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Walker Bullet Errata

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5 minutes ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Did Curry personally examine any of the bullet evidence? It seems to me that he was using "steel-jacketed" colloquially, but you should probably try to find his original statement. Where did you get the idea that he asked the FBI to confirm anything?


I have wondered that myself---did Curry actually handle the true Walker slug, as did Detectives McElroy and Ira Van Cleave? As you know, the true Walker slug was sent to DC-FBI on or about Dec. 3, meaning it was in Dallas for 10 days after the JFKA. 

Meaning that on Nov. 29, the slug was still in the Parkland lab. 

I gathered Curry said he was trying to have confirmed his opinion that steel-jacketed slugs were used in the JFKA. If the FBI had the bullets from the JFKA---then who else to confirm that opinion with? 

As Chief of Police in Dallas, I am sure the FBI was taking Curry's calls. 



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5 minutes ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Now, that's a stretch! For starters, why would Curry think that a seemingly random photo of a house was relevant, and why would he associate it with Walker?


I am talking about the backyard photo of Walker's home, the famous one with the auto license plate cut out, found in LHO' s possessions post-JFKA. 

The photo is one of the pieces of evidence linking LHO to the purported Walker attempted shooting---cited by the WC and FBI and all lone-nutters. That and the letter he may have written that night to Marina, in pencil and in Russian. 

Surely you do not mean the backyard photo of the Walker home, found in LHO's possession post-JFKA, is "random." 


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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I am talking about the backyard photo of Walker's home, the famous one with the auto license plate cut out, found in LHO' s possessions post-JFKA. 

The photo is one of the pieces of evidence linking LHO to the purported Walker attempted shooting---cited by the WC and FBI and all lone-nutters. That and the letter he may have written that night to Marina, in pencil and in Russian. 

Surely you do not mean the backyard photo of the Walker home, found in LHO's possession post-JFKA, is "random." 


Why would anyone have any clue about its significance on 11/29? After the "Walker note" appeared and Marina talked is another story.

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1 hour ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Why would anyone have any clue about its significance on 11/29? After the "Walker note" appeared and Marina talked is another story.


Well...are you pulling my leg? 

OK, so the DPD searched LHO's belongings in the immediate aftermath of the JFKA.

LHO is purported to be an assassin of a major public figure, post-JFKA.

The DPD comes across the General Walker home backyard photograph in LHO's possession. LHO is no friend of Walker's. 

The Walker shooting on April 10 was a major event---Walker at the time was a national figure. The DPD guys remember the Walker shooting, as it was big stuff, headlines. Talk of the town. 

The DPD connect the dots---maybe LHO shot at Walker too. Also on Nov. 29, the German newspaper I cited tagged LHO as Walker's would-be assassin. 

Curry remembers, or reads the police report, that a relatively rare "steel jacketed" bullet was found in the Walker home on April 10.

So Curry opines that a relatively rare steel-jacketed bullet was used in the JFKA---LHO is the triggerman in both shootings, they believe--- and seeks confirmation of such from the FBI. 

BTW, police detectives and chiefs, FBI labs and so on do not conflate the terms "steel jacketed and "copper jacketed." No one does, really. 

This is a canard from the WC.  



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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10 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Well...are you pulling my leg? 

OK, so the DPD searched LHO's belongings in the immediate aftermath of the JFKA.

LHO is purported to be an assassin of a major public figure, post-JFKA.

The DPD comes across the General Walker home backyard photograph in LHO's possession. LHO is no friend of Walker's. 

The Walker shooting on April 10 was a major event---Walker at the time was a national figure. The DPD guys remember the Walker shooting, as it was big stuff, headlines. Talk of the town. 

The DPD connect the dots---maybe LHO shot at Walker too. Also on Nov. 29, the German newspaper I cited tagged LHO as Walker's would-be assassin. 

Curry remembers, or reads the police report, that a relatively rare "steel jacketed" bullet was found in the Walker home on April 10.

So Curry opines that a relatively rare steel-jacketed bullet was used in the JFKA---LHO is the triggerman in both shootings, they believe--- and seeks confirmation of such from the FBI. 

BTW, police detectives and chiefs, FBI labs and so do not conflate the terms "steel jacketed and "copper jacketed." No one does, really.

Geez Louise. When is your novel coming out?

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3 minutes ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Geez Louise. When is your novel coming out?

I don't understand. 

Why do you think the DPD (and ultimately the WC) suspected LHO of taking a potshot at General Walker?

What evidence did they have? 


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 From the National Archives: 

Although Oswald destroyed the notebook,715 three photographs found among Oswald's possessions after the assassination were identified by Marina Oswald as photographs of General Walker's house.716 Two of these photographs were taken from the rear of Walker's house.717 The Commission confirmed, by comparison with other photographs, that these were, indeed, photographs of the rear of Walker's house.718 An examination of the window at the rear of the house, the wall through which the bullet passed, and the fence behind the house indicated that the bullet was fired from a position near the point where one of the photographs was taken.719

The third photograph identified by Marina Oswald depicts the entrance to General Walker's driveway from a back alley.720 Also seen in the picture is the fence on which Walker's assailant apparently rested the rifle.721 An examination of certain construction work appearing in the background of this photograph revealed that the picture was taken between March 8 and 12, 1963, and most probably on either March 9 or March 10.722 Oswald purchased the money order for the rifle on March 12, the rifle was shipped on March 20,728 and the shooting occurred on April 10. A photography expert with the FBI was able to determine that, this picture was taken with the Imperial Reflex camera owned by Lee Harvey Oswald.724 (See app. X, p. 596.)

Page 186

A fourth photograph, showing a stretch of railroad tracks, was also identified by Marina Oswald as having been taken by her husband, presumably in connection with the Walker shooting.725 Investigation determined that this photograph was taken approximately seven-tenths of a mile from Walker's house.726 Another photograph of railroad tracks found among Oswald's possessions was not identified by his wife, but investigation revealed that it was taken from a point slightly less than half a mile from General Walker's house.727


OK, so within a couple days after the JFKA, the DPD had four (or maybe five) photographs taken from LHO's possessions of Walker's home, including the back of the Walker home where the shooting occurred, and roads and pathways to the rear of Walker's home. 

Gee, you think the DPD might have suspected LHO, accused of the JFKA, of taking a potshot at the major political figure Walker too? 

They  put two-and-two together. Why is this farfetched? 



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