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Has Bill Pepper passed on?

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This and an email from Johnny Cairns are the only notices I have seen. Click the X in the upper right.


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Yes he did.  Did the MSM just block this out?

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Posted (edited)

According to Libby Handros, Pepper died on Sunday, four days ago.

I still see no notice in the MSM.  Its not even on Wikipedia.

Incredible.  This guy won an HBO mock trial on the King case, which was much more realistic than the Summers/Hoch outlined one for Thames TV rebroadcast on Showtime for the JFK case.  

He then would have gotten his client off if Judge Joe Brown had not been removed from the petition to reopen the King case in Memphis.

He then did win a civil suit against Loyd Jowers in Memphis which proved the King case was a conspiracy.

He then, with Laurie Dusek, filed a petition to reopen the RFK case in LA.  I read it and I can tell you when you compare that with the state reply, Sirhan would have walked. But Kamala Harris was not  going to let anything like that stand, since she had bigger goals than just being the AG in California.

With all that behind, the MSM takes not one notice of the guy's passing?

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I looked earlier, found nothing other than the Four Died Trying piece.  Surprising given his work on the MLKA and RFKA.  An acknowledged author.

Amazon.com: The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.: 9781510729629: Pepper Esq., William F.: Books

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That is not even his best book, I think his best one is Orders to Kill.

That one was so disturbing that ABC sent out their hit man Forest Sawyer to ambush him.


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Here is a tribute to him put together by Len Osanic.

Its me, Dave Ratcliffe and John Barbour.

This is why Black Op Radio is the best, and there is no second place.


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Posted (edited)

There is going to be a Celebration of his Life in New York.

Its April 27th, at 11 am at 630 St. Nicholas Avenue in NYC, that is a funeral home.

Wish I could attend.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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