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Please Contact Your Congressional Representatives about the Justice for Kennedy Bill

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The Justice for Kennedy bill (HR 637) that was sponsored and introduced by Representative Schweikart (R-Az) would provide for the release of all JFK assassination records within 30 days of its enactment and would eliminate the prohibitions on releasing the Oswald tax records as well as those subject to deeds of gifts.  The bill has been sitting in five House committees because no other representative has sponsored the bill.

Please take a moment and contact your representative and ask them to sign on as a sponsor the bill so this bill can move to hearings before Congress recesses for the summer. And please share this request with your friends and on social media. 


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Is there a story about this anywhere?

Or can you link to the bill itself Larry?

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Just phoned and talked with my local Congressional office of Hilary J. Scholten. I let the office know I would like to see her join the bill and it's time to stop kicking the can down the street in regards to the JFK Act.

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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Is there a story about this anywhere?

Or can you link to the bill itself Larry?

Amen---how can there not be a story about the JFK Records Act? 

Granted, maybe not front-page news...but some coverage? 

Democracy dies in darkness, and it is gloomy, gloomy, gloomy....



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