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Another person who knew in advance JFK would be killed in Dallas

Gil Jesus

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Maybe the "Oswald-did-it" crowd would like to take a crack at this one:

How did this Cuban in a drugstore in San Antonio know the night before the assassination that Oswald was going to kill the President ?



Edited by Gil Jesus
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8 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

Maybe the Warren Commission supporters would like to take a crack at this one:

How did this Cuban in a drugstore in San Antonio know the night before the assassination that Oswald was going to kill the President ?



The side-bar information about Billy Graham is also of interest. Billy Graham's organization began in London, England, but it was an outgrowth of his previous evangelistic undertakings as a very young man whose 'home' church was First Baptist in downtown Dallas. Graham's writings of 1954 matched those of Senator Joe McCarthy in at least one major feature penned by Graham called 'Satan's Religion' which he attributed to communism. As the years went by none other than the deceased Queen Elizabeth II welcomed Graham as her favorite preacher. The folks who controlled Dallas in 1963 were a very strange bunch of people with a very weird sense of humor and a total hatred for John F. Kennedy.

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17 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

Maybe the "Oswald-did-it" crowd would like to take a crack at this one:

How did this Cuban in a drugstore in San Antonio know the night before the assassination that Oswald was going to kill the President ?


Can you direct us to where this unknown person with a possibly Cuban dialect mentions Oswald specifically?

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1 hour ago, Gil Jesus said:

How did this Cuban in a drugstore in San Antonio know the night before the assassination that Oswald was going to kill the President ?


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45 minutes ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Can you direct us to where this unknown person with a possibly Cuban dialect mentions Oswald specifically?

He doesn't have to mention Oswald.

YOU PEOPLE say Oswald was the assassin. 

If Oswald killed the President, as you say, then how did this Cuban know in advance what he was going to do ?

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8 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

He doesn't have to mention Oswald.

YOU PEOPLE say Oswald was the assassin. 

If Oswald killed the President, as you say, then how did this Cuban know in advance what he was going to do ?

It seems neither of us believes that he knew, so where's the beef?

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14 minutes ago, Mark Ulrik said:

It seems neither of us believes that he knew, so where's the beef?

Who says I don't believe him ? The man makes a prediction that comes true and he has no credibility ?

Why can't you answer my question ?

How does a Cuban in a drugstore in San Antonio know in advance Kennedy will be killed in Dallas

if Oswald was the killer ? How did he know Oswald was going to assassinate the President ?


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29 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

Who says I don't believe him ? The man makes a prediction that comes true and he has no credibility ?

Why can't you answer my question ?

How does a Cuban in a drugstore in San Antonio know in advance Kennedy will be killed in Dallas

if Oswald was the killer ? How did he know Oswald was going to assassinate the President ?


Good basic credible question and it does deserve a good basic credible answer.😇

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1 hour ago, Mark Ulrik said:

It seems neither of us believes that he knew, so where's the beef?

Mark, you claim to be in Denmark, and if you are then here's a thought for you that goes straight from Big D (KLIF) and Gordon McLendon to General Somoza in Nicaragua about a twin ship broadcasting operation. One station is just beginning in the Baltic Sea off Sweden, and the other one is being taken over by McLendon. It operates off the coast of Denmark and it has a radiating signal that reaches into Malmo, Sweden. But it is a Danish station, now controlled by McLendon who has strong CIA connections via David Atlee Phillips. McLendon is also advising the Board of the CIA Radio Free Europe whose transmissions are not aimed at the captive Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. McLendon and his pals are filling that gap with help from Somoza who also gave aid and comfort to the expat Cubans working for the CIA under Bobby Kennedy and planning on a new invasion of their homeland. Here's the proof of McLendon's involvement in all this:

Image preview

By the way, Bob is Robert F. Thompson who is in direct contact with Robert F. Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs debacle, and Bobby Kennedy reaches out to Thompson for help in providing the Special Group (Augmented) with a ship from which to launch propaganda balloons dropping their cargo into the island of Cuba.


Edited by Mervyn Hagger
changed a word
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1 minute ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Mark, you claim to be in Denmark, and if you are then here's a question for you that goes straight from Big D (KLIF) and Gordon McLendon to General Somoza in Nicaragua about a twin ship broadcasting operation. One station is just beginning in the Baltic Sea off Sweden, and the other one is being taken over by McLendon. It operates off the coast of Denmark and it has a radiating signal that reaches into Malmo, Sweden. But it is a Danish station, now controlled by McLendon who has strong CIA connections via David Atlee Phillips. McLendon is also advising the Board of the CIA Radio Free Europe whose transmissions are not aimed at the captive Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. McLendon and his pals are filling that gap with help from Somoza who also gave aid and comfort to the expat Cubans working for the CIA under Bobby Kennedy and planning on a new invasion of their homeland. Here's the proof of McLendon's involvement in all this:

Image preview

By the way, Bob is Robert F. Thompson who is in direct contact with Robert F. Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs debacle, and Bobby Kennedy reaches out to Thompson for help in providing the Special Group (Augmented) with a ship from which to launch propaganda balloons dropping their cargo into the island of Cuba.

I won't be able to contribute much in this area, Mervyn. My knowledge of Radio Mercur is superficial at best. It operated before my time, I haven't studied the subject, and I've never really thought of it as anything other than a (monopoly-breaking) purveyor of light entertainment.

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Just now, Mark Ulrik said:

I won't be able to contribute much in this area, Mervyn. My knowledge of Radio Mercur is superficial at best. It operated before my time, I haven't studied the subject, and I've never really thought of it as anything other than a (monopoly-breaking) purveyor of light entertainment.

It might be worth your time looking for the McLendon trail in all this, because it is communications for the CIA that was his speciality, and to enable him to get the cooperation of other people he paid well - not with his own money, but with laundered money indirectly obtained under the cloak of secrecy from the United States Treasury. Neither McLendon or his pals Thompson and Murchison 'played' with their own money, they always used 'other peoples' money' as reported in a 'Time' magazine feature article about Murchison. No one has ever looked into the JFK-McLendon-CIA thread in Denmark before, so here is your opportunity to break new ground. There is of course a wealth of rubbish out there about Radio Mercur and its offspring Skanes Radio Mercur, so a researcher has to look beyond those distractions. But if you get five minutes to spare and you are curious, start asking some questions about McLendon and his involvement in Denmark.

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1 hour ago, Gil Jesus said:

Who says I don't believe him ? The man makes a prediction that comes true and he has no credibility ?

Why can't you answer my question ?

How does a Cuban in a drugstore in San Antonio know in advance Kennedy will be killed in Dallas

if Oswald was the killer ? How did he know Oswald was going to assassinate the President ?

The "prediction" would've been more impressive if it had included Oswald. Even more so if it had been reported to the authorities before the murder. Some people are fond of making bold predictions, and once in a while they turn out true. We rarely hear about the other ones. Consider me skeptical about this one.

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2 hours ago, Mark Ulrik said:

The "prediction" would've been more impressive if it had included Oswald. Even more so if it had been reported to the authorities before the murder. Some people are fond of making bold predictions, and once in a while they turn out true. We rarely hear about the other ones. Consider me skeptical about this one.

Mark, I think that this 'prediction', if that is what it was, is in the same category as Don House.

Don House was arrested, after being stopped in his car within the environs of Fort Worth.

He was arrested on suspicion that he had murdered JFK in Dallas.

Taken to FW Police HQ where he shouted (like Oswald, and on film!) that he was innocent of the crime, he was grilled until FW buddies in Dallas told them they had Oswald.

Then the FW Police quietly let Don House go.

Meanwhile, thirty miles away in the Oak Cliff suburb of Dallas (where Gordon McLendon got a license for KLIF ("Cliff"), Lee Harvey Oswald was dragged out of a theater amidst hoopla and propaganda.

I want to know more about Don House and why he was stopped in his car and arrested for the murder of JFK. Not only that, but his car was carrying dynamite. No matter how it got there or why it got there, it got there.

Still, no big deal, let's concentrate upon this man in the theater who seems to have avoided paying for his ticket.

Now that is a big, big, big crime worthy of arrest in the theater.

Be careful if you go to see the movie 'Barbie', you don't know who might be watching you.

Yeh, right.

Pull the other one.

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1 hour ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Still, no big deal, let's concentrate upon this man in the theater who seems to have avoided paying for his ticket.

Now that is a big, big, big crime worthy of arrest in the theater.

Be careful if you go to see the movie 'Barbie', you don't know who might be watching you.

Yeh, right.

Pull the other one.

You mean the guy who had $13.87 on his person when arrested, but who instead chose to draw attention to himself by fleeing on foot, acting suspicious on Jefferson Blvd and then trying to beat the Texas Theater out of a 90 cent ticket ??


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The Louisiana state police officer Frances Fruge', who transported injured and drug withdrawal suffering Rose Cheramie ( real name Melba Marcades ) to the state hospital, steadfastly stood by his recounting of Cheramie telling him JFK would be killed in Dallas in the next few days.

Cheramie's astounding JFKA claim ( with specific time and place details ) inspired Fruge' to such a degree of concerned and believable importance he donated much of his time and effort then and even years later during the Jim Garrison case against Clay Shaw, to sharing his story publicly and directly to many law enforcement agency's including the Dallas, Texas PD days after 11,22,1963.

From my lifetime JFKA study, I have never read anything about Fruge' being proven to be some noncredible person in anyway.

Throw in the fact that Cheramie was in the company of Sergio Smith of New Orleans Cuban Revolutionary activity fame when she was tossed out of his moving car and provenly had worked for Jack Ruby at one point ( even though briefly ) years previous and you must admit her story has enough circumstantial weight to be considered as true as not.

IMO anyways.

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