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Sometimes Miracles Happen and Documents Are Released

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1 hour ago, T Weier said:

In the end, one can hate the man, but love the release of all those damn documents!

I happen to have both feelings, but I have come to realize that no one, neither Republican nor Democrat, is going to come clean on the JFKA to the American people. We have to do it ourselves.

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5 hours ago, T Weier said:

Yes, I expected triggering to commence!  But I hold out hope Trump will actually make it happen this time. 

Trump is going to lose in a landslide, so you should probably not get your hopes up on that lol.

And answers to the JFK assassination do not lie in any already-released documents that still have some redactions in the National Archives. A brief foray into logic and critical thinking will make that perfectly obvious.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Trump is going to lose in a landslide, so you should probably not get your hopes up on that lol.

And answers to the JFK assassination do not lie in any already-released documents that still have some redactions in the National Archives. A brief foray into logic and critical thinking will make that perfectly obvious.

Yes, the remaining treasure trove of info will likely be a bust.  But sometimes you get a good prize in a box of Cracker Jacks.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

I happen to have both feelings, but I have come to realize that no one, neither Republican nor Democrat, is going to come clean on the JFKA to the American people. We have to do it ourselves.

You're right.  And its power hold, cya, and lack of courage and honor all around.  But I really wonder what's left of new evidence for outsiders to find or discern.  Have we about reached the bottom of the barrel?  Fortunately, every time I think we have, something else pops up.  Kind of like, "new" Jimi Hendrix tracks every few years.

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On 6/4/2024 at 5:06 AM, Matthew Koch said:

People who used to post on here until it sorta turned into MSNBC eco chamber pointed out that Trump delayed records because actual intelligence related stuff. I agree with Tucker Carlson's take that Mike Pompeo manipulated Trump into making the delay. Now, he is where he would have been second term to release the other stuff that was under review, So I take Trump at his word. It is far more likely that Trump will do it. 

Meanwhile Biden Literally Reclassified those very records and you and your Water Boys don't really care because it aligns with your political biases. Here we are at a point where the Modern DNC Democrats DO NOT represent the same thing that JFK did such as Freedom of Speech and competition of ideas. You guys are now the party of censorship and show trials. And, all you guys hate RFK Jr so.. I don't understand how you guys that support Biden and Liz Cheney and the J6 Warren Commission think you are some how the "Good guys" who represent Democracy and what people like JFK's Generation stood for.. 

Well said, Matthew.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Well said, Matthew.

Except that it's completely false, John.

I was (and remain) bitterly disappointed with Biden for suppressing the JFK Records, as I have expressed from the beginning.

Like others, I had also written a letter to Biden in 2021, politely requesting that he comply with the law and release the JFK records.  I thought he would.  He's an Irish Catholic, for God's sake!

Meanwhile, where were Tucker Carlson and the Trump cult people in 2017 and 2018, when Donald Trump refused to release the records on their historic due date?

The MAGA silence was deafening.  I started one of the few forum threads on the subject in 2020-- long before Tucker Carlso and the MAGA cultists started bashing the Biden "snuff job" on the records.

And, even at this late date, Mathew Koch and the Trump cult members are blaming Mike Pompeo-- instead of the former President-- for Trump's refusal to release the JFK records.

It's a characteristic of cult members to drink the kool aid and eschew any criticism of their Great Leaders.

Mathew Koch is a case study.  He recently likened Trump to Mother Theresa.  🙄

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Except that it's completely false, John.

I was (and remain) bitterly disappointed with Biden for suppressing the JFK Records, as I have expressed from the beginning.

Like others, I had also written a letter to Biden in 2021, politely requesting that he comply with the law and release the JFK records.  I thought he would.  He's an Irish Catholic, for God's sake!

Meanwhile, where were Tucker Carlson and the Trump cult people in 2017 and 2018, when Donald Trump refused to release the records on their historic due date?

The MAGA silence was deafening.  I started one of the few forum threads on the subject in 2020-- long before Tucker Carlso and the MAGA cultists started bashing the Biden "snuff job" on the records.

And, even at this late date, Mathew Koch and the Trump cult members are blaming Mike Pompeo-- instead of the former President-- for Trump's refusal to release the JFK records.

It's a characteristic of cult members to drink the kool aid and eschew any criticism of their Great Leaders.

Mathew Koch is a case study.  He recently likened Trump to Mother Theresa.  🙄

We’ve debated this tweedledum v tweedledee nonsense ad nauseam before, William. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are pro-plutocracy and therefore anti-democracy. The latter are more blatantly so, but at least they’re open about it.

If I were a US citizen, I would never vote for either Biden or Trump. In the current cycle of the merry-go-round, the choice for me would be between RFK Jr and Jill Stein. And even though I would be more ideologically aligned with Jill Stein I would vote for RFK Jr this time because he is almost certainly the last hope there is of ever cracking open the JFKA and RFKA cases. I also greatly admire his brave and effective stances against corporate greed and corruption.

As I’ve said before, Trump is not the problem but a symptom of the problem – the problem being the Democrats betraying the principles and people they’re supposed to represent, so that a critical number of what the warmongering Hillary Clinton called “deplorables” have turned to Trump in a desperate attempt to hit back at the plutocracy that has shafted them.

Please spare me your usual “lesser of two evils” excuse for voting to perpetuate the current utterly corrupt, imperialist, militaristic, plutocratic US regime.

I’m sick of listening to it.

Edited by John Cotter
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

We’ve debated this tweedledum v tweedledee nonsense ad nauseam before, William. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are pro-plutocracy and therefore anti-democracy. The latter are more blatantly so, but at least they’re open about it.

If I were a US citizen, I would never vote for either Biden or Trump. In the current cycle of the merry-go-round, the choice for me would be between RFK Jr and Jill Stein. And even though I would be more ideologically aligned with Jill Stein I would vote for RFK Jr this time because he is almost certainly the last hope there is of ever cracking open the JFKA and RFKA cases. I also greatly admire his brave and effective stances against corporate greed and corruption.

As I’ve said before, Trump is not the problem but a symptom of the problem – the problem being the Democrats betraying the principles and people they’re supposed to represent, so that a critical number of what the warmongering Hillary Clinton called “deplorables” have turned to Trump in a desperate attempt to hit back at the plutocracy that has shafted them.

Please spare me your usual “lesser of two evils” excuse for voting to perpetuate the current utterly corrupt, imperialist, militaristic, plutocratic US regime.

I’m sick of listening to it.

Well, John, the "sickness" is, apparently, contagious.  I feel similarly nauseated by your willful ignorance.

Some of you guys across the pond have simply never understood the reality of our modern American political spectrum.

I can re-direct you the facts, but my hunch is that it will do no good.

I should qualify this by saying that I know very little about politics in Ireland or the UK, so I wouldn't presume to tell an Irishman or a Brit what is happening in their own country.

With regard to plutocracy and modern American politics, here are few key facts and references for your remedial education.


1)  The gargantuan U.S. national debt has largely been created during the past 40 years by a series of Republican Party tax cuts for billionaires;

      --By Ronald Reagan and the GOP in the 1980s

      --By George W. Bush and the GOP in 2001 and 2003

      --By Donald Trump and the GOP in 2017

2)   In conjunction with "Reaganomic" tax cuts for the rich, the Republican Party has pursued a stealth agenda since the 1980s of "Starving the Beast"-- i.e., using their tax cut-induced budget deficits to pressure a de-funding of the social safety net for the working class-- i.e., food stamps, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, etc.

3)   The Republican Party has been doggedly dedicated since 1980 to sabotaging environmental protection and climate change mitigation-- on behalf of oil industry moguls

4)   As documented by Professor Nancy MacLean, (see reference below) Republican "Federalist Society" plutocrats have pursued a long-term stealth plan to stack the U.S. courts with arch-conservative, pro-plutocracy judges.

       Their most important plutocratic GOP success story was the 5-4 SCOTUS ruling in the Citizens United case, which wiped out a century of campaign finance reforms in the U.S., allowing billionaires to buy elections with unlimited "dark" money.



Amazon.com: Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America: 9781101980972: MacLean, Nancy: Books

Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future: Krugman, Paul: 9781324005018: Amazon.com: Books

Edited by W. Niederhut
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On 6/8/2024 at 7:10 PM, W. Niederhut said:

Well, John, the "sickness" is, apparently, contagious.  I feel similarly nauseated by your willful ignorance.

Some of you guys across the pond have simply never understood the reality of our modern American political spectrum.

I can re-direct you the facts, but my hunch is that it will do no good.

I should qualify this by saying that I know very little about politics in Ireland or the UK, so I wouldn't presume to tell an Irishman or a Brit what is happening in their own country.

With regard to plutocracy and modern American politics, here are few key facts and references for your remedial education.


1)  The gargantuan U.S. national debt has largely been created during the past 40 years by a series of Republican Party tax cuts for billionaires;

      --By Ronald Reagan and the GOP in the 1980s

      --By George W. Bush and the GOP in 2001 and 2003

      --By Donald Trump and the GOP in 2017

2)   In conjunction with "Reaganomic" tax cuts for the rich, the Republican Party has pursued a stealth agenda since the 1980s of "Starving the Beast"-- i.e., using their tax cut-induced budget deficits to pressure a de-funding of the social safety net for the working class-- i.e., food stamps, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, etc.

3)   The Republican Party has been doggedly dedicated since 1980 to sabotaging environmental protection and climate change mitigation-- on behalf of oil industry moguls

4)   As documented by Professor Nancy MacLean, (see reference below) Republican "Federalist Society" plutocrats have pursued a long-term stealth plan to stack the U.S. courts with arch-conservative, pro-plutocracy judges.

       Their most important plutocratic GOP success story was the 5-4 SCOTUS ruling in the Citizens United case, which wiped out a century of campaign finance reforms in the U.S., allowing billionaires to buy elections with unlimited "dark" money.



Amazon.com: Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America: 9781101980972: MacLean, Nancy: Books

Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future: Krugman, Paul: 9781324005018: Amazon.com: Books

Your argument is essentially the same as that of a man who tries to justify beating up his wife by pointing to another man who has murdered his.

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15 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Your argument is essentially the same as that of a man who tries to justify beating up his wife by pointing to another man who has murdered his.

Work on your reading comprehension skills, John.

It can't be said any more clearly and precisely than I said it above.

If you're truly concerned about American plutocracy, study the two scholarly references I posted for you.

One was written by a Nobel Laureate in economics and the other was written by a history professor at a prestigious American University.


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When you play the man rather than the ball, you've lost the debate.

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9 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

When you play the man rather than the ball, you've lost the debate.

Keep your eye on the ball, John.  It's in your court.

Try reading my actual commentary (and references) about plutocracy and the American political spectrum.

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