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The Z-Frame that Disproves the SBT

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On 3/5/2023 at 12:26 PM, Charles Blackmon said:

What exactly is the evidence that JFK was struck around 190?

What convinced the HSCA photographic panel of a Z190 hit is JFK’s right arm appearing to freeze in midair and awkwardly shift forward at the shoulder at the same time his head snaps to the left while heading behind the sign. There is also a significant amount of eyewitness support for a shot around that time, and almost zero eyewitness support for an earlier miss. 

Another thing I noticed that’s kind of interesting is JBC noticeably tilts to his left a bit just as they are heading behind the sign. Tilting to the left would allow him to glance over his right shoulder, which he testified to doing before he was hit. I think he even told the WC at one point that he did look to his right behind the sign. 

Overall I think there’s a credible case for a Z190 shot, but I’m not convinced it actually happened. If that shot could be proven it’d be an instant conspiracy, and the evidence I’ve seen doesn’t meet a high enough standard to really prove anything. Pat makes a pretty compelling argument on his website though, and I’d be interested in seeing any other support for a Z190 shot, if it exists. 

EDIT: I forgot the Z-film jiggle analysis as evidence for a Z190 shot. The two biggest jiggles by far on the film are at 189-197 and 312-334, and the HSCA concluded that these were the only two jiggles that could be “reasonably be attributed to the photographer’s startle reaction to the sound of gunshots”. 

Edited by Tom Gram
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One gets the feeling the HSCA/WC was aware of this CIA NPIC study-of/working-with the film over the weekend at NPIC with the creation of the 2 sets of briefing boards since that frame 190 shows up repeatedly despite the obvious... where do they see a shot at 190? (

The information on these pages is to me amazingly interesting and revealing...  especially the questions asked on the page posted in the middle...

Please to remember that 18.3 fps = the exact run/rise of Elm street... IOW 1' vertical drop = 18.3' horizontal movement.  At the camera's setting of 16fps and 48fps those timings between shots placed on certain frames get even shorter.

The other thing that strikes me is the "other possibilities" column... do they mean "and" or "or" when they show shots at 206 and 213 (bookends to the frames removed/damages by Life)

The other question is "on which film were they counting frames?"  The boards Dino created would have had different information than what Homer's boards of the altered film did...

The boards by Homer and the NPIC sheet at the bottom display the same information... whether the sheet was used to create the boards or the other way around, IDK.






1557143623_NPICshotlocations-howdidlifeplacethefirst2shots-18insteadof16fps.thumb.jpg.6653fc1dadaade2d3090aa3d40277e48.jpg  1214283210_CIA450NPICpage6-framesandphotos.jpg.34d26a812378a2882a3c173dd4b8bfaa.jpg


Edited by David Josephs
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1 hour ago, Robin Unger said:



Robin, do you have a high quality collection of Z-frames that’s better than the Costello or Lightbox collection? 

I’ve always thought DCM’s wave here looks a little shady. 

Edited by Tom Gram
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38 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

Robin, do you have a high quality collection of Z-frames that’s better than the Costello or Lightbox collection? 

I’ve always thought DCM’s wave here looks a little shady. 

Felipe Santiago DCM. tangodown63.com 

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Great post. There are so many Zapruder frames that scream against the SBT. 

For me, Z190-207 and Z226-232 are the most compelling refutations of the SBT because they clearly show JFK reacting to two bullet strikes, the first being when he freezes his waving motion and begins to bring his hands toward his throat (190-207) and then when he is visibly jolted forward starting in Z226. 

I just can't fathom how any rational person can believe in the SBT.

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