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Arun Starkey Strikes the First Blow for the 60th

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I really think this is in advance of the 60th an i explain why below.

But beyond that, does anyone really think that the KGB put in place a phony plot about the CIA vs DeGaulle?

I mean the NY TImes was writing about this, Andrew Tully a pro CIA writer was also.  This was BS in my opinion.  And Weiner fell for it.

The other strand is pure Max Holland crapola.  Jim Garrison was investigating Clay Shaw at least as early as December of 1966.  And he arrested him before the Paesa Sera article was published it.  Pure Mitrokhin archives baloney.  Which Mark Lane exposed in his book Last Word. (pp. 87-97)


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     Can you say more about the subject of the "Mitrokhin archives baloney?"  I've read some of the Mitrokhin archival material, (published at Cambridge as The Sword and the Shield) but I've never read a critique of the Mitrokhin archives.  Is some of the published Mitrokhin material possibly a fabrication by MI6 and/or the CIA?

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Egads, it never stops. 

You know, if there was an earnest  "disinformation, misinformation and mal-information" Ministry of Truth, they would be flooded with work overcoming deceit about the JFKA and JFK legacy. 

You bet, there will be news-pollution around the 60th. The JFK Records are still (as forever) up for review, and the argument that 60-year records from New Orleans (re Joannides) must be kept dark looks weaker than Popeye before he eats his spinach.  





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