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Those Front Steps

Alan Ford

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22 hours ago, Alan Ford said:

The proposed explanation for the west-side shadow disallows any conceivable explanation for the white tshirt problem on the other side.

With your leave! Let me illustrate the weird position of Mr. Lovelady's tshirt using Mr. James Hackerott's 3D reconstruction of the Wiegman doorway scene:


Mr. Lovelady's body is shown turned and leaning. OK............ looks pretty good, yes?

Now let's add the tshirt in the place where Wiegman shows it:



Oh dear. See the problem? Of course you do!

Has Mr. Hackerott gone dreadfully wrong here somewhere? Nope. Wiegman has.

Now-----------------I have been proposing the thesis that

! the white tshirt here actually belongs to Mr. Oswald, who is blocking Mr. Lovelady's left (viewer's right) shoulder from Wiegman's view

! Mr. Oswald's head has been erased from the picture

! This composite of Mr. Oswald's tshirt and Mr. Lovelady's head is what yields the bizarre problem with what Wiegman shows us.

A thesis apt to trigger the self-appointed JFKA Elders who warn us that 'Even to SUGGEST that ANY image was tampered with is to bring discredit! on! the! JFKA! Research! Community!'

Fine. If my thesis is wrong, then there must be a better explanation. Can anyone, Elder or otherwise, offer one?

And no, in case you're wondering: telling me loftily that 'the image isn't clear enough' just ain't gonna cut it........................... 🙄

Edited by Alan Ford
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1 hour ago, Alan Ford said:

Now let's add the tshirt in the place where Wiegman shows it:



Oh dear. See the problem? Of course you do!


If we want to enter into really uncomfortable territory, we can take the reckless step of cross-referencing this Wiegman tshirt problem with the Lovelady Missing Shoulder Problem in Altgens..........................


'Lovelady's white tshirt' in Wiegman becomes 'Lovelady's missing shoulder' in Altgens.

Oy vey, if this descent into horror continues we're going to end up having to look again at this area in the Cronkite version shown live on television evening 11/22..............................


It's exactly where Wiegman shows white tshirt 😱


Edited by Alan Ford
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1 hour ago, Alan Ford said:

Oy vey, if this descent into horror continues we're going to end up having to look again at this area in the Cronkite version shown live on television evening 11/22..............................


It's exactly where Wiegman shows white tshirt 😱


Going boldly forth.........................


"Well, don't your head look lonesome/ When your shirt is not around..........."

Edited by Alan Ford
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2 hours ago, Alan Ford said:

Well, this thread has taken a (to me) most unexpected turn! And it all started with my misunderstanding a suggestion from Mr. Price. Ain't that a thing...........

Despite the desperate well-poisoning (for the want of a rational alternative) in your respect by self-appointed archons of the JFKA cannibalistic “research community”, I can’t help being impressed by the clarity of your reasoning combined with your inimitable (by the aforementioned community’s standards at least) ability to illustrate your reasoning with very effective pictorial representations.

Edited by John Cotter
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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Despite the desperate well-poisoning (for the want of a rational alternative) in your respect by self-appointed archons of the JFKA cannibalistic “research community”, I can’t help being impressed by the clarity of your reasoning combined with your inimitable (by the aforementioned community’s standards at least) ability to illustrate your reasoning with very effective pictorial representations.

That's most kind, Mr. Cotter.

If the naysayers wish to offer a convincing counter-explanation for the phenomena I have drawn attention to, starting with these two-----------------



---------------then I'm all ears.

Everything else is just the sound of toys being thrown out of a pram.

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On 11/2/2023 at 11:35 AM, Andrej Stancak said:

This thread and the one on Carl Jones's arm are the two biggest lows of Educational Forum.


Sour grapes.

The problem with Andrej is that once he's fixated on a solution to something, he's unable to adjust to account for new or better data.


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As a side note, take a look at Lovelady's goofy posture. I suspected that Andrej's Altgens 6 model would reveal the same goofiness if we could see it from directly in front of the stairway. That's the reason I kept pressing him on showing it to us. I think that this explains why he wouldn't.


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As shown/stated repeatedly, the Lovelady? body orientation to Altgens should have yielded Lovelady's? shoulder blocking out any object that was behind it.

Just picture the guy with glasses having his body rotated to the right matching Lovelady?





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1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:


As shown/stated repeatedly, the Lovelady? body orientation to Altgens should have yielded Lovelady's? shoulder blocking out any object that was behind it.

Just picture the guy with glasses having his body rotated to the right matching Lovelady?





Indeed so, Mr. Davidson. That shoulder was never unproblematic. As for the 'lowered left arm'..............

Hitherto the deal has been:

Wiegman vouches for Altgens vouches for Wiegman vouches for Altgens vouches for................

But the whole edifice has collapsed:

Problems with Wiegman alert us to problems with Altgens

Problems with Altgens alert us to problems with Wiegman

It's a pretty stunning reversal of what has (understandably) been the received opinion on Doorwayman for many years now.

I began this thread

----------convinced that Mr. Oswald was Red Shirt Man in Hughes

----------pretty convinced that he was Prayer Man in Wiegman.

Now I'm becoming more and more convinced that the answer lay in..................... an old and seemingly discredited place.

It would not be Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald's fault if his true alibi turned out to be the one loudly advocated before this by some very kooky people (we all know their names!) with some outstandingly bad arguments.

The ground, one feels, has just shifted, and in the most dramatic and unexpected way conceivable.

Edited by Alan Ford
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3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



As a side note, take a look at Lovelady's goofy posture. I suspected that Andrej's Altgens 6 model would reveal the same goofiness if we could see it from directly in front of the stairway. That's the reason I kept pressing him on showing it to us. I think that this explains why he wouldn't.


It's looking increasingly as though they invented a goofy lean for Mr. Lovelady------------in order to have his body extend into the LHO space to his left.

I think the man was just standing up straight, as was the man in the white tshirt beside him.

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49 minutes ago, Alan Ford said:

It's looking increasingly as though they invented a goofy lean for Mr. Lovelady------------in order to have his body extend into the LHO space to his left.

I think the man was just standing up straight, as was the man in the white tshirt beside him.

Reminds one of some back yard photos discussed over the years. Of course, those obviously weren't altered. lol

Body/s orientation?


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4 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:


Reminds one of some back yard photos discussed over the years. Of course, those obviously weren't altered. lol

Body/s orientation?


Well, in fairness to the self-appointed Custodians of Excellence, Integrity and Dignity in JFKA Research, querying of the backyard photos' authenticity is permissible, provided the officially prescribed protocols are followed to the letter. Same goes apparently, as we have recently been learning, for any image bearing the title 'Kamp Darnell Frame'. Every other alterationist claim is sin and damnation.


Thanks for this body/orientation exploration.

That stabilized GIF you posted a while back from Bell------------


------------seems to show Mr. Lovelady's body parts move en bloc, left arm and all. The more I look at Bell, the more I suspect that the reason he shows rather wide is that

-> he's angled slightly so as to be closer than others to straight on with Mr. Bell's camera (whereas their bodies are more oriented to the limousine)

-> the women down below (in the clip above) make him (and Mrs. Reese) look huge, whereas comparison with e.g. Cowboy Man further east on Elm relieves the incongruity significantly.

I think it's just him after all?

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Here's how I see it:

-------Mr. Oswald, in white tshirt, has been standing in the building vestibule, behind the glass front door, awaiting arrival of the motorcade. He has (at least) the long paper sack on his person. At some point, Mrs. Carolyn Arnold notices his presence there.

-------Once he sees Mr. Lovelady waving the flag, he knows the moment for his exit is just seconds away.

-------As soon as he hears the first shot, he knows that (what he believes to be merely) the false-flag missed-shot incident has begun: he steps out onto the landing, and ends up standing by the center railing, just in front of and to the left of Mr. Lovelady. The Wiegman image below may in fact be the closest we will ever get to actually seeing his recognizable face (right side, from viewer's POV, of the blue line) at the time of the actual assassination:


-------After the shooting is over, he leaves the steps to carry out his assigned political stunt: it will constitute a political 'signature' for the non-lethal but shockingly audacious 'pro-Castro' provocation that will outrage the nation in good time for C-Day (1 Dec).

-------He never gets to complete his stunt: as he is about to learn to his horror, it has all gone terribly, terribly wrong: Pres. Kennedy was actually hit.



While intuitively I struggle to see Mr. Oswald in the man holding the long paper sack here, windswept hair may be distorting perception. If it is him, then he has donned dark dress pants so as to look the part for his faux-Leftist stunt.

Whatever the case, Chief Curry will incautiously-----------before the official lunchroom story has taken shape-----------share the following eyebrow-raising fact to reporters :


"[P]eople in the building" saw him "leaving the building immediately after the President was shot".

I believe that Chief Curry doesn't know just how immediate this exit was: he is actually talking about Mr. Oswald's stepping off the front steps and then turning left and out of view of those in the doorway within seconds of the shooting.

Edited by Alan Ford
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