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Death of Truth and Justice?

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In late November 1963 in Dallas Texas a tragedy occurred. A man was shot in front of his protectors. He later was pronounced dead in Parkland Hospital. This terrible event not only cost the life of a human being but dealt a savage blow to truth. Because of this murder faith in our leaders has been severely shaken. His death spawned a mystery which has still not been satisfactorily explained, and perhaps never will. Truth and justice was badly wounded when Lee Harvey Oswald was killed. I wonder if Jack Ruby ever realised that his act of violence would have such far reaching consequences.

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8 minutes ago, Barry Keane said:

In late November 1963 in Dallas Texas a tragedy occurred. A man was shot in front of his protectors. He later was pronounced dead in Parkland Hospital. This terrible event not only cost the life of a human being but dealt a savage blow to truth. Because of this murder faith in our leaders has been severely shaken. His death spawned a mystery which has still not been satisfactorily explained, and perhaps never will. Truth and justice was badly wounded when Lee Harvey Oswald was killed. I wonder if Jack Ruby ever realised that his act of violence would have such far reaching consequences.

You state the true impact upon us all which was the great loss of faith that truth and justice would prevail. And it never has, even to this day.

We still hope and keep looking for such things as truth and justice though. We must for our children, grandchildren and their children and grandchildren and every human being.




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1 hour ago, Barry Keane said:

In late November 1963 in Dallas Texas a tragedy occurred. A man was shot in front of his protectors. He later was pronounced dead in Parkland Hospital. This terrible event not only cost the life of a human being but dealt a savage blow to truth. Because of this murder faith in our leaders has been severely shaken. His death spawned a mystery which has still not been satisfactorily explained, and perhaps never will. Truth and justice was badly wounded when Lee Harvey Oswald was killed. I wonder if Jack Ruby ever realised that his act of violence would have such far reaching consequences.

He probably did while having dinner the night before.   

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