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JFK Records Act: Will CIA Target RFK Jr. Also?

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OK, so the CIA, media affiliates and political actors helped manipulate the news in the run-up to the election, as well as the whole Russiagate Hoax. 

You see what they can do. 

RFK Jr. next? 

Taking odds....

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Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe

Updated 5:30 PM EDT, Mon May 15, 2023
I have no desire to stir up the whole Trump hornet's nest. 
I do want EF-JFKA'ers to be aware of what can happen to RFK Jr.  
If RFK Jr. gains traction, you can lay odds there will be actions taken to discredit him, from every direction possible. 
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14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe

Updated 5:30 PM EDT, Mon May 15, 2023
I have no desire to stir up the whole Trump hornet's nest. 
I do want EF-JFKA'ers to be aware of what can happen to RFK Jr.  
If RFK Jr. gains traction, you can lay odds there will be actions taken to discredit him, from every direction possible. 

Geez.   Bill Barr's four-year, taxpayer-funded Durham nothing burger again, Ben?

C'mon, man.  Zero indictments.

There's no there there.   Never was.

Trump's 2016 campaign had multiple contacts with Kremlin officials.  And they received illegal Russian funds.

Did you ever finally read the Mueller Report and the U.S. Senate Intel Report about Russian interference in our 2016 election on behalf of Donald Trump?


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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez.   Bill Barr's four-year, taxpayer-funded Durham nothing burger again, Ben?

C'mon, man.  Zero indictments.

There's no there there.   Never was.

Trump's 2016 campaign had multiple contacts with Kremlin officials.  And they received illegal Russian funds.

Did you ever finally read the Mueller Report and the U.S. Senate Intel Report about Russian interference in our 2016 election on behalf of Donald Trump?


The JFK Records Act: I am speaking to what the intel state will do to RFK Jr., especially if he gains traction and discloses plans to open up the JFK Records. 

Look for variations on Russiagates and Biden laptops. Maybe some sex accusations. 

Do you expect the intel-state to stand idly by while RFK Jr opens up the records? 

I have been informed on your views on Trump.

This is about the JFK Records, and RFK Jr.'s campaign and what lies ahead. 

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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The JFK Records Act: I am speaking to what the intel state will do to RFK Jr., especially if he gains traction and discloses plans to open up the JFK Records. 

Look for variations on Russiagates and Biden laptops. Maybe some sex accusations. 

Do you expect the intel-state to stand idly by while RFK Jr opens up the records? 

I have been informed on your views on Trump.

This is about the JFK Records, and RFK Jr.'s campaign and what lies ahead. 

Newsflash, Ben.

I posted the question over a week ago about whether the CIA might deal with RFK, Jr. the way they dealt with his uncle and brother.

I'm glad that you picked up on the concept.

But let's leave your redundant MAGA spam about Trump being an alleged Deep State victim out of the discussion.  PUH-LEEZE.

Here's this morning's bull Durham cartoon for your viewing pleasure.  🤥


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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Newsflash, Ben.

I posted the question over a week ago about whether the CIA might deal with RFK, Jr. the way they dealt with his uncle and brother.

I'm glad that you picked up on the concept.

But let's leave your redundant MAGA spam about Trump being an alleged Deep State victim out of the discussion.  PUH-LEEZE.

Here's this morning's bull Durham cartoon for your viewing pleasure.  🤥


I do not think the intel-state will go back to domestic assassinations. 

Look for a Russia-gating effort against RFK Jr. Maybe some sex-abuse type charges. 

The record seems clear Russiagate was a hoax. 

The Hunter Biden laptop was real. 

These observations are separate from partisan sentiments (although I no longer back either major political party). 

Your partisan sentiment are very strong, and you have many, many times indicated a strong preference for one of the major political parties, and a loathing for the other political party. 

That may color your observations of current events. 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I do not think the intel-state will go back to domestic assassinations. 

Look for a Russia-gating effort against RFK Jr. Maybe some sex-abuse type charges. 

The record seems clear Russiagate was a hoax. 

The Hunter Biden laptop was real. 

These observations are separate from partisan sentiments (although I no longer back either major political party). 

Your partisan sentiment are very strong, and you have many, many times indicated a strong preference for one of the major political parties, and a loathing for the other political party. 

That may color your observations of current events. 

Geez, Ben, you never studied any of the references that people here have posted for you which document that Russia-gate was NOT a hoax.

Trump and his media Trumpagandists promoted the false trope about Russia-gate being a "hoax," and you drank the Kool Aid.

Trump and his various M$M Trumpagandists sought to blame the "Deep State" for Trump's ties to the Kremlin, in the same way that they later tried to blame the Deep State for Trump's J6 coup attempt.

As Dubya said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."

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The inadvertent founder of the republican party, Honest Abe.

59 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez, Ben, you never studied any of the references that people here have posted for you which document that Russia-gate was NOT a hoax.

Trump and his media Trumpagandists promoted the false trope about Russia-gate being a "hoax," and you drank the Kool Aid.

Trump and his various M$M Trumpagandists sought to blame the "Deep State" for Trump's ties to the Kremlin, in the same way that they later tried to blame the Deep State for Trump's J6 coup attempt.

As Dubya said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."

I transposed the last line to I thought Abraham Lincoln's statement, maybe I'm mistaken about that.

You Cannot Fool All the People All the Time – Quote Investigator®

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In one way, it hardly matters that there might be some small germs of truth in the Russiagate hoax---what matters is what the weaponized prosecutors and investigations, committees and the media did with the topic. 

And they can chose to do the same thing to any candidate. Start an investigation, claims links to Moscow, or other nefarious parties---this goes back to the Nixon-HUAC days. 

As it stands, the Columbia Journalism Review, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Michael Schellenberger, Brett Stephens (NYT), Lee Fang and many others have dismissed Russiagate as an "elaborate hoax."  OK, people can disagree. 

For me, Russiagate was another "COVID-19 did not leak from a lab" story. I wonder who is behind such machinations. 

But that is the key---the prosecutorial state, the committees, can launch weaponized investigations (no defense counsel present) and combine with allied media to torpedo anyone. Or torpedo any story (like the lab leak). 

I have read the Mueller Report...vapors.  

In any event, even if you still there think was some small shreds of substance in Russiagate, looks for the formula to be used against RFK Jr. 

What is not important is partisan sentiments. Forget Trump.

Look for the formula against RFK Jr. 

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