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Which WC critics believe Mexico City shenanigans were used by CIA plotters to place blame on Cuba/Russia?

Sandy Larsen

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I believe that "Mexico City shenanigans were used by CIA plotters to place blame on Cuba/Russia". What I don't believe is proven is WHAT the 'blame' was placed for:

Oswald's story after Mexico City is not a clear line from 'met Kostikov' to 'killed JFK', and the evidence of Mexico City is not a straight line from 'Oswald set up as patsy' to 'Oswald killed JFK'. Why is that? 

For examples: Why are there such strong evidential reasons to believe that, if Oswald acted at all, he didn't act alone? How did the evidential mess of the photograph of another man outside the embassy happen?

Another starting point that I believe needs further exploration is that the 'Oswald in Mexico shenanigans' was part of a pretext relating to Cuba/Russia but NOT the Kennedy assassination. (One suggestion is that it was supporting a pretext for war in some other plot)

This theory allows other actors to have redirected Oswald (possibly his associates at the Odio residence) towards the assassination, and may explain the conflicting behaviour of the intelligence agencies after the assassination: One faction is caught being associated with a murder they didn't intend and another faction is satisfied in the assassination (and successfully avoiding blame).

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9 hours ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

I believe that "Mexico City shenanigans were used by CIA plotters to place blame on Cuba/Russia". What I don't believe is proven is WHAT the 'blame' was placed for:

Oswald's story after Mexico City is not a clear line from 'met Kostikov' to 'killed JFK', and the evidence of Mexico City is not a straight line from 'Oswald set up as patsy' to 'Oswald killed JFK'. Why is that? 

For examples: Why are there such strong evidential reasons to believe that, if Oswald acted at all, he didn't act alone? How did the evidential mess of the photograph of another man outside the embassy happen?

Another starting point that I believe needs further exploration is that the 'Oswald in Mexico shenanigans' was part of a pretext relating to Cuba/Russia but NOT the Kennedy assassination. (One suggestion is that it was supporting a pretext for war in some other plot)

This theory allows other actors to have redirected Oswald (possibly his associates at the Odio residence) towards the assassination, and may explain the conflicting behaviour of the intelligence agencies after the assassination: One faction is caught being associated with a murder they didn't intend and another faction is satisfied in the assassination (and successfully avoiding blame).



It is true that if you look at individual pieces of Mexico City evidence, none point to Oswald being in Cahoots with Cuba and Russia for the purpose of killing Kennedy. But when you put all the pieces of evidence together, that is (almost) precisely what is pointed to.

First we have Oswald meeting with KGB assassinations chief Valeriy Kostikov. Well, that's a bit suspicious. Add to that the letter Oswald wrote to the Russian Embassy saying that he had completed his business with Kostin (Kostikov). Sounds a bit more suspicious.

(BTW, I don't believe Oswald was ever at the Russian and Cuban embassies. These are just fake stories. As are the stories I will recount here...)

Then we have Elena Garro who said that Oswald was paling around with Silvia Duran and some Cuban officials. And that Oswald had a fling with Silvia Duran. Surprising, I think, but not particularly suspicious.

However, right after the assassination, the people in Garro's story were all arrested by the Mexican police and interrogated, with Silvia Duran beaten, while their accuser Elena Garro was held in protective custody. Now why would that have happened just because these people had associated with Oswald? Sound like the Mexican police knew something we don't know.

Maybe what they knew was the story given by Gilberto Alvarado, who said that he saw Oswald receive $6500 in the Cuban Consulate to kill somebody! Now THAT is, without a doubt, suspicious!

So, overall it sounded like Oswald was involved with some Cubans and was paid an up-front fee to kill Kennedy, and had discussed the plan with Valeriy Kostikov, the assassinations chief.

Then there are the letters that we haven't seen, but were described by J. Edgar Hoover. A number of letters sent from Cuba to Oswald, where the writer mentioned Oswald's good marksmanship, and the job he had to do, and how he would be brought back to Cuba when it was all done.

It sure sounds to me like Oswald was in cahoots with the Cubans and Russians to kill Kennedy. And that when the FBI got their hands on all this evidence -- which they did -- they would be lead to believe that Cuba and Russia were behind the assassination. That would be a pretext for war. Invasion of Cuba is what I think the CIA plotters were after.

BTW, in FBI agent James Hosty's book, he claims that U.S. military aircraft were on their way to bomb Cuba not too long after the assassination. But that they were ordered to return. I think they were ordered to return because the Johnson Administration had decided to avoid risking WW3, which the did by covering up the international angle and instead went with a domestic lone nut narrative.

As for the mess with the Mexico City surveillance photos and telephone intercepts, and the blond Oswald impersonator at the Cuban Consulate, I have my own theory explaining those things. But ultimately I think there are numerous possible explanations for those, and so they will probably never be fully understood.


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