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The True Perps Behind the JFKA/RFK1A? A Simple Math Idea

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55 minutes ago, Charles Blackmon said:


Did you happen to heck out that paper I linked to about the rifle clip? Its really interesting!

I will do that now. Thanks for reminding me. 

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On 6/19/2024 at 7:31 PM, David McLean said:

Ben, W.,

Agree re Hughes-Maheu and Nixon.

Maheu and Nixon were  Hoover’s 1940’s protoges; 

Nixon, Maheu and  CIA go back to 1954;

Nixon was Hughes’ Boy all along;

Linking JFKA, JP Lafitte intersects with CIA and Maheu thru Office of Security.

Finally, who really benefited from both assassinations? Not LBJ so much as Tricky Dick.

Agree, @David McLean, that the Hughes-Maheu-Lafittte (a.k.a. Tabet as likely the alias he used most frequently during that period) is critical history, but as presented in Coup in Dallas, it was Pierre Lafitte's close friendship with James Angleton and his trusted association with the Madrid-based Nazi coalition including Skorzeny, Degrelle, Rudel post-WWII as reflected in his private records, that leads us to conclude they were all directly involved in the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas.  The more we study "who really benefited" the more we're compelled to look beyond LBJ and Tricky Dick (both of whom died in ignominy), but to the domestic/international coalescence of ideologues whose virulent anti-communism was only surpassed by their avid proto-fascism which is threatening our democracy as we speak.  I'm the first to recognize this is a huge umbrella to grapple with but given the current rise in Christian Nationalism in the US, Europe and Latin America, I think it's worth confronting the throughline from the America First of the 1930s to date with Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, the revitalization of AF by Reagan in 1980, and the rise of MAGA/Trump as milestones.  We are in so much trouble.


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Agree, @David McLean, that the Hughes-Maheu-Lafittte (a.k.a. Tabet as likely the alias he used most frequently during that period) is critical history, but as presented in Coup in Dallas, it was Pierre Lafitte's close friendship with James Angleton and his trusted association with the Madrid-based Nazi coalition including Skorzeny, Degrelle, Rudel post-WWII as reflected in his private records, that leads us to conclude they were all directly involved in the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas.  The more we study "who really benefited" the more we're compelled to look beyond LBJ and Tricky Dick (both of whom died in ignominy), but to the domestic/international coalescence of ideologues whose virulent anti-communism was only surpassed by their avid proto-fascism which is threatening our democracy as we speak.  I'm the first to recognize this is a huge umbrella to grapple with but given the current rise in Christian Nationalism in the US, Europe and Latin America, I think it's worth confronting the throughline from the America First of the 1930s to date with Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, the revitalization of AF by Reagan in 1980, and the rise of MAGA/Trump as milestones.  We are in so much trouble.


a tentacle of possible interest, @David McLean:


. . . From there, we pivot back to Bobby Baker's association with Sen. George Smathers, Kennedy confidant Grant Stockdale, and Serv-U Corp, prompting our attention toward Pennsylvania developer Matthew McClosky who also invested in Serv-U. Weirdly, the newly appointed Amb. to Ireland McClosky along with previous Amb. Scott McLeod — former agent of the FBI and drinking buddy of Robert Maheau — were bookends to Grant Stockdale's ambassadorial post to Dublin.
Lafitte's datebook indicates Stockdale and SS Otto Skorzeny were still in communication in 1963 and Hank indicates that Ilse Skorzeny visited the Stockdales in Florida. It should also be noted that Murchison's partner Sid Richardson commissioned the Dallas-based O'Neil Ford architectural firm which included a young Arch Swank to design a compound in the Canary Islands, a destination (according to Major Ralph Ganis) of OAS Captain Jean Rene Souetre and Otto Skorzeny in early '63.  The Richardson compound had been sold by then, so I'm not suggesting any training took place on this property. I'm simply noting the coincidence.  For the record, Arch's wife, Patsy Swank was instrumental in Dick Stolley rushing to Dallas to negotiate on behalf of Time/LIFE for the Zapruder film.)
Note: In 1957, Eisenhower's Amb. to Ireland Scott McLeod — a drinking buddy of Robert Maheu —  was in position to establish initial rapport with Otto and Ilse as they made inroads into the purchase of property in Co. Kildare, near a major military training facility. McLeod would have then handed the couple off to Grant Stockdale in '61, who then handed them off to his colleague at Serv-U, Matthew McClosky in late '62.  
Thru Serv-U Corp, McClosky had obviously also associated with George Smathers and Bobby Baker; throughout 1963 as the Serve-U scandal surfaced, McClosky was posted at the embassy in Dublin while  the Skorzenys were developing strategy for the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas — details of which could have taken place under his nose and/or that of the Franco's representatives in Dublin.  And not to overstate the connection, but McClosky had recently served as treasurer of the Dem National Committee with obvious close ties to Lyndon Johnson and John Connally. 
PS the significance of Shannon Airport can't be overstated in context of the aforementioned.
Edited by Leslie Sharp
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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

a tentacle of possible interest, @David McLean:


. . . From there, we pivot back to Bobby Baker's association with Sen. George Smathers, Kennedy confidant Grant Stockdale, and Serv-U Corp, prompting our attention toward Pennsylvania developer Matthew McClosky who also invested in Serv-U. Weirdly, the newly appointed Amb. to Ireland McClosky along with previous Amb. Scott McLeod — former agent of the FBI and drinking buddy of Robert Maheau — were bookends to Grant Stockdale's ambassadorial post to Dublin.
Lafitte's datebook indicates Stockdale and SS Otto Skorzeny were still in communication in 1963 and Hank indicates that Ilse Skorzeny visited the Stockdales in Florida. It should also be noted that Murchison's partner Sid Richardson commissioned the Dallas-based O'Neil Ford architectural firm which included a young Arch Swank to design a compound in the Canary Islands, a destination (according to Major Ralph Ganis) of OAS Captain Jean Rene Souetre and Otto Skorzeny in early '63.  The Richardson compound had been sold by then, so I'm not suggesting any training took place on this property. I'm simply noting the coincidence.  For the record, Arch's wife, Patsy Swank was instrumental in Dick Stolley rushing to Dallas to negotiate on behalf of Time/LIFE for the Zapruder film.)
Note: In 1957, Eisenhower's Amb. to Ireland Scott McLeod — a drinking buddy of Robert Maheu —  was in position to establish initial rapport with Otto and Ilse as they made inroads into the purchase of property in Co. Kildare, near a major military training facility. McLeod would have then handed the couple off to Grant Stockdale in '61, who then handed them off to his colleague at Serv-U, Matthew McClosky in late '62.  
Thru Serv-U Corp, McClosky had obviously also associated with George Smathers and Bobby Baker; throughout 1963 as the Serve-U scandal surfaced, McClosky was posted at the embassy in Dublin while  the Skorzenys were developing strategy for the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas — details of which could have taken place under his nose and/or that of the Franco's representatives in Dublin.  And not to overstate the connection, but McClosky had recently served as treasurer of the Dem National Committee with obvious close ties to Lyndon Johnson and John Connally. 
PS the significance of Shannon Airport can't be overstated in context of the aforementioned.



Thanks for your collegial commentary. 

First, I do not know who perped the JFKA/RFK1A. For the reasons outlined in my opening post of this thread, I suspect very small plots, in terms of witting pre-event participants 

So for me, your explanation of the JFKA/RFK1A has two problems. 

1. You present a bewildering number of possible pre-event participants. 

2. You have not linked the JFKA to the RFK1A, although (IMHO) they are obviously linked, they are twin assassinations.

Do you have any evidence the Operation Paperclip crowd also targeted RFK1?

If you do, please do a post on it. The RFK1A is now a banned topic on the EF-JFKA, but your post will survive for a few days, usually, and I will see it. 

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5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:



Thanks for your collegial commentary. 

First, I do not know who perped the JFKA/RFK1A. For the reasons outlined in my opening post of this thread, I suspect very small plots, in terms of witting pre-event participants 

So for me, your explanation of the JFKA/RFK1A has two problems. 

1. You present a bewildering number of possible pre-event participants. 

2. You have not linked the JFKA to the RFK1A, although (IMHO) they are obviously linked, they are twin assassinations.

Do you have any evidence the Operation Paperclip crowd also targeted RFK1?

If you do, please do a post on it. The RFK1A is now a banned topic on the EF-JFKA, but your post will survive for a few days, usually, and I will see it. 

My response was specific to comments made by David.

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12 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

My response was specific to comments made by David.

That's fine. But do you think the Operation Paperclip crowd had a hand in the RFK1A? 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

That's fine. But do you think the Operation Paperclip crowd had a hand in the RFK1A? 

I don't know who has argued that the or an "Operation Paperclip" crowd per sé had a hand in either the assassination of President Kennedy or presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. Who are you thinking of?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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18 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I don't know who has argued that the or an "Operation Paperclip" crowd per sé had a hand in either the assassination of President Kennedy or presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. Who are you thinking of?

The reason he's asking is because, well, you know... your book claims Nazis were heavily involved in the JFK assassination, and since Nazis infiltrated elements of post-war American society through "Operation Paperclip," surely you have some insight?

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24 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

The reason he's asking is because, well, you know... your book claims Nazis were heavily involved in the JFK assassination, and since Nazis infiltrated elements of post-war American society through "Operation Paperclip," surely you have some insight?

"Operation Paperclip" involved transplanting 'de-Nazified' Germans, particularly scientists to the United States.  Neither status applies to those who Lafitte names in his 1963 datebook.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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3 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

"Operation Paperclip" involved transplanting 'de-Nazified' Germans, particularly scientists to the United States.  Neither status applies to those who Lafitte names in his 1963 datebook.

That's fine. Did the unrepentant Nazis brought to US shores through OSS and CIA auspices then perp the JFKA/RFK1A, in your estimation? 

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3 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

The reason he's asking is because, well, you know... your book claims Nazis were heavily involved in the JFK assassination, and since Nazis infiltrated elements of post-war American society through "Operation Paperclip," surely you have some insight?


Thanks for your collegial comments. 

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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Thanks for your collegial comments. 

Any thoughts on JC's failure to recognize that (allegedly) de-Nazified scientists arriving under cover of Operation Paperclip are not the focus of the leads provided in the 1963 datebook maintained by agency "special employee" Pierre Lafitte.

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3 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Any thoughts on JC's failure to recognize that (allegedly) de-Nazified scientists arriving under cover of Operation Paperclip are not the focus of the leads provided in the 1963 datebook maintained by agency "special employee" Pierre Lafitte.

Any thoughts on you continuing to shill for a "datebook" that nobody can actually see and examine to verify whether it's authentic?

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15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:



Thanks for your collegial commentary. 

First, I do not know who perped the JFKA/RFK1A. For the reasons outlined in my opening post of this thread, I suspect very small plots, in terms of witting pre-event participants 

So for me, your explanation of the JFKA/RFK1A has two problems. 

1. You present a bewildering number of possible pre-event participants. 

2. You have not linked the JFKA to the RFK1A, although (IMHO) they are obviously linked, they are twin assassinations.

Do you have any evidence the Operation Paperclip crowd also targeted RFK1?

If you do, please do a post on it. The RFK1A is now a banned topic on the EF-JFKA, but your post will survive for a few days, usually, and I will see it. 

I hesitate to dive into the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in context of the Lafitte records from 1963, but for those who recognize the throughline of all five assassinations in the '60s, I will say that a person of interest in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. is known to have frequented the Plimsoll Club while Pierre was Head Chef. Those who knew the person of interest also knew Pierre personally. A work in progress. . . . 

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2 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Any thoughts on you continuing to shill for a "datebook" that nobody can actually see and examine to verify whether it's authentic?

Plans are under consideration to make available a facsimile of the datebook; legal complications are near resolution.

In the event we publish, perhaps you might then have the datebook authenticated at your own expense.

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