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The murder weapon of the Tippit killing?

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I see what you mean, but I guess we just have a different pov.

An extra question mark here and there in the text would probably do it.

I don't know, as I am the last person on this planet to critize Greg's English 😃 

I just got myself a couple of bad headaches these last months in having to read German docs again (the last time was 40 years ago, I assumed it would still be ok, it wasn't...... )   

Anyway, to me, Greg makes a good point (that's his conclusion) in asking why that revolver never (as it seems) was investigated properly ?


Quote Greg :

What became of that paper-bag .38 Special Smith & Wesson revolver? Where is that revolver today? Nobody knows.  What was going on with this kind of (in this case almost literal) smoking-gun physical evidence which disappeared while in police custody—evidence that very well could have resulted in complete exoneration of Oswald in the Tippit killing if it had been allowed to become known and investigated?           Gone, just gone. Never examined for ballistics characteristics, fingerprints, or comparison with Tippit body bullets.     Just disappeared, vanished.   The murder weapon of Tippit.   Gone, likely forever.

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Maybe this is a subtle point (or maybe not) ... but this conclusion characterizes the revolver in question as "smoking-gun physical evidence ... the murder weapon of Tippit".  Such an assertion is a giant leap of faith.  The story is surely interesting - although disposing of such a controversial weapon on that particular night is an odd way to dispose of incriminating evidence - but the conclusion stated is speculative.  The gun in the bag smacks of a throw-down (like the questionable ballistics and wallet) which further muddies the evidentiary waters.   


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On 7/21/2022 at 7:28 AM, Ian Lloyd said:

9Emphais mine)

What did LHO reportedly say he took to work on the morning of the 22nd?

Thank you Ian, and this was something that I had come across back in the 90s through one of Duke Lane's files. I originally posted it on JFK Lancer and luckily it was more recently copied onto that forum.

When the FBI checked with Smith & Wesson, they found that that weapon had been sold to the US Government at Hartford Ordnance on January 13, 1942 and the records sent to Letterkenny, PA. When the FBI checked at Letterkenny, they found that the records had been sent to the Commanding General, US Army Weapons Command, Rock Island, Illinois. FBI Headquarters then ordered its Springfield ( Ill.) office to trace the weapon at Rock Island. But instead of checking themselves, they sent the sheriff to the Rock Island facility who reported back to the FBI that there was no record of the revolver at Rock Island.


That's as far as the chain of possession goes.

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On 7/18/2022 at 10:46 PM, Greg Doudna said:

The corner of Ross and Lamar is only about 6 blocks, about 0.3 miles, from Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club at 1312-1/2 Commerce, where Curtis Craford aka Larry Crafard, with self-professed hit man experience, recently arrived to Dallas, was living.

I know many years have passed and things have changed, but how are you arriving at 0.3 miles.  Using Google maps it shows approximately 2.5 miles between the two addresses.  Lamar (N. Lamar and Commerce cross approximately 4 blocks east of the TSBD building.  I had to look it to to try to acclimate myself with your arguments on how the gun got to the place it was found.

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On 7/26/2022 at 9:09 PM, Gene Kelly said:


Maybe this is a subtle point (or maybe not) ... but this conclusion characterizes the revolver in question as "smoking-gun physical evidence ... the murder weapon of Tippit".  Such an assertion is a giant leap of faith.  The story is surely interesting - although disposing of such a controversial weapon on that particular night is an odd way to dispose of incriminating evidence - but the conclusion stated is speculative.  The gun in the bag smacks of a throw-down (like the questionable ballistics and wallet) which further muddies the evidentiary waters.   


I agree, but I also stated : "An extra question mark here and there in the text would probably do it."    If Greg had put a question mark at the end "The murder weapen of Tippit ? Gone.. etc"   Ok, he did not put it there... but to me it doesn't make that much difference, we're not in court, and I can understand him writing it as he did.   Thàt revolver in those days... ahum... they really should have walked the extra mile 

And yes, it is an odd way to get rid of evidence (I'd have dumped it in a pond for sure).

But  - as it seems to me.. for now...* -  JFKA is often about creating confusion (LHO impersonations and so on).   Let's throw in another weapon... Somehow I just can see that happening.... 

*this is all fairly new to me, I'm still in the process of sucking up information, there's some 45 pounds of books coming my way from the US (the older ones are very hard to get to here in Europe).  I often see references to those books but have no way in consulting them... we'll get there.


Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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