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Morley on the CIA "Benign" Cover Up

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A "benign" cover-up that persists to this minute, courtesy of the President Biden's snuff job on the JFK Records....

Behind the CIA's 'Benign Cover-Up'

What Langley's history of lies about JFK's assassination tells us today




One of the striking weaknesses of the official theory that a lone gunman killed President John F. Kennedy for no apparent reason is its failure to account for numerous false statements from the CIA about the events leading to November 22.

In any homicide investigation, false statements about the murder or the events leading to it are regarded as potentially significant and thus worth investigating. In the case of the murdered president, the documented misrepresentations of the CIA have evidentiary value. They show a pattern of deception, which amounts to a clue about where the rest of the story is hidden.

The 1964 Warren Commission report assured the public that the CIA had cooperated fully in its investigation. In 2013, in-house historian David Robarge admitted what JFK skeptics had been saying for decades: In fact, the Agency had not cooperated with the Commission’s investigation. 

In a CIA journal, Robarge acknowledged the Agency had withheld information from investigators about the plots to kill Fidel Castro and the surveillance of accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. But that should not affect the credibility of the government’s lone gunman theory, he insisted.

It was, said Robarge in a memorable turn of phrase, a "benign cover-up.” 

What would the late George Carlin have said about this oxymoronic coinage benign cover-up? The comedian who lampooned “plastic glass,” “jumbo shrimp” and “business ethics” surely would have had fun with “benign cover-up,” a sinister absurdity designed to assure the citizenry that the CIA’s misconduct related to the murder of a sitting president was somehow harmless.

Black comedy aside, the “benign cover-up” is worth studying. The history of the CIA’s deceptive or misleading or false statements can used as a diagnostic tool. Lies can help us discern truths about what the CIA is still hiding as the 60th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination approaches in November 2023. 

The First Lie 

The CIA’s first false statement on the assassination of President Kennedy came within hours of the ambush in Dallas. It was issued by Birch D. O’Neal, chief of an office known as CI/SIG, short for the Special Investigations Group, which was housed in the Agency’s super-secret Counterintelligence Staff. ...

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I think we should keep in mind that most CIA departments and top officials had no idea that rogue CIA officers and operatives were involved in the assassination and cover-up. I doubt, for example, that CIA director John McCone or any of his staff knew that the Zapruder film was secretly sent to a CIA photo lab in New York and to NPIC (as we now know it was). 

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1 hour ago, Michael Griffith said:

I think we should keep in mind that most CIA departments and top officials had no idea that rogue CIA officers and operatives were involved in the assassination and cover-up. I doubt, for example, that CIA director John McCone or any of his staff knew that the Zapruder film was secretly sent to a CIA photo lab in New York and to NPIC (as we now know it was). 


Who knows? 


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When the W.C.'s Lee Rankin requested copies of CIA cables relating to Mexico City, Angleton's deputy Ray Rocca told Helms that Jim would prefer to wait out the Commission!

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6 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

When the W.C.'s Lee Rankin requested copies of CIA cables relating to Mexico City, Angleton's deputy Ray Rocca told Helms that Jim would prefer to wait out the Commission!

Good point. 

Waiting out inquiries is a CIA tactic still in use, with the enabler-in-chief.

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36 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Good point. 

Waiting out inquiries is a CIA tactic still in use, with the enabler-in-chief.

     Ben, speaking of Enablers-in-Chief, do you have any thoughts about why Donald Trump did a "snuff job" on releasing the JFK Records in October of 2017, when they were originally mandated for full release by the terms of the 1992 JFK Records Act?

     You and Glenn Greenwald have been unusually quiet about the 2017 Trump snuff job, while posting redundant, daily anti-Biden threads here (ostensibly about the snuff job) on the JFKA forum.

     Isn't your working theory about Russiagate and January 6th that Trump is a Deep State adversary, and an innocent victim of nefarious Deep State machinations?

     If so, why did Trump kowtow to the CIA and do a snuff job on releasing the JFK records in 2017? 🤓

Edited by W. Niederhut
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40 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

     Ben, speaking of Enablers-in-Chief, do you have any thoughts about why Donald Trump did a "snuff job" on releasing the JFK Records in October of 2017, when they were originally mandated for full release by the terms of the 1992 JFK Records Act?

     You and Glenn Greenwald have been unusually quiet about the 2017 Trump snuff job, while posting redundant, daily anti-Biden threads here (ostensibly about the snuff job) on the JFKA forum.

     Isn't your working theory about Russiagate and January 6th that Trump is a Deep State adversary, and an innocent victim of nefarious Deep State machinations?

     If so, why did Trump kowtow to the CIA and do a snuff job on releasing the JFK records in 2017? 🤓


For you, everything becomes the blue-red pissing wars. 

I have many times said Trump discredited himself by not opening up the JFK Records (unilaterally and illegally implementing an extension), and that I plan for the vote for RFK Jr., D-Party, for president, explicitly as I believe RFK Jr. will open up the records. 

Biden has in fact done a permanent snuff job on the JFK Records, unless Larry Schnapf and the MFF can prevail in court. Under President Biden's plans, there is explicitly no deadline for opening up the records. I defer to Schnapf on the details of this matter. You should consult with him. 

Biden is President now, and responsible for his actions, and the topic of conversation now.  There is no Trump context for Biden's snuff job. 

This is not another blue-red pissing war. This is about opening up the JFK Records. 

PS. If I am Trumper, why do I plan to vote for RFK Jr, against his likely rival, Trump, in the pending election? 



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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


For you, everything becomes the blue-red pissing wars. 

     Says our J6 coup-denying Donk-basher.

    Go back and re-read your opening sentence on this thread, Ben.  You bashed Joe Biden again today-- in your preface.

    In point of fact, you've been bashing Joe Biden on the JFKA forum all year-- usually in the guise of redundant threads about RFK, Jr.'s candidacy, and the lone issue of the release of the JFK Records.  Whoop-dee-doo.

    We all know that the CIA covered up the JFK assassination, and that Trump and Biden blocked the release of the records.

    What new information are you presenting in your redundant daily Biden-bashing threads on the subject?



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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

     Says our J6 coup-denying Donk-basher.

    Go back and re-read your opening sentence on this thread, Ben.  You bashed Joe Biden again today-- in your preface.

    In point of fact, you've been bashing Joe Biden on the JFKA forum all year-- usually in the guise of redundant threads about RFK, Jr.'s candidacy, and the lone issue of the release of the JFK Records.  Whoop-dee-doo.

    We all know that the CIA covered up the JFK assassination, and that Trump and Biden blocked the release of the records.

    What new information are you presenting in your redundant daily Biden-bashing threads on the subject?



I will let you have the last word. 

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