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Joe Bauer

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I'm sure Tippit expert J.McBride knows the details and the waitress.

Haven't read JM's "Into The Nightmare" however, wondering what McBride's take on this waitress was. She was employed at Austin's for 1 1/2 or more years. She knew Tippit well.

She says Jack Ruby was always trying to get her to work at the Carousel and one assumes as a stripper. She must have been physically attractive.

According to this former waitress her co-worker Austin Restaurant waitress Johnny Maxie Witherspoon was reportedly the woman J.D. Tippit was having an affair with. Witherspoon was married during the affair.

Ms. Witherspoon reportedly denied living on 10th street near where J.D. Tippit was murdered. This interview co-worker waitress stated in this interview that Witherspoon did live on 10th street. Who's lying here?

What an important witness to call to testify for anyone investigating Tippit's murder. But she never was? 

Joe McBride's comments on this Austin Barbeque waitress and her claims of seeing Tippit sitting with Ruby and all three together ( Oswald included ) at least once?hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwE2COADEI4CSFXyq4




Edited by Joe Bauer
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An interesting interview, but it's hard to evaluate

without knowing the identity of the witness. Much

of what she says tracks with my interview with

Johnnie Maxie Witherspoon. Mrs. Witherspoon

was evasive about where she lived at the time

of Tippit's death and where she was that day. I

write at length in INTO THE NIGHTMARE about her and her involvement

with Tippit.

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Seems like it would be easy to identify this waitress.

She knew and interacted with many police officers. The restaurant was very popular and busy. She was there for almost two years. She apparently was physically attractive.

Any DPD officers still alive who frequented the restaurant back then?

She seemed very sure about most of her answers.

She had nothing to gain by agreeing to this 2003 interview.

Maybe the fellow who conducted the interview is still alive.

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