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WIROUGE-1 was a Gestapo asset & Gehlen Org Operative...

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Go to page 113 of the above link and you will see the following brand-new, never before published information about WIROGUE-1, AKA David Tzitzichvili AKA David de Panaskhet AKA Ernest G. Maycrink AKA Hauptmann Georg Reiner:







Whoever WIROGUE-1 really was, according to the CIA, he had a working (albeit precariously dangerous) working relationship with the Gestapo during WWII.

WIROGUE-1 was a member of the Vichy French Foreign LegionFirst Calvary Regiment (a detachment of the Wehrmacht's 90th Light Infantry Division, stationed in Tunis, Tunisia), a member of the Waffen-SS, Ost-Bataillone, Georgische Legion, by 1944, was an engineer for the Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps, NSKK, helping set up the Atlantic Wall defenses in Normandy, and finally finishing out the war as a French-German translator for the Schutzpolizei des Reiches in Berlin, Germany, *operating in the Konzentrationslager system as a Gestapo documents forger!


*(further evidence of his documents forging while a Gestapo agent can be found on page 190 of this file).


WIROGUE-1 was a Nazi intelligence operative — END OF DISCUSSION. 


On page 141 of the very same document, we can see clearly that while WIROGUE-1 was entering the Congo on 3 April 1961, his cover identity was provided by the Gehlen Organization, or UPHILL, as they were known within CIA transmissions:





What was that cover story that Gehlen Organization gave WIROGUE-1 when he was operating under when he was in the Congo?


Oh, just the false backstory & appropriate supporting documents, that WIROGUE-1 was a former Hauptmann in the Wehrmacht named Georg Reiner!?





Equally disturbing is that WIROGUE-1's military advisor in the Congo was another Gehlen Organization agent (also a former Nazi), who went by the pseudonym "...Lt. Col. Stahl...," whose real name was "...Wolf Meister..." and these messages were transmitted with the heading of a *previously unidentified cryptonym "...ZRAMBER..."

*(Could somebody contact Bill Simpich for me and get this on Mary Ferrell?)




I don't know what else to say, other than read em' and weep.


We finally have the full background on WIROGUE-1


Of course, WIROGUE-1's relationship with the particular QJWIN that was operating in the Congo has to be completely reevaluated.





Edited by Robert Montenegro
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Well, yes and no.

MFF did have this doc mentioned on its page on WIROGUE.  But, did not have a hotlink to the doc.  What they had you had to copy & paste into your browser and then it took you to NARA's version.  Not sure which NARA release this was.



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40 minutes ago, Joseph Backes said:

Well, yes and no.


More like no, Joe.

Do you see any of this information posted on Mary Ferrell.

You don't.

In the intelligence world, that is called "...narrative control..." or in a murder case, "...suppression of evidence..." 

And for your own edification, I brought this information to Mr. Simpich over two years ago and he totally ghosted me—giving me his assurance he would post it, but all he did was post the document, without explaining what was in it (I should note, I have nothing but respect for Bill Simpich and I think he is a true American patriot).


Perhaps you should get the full story before putting dedicated fact-finders like me on blast...


...or maybe just say thank you for the free information, AND MOVE ON!




Edited by Robert Montenegro
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I should also note, that this document (that Mr. Backes so astutely pointed out is on Mary Ferrell 👏), was utilized in the 2021 book, "White Malice: The CIA and the Covert Recolonization of Africa," by Susan Williams:


Yet, in an over 600 page book, she too, like the administrators at Mary Ferrell, makes no mention of WIROGUE-1's image.jpeg past, or WIROGUE-1's relationship with the Gehlen Organization.

Strange, no?

It's almost like the very mention of a certain historical fascist political organization is being suppressed.


FYI: Don't blame me, I'm just the whippin' boy...


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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Great stuff Robert. Every time I’ve mentioned all the big time CIA guys at CIA JMWAVE Miami Station trained in Germany - Shackley, Harvey, Morales to name just three, it just goes by without a mention. In your research posted here you have examined a few ‘former’ N …. S who worked for CIA. WIROGUE is important, and his true name is news to me. It looks like his official bio was whitewashed to make him look like an enemy of the German State, hardly surprising given the origin of the documents. We have to keep in mind that it wasn’t just a few exceptions, it was actual covert policy to repurpose these N….s. (Aside to the moderators - if we promise not to use the term I’m avoiding in current political bickering and only use it as it pertains to real N…s can we reinstate the dreaded N word?) There are so many examples, fairly well known ones like Otto Von Bolschwing for example, but likely thousands more. Robert posted his well researched info on Frank Bender. I’d truly like to see a list of 10-20 prominent operatives (not scientists) who became part of our covert operations, especially when they intersect with Cuba, or Mexico City, Dallas, New Orleans. 
WIROGUE and QJWIN - there is reason to believe that there were multiple operatives using this cryptonym using numbers 1 and 2 alongside the cryptonym. Mae Brussell started down this path, let’s proceed further. 

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Anyone doing research in primary docs, and bringing those docs to light, deserves a hat tip from the rest of us. 

I am fascinated by RM's work. 

If there are differing interpretations of those docs, done in a civil and couth manner, I am sure RM is willing to discuss nuances. 




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12 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Great stuff Robert. 

WIROGUE is important, and his true name is news to me. It looks like his official bio was whitewashed to make him look like an enemy of the German State, hardly surprising given the origin of the documents.


Thank you Paul, for your kind words.

And yes, a complete whitewash of WIROGUE-1's bio has taken place, though, for the life of me, I cannot explain why.

I even brought this information to the attention of Jefferson Morley, and he just smiled the biggest grin at me and didn't have anything to say.


I should note, I removed the Frank Bender information, because the syntax made no sense, not being able to use the word image.jpeg in it's proper historical context.

Edited by Robert Montenegro
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9 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Great stuff Robert. Every time I’ve mentioned all the big time CIA guys at CIA JMWAVE Miami Station trained in Germany - Shackley, Harvey, Morales to name just three, it just goes by without a mention. In your research posted here you have examined a few ‘former’ N …. S who worked for CIA. WIROGUE is important, and his true name is news to me. It looks like his official bio was whitewashed to make him look like an enemy of the German State, hardly surprising given the origin of the documents. We have to keep in mind that it wasn’t just a few exceptions, it was actual covert policy to repurpose these N….s. (Aside to the moderators - if we promise not to use the term I’m avoiding in current political bickering and only use it as it pertains to real N…s can we reinstate the dreaded N word?) There are so many examples, fairly well known ones like Otto Von Bolschwing for example, but likely thousands more. Robert posted his well researched info on Frank Bender. I’d truly like to see a list of 10-20 prominent operatives (not scientists) who became part of our covert operations, especially when they intersect with Cuba, or Mexico City, Dallas, New Orleans. 
WIROGUE and QJWIN - there is reason to believe that there were multiple operatives using this cryptonym using numbers 1 and 2 alongside the cryptonym. Mae Brussell started down this path, let’s proceed further. 


I am entirely open to Teutonic overtones to whatever the CIA did. RM is doing great work.

We should not rule out the possibility that the JFKA was perped by CIA-asset Cuban exiles and related mercs, perhaps operating independently or under advice of a lone higher-up. 

as usual just IMHO....


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5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Anyone doing research in primary docs, and bringing those docs to light, deserves a hat tip from the rest of us. 

I am fascinated by RM's work. 

If there are differing interpretations of those docs, done in a civil and couth manner, I am sure RM is willing to discuss nuances. 





Thank you Mr. Cole, and yes, I am more than willing to go toe-to-toe in a civil debate with a real researcher, and not someone trying to get my goat.

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Yes, can we retire the ban on the use of the word "Nasi"? 

JFKA community members are doing serious research on the topic. 

Rather, why not ban uncouth EF-JFKA participants who use the Na-word to insult others? 

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9 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:


More like no, Joe.

Do you see any of this information posted on Mary Ferrell.

You don't.

That is called "...narrative control..." or in a murder case, "...suppression of evidence..." 

And for your own edification, I brought this information to Mr. Simpich over two years ago and he totally ghosted me—giving me his assurance he would post it, but all he did was post the document, without explaining what was in it (I should note, I have nothing but respect for Bill Simpich and I think he is a true American patriot).


Perhaps you should get the full story before putting dedicated fact-finders like me on blast...


...or maybe just say thank you for the free information, AND MOVE ON!




Wow, you got quite the chip on your shoulder. 

Yes, it's on MFF.  The latest version, June 27th, 2023 release.  The document has been published before.  

I did not comment on your writing. 

I'm not Bill Simpich.  

MFF has a cryptonym page with an entry for WIROGUE.  It has not been updated with the June 27, 2023 released version of 104-10182-10052.  

However, the previous version of 104-10182-10052 was 15 Dec 2022.  That version did have p. 113 unreacted.  So, the name Ernest G. Maycrink was there.  It also had p. 154 where the name Hauptmann Georg Reiner appears unreacted. So that name was there. Page 141 and 190 were unredacted in the 15 Dec 2022 version, too. So even what you're drawing attention to is not new to the June 27th version of the doc.  

If you were highlighting what's new in the June 27 2023 release and you were the first to write about it, then you deserve praise. Perhaps you were with the 15 Dec 2022 release, again you would deserve praise. But I didn't suppress that. As I said, I'm not Bill Simpich. 

Why not email Rex Bradford? He runs MFF, not Bill Simpich.

That the world doesn't stop to applaud you isn't suppression of anything.  It's just life. 



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4 minutes ago, Joseph Backes said:

Wow, you got quite the chip on your shoulder. 


Yes, I do have a chip on my shoulder, and I named it "...Joe..."

I've also got a monkey on my back, it's called "...two combat tours to Afghanistan..."


FYI: I don't need any applause or validation, I was simply stating facts. 

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37 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

We should not rule out the possibility that the JFKA was perped by CIA-asset Cuban exiles and related mercs, perhaps operating independently or under advice of a lone higher-up.

Mr. Cole, I would stress that David “El Indio” Sánchez Morales AKA Stanley R. Zamka had the following responsibilities at JMWAVE in 1963:

  • Chief of Foreign Intelligence, CIA Counterintelligence Staff, Western Hemisphere Division
  • Cuban Operations/ CIA liaison, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station
  • Commander, JMDUSK (security branch, JMWAVE)
  • Commander AMOT (anti-Castro Cuban intelligence branch)
  • Commander Operation 40 (anti-Castro Cuban intelligence branch)
  • JMWAVE Chief of Covert Action
  • JMWAVE Chief of Counterintelligence
  • Commander AMFAST (anti-Castro Cuban counterintelligence branch)

But David Sánchez Morales was also a Gehlen Organization operative when he was sheep-dipped from US Army Counterintelligence Corps to CIA in 1949.

David Sánchez Morales was also in-charge of anti-Castro Cuban operatives that were fighting in the Congo against Comandante Ernesto "Che " Guevara.

David Sánchez Morales would later hunt, capture, torture and murder "Che" Guevara in Bolivia—where Morales, and one of his AMFAST officers, Félix Ismael “El Gato” Rodríguez Mendigutia (cryptonym "AMJOKE-1"), activated one of his old buddies from his US Army Counterintelligence Corps/Gehlen Org days:

SS-Hauptsturmführer Nikolaus "Klaus" Barbie (Gehlen Org cryptonym "ADLER"), the mass-murdering commander of the Gestapo in Lyon, France.

Before Barbie was CIA, he was US Army Counterintelligence Corps, just like Morales.


You see, I find it hard to separate the phenomenon of image.jpeg intelligence in CIA and anti-Castro Cubans at JMWAVE from the murder of JFK, when the overlap so seamlessly with someone like David Sánchez Morales.   

Edited by Robert Montenegro
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Joseph and Robert - no need at all for tension. The way I see it Robert is complaining that all the info on N…s etc just sits without analysis. So he deserves credit for pulling it out and posting it. And I have to agree with one basic thing, and that is that the CIA/Gehlen org links, the cover names for former N…s, etc is rarely talked about by any of the major authors here. I don’t presume to know why that is. When Robert digs it up and posts it it sure seems like a discovery to me, even if it technically may not be. I’d rather discuss how much of a revelation docs like the WIROGUE ones might be, or what the significance or relation to other ops or operatives, than whether Robert deserves more or less credit for posting it. And since you Joseph are clearly a document hunter and well versed, what do you make of these documents? 

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2 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

 I’d rather discuss how much of a revelation docs like the WIROGUE ones might be, or what the significance or relation to other ops or operatives, than whether Robert deserves more or less credit for posting it.


Can I get an Amen?!

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