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Destroying the Single Bullet Theory: Zapruder Frame 230

Gil Jesus

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Gil, you are self-evidently correct. But, WC apologists will never admit it. Similarly, they won't admit that the Zapruder film shows that JFK was obviously hit long before Z224 and that Connally clearly was not hit before Z231, just as Connally himself adamantly insisted. Anyone can view the Zapruder film and plainly and clearly see these things for themselves, but WC apologists refuse to acknowledge them.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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Wecht has always been good on this.  As he was in Oliver's film, and the hat holding has always been compelling.

Thompson's first book is also very good on this.  

And make no mistake, Specter knew it.  That is why he told the WC, as revealed by Epstein's new book, we either  go with the Magic Bullet or we start looking for a second assassin.  There was no way they were going to do the latter.

In this way--that they knew better but still allowed for a cockamie story to cover up for what really happened--they were part of a deliberate cover up.  You have it right from Specter's lips.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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57 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Wecht has always been good on this.  As he was in Oliver's film, and the hat holding has always been compelling.

Thompson's first book is also very good on this.  

And make no mistake, Specter knew it.  That is why he told the WC, as revealed by Epstein's new book, we either  go with the Magic Bullet or we start looking for a second assassin.  There was no way they were going to do the latter.

In this way--that they knew better but still allowed for a cockamie story to cover up for what really happened--they were part of a deliberate cover up.  You have it right from Specter's lips.

Out of the blue, before he died, Spector asked Vince Salandria to have lunch with him.  After the WR came out, Salandria had savaged him at a public meeting in Philly.  Asked him an obvious questions Spectorcouldn't answer.

Likewise Gaeton Fonzi interviewd him for Philadelphia Magazine after that and was astonished that Spector couldn't explain how the magic bullet was even possible. 

Spector knew that both of them understood what he had done.

So Spector's request to see Salandria one last time can only be seen as seeking some sort of absolution.  It was evidence of guilt.

Salandria was quirky in some ways and certainly his own man.

As I recall his answer was (1) if I had been in your position I probably would have done the same thing, knowing full well that he, Salandria, would never have been in that situation; they would not have chosen him for the job.  In any case that was lawyer-talk imo. I don't believe Salandria for a minute.

(2) His main point to Spector was, look, you carried the day.  None of my writings in opposition had any real effect.  So you saved my life!  Salandria knew well the power and viciousness of the killers

I'm sure that didn't satisfy Spector.





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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Wecht has always been good on this.  As he was in Oliver's film, and the hat holding has always been compelling.

Thompson's first book is also very good on this.  

And make no mistake, Specter knew it.  That is why he told the WC, as revealed by Epstein's new book, we either  go with the Magic Bullet or we start looking for a second assassin.  There was no way they were going to do the latter.

In this way--that they knew better but still allowed for a cockamie story to cover up for what really happened--they were part of a deliberate cover up.  You have it right from Specter's lips.

Right--that is the thing:

Specter's job was not to investigate the JFKA. 

His assignment was to prosecute LHO as the lone assassin, and he did an excellent, lawyerly job, assuming that premise

Remember this, whenever you watch or read non-adversarial proceedings, such as congressional hearings or government commissions and related reports:

If there is not an aggressive, well-financed and robust defense, you are likely reading or watching a show trial or kangaroo court.  Witness the WC. 


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In the new book I am a contributor to Andrew Iler, a very good attorney who is an expert on the JFK Act, will explain this whole issue of standards of proof in the law. 

He consulted with Tanenbaum on it.

 Standards of proof originated  for the very reason that the community could not afford to make a mistake with a man's life or liberty. 

You can say that again.


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