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Those Front Steps

Alan Ford

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1 hour ago, Alan Ford said:

inability to curb his self-confirming subjective impressionism

I am using original pictures and draw any lines in separate panels for the reader to be able to verify the shapes I see. I have implemented a 3D modelling approach to test different hypotheses about the locations, postures and sizes of different people in the doorway. This is a quantitative, objective approach aimed to avoid dicsussion of the sort you fancy.

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1 hour ago, Alan Ford said:

His posture-'explanation' for the darkness down Mr. Lovelady's side remains as absurd as the image itself.

This is now for other people to say. I have laid my arguments, provided an explanation, found another picture of the "black" frame, drew lines around Lovelady's body. It is for everyone to see if Lovelady's right side of the body was masked by blackening to hide the figure of Lee Oswald passing by next to Lovelady.

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On 11/5/2023 at 6:20 PM, Chris Davidson said:


There are other remnants of the alterations that took place, no matter the photographic quality:

Place your cursor over the remnant(red arrow) in the gif above, as it moves through the three frames.


The reason I provided the Wiegman frame numbers was to give you a better idea of the time between Wiegman4 and 15. Please feel free to check the accuracy, I encourage others so we have a concurrence on that.

Wiegman's film was 24fps so 11 frames between (4/15)= less than 1/2 second.

Approaching the turn at approx 8mph= 12ft per sec x .458=(11/24) = 5.5ft traveled by the camera car in 11 Wiegman frames.

Looking at the Wiegman (frames 4/15) gif, do you notice anything different about the same women in the foreground in relationship to a 1/2 second traveled by the camera car?

P.S. There's always a chance that the two frames did not come from the same camera








Edited by Chris Davidson
Strike Through Added - Problem Resolved
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3 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:

The man shielding his eyes with both hands and wearing white shirt did not stand on the top landing in Altgens6.

Lol. Given that you have the person in question's sex wrong, we know how seriously to take your assurance on this point.

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3 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:

No, I retrieved two full-size images of the frame in question from the jfkassassinationgallery.com and compared them. The one you claim shows a painted-in shadow is of much worse quality than the one I posted today. Nothing has been painted in in any Wiegman frame - if any painting had to make any sense, all Wiegman frames would need to be painted over in the critical area of the doorway but no single one has been. You have no case.    

"Painted", lol

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3 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:

This is now for other people to say. I have laid my arguments, provided an explanation, found another picture of the "black" frame, drew lines around Lovelady's body. It is for everyone to see if Lovelady's right side of the body was masked by blackening to hide the figure of Lee Oswald passing by next to Lovelady.

Okay, Mr. Stancak, if you really are secure in your interpretation, why don't you model what you believe to be Mr. Lovelady's posture in this frame for us?


In your digital reconstruction, please show us Mr. Lovelady from Mr. Wiegman's perspective------------making sure to include, for maximal transparency, a 2-frame GIF going back and forth between two images that have been scaled to each other:

1---the actual Wiegman image (use whichever version you like!)

2---your digital reconstruction

That way we can see just how reality-based your "objective" approach is.

Sound like a plan? 👍

Edited by Alan Ford
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On 11/2/2023 at 2:05 AM, Alan Ford said:

If we see two heads in close proximity in a "jerk blur" frame, it could mean

a) it's one head that has been artificially doubled due to the "jerk blur"

b) it's two heads that really are there.

Look at these two heads:


Now imagine if someone had, in the less blurry frame, carefully deleted the head of the woman under the yellow arrow.

What would the unsuspecting viewer see? Just one head.

What would the unsuspecting viewer conclude? That the head under the yellow arrow in the blurry frame was an illusion caused by "jerk blur".

Friends, I had believed that the persistent "jerk blur" doubling of this woman's head posed the closest thing in Wiegman to a counterpart for the Lovelady head-------------------


I was wrong. As the frame posted by Mr. Hall clearly shows, she simply has her left hand up to her head. Sorry, naysayers: no Loveladyesque doubling here------------------


Poor Mr. Lovelady's persistent head issue across the Wiegman frames really does appear to make him a sui generis figure in the film.

I wonder why (~wink~)

Edited by Alan Ford
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On the left is Mr. Lovelady at DPD at 2 p.m. His right side is largely hidden, a la Wiegman. But look at the position of his white tshirt & shirt collar relative to his neck. For DPD-Lovelady to bring his tshirt over to the Wiegman location, he would have to rotate his body towards the camera------------------bringing his right (viewer's left) shoulder nicely into view


Remember, you're talking about a guy who just a couple of seconds prior to Wiegman presented like this:


You have, all these years, been looking at not one but two fictions.

Edited by Alan Ford
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9 hours ago, Alan Ford said:

Lol. Given that you have the person in question's sex wrong, we know how seriously to take your assurance on this point.

Here is 3D model of the man shielding his eyes with his hands for everyone to see and judge how well or poorly it fits the original Altgens6.


I cannot see any feminine features, obesity or dense grey hair in this figure justifying a consideration of Sarah Stanto as a candidate. Can you please highlight the features in Altgens6 which would compell people to accept Sarah Stanton being the man shielding his eyes?



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Sarah Stanton. She’s the one on the left.

Edited by Sean Coleman
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2 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:

Here is 3D model of the man shielding his eyes with his hands for everyone to see and judge how well or poorly it fits the original Altgens6.


"the man", ~sigh~

I've already given you a list of your errors, Mr. Stancak, twice. None of its points have you addressed, so convinced are you of the unimpeachable correctness of your interpretation------------and so personally do you take any criticism of your work.

Are you still claiming that this "man" has rolled-up sleeves or is in a short-sleeved shirt? Can you not just admit that you made an error?


Mrs. Stanton's hair is in shadow for a reason already explained. We can no more see Mrs. Stanton's hair here than we'd be able to see Mr. Molina's all-but-bald head if this were him. (Or perhaps you have 'found' a bald head on this person? No? Thought not. So---------what happens to your 'No shadow on top of head' claim?) 

And look at where Mr. Otis Williams' tie ends. That tie ends midway across his body


What you've done in your model is misread that portion of the east half of his dark trousers which we can see (behind Mrs. Reese's hair) for the dark "trousers" of your "man"---------------the person, lest we forget, whom Mr. Billy Lovelady identified as a woman who worked on the second floor.

Edited by Alan Ford
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1 hour ago, Sean Coleman said:


Sarah Stanton. She’s the one on the left.

Yes, Mr. Coleman, this was the photograph that shattered Mr. Brian Doyle's PM=Stanton claim!

Her forearm is much slimmer than her upper arm. Here she is in Wiegman:


Mr. Lovelady's identification of her as a woman who worked on the second floor could in theory mean she's Mrs. Pauline Sanders. But the fact that Mr. Lovelady only ever mentions a "Sarah" in the context of the doorway tells us she is in all likelihood Mrs. Stanton.

Edited by Alan Ford
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On 11/5/2023 at 11:32 AM, Alan Ford said:

I believe Mr. Oswald came out through the glass front door only after hearing the first shot. He was carrying the long paper bag (which shows up less than a minute later in Darnell). Why was he there? To perform a post-shooting 'Hands off Cuba!' political stunt in front of the Depository: his role in what he believed would be a non-lethal missed-shots false-flag incident.

Mr. David Talbot writes:

'Journalist Jack Newfield, a close friend of RFK, told me: “With that amazing computer brain of his, he put it all together on the afternoon of November 22”'

Ask yourself a simple question: How? How on earth was Mr. Robert Kennedy able to work out so quickly that this was not the work of some random crazy, say, or a leftist conspiracy, or a local right-wing Bircher plot? He was many miles away from the event, with only sketchy details coming in, and yet here he was knowing that it was none of these things.

The answer is easy. He had been expecting to hear about an outrageous and shocking but unsuccessful ATTEMPT on his brother's life-----------because he had been central to the planning of just such a false-flag incident. As soon as he got the news that his brother had actually been hit in Dealey Plaza, he was able to draw certain logical conclusions as to who might be ruled in, and who out. No 'amazing computer brain' needed.

Agonizingly, he was not able to go public with these painfully obvious inferences, because he (no less than his now late brother) was deeply implicated in the clandestine arrangements that had opened the door to this horrifying event.

And so he had no choice but to go along------------for now------------with the profoundly unjust scapegoating of one of his own team's loyal footsoldiers, Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald.

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