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Did anyone notice this podcast about Oswald?

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Daisy Ridley and Edward Norton?

Someone just sent me this, it was first broadcast last year.

Apparently the consultants were Newman and Morley.

Take a listen.  


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 Here is the second installment.

I am really surprised no one noticed it.


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Whew, Rob Reiner, Edward Norton and Daisy RIdley for the 60th?


High cotton.

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So, I take it that Edward Norton was the one doing the Oswald voice reading from the "historic diaries"?

He did a good job if so! But I'm surprised in this day and age that they don't just use some AI app using Oswald's voice pattern on stuff like that. I assumed that's what they did and kept wondering where Norton was going to come in at, lol!

Edited by Jamey Flanagan
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Yes that is what I think they did Jamey.

Norton did Oswald.   No AI.

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Thanks, Jim!

This podcast makes a number of interesting points about the endless contradictions of “Lee Harvey Oswald,” including nods to Harvey & Lee research via the Magic Tooth®, John Pic’s refusal to identify photos of his own half-brother, the Bolton Ford incident in the U.S. while LHO was in Minsk, and, of course, how the allegedly leftist LHO so often associated with right-wing operatives.

It also posits that the immediate goal of the Kennedy assassination was to provoke an invasion of Cuba, a position I strongly agree with, despite the added benefits to people supporting the upcoming war in Vietnam and a number of other international issues pointed out by Jim DiEugenio.

There are also some highly questionable positions in the presentation, especially the statement that “We know” Oswald shot at Walker because of the Backyard Photos, etc.  The podcaster doesn’t mention that the original police descriptions of the Walker shells clearly do not match the Walker shells now in evidence.  It makes no mention of the Magic Money Order that allegedly paid for the Magic Rifle that allegedly shot the Magic Bullet at JFK.  OTOH, it does a nice job explaining how the CIA lied and lied about it’s pre-assassination interest in LHO, mostly blaming J.J. Angleton.

I wish it had done a more complete job explaining how and why the FBI took Oswald off the watch list, managed by its “WANTED NOTICE” cards, at the same time a CIA cable gave him a clean bill of political health, just a couple of months after his New Orleans arrest for alleged violence in support of Communist Cuba and less than two months before the assassination.  These two actions effectively took the federal spotlight off “Lee Harvey Oswald.”

The strangest part of the whole hour and a half presentation to me, though, is the one-time mention that the Oswald Project was run by Ukrainian intelligence, a statement never mentioned again.  That seems so weird that I’m wondering if I misheard it!

All in all, though, this podcast seems well worth listening to.

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