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AECASSOWARY-29, 8th World Youth Festival, Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil, ZRPENNY, Project AERODYNAMIC, & Lee Harvey Oswald...

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6 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Benjamin, I hope this will help clarify:  I have provided access to screenshots of the full datebook to a select number of researchers / authors, including Monté. All have agreed to / or signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Once the facsimile of the datebook is in the public domain, hopefully by the 60th anniversary, that aspect of the NDA is rendered mute; the parties understand that information related to Hank's sources, and his professional and personal history with this project, remains under the original confidentiality agreement.

I'm sure you understand that there are dozens of investigative journalists with "works in progress" who feel no obligation whatsoever to provide "you," the Royal you of this community with their research until they are ready to do so. 

Mine are unique circumstances: my first responsibility, legally and professionally, is to honor Hank's commitments and to advance his last investigation; I'm also a dedicated researcher of some thirty years with a long-standing philosophy that information related to the assassination in Dallas belongs in the public domain, full stop.  For that reason, having wrestled with the question for four years,  I decided to pursue publication of a facsimile of the datebook.  However, there remain a number of issues to be ironed out. 

In the meantime, with all due respect, any efforts to goad me, or (presumably) Monté, into breaching Non-Disclosure Agreements is futile.

fyi, simply because information in the Lafitte materials has not been available to the general public in the form of documents until 2023."--RM

I believe Monté is referring to the broader issue of government documents released in 2023. However, specific to the datebook entries and as I shared recently on a previous thread ('Getting down to the nuts and bolts . . .' ),  Dick Russell provided a limited analysis of the 1963 Lafitte datebook.  (His full analysis can be found in the Front Matter of Coup in Dallas.) Dick focused on the following names that appear in Lafitte's datebook, six of which did not surface in public records, e.g., news reports, interview notes, FOIA responses, government citations, etc., until the mid-late 1970s, with the remaining surfacing in the 1990s.

Dick writes,

Let me here offer my insights into some of the names and dates in the datebook, and their potential significance in revealing the identities of the perpetrators behind what’s been called “the crime of the century.” I should add that the datebook also contains references to individuals whose names have not appeared before in assassination-related documents. From the datebook, it can only be concluded that Lafitte was directly involved with a number of people covertly connected to the assassination. 

SOUETRE. This clearly is Jean Rene Souetre, whose name appears in a number of entries between April 25 and December 4. It appears that Souetre was part of a “kill squad” who showed up for meetings in New Orleans, Madrid, and Mexico City prior to the assassination. Souetre’s name first appeared in the “assassination literature” following a 1977 release of CIA documents, which stated that “he had been expelled from the U.S. at Fort Worth or Dallas 48 hours after the assassination . . . to either Mexico or Canada.” According to what the FBI told a Souetre acquaintance whom I interviewed, he’d been “flown out that afternoon by a private pilot . . . in a government plane.” Souetre was a known hitman for the OAS, a terrorist group in France that had targeted President de Gaulle. 

WILLOUGHBY: Until my first book came out in 1992, assembling circumstantial evidence linking retired General Charles Willoughby as a possible “mastermind” of the assassination, no one had raised such a possibility before. The datebook cites the far-right General Willoughby numerous times, specifying: “Nov 22 – Willoughby backup – team [with a strikethrough of the word team] squad – tech building – phone booth/bridge.” Prior to that, an April 12 entry states: “Willoughby soldier kill squads.” 

SILVERTHORNE: That same datebook entry says: “Silverthorne – Ft. Worth – Airport – Mexico.” The name of Silverthorne did not appear publicly until the late 1970s, when CIA officer William Harvey’s handwritten notes about the agency’s QJ/WIN assassination program were released. Silverthorne was a pilot who traveled “for a certain federal agency” to “countless countries” for “reasons best left unsaid,” according to author Albarelli’s 1996 interview with him.

ANGLETON: Listed in the datebook by his last name as well as initials (JA and JJA), the then-head of Counterintelligence for the CIA appears to have been involved in “high-level gathering in DC'' during which “Lancelot planning” was discussed. The Lancelot reference is to a plot to kill JFK. The datebook’s final mention of James Angleton,(December 5, 1963) states: “JA – CLOSE OUT LANCELOT.” Angleton’s name was not generally known until the mid-1970s, when he was forced out of the CIA following revelations that he’d organized an illegal domestic spying program. 

GEORGE W.: The several references in the datebook, including one (August 29) regarding “shipment of LSD for New Orleans & Dallas – Texas laws?” are clearly referencing George White. He was a key operative in the CIA’s top-secret MKULTRA program to control human behavior using drugs, hypnosis, and other means. He worked undercover for the same narcotics agency as Lafitte. White’s name never came to light until 1977 during a congressional investigation. 

TOM D.: Also referred to in several entries, this was Thomas Eli Davis, Jr., first mentioned in 1978 in the assassination literature as having trained anti-Castro Cubans and had been acquainted with Jack Ruby. The September 27 entry about Mexico City says: “Oswald – Comercio Hotel – meet with Tom D. at Luma.” It was stated by the Warren Commission that Oswald had been to the Comercio; the Hotel Luma was first mentioned in my 1992 book as a meeting point. The September 29 datebook implies (“Tom at embassy – done”) that Davis, who resembled Oswald, had impersonated him in visiting either the Cuban or Russian embassies in Mexico City. 

CRICHTON: The name of Jack Crichton, who was connected to Military Intelligence and arranged the first translators for Marina Oswald after the assassination, appears several times in datebook entries in advance of the assassination. 

A. L. EHRMAN: This July 30 entry clearly refers to Anita L. Ehrman, a foreign correspondent whose body was found that day in her Washington apartment. The only other reference to this appears in my 1992 book, citing a notebook seized from Richard Case Nagell by the FBI on September 20, 1963 but not released until 1975. That entry says: “ANITA L. EHRMAN. 7-30-63 WASHINGTON, D.C.” Nagell was involved with Oswald in an assassination plot. 

(Dick was careful to close with, 'assuming the datebook is authentic, the aforementioned stands.')


I do not posit my myself as a "royal," but rather foot soldier among JFKA researchers. 

As such, I prefer complete and total transparency regarding JFKA artifacts and documents. 

There was the Richard Case Nagell situation, in which he claimed he had materials that could break the JFKA case open, and after he secured his pension then maybe he would reveal the docs. 

Then he said the key docs were held in a purple trunk in New Mexico, which was never found, even after his death. 

Many of Nagell's docs were of uncertain provenance, including his purported Hidell ID card. 

Nagell could provide no documentation he had ever warned Director Hoover of the pending JFKA. 

In short, vapors. 

It is even possible someone (not you) has planted an incredible "the Nazis did the JFKA" storyline (utterly zany-sounding to the general public and M$M), that can be discredited shortly before the 60th anniversary, and effectively diffuse and ridicule interest in the aging case. 

Trust...but verify. 

We cannot verify. 


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Lots and lots of interesting information. I hope you will tie all this information together in a book.

I would just be careful about automatically assuming that every single German who worked for the Third Reich was a devout fascist or Nazi. Many of them were not fascists but were ardent anti-communists who supported democracy and disliked the SS. This was true even for a small minority of SS personnel. 

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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I do not posit my myself as a "royal," but rather foot soldier among JFKA researchers. 

As such, I prefer complete and total transparency regarding JFKA artifacts and documents. 

There was the Richard Case Nagell situation, in which he claimed he had materials that could break the JFKA case open, and after he secured his pension then maybe he would reveal the docs. 

Then he said the key docs were held in a purple trunk in New Mexico, which was never found, even after his death. 

Many of Nagell's docs were of uncertain provenance, including his purported Hidell ID card. 

Nagell could provide no documentation he had ever warned Director Hoover of the pending JFKA. 

In short, vapors. 

It is even possible someone (not you) has planted an incredible "the Nazis did the JFKA" storyline (utterly zany-sounding to the general public and M$M), that can be discredited shortly before the 60th anniversary, and effectively diffuse and ridicule interest in the aging case. 

Trust...but verify. 

We cannot verify. 


It is even possible someone (not you) has planted an incredible "the Nazis did the JFKA" storyline (utterly zany-sounding to the general public and M$M), that can be discredited shortly before the 60th anniversary, and effectively diffuse and ridicule interest in the aging case. 

@Benjamin Cole You've ignored the facts I've provided, so this will be my final exchange with You on the question of the datebook.

Judging from your pushback on the fact that active Nazis Otto Skorzeny, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, and Leon Degrelle surfaced in Hank's investigation, it's clear to me that you're filtering these facts thru your defensive lens.  In context of your positions related to current events, I realize why you attempt to derail this line of inquiry on every thread.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

Lots and lots of interesting information. I hope you will tie all this information together in a book.

I would just be careful about automatically assuming that every single German who worked for the Third Reich was a devout fascist or Nazi. Many of them were not fascists but were ardent anti-communists who supported democracy and disliked the SS. This was true even for a small minority of SS personnel. 

I agree with your caution, Michael, and have stressed repeatedly that the information in the datebook is specific to individuals, e.g., Skorzeny, Rudel, (and in Hank's notes) Leon Degrelle, all of whom remained active and committed to their Nazi ideology; adding in fascist sympathies of others: Willoughby, Walker, Angleton, Harvey, Dalzell, Hunter-White, Tom Proctor, Tom Davis, et al, named in the Lafitte material, we have concluded that ideology provided the glue for an assassination set for Dallas and no other city —  a city whose powerbrokers had worked with Skorzeny in the past; a city known for its arch-convervative capitalism and virulent anti-communism; a city that was home to the Republic National Bank of Dallas referred to by Albarelli as the Southwest headquarters of the agency.

Many of them were not fascists but were ardent anti-communists who supported democracy and disliked the SS.

Hank's dissolution with Major Ganis came about when this argument was posed: Skorzeny was a friend of democracy and doing America a favor by taking out Kennedy.  I too push back when it is suggested fascists support democracy. Consider what unfolds as we speak.

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4 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

It is even possible someone (not you) has planted an incredible "the Nazis did the JFKA" storyline (utterly zany-sounding to the general public and M$M), that can be discredited shortly before the 60th anniversary, and effectively diffuse and ridicule interest in the aging case. 

@Benjamin Cole You've ignored the facts I've provided, so this will be my final exchange with You on the question of the datebook.

Judging from your pushback on the fact that active Nazis Otto Skorzeny, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, and Leon Degrelle surfaced in Hank's investigation, it's clear to me that you're filtering these facts thru your defensive lens.  In context of your positions related to current events, I realize why you attempt to derail this line of inquiry on every thread.

In context of your positions related to current events, I realize why you attempt to derail this line of inquiry on every thread.--LS

What are you talking about? 

Why do my (imagined or putative) positions on current events have to do with the imperative and requisite need to verify the unverified datebook? 

What positions? 

I support the RFK Jr. candidacy, so I believe the datebook needs to be authenticated?

That COVID-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan?

That Russiagate was an "elaborate hoax" (Bret Stephens words, NYT). 

That Trump is a grifter? 

That Biden is a grifter? And not only, but a Puppet-Dictator-in-Chief for his snuff jobs on the JFK Records Act? 

Are you suggesting that the datebook will prove Trump is a Nazi asset? 

Let it rip, let's see what you say. 


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On 7/28/2023 at 5:35 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

In context of your positions related to current events, I realize why you attempt to derail this line of inquiry on every thread.--LS

What are you talking about? 

Why do my (imagined or putative) positions on current events have to do with the imperative and requisite need to verify the unverified datebook? 

What positions? 

I support the RFK Jr. candidacy, so I believe the datebook needs to be authenticated?

That COVID-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan?

That Russiagate was an "elaborate hoax" (Bret Stephens words, NYT). 

That Trump is a grifter? 

That Biden is a grifter? And not only, but a Puppet-Dictator-in-Chief for his snuff jobs on the JFK Records Act? 

Are you suggesting that the datebook will prove Trump is a Nazi asset? 

Let it rip, let's see what you say. 


Why do my (imagined or putative) positions on current events have to do with the imperative and requisite need to verify the unverified datebook? 

Robert's thread:
AECASSOWARY-29, 8th World Youth Festival, Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil, ZRPENNY, Project AERODYNAMIC, & Lee Harvey Oswald...

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On 7/27/2023 at 4:48 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Can you provide two examples of this, examples that we laypeople can verify? 


I really could not, because certain elements of the datebook have not been properly deciphered—though I believe I have support documents that could decipher those entries—however, once again, I am not a legal liberty to expound on any of those entries.

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On 7/27/2023 at 6:40 PM, Leslie Sharp said:

Ben, have you read Coup in Dallas?

I posted an excerpt from Albarelli's introduction to Coup on the Pierre Lafitte 1963 thread which provides you the "true history" of the Lafitte datebook. Please read it, instead of attempting to distract from @Robert Montenegro's deep dive into this long buried operation, AECASSOWARY.


Thank you, Leslie.


This thread really is not about the Laffite material.


It is about the support network behind the DRE and Mr. Oswald...


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On 7/27/2023 at 7:56 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Well said Robert, imho.


Thank you.


I'm all over the place right now—my air-conditioner in my house is broken, and my brain is frying.


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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1 hour ago, Robert Montenegro said:


I really could not, because certain elements of the datebook have not been properly deciphered—though I believe I have support documents that could decipher those entries—however, once again, I am not a legal liberty to expound on any of those entries.

Thanks for your reply. 

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