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The JFKA Solved! From the University of Macau

Benjamin Cole

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17 minutes ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

McLaren in JFK The Smoking Gun provides lots of evidence for Hickey shooting (witnesses). I can add................

(1) JFK's head exploding (ie due to a hi velocity hollow point).

(2) The dent in the chrome trim.

(3) The Bronson footage shows Hickey standing, & falling, & holding AR15.

You have eye & ear witnesses and none came forward(that I know of)

I went back and checked your stuff & Hickey is well passed the kill zone.

JFK was in Jackie's lap pretty soon after frame 313.

Edited by Michael Crane
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31 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

You have eye & ear witnesses and none came forward.

I went back and checked your stuff & Hickey is well passed the kill zone.

JFK was in Jackie's lap pretty soon after frame 313.

McLaren mentions lots of eye ear nose witnesses.

The timing of Bronson's frames showing Hickey (standing  & falling & holding the AR 15) depends on the estimated footfalls of a lady in the Zapruder frames & the same lady in the Bronson frames. I checked -- the Hickey deniers' timings are wrong.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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3 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

McLaren mentions lots of eye ear nose witnesses.

The timing of Bronson's frames showing Hickey (standing  & falling & holding the AR 15) depends on the estimated footfalls of a lady in the Zapruder frames & the same lady in the Bronson frames. I checked -- the Hickey deniers' timings are wrong.

FWIW, I destroyed McLaren's arguments on my website shortly after his terrible TV show was broadcast. He then contacted me and told me Americans like me are the reason the case hasn't been solved, and defied me to publish his response. I did, of course. 

Here is my review of his show, and his response. https://www.patspeer.com/the-smoking-gun-that-lied-a-review-of-jfk-the-smoking-gun

Edited by Pat Speer
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9 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

FWIW, I destroyed McLaren's arguments in a couple of threads shortly after his terrible TV show was broadcast. He then contacted me and told me Americans like me are the reason the case hasn't been solved, and defied me to publish his response. I did, of course. 

Here is my review of his show, and his response. https://www.patspeer.com/the-smoking-gun-that-lied-a-review-of-jfk-the-smoking-gun

The first shot was Oswald's shot-1, which ricocheted off the overhead signal support arm at say pseudo Z103. So, i agree with u, McLaren's version of shot-1 is (partly) wrong.

The SBT is correct, & u are wrong. For one thing, Lattimer showed that Connally's lapel eversion was impossible unless Oswald's shot-2 firstly passed thru JFK.

I have shown that the Hickey deniers claims about Hickey in the Bronson footage are false -- in fact Bronson (in the inferior 2017 frames) shows Hickey standing up & falling down & holding the AR15. The superior 2019 frames would confirm this even better, if anyone cares to have a look (if T6FM allow).

Powers never ever denied that Hickey shot JFK -- & your wordage confirms this.

Somehow Donahue & Menninger & McLaren all failed to see that Hickey fired an auto-burst, not just the fatal Z312 shot.

So, we have an attempted assassination by Oswald.

And an accidental homicide by Hickey. It was bad luck, he was just doing his job.

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Michael Griffith in 2002 wrote the following wordage which supports that Oswald's shot-1 hit JFK at pseudo Z103 & that he exclaimed my god i have been hit ...................

Mr. FRAZIER. The higher velocity bullets of approximately the same weight would have more killing power. This has a low velocity. . . . (3 H 414, emphasis added)

As stated earlier, I asked several medical examiners about the likelihood that an FMJ bullet would leave dozens of fragments inside a skull. The two medical examiners who replied, Dr. Jimmy W. Green and Dr. Eric Berg, both indicated they felt this was unlikely. Dr. Green said that "almost all FMJ bullets fired from rifles of medium to high velocity do not fragment with numerous pieces. . . ." Dr. Berg was even more skeptical that an FMJ bullet would leave numerous fragments in a skull, and he quoted from Dr. Vincent DiMaio's book Gunshot Wounds. That quote is worth repeating, and note that Dr. DiMaio says that even in cases where an FMJ bullet perforates bone only rarely will the missile leave fragments, and that even then the fragments will be "few":

In x-rays of through-and-through gunshot wounds, the presence of small fragments of metal along the wound track virtually rules out full metal-jacketed ammunition.. . . In rare instances, involving full metal-jacketed centerfire rifle bullets, a few small, dust-like fragments of lead may be seen on x-ray if the bullet perforates bone. One of the most characteristic x-rays and one that will indicate the type of weapon and ammunition used is that seen from centerfire rifles firing hunting ammunition. In such a case, one will see a "lead snowstorm". . . . Such a picture rules out full metal-jacketed rifle ammunition or a shotgun slug. (Gunshot Wounds, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1999, p. 318, emphasis added)

Another Bullet Fragment in the Back of the Head

When the HSCA had outside experts examine the autopsy skull x-rays, the experts discovered a bullet fragment that had not been noted before. Dr. G. M. McDonnel discovered the fragment. He noted it was embedded in the galea, which is a layer located between the scalp and the skull, and that it was slightly to the left of the 6.5 mm object. This fragment is further evidence that Kennedy's head was struck by ricochet material from a bullet that struck the pavement. As absurd as the shearing explanation is for the 6.5 mm object, it's even more absurd for this second fragment, since this fragment is located to the left of the 6.5 mm object and is embedded in a different layer. Donahue argued this fragment must have come from the bullet that several witnesses saw strike the pavement. He concluded there was no other credible explanation for the fragment's presence and location:

. . . details surfaced in the committee's own documents that indicated Kennedy very likely was hit by not one, but rather a barrage of ricochet fragments.

The medical evidence appendix published in early 1979 contained reports from two radiologists who'd independently examined the President's skull X rays. One of these physicians, Dr. G. M. McDonnel of Los Angeles, wrote that in addition to the Fisher fragment [the 6.5 mm object], he'd identified a second bullet piece on the exterior of Kennedy's skull. McDonnel's fragment was smaller than Fisher's and located slightly to its left. Unlike the Fisher fragment, this new shard was not attached to the bone but was embedded in the galea, the tough, rubbery membrane between the scalp and the skull.

The presence of this second bullet piece obviously strengthened Donahue's conclusions about the first-shot ricochet. So too did information provided by the second outside expert, Dr. David O. Davis, chairman of the radiology department at George Washington University Hospital. Davis wrote that his examination of the X rays revealed a number of skull fragments that appeared to be dispersed across the right side of Kennedy's head in such a way as to suggest they were located not inside the skull, but outside it, embedded in the scalp.

Davis said he was at a loss to explain where these fragments might have come from and his startling suggestion that the right side of Kennedy's scalp may have been peppered with lead did not make it into the medical panel's final report. As for the fragment discovered by McDonnel, the panel asserted this fragment, like Fisher's, had probably sheared off the fatal bullet on impact.

McDonnel, however, apparently was not totally in accord with this explanation. Instead, he proposed the two fragments may have somehow worked their way back out through the entrance wound and attached themselves to the outside of the skull and galea during the transport and handling of the President's body.

To Donahue, this explanation was even more absurd than Baden's shear interpretation, since it would have been virtually impossible for the pieces to migrate from the point of the bullet's disintegration through the shredded, semisolid brain mass all the way back to the entrance wound, then pass through the small hole to affix themselves finally outside the skull. . . .

Donahue . . . believed that the location of the fragments on both the rear and now the side of Kennedy's head precluded any possibility except a ricochet. (Menninger, Mortal Error, pp. 160-161)

There is no way to explain the presence of this additional fragment in the back of the head in the context of the Warren Commission's lone-gunman scenario. Donahue was almost certainly correct: The fragment must have come from the bullet that several witnesses saw strike the pavement near the limousine when the limousine was passing beneath the oak tree or from another additional bullet that was fired during the assassination. It most certainly did not come from an FMJ bullet that struck Kennedy in the back of the head.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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2 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:


Michael Griffith in 2002 wrote the following wordage which supports that Oswald's shot-1 hit JFK at pseudo Z103 & that he exclaimed my god i have been hit ...................

Mr. FRAZIER. The higher velocity bullets of approximately the same weight would have more killing power. This has a low velocity. . . . (3 H 414, emphasis added)

As stated earlier, I asked several medical examiners about the likelihood that an FMJ bullet would leave dozens of fragments inside a skull. The two medical examiners who replied, Dr. Jimmy W. Green and Dr. Eric Berg, both indicated they felt this was unlikely. Dr. Green said that "almost all FMJ bullets fired from rifles of medium to high velocity do not fragment with numerous pieces. . . ." Dr. Berg was even more skeptical that an FMJ bullet would leave numerous fragments in a skull, and he quoted from Dr. Vincent DiMaio's book Gunshot Wounds. That quote is worth repeating, and note that Dr. DiMaio says that even in cases where an FMJ bullet perforates bone only rarely will the missile leave fragments, and that even then the fragments will be "few":

In x-rays of through-and-through gunshot wounds, the presence of small fragments of metal along the wound track virtually rules out full metal-jacketed ammunition.. . . In rare instances, involving full metal-jacketed centerfire rifle bullets, a few small, dust-like fragments of lead may be seen on x-ray if the bullet perforates bone. One of the most characteristic x-rays and one that will indicate the type of weapon and ammunition used is that seen from centerfire rifles firing hunting ammunition. In such a case, one will see a "lead snowstorm". . . . Such a picture rules out full metal-jacketed rifle ammunition or a shotgun slug. (Gunshot Wounds, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1999, p. 318, emphasis added)

Another Bullet Fragment in the Back of the Head

When the HSCA had outside experts examine the autopsy skull x-rays, the experts discovered a bullet fragment that had not been noted before. Dr. G. M. McDonnel discovered the fragment. He noted it was embedded in the galea, which is a layer located between the scalp and the skull, and that it was slightly to the left of the 6.5 mm object. This fragment is further evidence that Kennedy's head was struck by ricochet material from a bullet that struck the pavement. As absurd as the shearing explanation is for the 6.5 mm object, it's even more absurd for this second fragment, since this fragment is located to the left of the 6.5 mm object and is embedded in a different layer. Donahue argued this fragment must have come from the bullet that several witnesses saw strike the pavement. He concluded there was no other credible explanation for the fragment's presence and location:

. . . details surfaced in the committee's own documents that indicated Kennedy very likely was hit by not one, but rather a barrage of ricochet fragments.

The medical evidence appendix published in early 1979 contained reports from two radiologists who'd independently examined the President's skull X rays. One of these physicians, Dr. G. M. McDonnel of Los Angeles, wrote that in addition to the Fisher fragment [the 6.5 mm object], he'd identified a second bullet piece on the exterior of Kennedy's skull. McDonnel's fragment was smaller than Fisher's and located slightly to its left. Unlike the Fisher fragment, this new shard was not attached to the bone but was embedded in the galea, the tough, rubbery membrane between the scalp and the skull.

The presence of this second bullet piece obviously strengthened Donahue's conclusions about the first-shot ricochet. So too did information provided by the second outside expert, Dr. David O. Davis, chairman of the radiology department at George Washington University Hospital. Davis wrote that his examination of the X rays revealed a number of skull fragments that appeared to be dispersed across the right side of Kennedy's head in such a way as to suggest they were located not inside the skull, but outside it, embedded in the scalp.

Davis said he was at a loss to explain where these fragments might have come from and his startling suggestion that the right side of Kennedy's scalp may have been peppered with lead did not make it into the medical panel's final report. As for the fragment discovered by McDonnel, the panel asserted this fragment, like Fisher's, had probably sheared off the fatal bullet on impact.

McDonnel, however, apparently was not totally in accord with this explanation. Instead, he proposed the two fragments may have somehow worked their way back out through the entrance wound and attached themselves to the outside of the skull and galea during the transport and handling of the President's body.

To Donahue, this explanation was even more absurd than Baden's shear interpretation, since it would have been virtually impossible for the pieces to migrate from the point of the bullet's disintegration through the shredded, semisolid brain mass all the way back to the entrance wound, then pass through the small hole to affix themselves finally outside the skull. . . .

Donahue . . . believed that the location of the fragments on both the rear and now the side of Kennedy's head precluded any possibility except a ricochet. (Menninger, Mortal Error, pp. 160-161)

There is no way to explain the presence of this additional fragment in the back of the head in the context of the Warren Commission's lone-gunman scenario. Donahue was almost certainly correct: The fragment must have come from the bullet that several witnesses saw strike the pavement near the limousine when the limousine was passing beneath the oak tree or from another additional bullet that was fired during the assassination. It most certainly did not come from an FMJ bullet that struck Kennedy in the back of the head.


I will give you this: 

Gov. JBC, before the WC and the HSCA, testified that bullets were entering the cab of the presidential limo as if by "automatic weapons fire." 

JBC was familiar with fire-arms and single-shot bolt-action rifles. 

So there you go. 

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On 9/24/2023 at 4:53 AM, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

I keep 2 books on my desk. Mortal Error (Donahue & Menninger), & jfk The Smoking Gun (McLaren).

But, both books have Hickey firing one shot. Then i came along & saw that Hickey fired at least 4 shots.

Taormina duznt mention the AR15 at all i bet.

Don't you think an unsilenced AR-15 would be heard from those in the car when discharged? Back to the main thread.

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5 hours ago, Rich Taylor said:

Don't you think an unsilenced AR-15 would be heard from those in the car when discharged? Back to the main thread.

No SSA etc ever spilled the beans re Hickey. Some denied the Hickey theory. Old threads are full of wordage re how sometimes under stress humans dont hear or dont remember hearing, there is even some wordage re how under stress sometimes humans dont realize that they have been shot.

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14 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I will give you this: 

Gov. JBC, before the WC and the HSCA, testified that bullets were entering the cab of the presidential limo as if by "automatic weapons fire." 

JBC was familiar with fire-arms and single-shot bolt-action rifles. 

So there you go. 

The testimonies were funny. I could see that the SSAs had to hedge their bets. They did not know what facts would emerge, especially in the early days, so, they had to be carefull, carefull not to be obviously caught lying. So, we see lots of half truths in their testimonies. Flurry of shots is mentioned i think 20 times.

The poor old AR15 was put into service for the first time at about 11am, killed jfk at 12:30, & was taken out of service at about 3pm, & no AR15 has ever been used up to today. The SS continued to use tommy guns (maching guns). If u look at youtube of the attempted Reagan assassination u will see a SSA with a tommy gun run & stand with back to a wall watching all around, but no AR15.

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