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Very interesting take on the Walker shooting (video and someone's comment)

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"While I was listening, it occurred to me that this event explains Oswald's "I'm just a patsy" line. Here's what I thought (speculation warning):

• Oswald is one of the two men seen around Walker’s house. He is being coached through the attempt. The camera is also used to take photos of Oswald at the site. This means that Oswald is “dirty” and there’s proof.

• If Oswald is the Kennedy shooter, then at the Walker house he certainly doesn’t display the kind of marksmanship that he showed in Dealey Plaza. In the JFK assassination, the shooter fired three shots, hitting a moving target at nearly 90 yards away. With Walker, however, the shooter shot just once, missing from within 75 yards.

It seems to me that the two shooters were different.

• Oswald is told to bring his rifle to the book depository, leaving it there for another agent who will do the shooting. He complies, and his prints are on the rifle.

• After the shooting, when he is arrested, Oswald realizes that the rifle implicates him and him alone. He now knows that he is “just a patsy”. By announcing that, the conspirators realize that he'll reveal what he knows, and he has to be silenced."

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5 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

"While I was listening, it occurred to me that this event explains Oswald's "I'm just a patsy" line. Here's what I thought (speculation warning):

• Oswald is one of the two men seen around Walker’s house. He is being coached through the attempt. The camera is also used to take photos of Oswald at the site. This means that Oswald is “dirty” and there’s proof.

• If Oswald is the Kennedy shooter, then at the Walker house he certainly doesn’t display the kind of marksmanship that he showed in Dealey Plaza. In the JFK assassination, the shooter fired three shots, hitting a moving target at nearly 90 yards away. With Walker, however, the shooter shot just once, missing from within 75 yards.

It seems to me that the two shooters were different.

• Oswald is told to bring his rifle to the book depository, leaving it there for another agent who will do the shooting. He complies, and his prints are on the rifle.

• After the shooting, when he is arrested, Oswald realizes that the rifle implicates him and him alone. He now knows that he is “just a patsy”. By announcing that, the conspirators realize that he'll reveal what he knows, and he has to be silenced."

My pet theory is LHO purposely missed his shot on Walker, and yes, that was a trial run for an intentional miss on JFK. 

I posit LHO did shoot to miss at JFK on 11/22, probably just once, as part of a false-flag failed attempt to be blamed on Castro. Most witnesses said the first shot sounded different from succeeding shots. It might have been the Tague shot. 

My guess is, that pre-JFKA, LHO was assured authorities would make the paperwork on Alek Hidell ownership of the rifle stand up, and they would engage in a public search for Hidell, and maybe find a body somewhere. 

My further guess is LHO knew something was wrong almost immediately after the JFKA, and thus he left the TSBD, took the taxi, and armed himself. The totally uninvolved LHO JFKA scenario...well, doesn't seem to hold water. 

But given the rapidity of shots striking Connally and JFK, there had to be another gunman. The JFKA cannot be explained by a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle. 

There are weaknesses to every explanation of the JFKA...for example, why was LHO carrying a wallet with the Alex Hidell draft card inside? Was the wallet planted at the Tippet murder scene? 

Who then could plant such a wallet?  

That assumes LHO's co-conspirators planned to make him the patsy all along. 

Just IMHO.....



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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

My pet theory is LHO purposely missed his shot on Walker, and yes, that was a trial run for an intentional miss on JFK. 

I posit LHO did shoot to miss at JFK on 11/22, probably just once, as part of a false-flag failed attempt to be blamed on Castro. Most witnesses said the first shot sounded different from succeeding shots. It might have been the Tague shot. 

My guess is, that pre-JFKA, LHO was assured authorities would make the paperwork on Alek Hidell ownership of the rifle stand up, and they would engage in a public search for Hidell, and maybe find a body somewhere. 

My further guess is LHO knew something was wrong almost immediately after the JFKA, and thus he left the TSBD, took the taxi, and armed himself. The totally uninvolved LHO JFKA scenario...well, doesn't seem to hold water. 

But given the rapidity of shots striking Connally and JFK, there had to be another gunman. The JFKA cannot be explained by a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle. 

There are weaknesses to every explanation of the JFKA...for example, why was LHO carrying a wallet with the Alex Hidell draft card inside? Was the wallet planted at the Tippet murder scene? 

Who then could plant such a wallet?  

That assumes LHO's co-conspirators planned to make him the patsy all along. 

Just IMHO.....



Very interesting!

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