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DALLAS — the Scene of the Crime

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9 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

Leslie, if someone is going to criticize Clarence and Ginni Thomas for accepting lavish vacations from a billionaire who collects Third Reich souvenirs, they should never quote or cite, much less praise, L. Fletcher Prouty. Prouty had a close and disturbing relationship with Liberty Lobby, an anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denying group founded by the notorious Willis Carto. Prouty even volunteered to serve as a character witness for Carto in the IHR trial. 

As for Harlan Crow, it turns out that he also collects other historical souvenirs, including documents signed by George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower's helmet, French Foreign Legion gear, and statues of Communist leaders. Crow's mother was a survivor of a ship sunk by the Germans in WWII. Even Israeli newspapers have noted that Jews who know Crow insist that he is actually pro-Israeli and is not pro-N-A-Z-I in any way. (That being said, having been raised Jewish for a brief period in my childhood, having lived in Israel for a short time, and having Hebrew as my second language, I personally could not stomach having any Third Reich memorabilia in my home.)


Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal.

by Justin Elliott, Joshua Kaplan and Alex MierjeskiApril 13, 2:20 p.m. EDT



Edited by Leslie Sharp
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17 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:


Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal.

by Justin Elliott, Joshua Kaplan and Alex MierjeskiApril 13, 2:20 p.m. EDT



Yes, I read the article earlier this week. It's a bit one-sided and incomplete, wouldn't you say? Perhaps surprisingly, Israeli newspapers have been more measured in their stories on the issue, partly because they've spoken with Jews who know Crow.

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41 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

Yes, I read the article earlier this week. It's a bit one-sided and incomplete, wouldn't you say? Perhaps surprisingly, Israeli newspapers have been more measured in their stories on the issue, partly because they've spoken with Jews who know Crow.

I hadn't read about the real estate transaction Judge Thomas failed to disclose.  Propublica only published this today (which btw I should probably delete from this thread to avoid the ire of those who seem uncomfortable with historical context).

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A researcher recently brought to my attention that Christopher Simpson's Splendid Blonde Beast details the machinations of certain US authorities, including OSS Chief "Wild" Bill Donovan, to ensure that Hitler’s (former) favorite banker Hjalmar Schacht was acquitted following indictment for war crimes. Despite Judge Robert Jackson’s objections, Schacht was released to resume his career. I urge all to read those sections if you have the book, bearing in mind that Robert Storey (director of RNB Dallas) and Leon Jaworski (attorney for Houston-based Schlumberger who maintained a Dallas presence in RNB Dallas) reported to Judge Jackson. Storey’s recently released diaries indicate he dined with Donovan on occasion during the Nuremberg ordeal. Storey later served as the exclusive Dallas liaison to Allen Dulles and the Warren Commission.

As we know, Bill Donovan, along with Allen Dulles and William Stephenson created the World Commerce Corporation, a vehicle that served Dulles and his corporate clients especially, but was also used by Otto Skorzeny to advance a visionary agenda shared by Hans-Ulrich Rudel who along with Skorzeny established the Kammerandenwerke (escape routes and support for N-zis after the war), Resist Party leader Leon Degrelle, and financial, resource and commodities purveyor Joannes Bernhardt, all of whom had been instrumental in defending the Third Reich.

It’s now apparent that the path to who actually financed the Dallas plot likely begins — and possibly ends — with the banker long-considered one of the brightest minds in world-banking, Hjalmar Schacht, operating in league with those who permitted him to resume his financial career instead of going to prison (or worse) as a convicted N-azi war criminal.
Simpson’s research is a fascinating account that emphasizes just how essential Schacht — referred to by Ilse and Otto Skorzeny as “uncle” — was to American interests in pre-post WWII Germany. Well worth the read because it also provides an even deeper appreciation for just how the mechanics of Ilse’s eventual role in the plot to kill Kennedy worked.

It was Donovan’s chief of security, Archbold van Beuren who founded the global real estate concern Previews Inc. Van Beuren returned to Cue Magazine and Previews Inc. after the war, and within several years, Ilse Skorzeny was on board Previews, providing her access and cover for travel on a global scale.

We also know that in the lead up to the assassination, Ilse could use the newly opened Dallas office of Previews — a building that can be traced to Dallas developer Leo Corrigan who was Ruby’s landlord and an investor in properties in the Bahamas with Clint Murchison, both of whom relied on the Caribbean contacts of Schacht and Sir Stafford Sands) — as justification for arriving and departing Dallas throughout the summer and fall of 1963.
And, we wouldn’t know any of this without Pierre Lafitte. . .
From Coup 
Ilse remains “dormant” in Pierre’s world until October 15 when another meeting is held in New York at the offices of Previews Inc., 49 East 53rd, involving General Charles Willoughby. On the 24th, Ilse meets with “T,” and on the 30th, one day following the forty-eight-hour planning session for Lancelot, Pierre makes a note to call Ilse.
To date, the identity of the individual or individuals who served as liaison between the Dallas contingency and Schacht has yet to be determined, but considering that Howard Corp. (an off the books entity of Republic National Bank) was a member of the Texas syndicate in Spain, we can assume someone within the Howard Corp./Republic Bank cabal was directly involved. This places National Socialist banker Hjalmar Schacht in the middle of the Dallas oil and finance community as early as 1952.

11:30 meet [Old] Warsaw [restaurant] ( + Hotel) with
T. and Hjalmar / Ilse - Get $
November 7, 1963

Hjalmar Schacht is the key to determining how exactly the bulk of the funds for Lancelot Project flowed. As referenced above, it was likely through the banking black hole of Otto Skorzeny’s business partner, Algur Meadows, executive of Howard Corp, the off-the-books account derived from West Texas Crude lodged in Republic National Bank of Dallas.
Edited by Leslie Sharp
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On 4/13/2023 at 7:42 AM, Michael Griffith said:

Leslie, if someone is going to criticize Clarence and Ginni Thomas for accepting lavish vacations from a billionaire who collects Third Reich souvenirs, they should never quote or cite, much less praise, L. Fletcher Prouty. Prouty had a close and disturbing relationship with Liberty Lobby, an anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denying group founded by the notorious Willis Carto. Prouty even volunteered to serve as a character witness for Carto in the IHR trial. 

As for Harlan Crow, it turns out that he also collects other historical souvenirs, including documents signed by George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower's helmet, French Foreign Legion gear, and statues of Communist leaders. Crow's mother was a survivor of a ship sunk by the Germans in WWII. Even Israeli newspapers have noted that Jews who know Crow insist that he is actually pro-Israeli and is not pro-N-A-Z-I in any way. (That being said, having been raised Jewish for a brief period in my childhood, having lived in Israel for a short time, and having Hebrew as my second language, I personally could not stomach having any Third Reich memorabilia in my home.)

I'm not sure how you moved from SCJ Thomas to Col. Prouty, but I do find the analogy of Crow and Carto fascinating considering the latter's close affiliation with General Edwin Walker. That said, nothing I've read suggests that Trammell Crow was an extreme right ideologue in spite of his business dealings with those who were, including oilman Clint Murchison. Crow Sr. was in favor of anything that was pro-business, and Harlan appears to have inherited a similar political philosophy.  A quick glance at one of his 501c.3s doesn't tell us much about his sense of social responsibility, although his brother seems to have put his shoulder to the wheel calls himself A Green Republican. I believe their sister carried on the family tradition of supporting the arts.

Would you be curious about the conversations around the room that houses those "souvenirs" or while strolling thought the sculpture garden?

Would an African American Supreme Court Justice discuss with his friends, the Crows, his ancestor's experiences?  Would SCJ Thomas compare the atrocities of slavery with the Holocaust ... knowing that the Germans had first experimented with the concepts in Namibia?  

In general, do you think collecting "souvenirs" of heinous behavior educates or elevates?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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On 4/10/2023 at 2:21 PM, Leslie Sharp said:

s the Thomas couple's close friend Harlan Crow, son of Dallas developer Trammell Crow who manifested Robert G. Storey's* brainchild — an international trade mart in Dallas.  As you likely know, the Crow dynasty's Dallas Trade Mart was the final destination of Kennedy's motorcade as it passed through Dealey Plaza. Awaiting with a formal welcome to Dallas was mayor Eric Jonnson, co-founder of military contractor Texas Instruments.

"Returning to "real time", in context of the aforementioned history, according to eyewitness Danah Boyle, Harlan Crow collects N-zi memoribliia. Are you arguing that the Thomas couple never visited Crow's home in Dallas?"

A new related story.

Clarence Thomas defense falls apart: SCOTUS did review case involving billionaire pal Harlan Crow (msn.com)  

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