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Was The Intel/Globalist State Behind of Series of Presidential-Level Defenestrations?

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Should the JFKA be viewed in isolation, or part of a larger fabric? 

Many in the JFKA/RFK1A research community have viewed those two assassinations as Act I and Act II, of the same story.

But then comes along Watergate, with many of the same actors involved as in the JFKA/RFK1A.  Author James Hougan, and more recently, commentator Mark Groubert, regard Watergate as a military/intel op to remove President Nixon, leveraging partisan animosity of Democratic Party. 

Follows on the purging of President Carter, and the Iran-gate follies, this time the leveraging of GOP party animosities (also the WaPo. I lived in DC at the time. The WaPo went along with the "Carter is a wimp" narrative). 

Then we have Trump, and the hoary Russiagate miasma vapors, the Hunter Biden laptop and so on, which in Mark Groubert's view was another putsch by somewhat civil means. No gunfire. 

An interesting string of departures from the White House (and one prophylactic assassination). 

Interesting topic. 



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20 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

All of reality connects.  The Universe does not accept separation.

Thanks for your collegial comments...but elaborate a little. 

From the days of Freeport Sulfur, and even before, globalists have always been in the fore on US foreign-military policy, and thus keenly concerned with who sits in the Oval Office. 

I actually think there is at times a schism between the commercial globalists, who favor commercial relations with anybody, and the military side of the US intel state, who have (at times) legitimate concerns regarding commercial relations with China, Russia or Iran, and other smaller uglies.

Everything connects...but not in black and white, and often a gray results?  



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Then we have Trump, and the hoary Russiagate miasma vapors, the Hunter Biden laptop and so on, which in Mark Groubert's view was another putsch by somewhat civil means. No gunfire. 

This analysis ignores the snuff job AG William Barr pulled on the half-hearted Mueller Report ("Russiagate").

It also ignores the facts surrounding Hunter Biden's laptop.  The FBI went to Twitter honcho Jack Dorsey in 2020 and alerted him to the possibility of foreign attempts to influence the 2020 election.  When the NY Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story Dorsey thought it might be Russian disinfo, and put a twenty-four hour hold on references to it on Twitter.

Twenty-four hours.

In spite of the claims of MAGA operative Rudy Guiliani, the laptop contained no evidence of Joe Biden corruption.

This hasn't stopped MAGA operatives from claiming the twenty-four hour Twitter hold cost Trump the 2020 election. 

Just another lie that won't die.




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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

This analysis ignores the snuff job AG William Barr pulled on the half-hearted Mueller Report ("Russiagate").

It also ignores the facts surrounding Hunter Biden's laptop.  The FBI went to Twitter honcho Jack Dorsey in 2020 and alerted him to the possibility of foreign attempts to influence the 2020 election.  When the NY Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story Dorsey thought it might be Russian disinfo, and put a twenty-four hour hold on references to it on Twitter.

Twenty-four hours.

In spite of the claims of MAGA operative Rudy Guiliani, the laptop contained no evidence of Joe Biden corruption.

This hasn't stopped MAGA operatives from claiming the twenty-four hour Twitter hold cost Trump the 2020 election. 

Just another lie that won't die.





Thanks for commenting. 

Mark Groubert may be wrong in his interpretation/observation of the Trump years.

I am always reminded the truth on many events (JFKA/RFK1A, 9/11) can come out decades later, if at all (and then is spun again, of course). 

For example, the official or establishment story line on Watergate is totally refuted, and not along party narratives. IMHO, the standard party narratives are becoming more and more rigid and less and less accurate on any event or issue. 

I like seeing all points of view, even those that do not fit into my favored, if idiosyncratic, narratives.

I appreciate your contribution to this thread. 

IMHO, that is what the EF-JFKA/RFK1A is for. A forum, not a cocoon. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I believe that JFKA should be viewed as larger fabric orchestrated by the US National Security Establishment on behalf of the American Establishment

Edited by Calvin Ye
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5 hours ago, Calvin Ye said:

I believe that JFKA should be viewed as larger fabric orchestrated by the US National Security Establishment on behalf of the American Establishment


Thanks for your collegial comment.

There are those who place the JFKA at the feet of Allen Dulles, certainly the personification of the American Establishment of the time.

I have never been convinced of this, but am open to the idea (see David Talbot for amplification).

My guess the Miami station of the CIA, and related mercs and Cuban exiles, perped the JFKA.  Did a higher up send signals, reveal info about LHO to this group? Who knows? 

Or...was the JFKA a D-Party fratricide, perped by LBJ, and then acceded to by the D-Party for the sake of party survival? The D-Party had heavy majorities in the 1964 Congress, House and Senate. Yet there was no Congressional investigation of the JFKA, and they deferred to the rather obvious LBJ snuff job on a true investigation. What could explain the D-Party acquiescence to the Warren Commission "investigation" even as Hale Boggs and Richard Russell, Congressional D-Partiers, more or less dissented from the WC findings? 

Still, the "LBD did it" explanation has never quite convinced me either (apols to Robert Morrow, Mark Groubert and others).

There are some jibber-jabbering Jew-hating jackanapes who blame the JFKA (and 9/11) of calculating Israelis and Hebrews...but even stripping out the rank and sick prejudice...these explanations do not seem to hold water, or even seem sane. 

So, by default and deduction, I find myself agreeing with you. 

What is interesting (I call it the Rosetta Stone) is the follow-on RFK1A. 

And then the Nixon, Carter and Trump deposings. All Oval Office departures (or preventative assassinations) tied to the US intel state. 

So Calvin Ye, I guess we are largely in agreement, but if you have different takes, or variations on my takes, I welcome your views. 


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