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Morley Does a Carlson?

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In the Yahoo News “Skullduggery” podcast, Jefferson Morley — a former Washington Post reporter and prolific author who runs a website dedicated to the assassination — argued that the CIA is playing a “shell game” and concealing documents that will ultimately reveal Kennedy was “killed by enemies in his own government who had the ability to make it look like something else.” But how did that work? “That’s shrouded in secrecy and so I can’t explain the mechanics of a conspiracy,” he said.


Morley, hitherto a scrupulous reporter, is going farther out on the limb than ever before. 

We can only speculate why Morley and Carlson have been so bold of late in laying the JFKA at the feet of the CIA. 

I admire Morley and Carlson for their work on this score. 

The M$M, including the WaPo and NYT, have absolutely no interest in why a veteran JFKA researcher known for his document work, and a major newscaster, are stating the CIA played a role in the JFKA. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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I just did a document check about the Biden last release with someone quite knowledgeable about them.

Jeff is correct about the "shell game".

After all the media uproar, there were a grand total of 14 documents that were new.  My source says 17, but three of those were about the MLK case.

This is sickening.  And as I noted on the Watters show, many of these released still have redactions in them.

What Jeff is referring to are the documents the CIA does not want to give up on Joannides.

Because they reveal he was being cleared for 'special intelligence".

Jeff is trying to find out what the information was.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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2 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I just did a document check about the Biden last release with someone quite knowledgeable about them.

Jeff is correct about the "shell game".

After all the media uproar, there were a grand total of 14 documents that were new.  My source says 17, but three of those were about the MLK case.

This is sickening.  And as I noted on the Watters show, many of these released still have redactions in them.

What Jeff is referring to are the documents the CIA does not wan to give up on Joannides.

Because they reveal he was being cleared for 'special intelligence".

Jeff is trying to find out what the information was.


It sure looks like Joannides was active in New Orleans---he had rented a house there---the summer when LHO was active in N.O. along with the Cubans, Banister, Ferrie and Shaw and some names I probably forget. 

But even more than that, I wonder if an CIA insider recently has given some hard info to Morley and Carlson. They seem emboldened. Rolf Mowatt-Larssen has been making more-bold comments too. All three of those guys are smart and skeptical. 

Well, the WaPo has had ONI'er Bob Woodward on staff for all these decades, but gave Morley the shove. 

That sums up the WaPo.





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