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The Witnesses: J.W. Foster

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In this 1991 interview with researcher Mark Oakes, Dallas Police officer J.W. Foster says that he saw a bullet strike the manhole cover on the south side of Elm St.. Foster tells of an unidentified man who came up to the scene with Deputy Sheriff Buddy Walthers whose identity he did not challenge. Foster then says that he never saw the unidentified man pick up a bullet and put it in his pocket, although the photographic evidence shows him looking right at the man when this occurs.



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10 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

In this 1991 interview with researcher Mark Oakes, Dallas Police officer J.W. Foster says that he saw a bullet strike the manhole cover on the south side of Elm St.. Foster tells of an unidentified man who came up to the scene with Deputy Sheriff Buddy Walthers whose identity he did not challenge. Foster then says that he never saw the unidentified man pick up a bullet and put it in his pocket, although the photographic evidence shows him looking right at the man when this occurs.

Foster did not say in that youtube that he saw a bullet (a shot) hit the turf near Elm St.

And, no, Foster did not say in that youtube that he saw a bullet (the shot) strike the manhole cover on the south side of Elm St.

In the youtube Foster answers "yes sir" to the  question "in your WC testimony u saw where a shot had hit the turf on the south side of Elm St?" 

And the next question was "& u said that the shot had caught the manhole cover at the corner? "........ to which Foster answered "yes the concrete of the manhole cover".

Words have meanings.

Foster saw where it had (supposedly) struck. Foster did not see it strike.

And, i can add, all of this is krapp (ie there was no such bullet near that manhole).

The bullet or bullets (Hickey's first &/or second shot) passed say 10ft north of that manhole.


Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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