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JFKA: Mark Groubert Wonders About Tucker Carlson's Conversion

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Tucker Carlson, like nearly everyone in mainstream media from Fox through NPR, had ridiculed or poohed-poohed the JFKA "conspiracy theorists"---but then suddenly one day Carlson was explaining the JFKA as a CIA job. 

Mark Groubert is skeptical of Carlson's instant enlightenment. 

Groubert runs an interesting show, and has had dozens of installments on the JFKA, usually as mini-biographies. Groubert likes to follow people as they course though events. He is refreshingly free of tiresome partisan or ideological dogma-baggage. 

Like Groubert, I also wonder if anyone in the mainstream media believes what they are saying, or they just figure they are pandering to whatever audience pays the bills. 


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So you mean Tucker hasn't been with us all along????

You're learning this for the first time Ben? So Groubert is finally validating this for you after  we were telling you this when half the forum went lunging after Tucker's low hanging fruit assertion that his source saw the files and right out on the  front page there was a "smoking gun" and it's been "fake" ever since?

So is Groubert  filling the Glenn Greenwald void since you finally realized he wasn't a super hawk such as yourself?

I have heard some 50's right wing rhetoric from him branding a U.S. black politician as  a "communist." But  my guess is he probably cleverly skirts  being the  war multi tasker you are!

So beware!

heh heh






Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Did Mark say the same thing about Jesse Ventura? He did a similar rebranding thing.

In Tucker's case I think he just found 4/Chan and like Elon Musk wanted to be part of the Cool kids club that is red pilled and speaks in dogwhistles to avoid offending the NPC normies.  

After looking into this for a minute.. I don't agree with @Mark Groubert 's characterization of an overnight shift. And Tucker was ultimatly fired for his alt right shift after exposing J6 lies by Rupert Murdoch 


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From my Lone Nutter files:

TUCKER CARLSON – LONE NUTTER – but he went completely WOKE on the JFK assassination on December 15, 2022.

Old Tucker Carlson spewing baloney on the JFK assassination: https://ok.ru/video/2327044754132

Charles Burris column on old Tucker Carlson being a Warren Commission stooge: https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/tucker-carlson-warren-commission-shill-and-stooge/

But on the night o 12-15-2022 Tucker Carlson went COMPLETELY WOKE on the JFK assassination - https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/this-is-the-most-powerful-and-important-edition-of-tucker-carlson-tonight-ever-broadcast/

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

So you mean Tucker hasn't been with us all along????

You're learning this for the first time Ben? So Groubert is finally validating this for you after  we were telling you this when half the forum went lunging after Tucker's low hanging fruit assertion that his source saw the files and right out on the  front page there was a "smoking gun" and it's been "fake" ever since?

So is Groubert  filling the Glenn Greenwald void since you finally realized he wasn't a super hawk such as yourself?

I have heard some 50's right wing rhetoric from him branding a U.S. black politician as  a "communist." But  my guess is he probably cleverly skirts  being the  war multi tasker you are!

So beware!

heh heh







9 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Did Mark say the same thing about Jesse Ventura? He did a similar rebranding thing.

In Tucker's case I think he just found 4/Chan and like Elon Musk wanted to be part of the Cool kids club that is red pilled and speaks in dogwhistles to avoid offending the NPC normies.  

After looking into this for a minute.. I don't agree with @Mark Groubert 's characterization of an overnight shift. And Tucker was ultimatly fired for his alt right shift after exposing J6 lies by Rupert Murdoch 



Thanks for your collegial commentary. 

I do not agree with everything Mark Groubert says, and MG is a showman, and sensationalizes at times, as one must expect. I thought this was an interesting segment by a JFKA/RFK1A researcher. 

And it still makes e wonder why every time a legacy media figure "comes to Jesus" on the JFKA...they are fired. Like Carlson.

Groubert probably exaggerated the rapidity of Carlson's conversion....


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:



Thanks for your collegial commentary. 

I do not agree with everything Mark Groubert says, and MG is a showman, and sensationalizes at times, as one must expect. I thought this was an interesting segment by a JFKA/RFK1A researcher. 

And it still makes e wonder why every time a legacy media figure "comes to Jesus" on the JFKA...they are fired. Like Carlson.

Groubert probably exaggerated the rapidity of Carlson's conversion....



Old Tucker Carlson spewing baloney on the JFK assassination: https://ok.ru/video/2327044754132 

Tucker was a hardcore Lone Nutter not too long ago.

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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:


Old Tucker Carlson spewing baloney on the JFK assassination: https://ok.ru/video/2327044754132 

Tucker was a hardcore Lone Nutter not too long ago.


Verily, and thanks for your collegial commentary. 

We may disagree on some aspects of the JFKA, but we can agree with cordial communications. 

Again...yes, the Carlson conversion appears overnight.

Some people have said that they have had instant religious conversions. So, it is difficult to flat out state Carlson is unauthentic. 

As I say, at times I wonder if from Fox to NPR, they are just seeking ratings by pandering to the worst biases of their viewers...


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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Verily, and thanks for your collegial commentary. 

We may disagree on some aspects of the JFKA, but we can agree with cordial communications. 

Again...yes, the Carlson conversion appears overnight.

Some people have said that they have had instant religious conversions. So, it is difficult to flat out state Carlson is unauthentic. 

As I say, at times I wonder if from Fox to NPR, they are just seeking ratings by pandering to the worst biases of their viewers...


Carlson came out on 911, has Mark been brave enough to do that? 

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12 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Carlson came out on 911, has Mark been brave enough to do that? 


Thanks for your comment.

I am not sure on 9/11. I am not in the camp that suspects a large 9/11 conspiracy, as I always suspect tight and small conspiracies, if there is a conspiracy. 

Do you mean whether the Saudis were behind the 9/11?

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39 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Thanks for your comment.

I am not sure on 9/11. I am not in the camp that suspects a large 9/11 conspiracy, as I always suspect tight and small conspiracies, if there is a conspiracy. 

Do you mean whether the Saudis were behind the 9/11?

I'm referring specifically to building 7, it's okay to not fully understand the event..

911 is alot like the JFKA there are alot of different groups and people involved. Basically, Saudi Intelligence, Pakistani Intelligence, Israel Intelligence are directly involved with the plot on the ground level. The Buildings are full of Intelligence Companies and the people of PNAC that wrote a Clean Break Strategy document that called for a "Pearl Harbor" type event to enable American Military to defend it's foreign investments. (The term American Century comes from Henry Luce of Time/Life) Those people join the government in the Bush2 admin and change things like how hijacked airplanes are responded to and chain of command that enabled the slow response that allowed the planes to hit their targets. Just like how the JFKA connects to Watergate and Iran/Contra alot of those people show up in 911..  

Today Julian Assange got a plea deal and I remember before his arrest most people in Conspiracy circles wondered the same suspicions about Assange that is being asked about Tucker. Until the Podesta files, everything that was being released by Wiki leaks was at lowest secret clearance about stuff we already knew about. So people were very skeptical that he wasn't OP (I'm sure Carlson talking UFO's also raises peoples suspicions) 


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Just now, Matthew Koch said:

I'm referring specifically to building 7, it's okay to not fully understand the event..

911 is alot like the JFKA there are alot of different groups and people involved. Basically, Saudi Intelligence, Pakistani Intelligence, Israel Intelligence are directly involved with the plot on the ground level. The Buildings are full of Intelligence Companies and the people of PNAC that wrote a Clean Break Strategy document that called for a "Pearl Harbor" type event to enable American Military to defend it's foreign investments. (The term American Century comes from Henry Luce of Time/Life) Those people join the government in the Bush2 admin and change things like how hijacked airplanes are responded to and chain of command that enabled the slow response that allowed the planes to hit their targets. Just like how the JFKA connects to Watergate and Iran/Contra alot of those people show up in 911..  

Today Julian Assange got a plea deal and I remember before his arrest most people in Conspiracy circles wondered the same suspicions about Assange that is being asked about Tucker. Until the Podesta files, everything that was being released by Wiki leaks was at lowest secret clearance about stuff we already knew about. So people were very skeptical that he wasn't OP (I'm sure Carlson talking UFO's also raises peoples suspicions) 



Thanks for you collegial comments.

On this particular issue, we likely disagree. 

Again, all IMHO---

1. I believe in small and tight conspiracies, if there is a conspiracy regarding any particular event, particularly as pertains to witting pre-event participants. I believe in small. 

2. I read up about about controlled building demolitions (though that hardly makes me an expert). The literature reveals controlled explosions require extensive wiring by floor, exquisitely timed explosions, and have never been done on a building even 1/10th the scale of either one of the old twin towers. I find it hard to believe the 100+ stories of the twin towers were wired up with explosives and no one ever noticed, pre-event. That is a gigantic job, larger by orders of magnitude than ever attempted before. 

3. On Tower 7, I am mostly uninformed, but the general explanation seems to be the building had an unusual design and natural gas systems inside, and in the horrible action some flame or destruction was introduced to Tower 7, and that brought the building down. Additionally, to trigger a US invasion of Iraq and the Mideast would not require Tower 7 to be demolished. The Twin Towers would suffice. So why bother with Tower 7? 

But hey, just IMHO. 

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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Thanks for you collegial comments.

On this particular issue, we likely disagree. 

Again, all IMHO---

1. I believe in small and tight conspiracies, if there is a conspiracy regarding any particular event, particularly as pertains to witting pre-event participants. I believe in small. 

2. I read up about about controlled building demolitions (though that hardly makes me an expert). The literature reveals controlled explosions require extensive wiring by floor, exquisitely timed explosions, and have never been done on a building even 1/10th the scale of either one of the old twin towers. I find it hard to believe the 100+ stories of the twin towers were wired up with explosives and no one ever noticed, pre-event. That is a gigantic job, larger by orders of magnitude than ever attempted before. 

3. On Tower 7, I am mostly uninformed, but the general explanation seems to be the building had an unusual design and natural gas systems inside, and in the horrible action some flame or destruction was introduced to Tower 7, and that brought the building down. Additionally, to trigger a US invasion of Iraq and the Mideast would not require Tower 7 to be demolished. The Twin Towers would suffice. So why bother with Tower 7? 

But hey, just IMHO. 

1. I don't, and I believe that JFKA and 911 are very big plots that are compartmentalized and mixed together to prevent researchers from figuring out the USA Government did the event. I don't believe in Rogue Conspiracies 

2. If you look into the buildings, ever since the bombing in the early 90's tenants moved out and the building did upgrade construction until the collapse. People have said that their companies moved floors because of the "construction". There is also a stange power down event before the attack and Neil Bush ran the company that did security for the building until just before the attacks. Everything is there if you just spend the time to look. There was a group called Gelitin that lived in the building at the time and if you search the B thing you can see the weird self published book they put out. etc, etc.. 



3. You've said you were a financial reporter. Building 7 held SEC cases and the destruction of the buildings and all the financial stuff, enabled the Federal Reserve to use their emergency powers and basically clear the records of all the debt and records in the buildings and companies. It was a gigantic financial crime (in addition to the Pentagon saying the day before it lost trillions of $'s) PTECH recovered some files and found massive financial transactions going on while the towers were being evacuated. Dylan Ratigan found insider trading which is really interesting if you watch this video about what Intelligence Connected Companies were tenants in the buildings https://rumble.com/v2f4cwm-911-explosive-connections.html



You're free to believe what you want.. I'm just going to mention evidence when it's there.

I appreciate your ability to have a colloquial tone on issues that you don't agree with.


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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

1. I don't, and I believe that JFKA and 911 are very big plots that are compartmentalized and mixed together to prevent researchers from figuring out the USA Government did the event. I don't believe in Rogue Conspiracies 

2. If you look into the buildings, ever since the bombing in the early 90's tenants moved out and the building did upgrade construction until the collapse. People have said that their companies moved floors because of the "construction". There is also a stange power down event before the attack and Neil Bush ran the company that did security for the building until just before the attacks. Everything is there if you just spend the time to look. There was a group called Gelitin that lived in the building at the time and if you search the B thing you can see the weird self published book they put out. etc, etc.. 



3. You've said you were a financial reporter. Building 7 held SEC cases and the destruction of the buildings and all the financial stuff, enabled the Federal Reserve to use their emergency powers and basically clear the records of all the debt and records in the buildings and companies. It was a gigantic financial crime (in addition to the Pentagon saying the day before it lost trillions of $'s) PTECH recovered some files and found massive financial transactions going on while the towers were being evacuated. Dylan Ratigan found insider trading which is really interesting if you watch this video about what Intelligence Connected Companies were tenants in the buildings https://rumble.com/v2f4cwm-911-explosive-connections.html



You're free to believe what you want.. I'm just going to mention evidence when it's there.

I appreciate your ability to have a colloquial tone on issues that you don't agree with.



Indeed, thanks for your collegial commentary regarding 9/11, and other topics too. 

Given your sentiments, and earnest nature, I will re-assess my take on the 9/11 event.

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21 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

PTECH recovered some files and found massive financial transactions going on while the towers were being evacuated.

Completely unsurprising. I was a day trader back on 9/11. After the SECOND PLANE hit the World Trade Center, traders WORLDWIDE immediately and I mean IMMEDIATELY started selling stocks and shorting stocks of any companies they thought might be most affected. Perhaps at the time some of them were BUYING a few select defense stocks and of course buying gold.

I personally was able to get out of positions on 9/11/2001 that if I had kept until 9/12/2001 would have cost me, just one person, $50,000 in one day. The market had been selling off for days before 9/11 and was quit stretch out to the downside, therefore, I was LONG a bunch of stocks when the terrorist attacks occurred. "Long" was the "Wrong" place to be before 9/11!

God knows the massive amount of trades the big players were making 1) after one plane went into the World Trade Center and 2) most especially have the SECOND PLANE hit the World Trade Center.


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3 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

God knows the massive amount of trades the big players were making 1) after one plane went into the World Trade Center and 2) most especially have the SECOND PLANE hit the World Trade Center.

That reminds me of the Trader in 'Inside job' that talked about walking outside and seeing the first trade tower on fire and his first thought was about Gold is going up, lol 


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