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Is Howard Hughes The Nexus Beween the JFKA and the RFK1A?

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As I have said, likely the RFK1A is much more of a Rosetta Stone for the JFKA than the murder of DPD'er Tippit (paraphrasing WC lawyer David Bellin). If you can find who was behind the RFK1A, you are on the trail to the JFKA perps as well. 

There are JFKA researchers out there who credit Howard Hughes employees/operatives with the JFKA, while RFK1A researcher Lisa Pease suspects Robert Maheu, longtime Hughes top officer, with having a primary role in the RFK1A. 

So here is the Mormon Mafia book: 



In fact, as stated in the blurb above, Senator Bennett later hired E Howard Hunt to work at his PR firm, which was likely another CIA Op Mock outfit. 

One curiosity: Rob Reiner, in his recent opus on the JFKA, cites Tosh Plumlee as one of the JFKA gunsels. Tosh Plumlee also figures in the Mormon Mafia book. Like many JFKA books, this one relies on "links" and "ties" to make its case. 

Here is some more info on the Mormon Mafia and the CIA, and the Watergate break-in. More than a few have puzzled at the links between the Watergate burglary and the JFKA, and the CIA. 


And then we have Lisa Pease, in her well-regarded book, A Lie Too Big To Fail, in which she lays out the case that Howard Hughes top operative Robert Maheu organized the RFK1A. No need to rehash here; suffice it to say that she makes her case. 

So there you a have the JFKA/RFK1A nexus. The Howard Hughes Corp. 

Do I believe it? Well....

For me, the JFKA/RFK1A trail leads back to the JMWave Miami CIA Station, and likely a higher-up somewhere in the CIA. Not to the Mormon Mafia.

Maheu was, of course, as much CIA as a Hughes operative. IMHO, the link between the JFKA and the RFK1A is the CIA. 

But, each to his own. 



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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

As I have said, likely the RFK1A is much more of a Rosetta Stone for the JFKA than the murder of DPD'er Tippit (paraphrasing WC lawyer David Bellin). If you can find who was behind the RFK1A, you are on the trail to the JFKA perps as well. 

There are JFKA researchers out there who credit Howard Hughes employees/operatives with the JFKA, while RFK1A researcher Lisa Pease suspects Robert Maheu, longtime Hughes top officer, with having a primary role in the RFK1A. 

So here is the Mormon Mafia book: 



In fact, as stated in the blurb above, Senator Bennett later hired E Howard Hunt to work at his PR firm, which was likely another CIA Op Mock outfit. 

One curiosity: Rob Reiner, in his recent opus on the JFKA, cites Tosh Plumlee as one of the JFKA gunsels. Tosh Plumlee also figures in the Mormon Mafia book. Like many JFKA books, this one relies on "links" and "ties" to make its case. 

Here is some more info on the Mormon Mafia and the CIA, and the Watergate break-in. More than a few have puzzled at the links between the Watergate burglary and the JFKA, and the CIA. 


And then we have Lisa Pease, in her well-regarded book, A Lie Too Big To Fail, in which she lays out the case that Howard Hughes top operative Robert Maheu organized the RFK1A. No need to rehash here; suffice it to say that she makes her case. 

So there you a have the JFKA/RFK1A nexus. The Howard Hughes Corp. 

Do I believe it? Well....

For me, the JFKA/RFK1A trail leads back to the JMWave Miami CIA Station, and likely a higher-up somewhere in the CIA. Not to the Mormon Mafia.

Maheu was, of course, as much CIA as a Hughes operative. IMHO, the link between the JFKA and the RFK1A is the CIA. 

But, each to his own. 



Maheu started out in the FBI, then left to start his own company, which did private "security" work, which included secret missions for the CIA. His independence and ability to "fix" things someone normally couldn't "fix" attracted Hughes, who offered him a ton of moolah to become his public face. 

Hughes, with Maheu as his front, took over Las Vegas. Through his many many connections, Maheu had become quite friendly with the mob, chiefly Johnny Rosselli, and the two cooked up a scheme to kill Castro and get the CIA to pay for it. From what I can gather, Maheu convinced the CIA he could hire the mob to kill Castro, and they wouldn't know who they were working for, as they would assume he was hiring them for Hughes, who was at that time considered the world's richest man.The CIA signed off on this, but they didn't know that Maheu had told the mob up front that they would be working for the CIA.

In any event, one of Maheu's contractors, a wire-tapper, was caught bugging the room of a singer while she was "entertaining" a comedian. And this guy admitted he was working for Maheu. Maheu then stepped in and said they were bugging this singer's room because she was Sam Giancana's girlfriend, and they were concerned he might have told her something in his sleep, and she may have been indiscreet with her new lover. This, of course, was bs. But this excuse went up the chain in the justice department, and this led RFK and Hoover to have a meeting with the CIA, in which the CIA confirmed that oh yeah they had in fact contracted Giancana to kill Castro, but he wasn't supposed to know it was they who had hired him. 

In any event, this led the justice department to drop the charges against Maheu and company. In Hoover's memo on his and RFK's meeting with the CIA, moreover, there is a n incredible notation--that the two men were concerned about the CIA's affiliation with Giancana and Maheu, especially MAHEU.

So why was Maheu considered a more disreputable figure than Giancana?

It goes back a few years. But a prominent critic of the Dominican dictator Trujillo had been abducted from his home in New York, and was believed to have been flown back to the D.R. so he could be tortured and murdered. And all the evidence pointed to Maheu's company, and Maheu's employees, as the abductors and pilot. So Maheu's reputation was in the gutter. 

As his pal Rosselli was later tied to the plots on Castro and the possible turn-around of this plot onto Kennedy, moreover, it seems Maheu may have been involved there as well.

Now, jump ahead a few years. Hughes owns Las Vegas. Maheu has helped cook up another scheme where Hughes has lent his name to a large sea vessel that will supposedly mine the ocean floors for gold but is actually designed to retrieve a sunken Russian nuclear submarine. The CIA foots the bill for all this, but Hughes gets to write it off as a business expense or whatever. It's good for Hughes. 

But Hughes is unhappy. He comes to believe Maheu's connections to the mob have continued after he'd taken over Las Vegas, and that Maheu and the mob are continuing to skim millions from the casinos. He no longer trusts Maheu, and has come to trust a number of Mormon employees who want Maheu out. So he fires Maheu.

Maheu sues him. In the court case it comes out that Hughes had contracted with former Kennedy aide and current DNC chair Lawrence O'Brien to be his representative in Washington. This comes as a shock to Dick Nixon, who had taken bribes from Hughes in the past. Well, he needed to know...how much did O'Brien know about all this? He grew paranoid that O'Brien was gonna drop a bombshell just before the election. So he asked Mitchell to find out just what he knew. And Mitchell hired Liddy and Hunt, etc. And Hunt hired some of the same "Cubans" who had once played footsie with Rosselli.

Now, some of this is speculation. But there is a ton of evidence connecting Maheu to both the Kennedy assassination and Watergate. So why not RFK? It makes a lot of sense. 

P.S. On a personal note, I read Maheu's memoirs when I first got sucked down this rabbit hole...and received a shock. It turned out one of his best friends was a Texas oilman named Johnny Mitchell, who was my dad's boss in the 60's, and who I had met on numerous occasions. 




Edited by Pat Speer
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1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:


Maheu sues him. In the court case it comes out that Hughes had contracted with former Kennedy aide and current DNC chair Lawrence O'Brien to be his representative in Washington. This comes as a shock to Dick Nixon, who had taken bribes from Hughes in the past. Well, he needed to know...how much did O'Brien know about all this? He grew paranoid that O'Brien was gonna drop a bombshell just before the election. So he asked Mitchell to find out just what he knew. And Mitchell hired Liddy and Hunt, etc. And Hunt hired some of the same "Cubans" who had once played footsie with Rosselli.





Nothing indicates Nixon had foreknowledge of the break-in.  

R. Spencer Oliver, Jr., "He was involved in some of the NSA stuff."


See p. 7 here: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/QUESTION %2312 - WHAT DO WE[16000764].pdf (NARA copy here: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/124-10167-10381_1.pdf)


p. 4, here: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/White Materials 2/Weisberg-Watergate Files/Mullen Robert Rudolf/Mullen R R 02.pdf





"George Bush and Bob Strauss are battling to see whether the Democrats or the Republicans will pick up the nation's political pieces. Sounds straightforward."






Strauss Details Break‐In at His Home


By Anthony Ripley Special to The New York Times

  • June 22, 1973

WASHINGTON, June 21 —Robert S. Strauss, the Democratic National Chairman, has, for the first time, provided details about a mysterious burglary at his Dallas home two weeks after the Watergate arrests.

Mr. Strauss, who was the Democratic party treasurer at the time, said valuable jewelry, furs and silver were ignored by the burglars. They went through most of his papers instead, “looking for something,” he said.

He stated that he, did not connect the burglary with the Watergate events until recent months and now felt that “it might have been the same people wild did the Watergate or people with the same motives.

His statements were part of a 111‐page deposition taken May 29 and made public today. It is part of the Democrats $6.4‐million damage suit against the Committee for the Re‐election of the President and other supporters of Mr. Nixon and is based on the break‐in at Democratic National Commit tee headquarters at the Watergate complex on June 17, 1972.

‘Nothing Taken’

Mr. Strauss, questioned by Kenneth W. Parkinson, lawyer for the Republicans, said he was in Florida staging a fund raising telethon when burglars broke into his home through the kitchen.

“My wife's jewelry tray with tens of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry was torn out of the wall and placed on the floor,” he stated.

“All our drawers were opened and papers gone through and nothing taken.”

He added, “We wondered whether it were kids. We wondered whether it were people looking for dope and thought maybe they might find that there.

“It never occurred to me at that time that it might have been acts of the Republican party—and I don't know that they did [do it].

“I just know it was strange that a $20,000 bracelet was in the middle of the floor and not taken in a jewelry box. This was all such a bizarre, strange time and these proceedings were so strange.”

Reported to F.B.I.

Mr. Strauss said that he kept no important papers at his home.

“All I know is that someone was, looking for something be cause every drawer was opened, the papers were all riffled that were in the house.”

He said the matter was re ported to the Dallas police and that he reported it to the Fed eral Bureau of Investigation in March or April of this year.

His children, Mr. Strauss said, brought up the possible tie‐in to Watergate when the scandal began to mushroom in March and April.

He said they “reminded me that it was probably the same crowd of representatives” in volved in the Watergate affair.

As to the break‐in at the Democratic headquarters, Mr. Strauss said special guards were never considered before the break‐in, although they were hired afterward. He said he probably would have argued against hiring them in the first place because of the cost.

He described Lawrence F. O'Brien, party chairman at the time, as being very upset after the Watergate burglary.

“Mr. O'Brien, I think, was scared for his life... after all, he had been deeply in volved with two assassinations [of John and Robert Kennedy] and he was, just nervous.”

Argued About Security

He said that he and Mr. O'Brien argued about the extent of security, with Mr. Strauss wanting less because of the party's debts and the expense involved.

Asked by Mr. Parkinson about speculation that the Cuban Government might be sending money into the Democratic party, Mr. Strauss stated:

“I thought it was the most ridiculous suggestion that I believe ‘I have ever heard.”

He said the Watergate affair had helped in bringing campaign contributions to the Democrats but that the impact, as yet, had been small.

Mr. Strauss said that he might have met the father of Hugh W. Sloan Jr., who was treasurer for the Finance Committee to Re‐elect the President.

Mr. Sloan's father is an official with the St. Regis Paper Company. Mr. Strauss is a lawyer for the company, he said.





Watergate 25 Years Later: Barry Sussman

JUNE 17, 1997

Barry Sussman was an editor at the Washington Post during Watergate.


"There was plenty of assistance given Nixon by highly placed Democrats during Watergate. The Democratic Party, through its chairman, Robert Strauss, dropped a civil suit against the Republicans even though the depositions in it were a main source — perhaps the single best source — of news about the scandal at the time. In the fall of 1973, Senate majority leader Mike Mansfield urged that the Watergate hearings be brought to a close though they were far from their conclusion. And Mister Democrat, Hubert Humphrey, never said a bad word about Watergate. These leaders were supposed to set the tone, and set it they did: Like Nixon, they wanted Watergate put behind us, as quietly as possible."

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Ashton Gray

  • Ashton Gray

Sunday, 4 June 1972

It is one week to the day after the purported "first break-in" at the Watergate, and the simultaneous disappearance of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in Morocco over Memorial Day weekend 1972. On this date Ingo Swann—a Scientology OT VII—departs New York City by plane for San Francisco, where he is met by NSA's Hal Puthoff—also a Scientology OT VII—and taken to Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Puthoff has offices at SRI with Russell Targ, who has been working secretly with CIA for some time on developing parapsychology for military intelligence purposes. [NOTE: New York City is the location of the backstopped address set up the previous year by Anthony Ulasewicz under Operation Sandwedge, just blocks from the lab of CIA's Cleve Backster, with whom Swann has been conducting experiments in telekinesis. While noting that Swann's trip to meet with Puthoff and CIA in California comes one week after the purported "first break-in" at the Watergate and the simultaneous disappearance of Hubbard, it must also be noted, in the "amazing coincidences" department, that Swann later will travel to Washington, D.C. one week after the upcoming 17 June "break-in" at the Watergate—in which the CIA-connected perps are "caught" and begin volunteering self-incriminating stories about their whereabouts over Memorial Day weekend (See 24 c. June 1972.)]

Tuesday, 6 June 1972

Ingo Swann remotely affects a superconducting magnetometer encased in solid concrete five feet beneath the foundation of the Varian Hall of Physics, Stanford University, causing significant readings on the device's trace charts. The event is witnessed by Dr. Arthur Hebard (sometimes spelled "Hebbard"), Dr. Marshal Lee, and six "doctoral candidates" (allegedly students of Hebard, but including CIA representatives who are involved with Swann, Puthoff, and Targ).

Wednesday, 7 June 1972

Puthoff and Swann meet with Willis Harmon, head of a CIA front called "Educational Policy Research Center" with offices at SRI and in Washington, D.C.

Thursday, 8 June 1972

Swann meets with CIA-connected psychiatrist and neurosurgeon Shafica Karagulla at the home of William Tiller.

Friday, 9 June 1972

Ingo Swann returns to New York City. On the same day John Paul Vann—who earlier had been closely connected in Vietnam with CIA's Lucien Conein, Daniel Ellsberg, and Neil Sheehan (reporter who "leaked" the Pentagon Papers for Ellsberg)—dies in a freakish helicopter crash in Vietnam that involves no enemy engagement.

Saturday, 17 June 1972

The "break-in" takes place at the Watergate hotel, in which CIA-connected men are "caught" inside DNC headquarters (although it requires two tapings of an entrance door to effect their getting "caught"). After attorney Douglas Caddy arrives at the D.C. jail (purportedly at the behest of CIA's E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy), CIA's James McCord volunteers to Washington, D.C. policeman Gary Bittenbender: "These are all good men, ex-CIA men." Sweeps of DNC headquarters conducted by FBI and police find no bugs installed.

Sunday, 18 June 1972

Kathleen Chenow, who has worked for almost a year with Hunt and Liddy in "Room 16," with scrambled lines to CIA headquarters at Langley, suddenly leaves the United States for a "vacation" in London. On the same day—the very day after the "break-in" carried out by CIA assets—Ingo Swann arrives in Northfield, Minnesota at the "annual retreat" of the Spiritual Frontiers Foundation (SFF). [NOTE: SFF is heavily funded by W. Clement Stone, to whose foundation in Chicago E. Howard Hunt has delivered an envelope of cash, given to him by G. Gordon Liddy, about six weeks earlier.]

Monday, 19 June 1972

Martha Mitchell calls a reporter late at night from a private villa of the Hyatt Newporter Hotel at 1107 Jamboree Road in Newport Beach, California. Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray is staying at the same hotel. Martha Mitchell is telling the reporter: "I saw dirty things. I know dirty things." The telephone cord is ripped from the wall. Martha Mitchell is forcefully thrown down onto the bed and forcibly given a shot in the buttocks. [NOTE: She won't be seen or heard from again for over a week, when she surfaces, bruised, in Westchester, New York for a "press conference" just miles from a CIA-connected psychiatric hospital euphemistically referred to as the "Westchester Country Club."

Tuesday, 20 June 1972

L. Patrick Gray only now returns to Washington, D.C. from California. The same morning he arrives, it's confirmed that John Dean will be handling all aspects of the Watergate investigation for the White House. That puts John Dean at the White House and L. Patrick Gray at the FBI solely in charge of every aspect of the investigation to follow. Everything that happens regarding the investigation from this point forward is under their dual control. On or around the same day, Bernard Barker receives $17,000 for bail money from E. Howard Hunt's wife, Dorothy Hunt, plus "ten- to twelve-thousand dollars" for "expenses." The same day L. Patrick Gray meets with FBI Special Agents conducting the investigation and they discuss amongst themselves that "there could be a CIA operation involved." The same day G. Gordon Liddy (with "special clearances" from CIA) meets at Fred LaRue's apartment with LaRue and Robert Mardian and weaves a complicated (and completely unsubstantiated) tale of Liddy and Hunt having been involved with breaking into Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office, interfering with Dita Beard, and having allegedly broken into the DNC on Memorial Day weekend. [NOTE: Robert Mardian is the person who had approached Liddy in December of 1970—shortly after both E. Howard Hunt and James McCord had "retired" from CIA—and asked Liddy to take a position Mardian described as "super confidential." Within six months of the Mardian offer, Liddy was in "the Plumbers" unit inside the White House staff with Hunt, both working with NSA's David Young. Hal Puthoff also is from NSA.]

Wednesday, 21 June 1972

E. Howard Hunt has flown first to New York, stayed overnight, and flown from there to Los Angeles, California. He is staying at the L.A. home of "former" CIA operative Morton B. "Tony" Jackson. G. Gordon Liddy—who has "special clearances" from CIA—flies to L.A. and meets with Hunt and Jackson. On the same day, Judge Charles Richey has been assigned to hear a civil suit filed by the Democratic National Committee against the Committee to Re-Elect the President Watergate. [NOTE: Within a few years, Charles Richey will be the federal judge who throws out Scientology Guardian Office Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and conspiracy cases naming the FBI, the Director of the FBI, the Attorney General, the CIA, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of the Army. Ritchey will go on later to preside over the criminal trial of Mary Sue Hubbard and 10 members of Scientology's Guardian's Office who are accused of stealing federal documents, and subsequently sentenced to prison. House Majority Leader Hale Boggs is Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.]

Thursday, 22 June 1972

The FBI interviews Charles Colson and ostensibly come away with the belief that Watergate is "a CIA thing." Acting FBI Director Gray calls CIA Director Richard Helms and purportedly says, "I think we've run right into the middle of a CIA covert operation." Helms asserts emphatically, "there is no CIA involvement." But Helms also makes a very strange and ambiguous "request" to Gray: "not to interview the two CIA men" (unnamed). Gray immediately issues the order to his Special Agents in charge of the Watergate investigation, telling SA Bates: "there was some CIA involvement here," and that "we should proceed very gingerly and very discreetly and carry out the investigation at the Banco Internationale, and also continue to try to trace these checks through the correspondent banks, but to hold off interviewing Mr. Ogarrio"—the Mexican lawyer through which part of the money found on Watergate burglars had come. Ken Dahlberg, source of the rest of the money, is also obliquely and ambiguously included in this hold-off. After his discussion with Richard Helms and the issuances of his orders, L. Patrick Gray has a late-evening private meeting with John Dean.[NOTE: The contradictions and conflicts in the accounts of this "possible CIA involvement" phase, and the ambiguity of the reference to a rigorously unidentified pair, "two CIA men," has no equal in all the rest of Watergate—which is saying a lot. It is literally impossible to catalog all the contradictions here, but this note is to mark this extraordinary vortex of confusion, particularly about an alleged pair of "two CIA men," when in fact all the perps involved in the break-in could be described as "CIA men."]

Friday, 23 June 1972

Acting FBI Diretor L. Patrick Gray receives an airgram from the Legal Attaché Copenhagen with the subject "L. Ron Hubbard." It encloses other airgrams captioned "The Church of Scientology in Denmark" (one of the few locations in the world at the time where the Scientology "OT Levels" are delivered). Richard M. Nixon has a breakfast meeting with House Minority Leader Gerald Ford and House Majority Leader Hale Boggs—both of whom had been members of the Warren Commission. Ford is a prominent member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. Boggs is Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Later the same morning, H.R. Haldeman, after hearing from Dean (who had met with Gray the night before) briefs Nixon. Haldeman says specifically: "the way to handle this now is for us to have [Deputy CIA Director Vernon] Walters call Pat Gray and just say, 'Stay the hell out of this...this is ah, business here we don't want you to go any further on it.' That's not an unusual development...and, uh, that would take care of it. ...Pat [Gray] does want to. He doesn't know how to, and he doesn't have, he doesn't have any basis for doing it. Given this, he will then have the basis." Nixon seizes on this "idea" (which had been laundered through Dean and Haldeman) and orders it. Later that morning, CIA's Director Richard Helms, former Deputy CIA Director General Cushman, and current Deputy CIA Director Vernon Walters meet with Haldeman and Ehrlichman at the White House, after which Deputy CIA Director Vernon Walters sets up a closed-door meeting with L. Patrick Gray that afternoon. [NOTE: CIA disinformation campaigns uniformly make it appear that Nixon spontaneously ordered a "cover up" on the morning of 23 June 1972, when in fact he was induced into agreeing to it through back-channel machinations of Gray and Helms on 22 June, funneled through Dean to Haldeman to Nixon on the morning of 23 June. Helms himself arranged with Gray on 22 June for the FBI not to interview the anonymous-in-testimony "two CIA men"—who only much later are revealed actually to have been two internal CIA employees who had been involved with Liddy and Hunt at relevant times.]

Saturday, 24 June 1972

One week after the "break-in," Ingo Swann secretly arrives in Washington, D.C. "to discuss psi [parapsychology] phenomena with a variety of officials...in terms of universal human consciousness." [NOTE: The unidentified "officials" of course are CIA.]

Sunday, 25 June 1972

John Dean calls Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray at his apartment in the morning and says he wants to meet and talk with Gray. Gray purportedly offers to meet with Dean at Gray's office at the Department of Justice, but Dean doesn't want to be seen there. So Gray meets John Dean outside Gray's southwest Washington, D.C. apartment at Harbor Square. They walk around the area and sit down on a bench and talk privately. On the same day, the FBI "locates" Afred C. Baldwin, who agrees to cooperate, supposedly "to avoid the grand jury."

Monday, 26 June 1972

John Dean is in telephone contact with Deputy CIA Dirctor Vernon Walters, who works directly for and operates only at the behest of and on the instructions of CIA Director Richard Helms.

Tuesday, 27 June 1972

Scientology OT VII Hal Puthoff sends a summary to "K. Green," Office of Strategic Intelligence (OSI) at CIA, of the results of the Varian Hall magnetometer experiment with Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann. On the same day, Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray has two phone conversations with CIA Director Richard Helms.

Wednesday, 28 June 1972

Again CIA Director Richard Helms is in contact with L. Patrick Gray. Helms tells Gray "not to interview active CIA men Karl Wagner and John Caswell"—both of whom have been involved with G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt. Gray immediately orders "that the interviews of John Caswell and Karl Wagner be held in abeyance," and simultaneously orders his special agents to interview Ogarrio and Dahlberg—the sources of the money found with the Watergate perps. 

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If it's one thing I've learned from reading dozens of books and documents et al over the years, JFK, RFK, and Watergate are all the same story, all the same song. None are separate from the others.

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2 hours ago, Jim Rose said:

If it's one thing I've learned from reading dozens of books and documents et al over the years, JFK, RFK, and Watergate are all the same story, all the same song. None are separate from the others.

Jim Rose-

Thank you for your collegial commentary. 

I suspect you are right. 

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6 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

Maheu started out in the FBI, then left to start his own company, which did private "security" work, which included secret missions for the CIA. His independence and ability to "fix" things someone normally couldn't "fix" attracted Hughes, who offered him a ton of moolah to become his public face. 

Hughes, with Maheu as his front, took over Las Vegas. Through his many many connections, Maheu had become quite friendly with the mob, chiefly Johnny Rosselli, and the two cooked up a scheme to kill Castro and get the CIA to pay for it. From what I can gather, Maheu convinced the CIA he could hire the mob to kill Castro, and they wouldn't know who they were working for, as they would assume he was hiring them for Hughes, who was at that time considered the world's richest man.The CIA signed off on this, but they didn't know that Maheu had told the mob up front that they would be working for the CIA.

In any event, one of Maheu's contractors, a wire-tapper, was caught bugging the room of a singer while she was "entertaining" a comedian. And this guy admitted he was working for Maheu. Maheu then stepped in and said they were bugging this singer's room because she was Sam Giancana's girlfriend, and they were concerned he might have told her something in his sleep, and she may have been indiscreet with her new lover. This, of course, was bs. But this excuse went up the chain in the justice department, and this led RFK and Hoover to have a meeting with the CIA, in which the CIA confirmed that oh yeah they had in fact contracted Giancana to kill Castro, but he wasn't supposed to know it was they who had hired him. 

In any event, this led the justice department to drop the charges against Maheu and company. In Hoover's memo on his and RFK's meeting with the CIA, moreover, there is a n incredible notation--that the two men were concerned about the CIA's affiliation with Giancana and Maheu, especially MAHEU.

So why was Maheu considered a more disreputable figure than Giancana?

It goes back a few years. But a prominent critic of the Dominican dictator Trujillo had been abducted from his home in New York, and was believed to have been flown back to the D.R. so he could be tortured and murdered. And all the evidence pointed to Maheu's company, and Maheu's employees, as the abductors and pilot. So Maheu's reputation was in the gutter. 

As his pal Rosselli was later tied to the plots on Castro and the possible turn-around of this plot onto Kennedy, moreover, it seems Maheu may have been involved there as well.

Now, jump ahead a few years. Hughes owns Las Vegas. Maheu has helped cook up another scheme where Hughes has lent his name to a large sea vessel that will supposedly mine the ocean floors for gold but is actually designed to retrieve a sunken Russian nuclear submarine. The CIA foots the bill for all this, but Hughes gets to write it off as a business expense or whatever. It's good for Hughes. 

But Hughes is unhappy. He comes to believe Maheu's connections to the mob have continued after he'd taken over Las Vegas, and that Maheu and the mob are continuing to skim millions from the casinos. He no longer trusts Maheu, and has come to trust a number of Mormon employees who want Maheu out. So he fires Maheu.

Maheu sues him. In the court case it comes out that Hughes had contracted with former Kennedy aide and current DNC chair Lawrence O'Brien to be his representative in Washington. This comes as a shock to Dick Nixon, who had taken bribes from Hughes in the past. Well, he needed to know...how much did O'Brien know about all this? He grew paranoid that O'Brien was gonna drop a bombshell just before the election. So he asked Mitchell to find out just what he knew. And Mitchell hired Liddy and Hunt, etc. And Hunt hired some of the same "Cubans" who had once played footsie with Rosselli.

Now, some of this is speculation. But there is a ton of evidence connecting Maheu to both the Kennedy assassination and Watergate. So why not RFK? It makes a lot of sense. 

P.S. On a personal note, I read Maheu's memoirs when I first got sucked down this rabbit hole...and received a shock. It turned out one of his best friends was a Texas oilman named Johnny Mitchell, who was my dad's boss in the 60's, and who I had met on numerous occasions. 





Thanks for bringing your formidable knowledge and bearing to this thread, and for your collegial commentary. 

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4 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

Ashton Gray

  • Ashton Gray

Sunday, 4 June 1972

It is one week to the day after the purported "first break-in" at the Watergate, and the simultaneous disappearance of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in Morocco over Memorial Day weekend 1972. On this date Ingo Swann—a Scientology OT VII—departs New York City by plane for San Francisco, where he is met by NSA's Hal Puthoff—also a Scientology OT VII—and taken to Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Puthoff has offices at SRI with Russell Targ, who has been working secretly with CIA for some time on developing parapsychology for military intelligence purposes. [NOTE: New York City is the location of the backstopped address set up the previous year by Anthony Ulasewicz under Operation Sandwedge, just blocks from the lab of CIA's Cleve Backster, with whom Swann has been conducting experiments in telekinesis. While noting that Swann's trip to meet with Puthoff and CIA in California comes one week after the purported "first break-in" at the Watergate and the simultaneous disappearance of Hubbard, it must also be noted, in the "amazing coincidences" department, that Swann later will travel to Washington, D.C. one week after the upcoming 17 June "break-in" at the Watergate—in which the CIA-connected perps are "caught" and begin volunteering self-incriminating stories about their whereabouts over Memorial Day weekend (See 24 c. June 1972.)]

Tuesday, 6 June 1972

Ingo Swann remotely affects a superconducting magnetometer encased in solid concrete five feet beneath the foundation of the Varian Hall of Physics, Stanford University, causing significant readings on the device's trace charts. The event is witnessed by Dr. Arthur Hebard (sometimes spelled "Hebbard"), Dr. Marshal Lee, and six "doctoral candidates" (allegedly students of Hebard, but including CIA representatives who are involved with Swann, Puthoff, and Targ).

Wednesday, 7 June 1972

Puthoff and Swann meet with Willis Harmon, head of a CIA front called "Educational Policy Research Center" with offices at SRI and in Washington, D.C.

Thursday, 8 June 1972

Swann meets with CIA-connected psychiatrist and neurosurgeon Shafica Karagulla at the home of William Tiller.

Friday, 9 June 1972

Ingo Swann returns to New York City. On the same day John Paul Vann—who earlier had been closely connected in Vietnam with CIA's Lucien Conein, Daniel Ellsberg, and Neil Sheehan (reporter who "leaked" the Pentagon Papers for Ellsberg)—dies in a freakish helicopter crash in Vietnam that involves no enemy engagement.

Saturday, 17 June 1972

The "break-in" takes place at the Watergate hotel, in which CIA-connected men are "caught" inside DNC headquarters (although it requires two tapings of an entrance door to effect their getting "caught"). After attorney Douglas Caddy arrives at the D.C. jail (purportedly at the behest of CIA's E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy), CIA's James McCord volunteers to Washington, D.C. policeman Gary Bittenbender: "These are all good men, ex-CIA men." Sweeps of DNC headquarters conducted by FBI and police find no bugs installed.

Sunday, 18 June 1972

Kathleen Chenow, who has worked for almost a year with Hunt and Liddy in "Room 16," with scrambled lines to CIA headquarters at Langley, suddenly leaves the United States for a "vacation" in London. On the same day—the very day after the "break-in" carried out by CIA assets—Ingo Swann arrives in Northfield, Minnesota at the "annual retreat" of the Spiritual Frontiers Foundation (SFF). [NOTE: SFF is heavily funded by W. Clement Stone, to whose foundation in Chicago E. Howard Hunt has delivered an envelope of cash, given to him by G. Gordon Liddy, about six weeks earlier.]

Monday, 19 June 1972

Martha Mitchell calls a reporter late at night from a private villa of the Hyatt Newporter Hotel at 1107 Jamboree Road in Newport Beach, California. Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray is staying at the same hotel. Martha Mitchell is telling the reporter: "I saw dirty things. I know dirty things." The telephone cord is ripped from the wall. Martha Mitchell is forcefully thrown down onto the bed and forcibly given a shot in the buttocks. [NOTE: She won't be seen or heard from again for over a week, when she surfaces, bruised, in Westchester, New York for a "press conference" just miles from a CIA-connected psychiatric hospital euphemistically referred to as the "Westchester Country Club."

Tuesday, 20 June 1972

L. Patrick Gray only now returns to Washington, D.C. from California. The same morning he arrives, it's confirmed that John Dean will be handling all aspects of the Watergate investigation for the White House. That puts John Dean at the White House and L. Patrick Gray at the FBI solely in charge of every aspect of the investigation to follow. Everything that happens regarding the investigation from this point forward is under their dual control. On or around the same day, Bernard Barker receives $17,000 for bail money from E. Howard Hunt's wife, Dorothy Hunt, plus "ten- to twelve-thousand dollars" for "expenses." The same day L. Patrick Gray meets with FBI Special Agents conducting the investigation and they discuss amongst themselves that "there could be a CIA operation involved." The same day G. Gordon Liddy (with "special clearances" from CIA) meets at Fred LaRue's apartment with LaRue and Robert Mardian and weaves a complicated (and completely unsubstantiated) tale of Liddy and Hunt having been involved with breaking into Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office, interfering with Dita Beard, and having allegedly broken into the DNC on Memorial Day weekend. [NOTE: Robert Mardian is the person who had approached Liddy in December of 1970—shortly after both E. Howard Hunt and James McCord had "retired" from CIA—and asked Liddy to take a position Mardian described as "super confidential." Within six months of the Mardian offer, Liddy was in "the Plumbers" unit inside the White House staff with Hunt, both working with NSA's David Young. Hal Puthoff also is from NSA.]

Wednesday, 21 June 1972

E. Howard Hunt has flown first to New York, stayed overnight, and flown from there to Los Angeles, California. He is staying at the L.A. home of "former" CIA operative Morton B. "Tony" Jackson. G. Gordon Liddy—who has "special clearances" from CIA—flies to L.A. and meets with Hunt and Jackson. On the same day, Judge Charles Richey has been assigned to hear a civil suit filed by the Democratic National Committee against the Committee to Re-Elect the President Watergate. [NOTE: Within a few years, Charles Richey will be the federal judge who throws out Scientology Guardian Office Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and conspiracy cases naming the FBI, the Director of the FBI, the Attorney General, the CIA, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of the Army. Ritchey will go on later to preside over the criminal trial of Mary Sue Hubbard and 10 members of Scientology's Guardian's Office who are accused of stealing federal documents, and subsequently sentenced to prison. House Majority Leader Hale Boggs is Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.]

Thursday, 22 June 1972

The FBI interviews Charles Colson and ostensibly come away with the belief that Watergate is "a CIA thing." Acting FBI Director Gray calls CIA Director Richard Helms and purportedly says, "I think we've run right into the middle of a CIA covert operation." Helms asserts emphatically, "there is no CIA involvement." But Helms also makes a very strange and ambiguous "request" to Gray: "not to interview the two CIA men" (unnamed). Gray immediately issues the order to his Special Agents in charge of the Watergate investigation, telling SA Bates: "there was some CIA involvement here," and that "we should proceed very gingerly and very discreetly and carry out the investigation at the Banco Internationale, and also continue to try to trace these checks through the correspondent banks, but to hold off interviewing Mr. Ogarrio"—the Mexican lawyer through which part of the money found on Watergate burglars had come. Ken Dahlberg, source of the rest of the money, is also obliquely and ambiguously included in this hold-off. After his discussion with Richard Helms and the issuances of his orders, L. Patrick Gray has a late-evening private meeting with John Dean.[NOTE: The contradictions and conflicts in the accounts of this "possible CIA involvement" phase, and the ambiguity of the reference to a rigorously unidentified pair, "two CIA men," has no equal in all the rest of Watergate—which is saying a lot. It is literally impossible to catalog all the contradictions here, but this note is to mark this extraordinary vortex of confusion, particularly about an alleged pair of "two CIA men," when in fact all the perps involved in the break-in could be described as "CIA men."]

Friday, 23 June 1972

Acting FBI Diretor L. Patrick Gray receives an airgram from the Legal Attaché Copenhagen with the subject "L. Ron Hubbard." It encloses other airgrams captioned "The Church of Scientology in Denmark" (one of the few locations in the world at the time where the Scientology "OT Levels" are delivered). Richard M. Nixon has a breakfast meeting with House Minority Leader Gerald Ford and House Majority Leader Hale Boggs—both of whom had been members of the Warren Commission. Ford is a prominent member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. Boggs is Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Later the same morning, H.R. Haldeman, after hearing from Dean (who had met with Gray the night before) briefs Nixon. Haldeman says specifically: "the way to handle this now is for us to have [Deputy CIA Director Vernon] Walters call Pat Gray and just say, 'Stay the hell out of this...this is ah, business here we don't want you to go any further on it.' That's not an unusual development...and, uh, that would take care of it. ...Pat [Gray] does want to. He doesn't know how to, and he doesn't have, he doesn't have any basis for doing it. Given this, he will then have the basis." Nixon seizes on this "idea" (which had been laundered through Dean and Haldeman) and orders it. Later that morning, CIA's Director Richard Helms, former Deputy CIA Director General Cushman, and current Deputy CIA Director Vernon Walters meet with Haldeman and Ehrlichman at the White House, after which Deputy CIA Director Vernon Walters sets up a closed-door meeting with L. Patrick Gray that afternoon. [NOTE: CIA disinformation campaigns uniformly make it appear that Nixon spontaneously ordered a "cover up" on the morning of 23 June 1972, when in fact he was induced into agreeing to it through back-channel machinations of Gray and Helms on 22 June, funneled through Dean to Haldeman to Nixon on the morning of 23 June. Helms himself arranged with Gray on 22 June for the FBI not to interview the anonymous-in-testimony "two CIA men"—who only much later are revealed actually to have been two internal CIA employees who had been involved with Liddy and Hunt at relevant times.]

Saturday, 24 June 1972

One week after the "break-in," Ingo Swann secretly arrives in Washington, D.C. "to discuss psi [parapsychology] phenomena with a variety of officials...in terms of universal human consciousness." [NOTE: The unidentified "officials" of course are CIA.]

Sunday, 25 June 1972

John Dean calls Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray at his apartment in the morning and says he wants to meet and talk with Gray. Gray purportedly offers to meet with Dean at Gray's office at the Department of Justice, but Dean doesn't want to be seen there. So Gray meets John Dean outside Gray's southwest Washington, D.C. apartment at Harbor Square. They walk around the area and sit down on a bench and talk privately. On the same day, the FBI "locates" Afred C. Baldwin, who agrees to cooperate, supposedly "to avoid the grand jury."

Monday, 26 June 1972

John Dean is in telephone contact with Deputy CIA Dirctor Vernon Walters, who works directly for and operates only at the behest of and on the instructions of CIA Director Richard Helms.

Tuesday, 27 June 1972

Scientology OT VII Hal Puthoff sends a summary to "K. Green," Office of Strategic Intelligence (OSI) at CIA, of the results of the Varian Hall magnetometer experiment with Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann. On the same day, Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray has two phone conversations with CIA Director Richard Helms.

Wednesday, 28 June 1972

Again CIA Director Richard Helms is in contact with L. Patrick Gray. Helms tells Gray "not to interview active CIA men Karl Wagner and John Caswell"—both of whom have been involved with G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt. Gray immediately orders "that the interviews of John Caswell and Karl Wagner be held in abeyance," and simultaneously orders his special agents to interview Ogarrio and Dahlberg—the sources of the money found with the Watergate perps. 


Thanks for your collegial commentary and posting in this thread. 

This struck my eye: "The same day G. Gordon Liddy (with "special clearances" from CIA) meets"

I usually say something like, 'The entire Watergate burglary team was CIA, with the exception of Liddy." 

Do you have any more info on what was this "special clearance"? 

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14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Thanks for your collegial commentary and posting in this thread. 

This struck my eye: "The same day G. Gordon Liddy (with "special clearances" from CIA) meets"

I usually say something like, 'The entire Watergate burglary team was CIA, with the exception of Liddy." 

Do you have any more info on what was this "special clearance"? 

I don't.  That was Ashton Gray's as far as I am aware.  Perhaps he can elaborate if he's still around.  

John Newman is apparently developing the case that James McCord was KGB, over and above his previous flavor-of-the-month, U-2 mole Bruce Solie.  As I have remarked that would do no favors for the anti-Nixonians and necessitate a wholesale liquidation of Watergate history.  I would approve of the result, if not precisely the means to get there.    

In any event, I think a too rigid approach with respect to agency -- lower case "a" -- compartmentalization may not be warranted.  That is to say, cross-agency, cross-government activity is to be at very least contemplated and understood towards reaching a cohesive whole.  (Is KGB-CIA collaboration a possibility?)  Surely Liddy as Treasury rep on his -- no, make that Moynihan's -- eradication policy of the French Connection would have necessitated Liddy's and others having clearance that involved CIA interests.


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11 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

I don't.  That was Ashton Gray's as far as I am aware.  Perhaps he can elaborate if he's still around.  

John Newman is apparently developing the case that James McCord was KGB, over and above his previous flavor-of-the-month, U-2 mole Bruce Solie.  As I have remarked that would do no favors for the anti-Nixonians and necessitate a wholesale liquidation of Watergate history.  I would approve of the result, if not precisely the means to get there.    

In any event, I think a too rigid approach with respect to agency -- lower case "a" -- compartmentalization may not be warranted.  That is to say, cross-agency, cross-government activity is to be at very least contemplated and understood towards reaching a cohesive whole.  (Is KGB-CIA collaboration a possibility?)  Surely Liddy as Treasury rep on his -- no, make that Moynihan's -- eradication policy of the French Connection would have necessitated Liddy's and others having clearance that involved CIA interests.


Also to bear in mind is that virtually all upper level staff of any administration have "special CIA clearances."  That's nothing unusual or necessarily untoward.  Somewhere there's a spreadsheet of Nixon staff specifically and what their clearances were, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, others all cleared if I recall for TALENT and KEYHOLE and other information.  

That doesn't get you any where in other words -- "Special Clearance."

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1 hour ago, Matt Cloud said:

Also to bear in mind is that virtually all upper level staff of any administration have "special CIA clearances."  That's nothing unusual or necessarily untoward.  Somewhere there's a spreadsheet of Nixon staff specifically and what their clearances were, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, others all cleared if I recall for TALENT and KEYHOLE and other information.  

That doesn't get you any where in other words -- "Special Clearance."

Thanks for your collegial commentary and exposition. 

We may disagree on some points---but that is what the EF-JFKA/RFK1A is for. To read other and all viewpoints. 

I appreciate you taking the time to explain your views. 



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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Thanks for your collegial commentary and exposition. 

We may disagree on some points---but that is what the EF-JFKA/RFK1A is for. To read other and all viewpoints. 

I appreciate you taking the time to explain your views. 



This "killing them with kindness" approach of yours is too much. 

Yours as ever, collegially, 



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How deep do you want to go?


Early Stanford Research Institute Experiments

In 1972 Stanford Research Institute (SRI) laser physicist Hal Puthoff tested remote viewer Ingo Swann, and the experiment led to a visit from two employees of the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology. The result was a $50,000 CIA-sponsored project. (Schnabel 1997, Puthoff 1996, Kress 1977/1999, Smith 2005) As research continued, the SRI team published papers in Nature (Targ & Puthoff, 1974), in Proceedings of the IEEE (Puthoff & Targ, 1976), and in the proceedings of a symposium on consciousness for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Puthoff, et al, 1981).

The initial CIA-funded project was later renewed and expanded. A number of CIA officials including John McMahon, then the head of the Office of Technical Service and later the Agency’s deputy director, became strong supporters of the program. By the mid 1970s, facing the post-Watergate revelations of its “skeletons,” and after internal criticism of the program, the CIA dropped sponsorship of the SRI research effort.

Sponsorship was picked up by the Air Force, led by analyst Dale E. Graff of the Foreign Technology Division. In 1979, the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command, which had been providing some taskings to the SRI investigators, was ordered to develop its own program by the Army’s chief intelligence officer, Gen. Ed Thompson. CIA operations officers, working from McMahon’s office and other offices, also continued to provide taskings to SRI’s subjects. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005, Atwater 2001)

The program had three parts (Mumford, et al, 1995). First was the evaluation of psi research performed by the U.S.S.R. and China, which appears to have been better-funded and better-supported than the government research in the U.S. (Schnabel 1997)

In the second part of the program, SRI managed its own stable of “natural” psychics both for research purposes and to make them available for tasking by a variety of US intelligence agencies. The most famous results from these years were Pat Price’s description of a big crane at a Soviet nuclear research facility (Kress 1977/199, Targ 1996), a description of a new class of Soviet strategic submarine by a team of three viewers including Joseph McMoneagle,(Smith 2005, McMoneagle 2002) and Rosemary Smith’s [13] location of a downed Soviet bomber in Africa (which former President Carter later referred to in speeches). By the early 1980s numerous offices throughout the intelligence community were providing taskings to SRI’s psychics. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005)

The third branch of the program was a research project intended to find out if ESP – now called “remote viewing” – could be made accurate and reliable. The intelligence community offices that tasked the group seemed to believe that the phenomenon was real. But in the view of these taskers, a remote viewer could be “on” one day and “off” the next, a fact that made it hard for the technique to be officially accepted. Through SRI, individuals were studied for years in a search for physical (e.g., brain-wave) correlates that might reveal when they were “on- or off-target”.

At SRI, Ingo Swann and Hal Puthoff also developed a remote-viewing training program meant to enable any individual with a suitable background to produce useful data. As part of this project, a number of military officers and civilians were trained and formed a military remote viewing unit, based at Fort Meade, Maryland. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005, McMoneagle 2002)


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1 hour ago, Matt Cloud said:

How deep do you want to go?


Early Stanford Research Institute Experiments

In 1972 Stanford Research Institute (SRI) laser physicist Hal Puthoff tested remote viewer Ingo Swann, and the experiment led to a visit from two employees of the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology. The result was a $50,000 CIA-sponsored project. (Schnabel 1997, Puthoff 1996, Kress 1977/1999, Smith 2005) As research continued, the SRI team published papers in Nature (Targ & Puthoff, 1974), in Proceedings of the IEEE (Puthoff & Targ, 1976), and in the proceedings of a symposium on consciousness for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Puthoff, et al, 1981).

The initial CIA-funded project was later renewed and expanded. A number of CIA officials including John McMahon, then the head of the Office of Technical Service and later the Agency’s deputy director, became strong supporters of the program. By the mid 1970s, facing the post-Watergate revelations of its “skeletons,” and after internal criticism of the program, the CIA dropped sponsorship of the SRI research effort.

Sponsorship was picked up by the Air Force, led by analyst Dale E. Graff of the Foreign Technology Division. In 1979, the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command, which had been providing some taskings to the SRI investigators, was ordered to develop its own program by the Army’s chief intelligence officer, Gen. Ed Thompson. CIA operations officers, working from McMahon’s office and other offices, also continued to provide taskings to SRI’s subjects. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005, Atwater 2001)

The program had three parts (Mumford, et al, 1995). First was the evaluation of psi research performed by the U.S.S.R. and China, which appears to have been better-funded and better-supported than the government research in the U.S. (Schnabel 1997)

In the second part of the program, SRI managed its own stable of “natural” psychics both for research purposes and to make them available for tasking by a variety of US intelligence agencies. The most famous results from these years were Pat Price’s description of a big crane at a Soviet nuclear research facility (Kress 1977/199, Targ 1996), a description of a new class of Soviet strategic submarine by a team of three viewers including Joseph McMoneagle,(Smith 2005, McMoneagle 2002) and Rosemary Smith’s [13] location of a downed Soviet bomber in Africa (which former President Carter later referred to in speeches). By the early 1980s numerous offices throughout the intelligence community were providing taskings to SRI’s psychics. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005)

The third branch of the program was a research project intended to find out if ESP – now called “remote viewing” – could be made accurate and reliable. The intelligence community offices that tasked the group seemed to believe that the phenomenon was real. But in the view of these taskers, a remote viewer could be “on” one day and “off” the next, a fact that made it hard for the technique to be officially accepted. Through SRI, individuals were studied for years in a search for physical (e.g., brain-wave) correlates that might reveal when they were “on- or off-target”.

At SRI, Ingo Swann and Hal Puthoff also developed a remote-viewing training program meant to enable any individual with a suitable background to produce useful data. As part of this project, a number of military officers and civilians were trained and formed a military remote viewing unit, based at Fort Meade, Maryland. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005, McMoneagle 2002)


There was a Star Trek TOR episode about ESP....

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