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So, if the Hickey shooting is true, then the first and third shots heard by hundreds in Dealey Plaza as well as many Texas School Book Depository workers such as Junior Jarmen, Harold Norman and Bonnie Ray Williams - missed?

And the Hickey shot also came within just inches of blowing Jackie Kennedy's head wide open as well? 

If Hickey misfired his weapon, are you saying he didn't know that this discharge hit JFK in the head? If he was oblivious, at what point in time did he finally become aware of the results of his errand shot?

I would think Hickey might have had a serious mental breakdown at some point in his life If he knew it was his mishandling of his weapon that killed the President of the United States. And he had to go along with the cover-up the rest of his life. 

Or, maybe not. Self-doubt, guilt and remorse is not always present in the mental make up of people, no matter how brutally destructive their actions may be.




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4 hours ago, Donald Willis said:

Tantalizing.  Anything to add re that third point?  Say, nose-witnesses at Parkland...

I can't remember how many nose-witnesses were at Parkland, at least one.

But Mortal Error (Donahue & Menninger) & JFK The Smoking Gun (McLaren) mention about a dozen nose-witnesses back at/near Dealey Plaza.

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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

So, if the Hickey shooting is true, then the first and third shots heard by hundreds in Dealey Plaza as well as many Texas School Book Depository workers such as Junior Jarmen, Harold Norman and Bonnie Ray Williams - missed?

And the Hickey shot also came within just inches of blowing Jackie Kennedy's head wide open as well? 

If Hickey misfired his weapon, are you saying he didn't know that this discharge hit JFK in the head? If he was oblivious, at what point in time did he finally become aware of the results of his errand shot?

I would think Hickey might have had a serious mental breakdown at some point in his life If he knew it was his mishandling of his weapon that killed the President of the United States. And he had to go along with the cover-up the rest of his life. 

Or, maybe not. Self-doubt, guilt and remorse is not always present in the mental make up of people, no matter how brutally destructive their actions may be.




Oswald's shot-1 at pseudo Z105 ricocheted offa the overhead signal arm & some lead splatter hit JFK in the top-right-back of his head. Oswald's shot-2 at Z218 was the magic bullet.

Hickey fired at least 4 shots. The first shot wounded Tague. The last shot hit JFK in the head. The 2nd-last shot dented the chrome trim. His 4 or more shots missed Jackie by a couple of feet.

Hickey at first was possibly not fully aware of exactly what damage he had done.

He was lifting hizself up offa his hi-seat, & lifting the AR15 from the floor up & over O'Donnell, & he was swinging around to his right to target the TSBD, & the Queen Mary probly braked & he probly lurched forward onto O'Donnell, & he accidentally sqeezed the trigger briefly, & he then fell back down onto his hi-seat.  

So, Hickey would not have been looking at JFK during that time.  Hickey would have known that his AR15 had fired. The stinking hot casings would have landed in Bennett's lap, & they would have ended up in Hickey's pocket before they got to Parkland.

Yes there was a coverup, & everyone (Jackie Bobby LBJ SS) all knew.

The AR15 was in service from 10am to 5pm & never saw daylite again.

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