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Charles Bronson and Nix films show shot fired from pergola window and gunman exiting pergola.

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In studying the Nix and Bronson films I came across these images. 

In the Robert Groden version of the Nix film you can see a shot from the second window from the top, right after that shot, you see a figure exiting the pergola.

In the Bronson film, you see the second window sort of engulfed in smoke and then a blue man figure exiting the pergola.  I cropped a film from the Bronson film displayed in the Sixth Floor Museum website jfk.org.

I used a free to download and use program named Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 to view the images frame by frame. 

Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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7 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

I can't see anything that looks like a person moving in either clip.

Both the Nix film and the Bronson film show movement of figures exiting the pergola. 

In the Bronson film you can see a blue man figure.


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The distortion in the 2nd window is there, but it's only for a very short period (a second or less)



Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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6 minutes ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

The distortion in the 2nd window is there, but it's only for a very short period (a second or less)



That is right, compared to the Robert Groden version of the Nix film below.  Unfortunately I cannot upload additional emails.  Here is the drop box link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/van8e4pc4hrickl/JFK-Head-Shot_Robert_Groden_Nix_Film.PNG?dl=0


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11 minutes ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

The distortion in the 2nd window is there, but it's only for a very short period (a second or less)



Also note, this image is from the JFK.org website.  I ordered the digital film from them, which I should have by next week.  

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Here are several images of the shadow and light on the wall of the pergola. The blustery wind caused this to change second by second. But if you start with the Mary Moorman image in the upper right you should recognize a pareidolia face on the wall. It sort of looks like the joker and is facing slightly left. The top arrow in Moorman and the arrow marked A in the upper left (Nix) image point to the Jokers left eye. Below the face are 3 bright spots marked B in the Nix image. At the bottom are two more bright spots on the wall seen in all the images. (Mary Moorman was a bit lower so the lowest two spots barely rise above the wall in the foreground.)
 I think those 2 lower spots should have been blocked for a second if somebody past in front of them as they exited the pergola. Maybe they could duck down and go under the 3 spots (B) while they stepped over the two lower spots of light? Seems like quite a squeeze.
  Unrelated to this post is the CT that the bottom left nix image  revealed a shooter in the background. The 'shooter' image is made up of the two lower bright spots. In comparing that image in the Moorman and Nix images it is obvious the head and left arm of the 'shooter' is light falling on the wall of the pergola.


Edited by Chris Bristow
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1 hour ago, Chris Bristow said:

Here are several images of the shadow and light on the wall of the pergola. The blustery wind caused this to change second by second. But if you start with the Mary Moorman image in the upper right you should recognize a pareidolia face on the wall. It sort of looks like the joker and is facing slightly left. The top arrow in Moorman and the arrow marked A in the upper left (Nix) image point to the Jokers left eye. Below the face are 3 bright spots marked B in the Nix image. At the bottom are two more bright spots on the wall seen in all the images. (Mary Moorman was a bit lower so the lowest two spots barely rise above the wall in the foreground.)
 I think those 2 lower spots should have been blocked for a second if somebody past in front of them as they exited the pergola. Maybe they could duck down and go under the 3 spots (B) while they stepped over the two lower spots of light? Seems like quite a squeeze.
  Unrelated to this post is the CT that the bottom left nix image  revealed a shooter in the background. The 'shooter' image is made up of the two lower bright spots. In comparing that image in the Moorman and Nix images it is obvious the head and left arm of the 'shooter' is light falling on the wall of the pergola.

pergola shadow comp low.jpg

Hi Chris,

Let's say:

00 top left

01 top right

10 bottom left

11 bottom right

Can you explain each picture you posted and the location to the full frame of the picture?

  I am interested in understanding what you are looking at. 

I am good at discerning figures in fuzzy images.


Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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18 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

Hi Chris,

Let's say:

00 top left

01 top right

10 bottom left

11 bottom right

Can you explain each picture you posted and the location to the full frame of the picture?

  I am interested in understanding what you are looking at. 

I am good at discerning figures in fuzzy images.


Yes I should explain each of those and they are all about the light and shadows on the wall. I am not identifying and people in the images.
Top Left: Nix film after the shooting when he walked about 20 ft west and dropped a few inches in elevation. A Pullman car window is the square image in the left center. All the arrows point to the north west wall. That is the wall just to the right of the west pergola door. The Moorman Image at top right shows the edge of the wall relative to the shadows and bright spots in question.

Top Right: Close up of the same wall in the Mary Moorman photo.

Bottom Left: Nix film during the shooting. Nix has not moved west yet so the Pullman car window should be behind the pergola wall. The same 6 bright spots are shown in each image.

Bottom Right: A screen grab from the first video in your post.

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1 hour ago, Chris Bristow said:

Yes I should explain each of those and they are all about the light and shadows on the wall. I am not identifying and people in the images.
Top Left: Nix film after the shooting when he walked about 20 ft west and dropped a few inches in elevation. A Pullman car window is the square image in the left center. All the arrows point to the north west wall. That is the wall just to the right of the west pergola door. The Moorman Image at top right shows the edge of the wall relative to the shadows and bright spots in question.

Top Right: Close up of the same wall in the Mary Moorman photo.

Bottom Left: Nix film during the shooting. Nix has not moved west yet so the Pullman car window should be behind the pergola wall. The same 6 bright spots are shown in each image.

Bottom Right: A screen grab from the first video in your post.


This is the Robert Groden Nix Gunman image.


This is the Sixth Floor Museum copy of the Nix film.


Both of those images are similar and they match up with movement on the Charles Bronson film below.



This appear right after this image of a gunshot:


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I think the evidence for the pergola shooter amounts to nothing more than pareidolia.   This is what my eyes tell me but I think there may be physical proof to refute the pergola theory.

The second shot that Leroy Blevins said was the shot to Connally  has a fatal flaw, I believe. Plotting the overhead trajectory shows it passes over or through the pyracantha bush. When you add the vertical trajectory it passes right through the bush. I was very liberal in my estimate and tried to place the trajectory as high as possible but it still did not clear the bush. The bullet would exit the front of the bush very near the center. That means Connally would not have been visible to the shooter. Maybe I'm way off on the numbers. The height of the rifle above sea level is the hardest to estimate .  I will post a link to the thread with all the numbers. It is on this Forum. Unless there's a specific correction to be made to the height above sea level that I used for the rifle and Connally, the pergola shot to Connally does not work.

The vapor trail or muzzle blast seen from the pergola looks very much like scratches on the film that you can see in many previous frames. It does have the right angle to it. But with all the other scratches on previous frames I have to conclude it's just another scratch.

Regarding the JFK headshot there is a clear path from the pergola. I would like to point out though that the vapor trail from that shot would be pointing almost directly at the Nix line of sight. That means we would not see a line we would only see a single Dot of light or a very small horizontal smear of light. In addition the vapor trail in that frame would need to point at a downward angle across the frame not level as it appears in the photo. You would have a downward angle very similar to the theorized shot to Connally

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