in the collection does not show the hole in back of the head.

  4. The threat of court martial suggests sinister action to me.The morticians had an order of silence & so did the honor guard.

  5. The Warren Commission or FBI changing witnesses testimony.

  6. Elmer Moore threatening Dallas doctors to change their statement.

  7. The missing bullet fragments that Tom Robinson saw & the 4 fragments that Dennis David held in his hand.The fragments that David held was more in total than a single bullet suggesting two shots in the head.

  8. The switching of the Mauser 7.65 rifle to a Carcano rifle because Oswald might have ordered one through the mail.

  9. Humes burning the first draft of the autopsy report along with his notes seems really sinister to me,because the face sheet has blood stains all over it.

  10. The video that William Pitzer recorded if it was from start to finish.

  11. Dr.Burkley not being called to testify.He was there at both locations.Parkland & Bethesda.

  12. No picture & x-rays match with each other.

  13. The HSCA sealing the findings for 50 & 75 years.

Feel free to have more than 10 examples.Lord knows that I could post more.

Edited by Michael Crane
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