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George Galloway Chimes in on JFK and Carlson

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Is this picking up the big mo?

It seems to have.

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Yes Rob,  I was hoping someone would post that.

I watch it about once a month just to get a demonstration in guts and brains.

BTW, in George's newest on the JFK case, he says something that is so true.

He said that when Kennedy was president, Americans used to be proud to be Americans.  And foreigners used to like America.

What the heck happened?

He also said that even though he was ten years old, when Ruby shot Oswald he knew something was up.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 12/21/2022 at 9:37 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

Hey you guys on the right, remember how your guts got twisted in knots to see Galloway come before our own Senate and shame them about your beloved Iraq War!

Hey good for him, but this was a lot more earthshaking at the time with thousands of lives in the balance! This is priceless!

It's really binary thinking. The solid majority in the U.S. don't want goons to stop the certification of their elections by Fascists so now the Fascists and their goons are whining that the vast majority who want the orderly transition of government have thrown in their lots with the National Security State.

Boo hoo! Stop whining.because you couldn't get the  majority of people to give their rights over to you!   




Boo hoo again! To most of them the foremost JFKA moment of their lives is when after 1/6, Trump got banned from Twitter! And they're still reeling!

That is the peak of their entire political live's emotional arc! That's the greatest extent of political devastation they'll ever experience!  Spare us!



Actually Paul, Rob and Jim Di, I brought this to your attention yesterday. Same appearance, same photo.

Sure, this is topical.  I just thought I'd share with you Galloway's greatest moment in history!


Ben: Nevertheless, "Trust, but verify."Washington is a long knives sort of town. Carlson could have been set up. Or maybe Carlson just made a mistake, and placed faith in the wrong person.  


Ben: So maybe this might not be the greatest utterance since "Eisenhower's Military industrial Complex" speech?

heh heh

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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When you watch the video, notice how the people in the gallery who had been snoozing, come alive  and start taking out their cameras, when George gets rolling.

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