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Full Unedited Interview with Jim Robenalt

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This is the full and raw video footage of the interview that Jeff Morley and I did with Jim Robenalt- advisor and confidant of former secret service agent Paul Landis. Hopefully you will find that it answers some of your questions. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3zrbxui3vzocsk/Robenalt Interview (Full unedited) Video.mp4?dl=0.

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4 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

This is the full and raw video footage of the interview that Jeff Morley and I did with Jim Robenalt- advisor and confidant of former secret service agent Paul Landis. Hopefully you will find that it answers some of your questions. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3zrbxui3vzocsk/Robenalt Interview (Full unedited) Video.mp4?dl=0.

LS--thanks for posting. 

Interesting to note, Robenalt is not a long-time CT'er, and, if anything, has been quite generous to the LN crowd, including when he hosted a 2013 forum on the Warren Commission, with Willens and Griffin (and no "anti-WC'ers"). 

Robenalt seems a very sober individual, and smart. 

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That was great, Lawrence, thanks for posting that.

Really glad I watched to the end, and heard Lawrence tell his story of getting Tink to autograph Lawrence's copy of Six Seconds In Dallas! Particularly funny for me, because I paid like twenty bucks in overdue book fees to the library when I returned the copy I had checked out.


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I have listened to this full discussion on the JFKA and Landis, and I wholeheartedly recommended this to anyone, for content and style. 

EF-JFK'ers: This is how you do it: Intelligent, open-minded, cordial, civil, collegial---three smart and experienced guys talking about the JFKA, pondering the possibilities. 

Content: Jim Robenalt is especially impressive. Here is a guy who hosted Willens and Griffin in 2013, and gave them a cordial and fair hearing on the WC, which they both supported. 

Today, Robenalt questions whether the back wound to JFK transited the body. Robenalt suspects multiple shooters in the JFKA, and suggests the WC had to reach a conclusion, and did so under Arlen Specter. 

I think one step the JFKA research community needs to do is find a deeply experienced forensic pathologist, and ask him or her if bullet wounds can always be probed, or sometimes the wounds close up as muscles or internal organ shift. 

One problem with the "bullet did not transit JFK" theory is that Humes and Boswell were rank amateurs, and Finke an Army autopsist in peacetime Germany for a couple years. All were working under harried and hurried conditions. None had years of experience probing bullet wounds. Maybe they just not know how. 

At this point, I lean towards Landis' version, that he found a slug on top of the rear seat of the limo on 11/22, and thus the back wound did not transit the body. 

It would be nice to consult with an experienced forensic pathologist on this matter. 


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