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Morley/Nagle New Post on JFK Records Act

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5 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:

May I make a simple point?  A topic, say the JFK Records Act, has many aspects to it.  New information about it, and attempts to protect it and enforce it, surface all the time.

Simply counting the times a topic is the subject of a post, does *not* establish redundancy.  Redundancy requires a showing of needless repetition. That is, it requires showing there is nothing new in the posts in question.   

Please stop your redundant posts claiming redundancy.


C'mon, man.  There's nothing new or "educational" about Ben Cole's redundant daily, and weekly, "Biden Snuff Job" MAGA threads on this forum during the past year.

Most of this JFK Records material has been discussed ad nauseum in recent months-- and years, going back to my original thread about Trump's suppression of the records in 2017 and 2018.

We even had forum commentaries by Larry Schnapf last year-- an attorney who was directly involved in efforts to litigate the release of the records.

IMO, Ben's agenda is polemical, not educational.

Repetition is the soul of advertising, propaganda, and political spam.

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14 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:

May I suggest that your attempts to protect Biden from criticism is not, should not be, part of your job as a moderator?  No matter how many people you think may want to vote for him.


Have it your way Roger.

The JFKA Debate Forum prohibits threads like what you want this one to be. Now that it's been relocated to the Political Discussions board, you can do whatever you'd like with it.

Next time I won't bother trying to keep threads in line with forum policy.


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