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Retroactive Recognition

James DiEugenio

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      Geez...  Incredibly, Ben Cole still hasn't realized that Donald Trump's Secret Service staff under James Murray illegally deleted their J6 texts and Emails to cover up their complicity in Trump's J6 insurrection.  These guys had documented foreknowledge that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were planning to use violence on J6 to help Trump remain in power after he lost the 2020 election.   They also knew prior to Trump's Ellipse Speech on J6 that Trump's mob was armed with guns.

      They did nothing while Trump's armed mob attacked the U.S. Capitol, other than trying to remove Mike Pence from the Capitol so that he couldn't certify Biden's election.  Then they deleted their texts and Emails from January 5th and 6th AFTER they were told to preserve them...

      This wasn't just Secret Service negligence.  It was deliberate complicity in extremely serious crimes against the United States, followed by obstruction of justice.

      Along with finally studying the history of Trump's J6 insurrection, Ben Cole needs to study the damning transcripts of Tony Ornato's evasive testimony to the Congressional J6 committee (above.)

U.S. Secret Service members erased text messages from Jan. 5-6 after messages were requested, says watchdog - CBS News

Secret Service Slammed Over Report of Deleted Jan. 6 Text Messages - Newsweek


Edited by W. Niederhut
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15 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

      Geez...  Incredibly, Ben Cole still hasn't realized that Donald Trump's Secret Service staff under James Murray illegally deleted their J6 texts and Emails to cover up their complicity in Trump's J6 insurrection.  These guys had documented foreknowledge that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were planning to use violence on J6 to help Trump remain in power after he lost the 2020 election.   They also knew prior to Trump's Ellipse Speech on J6 that Trump's mob was armed with guns.

      They did nothing while Trump's armed mob attacked the U.S. Capitol, other than trying to remove Mike Pence from the Capitol so that he couldn't certify Biden's election.  Then they deleted their texts and Emails from January 5th and 6th AFTER they were told to preserve them...

      This wasn't just Secret Service negligence.  It was deliberate complicity in extremely serious crimes against the United States, followed by obstruction of justice.

      Along with finally studying the history of Trump's J6 insurrection, Ben Cole needs to study the damning transcripts of Tony Ornato's evasive testimony to the Congressional J6 committee (above.)

U.S. Secret Service members erased text messages from Jan. 5-6 after messages were requested, says watchdog - CBS News

Secret Service Slammed Over Report of Deleted Jan. 6 Text Messages - Newsweek



I understand your views on Jan. 6. I accept those are you views, and I do not denigrate them. They are different from my views, but that is what a forum is for, to see and appreciate many views. 

If you want to set up a space inside the EF for a discussion on Jan. 6, perhaps we can have a debate there. 

IMHO, Jan. 6 has nothing to do with 11/22/63 or 7/13/24.  The director running the Secret Service on Jan. 6, James Murray, who was a 30-year vet of the agency, is long gone, having been replaced by Biden 2022, who installed Cheatle. Under US law, the President personally selects the SS director. 

In this thread, the topic is how the JFKA/RFK1A research communities raised public awareness enough that Cheatle has had to resign after the inexplicable Secret Service lapses on 7/13/24. 

Also, the Congress evidently took an immediate bipartisan interest in the 7/13/24 event, and demanded answers from Cheatle.

How different from 11/22/63! That is what we are talking about in this tread. 

The bipartisan committee released a statement (see my earlier post) that Cheatle either could not or refused to answer even basic questions. 

Did anything like that happen on, say, 12/5/63?

None of this means there was a conspiracy to assassinate Trump. My guess is, dare I say, the 7/13/24 event was a lone nut case. As soon as I utter the words, a part of me feels remiss. 

Are you willing to state without hesitation, and total conviction, that Thomas Crooks was only a "lone nut"?  

IMHO, an investigation into all possibilities is warranted. 




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     I'm responding to your comments in red (below.)


Ben Cole wrote:


I understand your views on Jan. 6. I accept those are you views, and I do not denigrate them. They are different from my views, but that is what a forum is for, to see and appreciate many views. 

These aren't mere "views" about January 6th, Ben.  They are facts. 

If you disagree with the facts I posted about the Secret Service and J6, you're in territory that sounds like a river in Egypt.

And, for context, I posted these comments in direct response to your rather astonishing praise (above) for Trump's Secret Service Chief, James Murray, whom you just described as "highly respected."  Are you aware that Murray's Secret Service staff illegally deleted their J6 texts and Emails, after being told to preserve them?

If you want to set up a space inside the EF for a discussion on Jan. 6, perhaps we can have a debate there. 

The subject of the thread is Secret Service malfeasance.  I'm pointing out that those who are triumphantly denouncing Secret Service negligence in Butler, Pennsylvania should also engage in a little "retroactive recognition" of the far more egregious malfeasance of the Secret Service on J6.

IMHO, Jan. 6 has nothing to do with 11/22/63 or 7/13/24.  The director running the Secret Service on Jan. 6, James Murray, who was a 30-year vet of the agency, is long gone, having been replaced by Biden 2022, who installed Cheatle. Under US law, the President personally selects the SS director. 

Indeed.  And your allegedly "highly respected" Trump appointee, James Murray, presided over an agency that did nothing to protect U.S. government officials from an armed mob on J6-- despite knowing in advance that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers intended to use violence to help Trump remain in office.  They then claimed to "not recall" memos that had advised them about these threats of J6 violence, and they deleted their texts and Emails to obstruct an investigation.

In this thread, the topic is how the JFKA/RFK1A research communities raised public awareness enough that Cheatle has had to resign after the inexplicable Secret Service lapses on 7/13/24. 

No doubt, the Congressional clamor helped facilitate her resignation.

Also, the Congress evidently took an immediate bipartisan interest in the 7/13/24 event, and demanded answers from Cheatle.

Hip Hip Hooray!  A rare accomplishment for Mike Johnson's Do Nothing MAGA House.

How different from 11/22/63! That is what we are talking about in this tread. 

Yes, decidedly different.   The CIA and Vice President weren't involved in this assassination attempt.

The bipartisan committee released a statement (see my earlier post) that Cheatle either could not or refused to answer even basic questions. 

Did anything like that happen on, say, 12/5/63?

Ben, do you really think LBJ, Allen Dulles, Hoover, et.al., wanted public scrutiny of the Secret Service and Dealey Plaza after 11/22/63?

You're forgetting that the powerful people who conspired to murder JFK were very eager to shut down any bona fide public scrutiny-- and they also had their Oswald/Lone Nut narrative hit the press shortly after the murder.

None of this means there was a conspiracy to assassinate Trump. My guess is, dare I say, the 7/13/24 event was a lone nut case. As soon as I utter the words, a part of me feels remiss. 

So, I dare say, you agree with my initial comments about the case, then?

Are you willing to state without hesitation, and total conviction, that Thomas Crooks was only a "lone nut"?  

C'mon, Ben.  I said on Day One that Crooks seemed to fit the profile of many mass shooters in the U.S.-- a white male loner, bullied at school, from a conservative household with guns.  I also added a hypothesis that the kid was probably sufficiently intelligent to view Trump as a threat to the country and the planet.

That insight puts him in the top 50% of the U.S. population intellectually.

IMHO, an investigation into all possibilities is warranted. 

Sure, and we'll see if any of these Deep State MAGA conspiracy theories pan out.  A number of forum members are keeping us up-to-date.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I'm responding to your comments in red (below.)


Ben Cole wrote:


I understand your views on Jan. 6. I accept those are you views, and I do not denigrate them. They are different from my views, but that is what a forum is for, to see and appreciate many views. 

These aren't mere "views" about January 6th, Ben.  They are facts. 

If you disagree with the facts I posted about the Secret Service and J6, you're in territory that sounds like a river in Egypt.

And, for context, I posted these comments in direct response to your rather astonishing praise (above) for Trump's Secret Service Chief, James Murray, whom you just described as "highly respected."  Are you aware that Murray's Secret Service staff illegally deleted their J6 texts and Emails, after being told to preserve them?

If you want to set up a space inside the EF for a discussion on Jan. 6, perhaps we can have a debate there. 

The subject of the thread is Secret Service malfeasance.  I'm pointing out that those who are triumphantly denouncing Secret Service negligence in Butler, Pennsylvania should also engage in a little "retroactive recognition" of the far more egregious malfeasance of the Secret Service on J6.

IMHO, Jan. 6 has nothing to do with 11/22/63 or 7/13/24.  The director running the Secret Service on Jan. 6, James Murray, who was a 30-year vet of the agency, is long gone, having been replaced by Biden 2022, who installed Cheatle. Under US law, the President personally selects the SS director. 

Indeed.  And your allegedly "highly respected" Trump appointee, James Murray, presided over an agency that did nothing to protect U.S. government officials from an armed mob on J6-- despite knowing in advance that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers intended to use violence to help Trump remain in office.  They then claimed to "not recall" memos that had advised them about these threats of J6 violence, and they deleted their texts and Emails to obstruct an investigation.

In this thread, the topic is how the JFKA/RFK1A research communities raised public awareness enough that Cheatle has had to resign after the inexplicable Secret Service lapses on 7/13/24. 

No doubt, the Congressional clamor helped facilitate her resignation.

Also, the Congress evidently took an immediate bipartisan interest in the 7/13/24 event, and demanded answers from Cheatle.

Hip Hip Hooray!  A rare accomplishment for Mike Johnson's Do Nothing MAGA House.

How different from 11/22/63! That is what we are talking about in this tread. 

Yes, decidedly different.   The CIA and Vice President weren't involved in this assassination attempt.

The bipartisan committee released a statement (see my earlier post) that Cheatle either could not or refused to answer even basic questions. 

Did anything like that happen on, say, 12/5/63?

Ben, do you really think LBJ, Allen Dulles, Hoover, et.al., wanted public scrutiny of the Secret Service and Dealey Plaza after 11/22/63?

You're forgetting that the powerful people who conspired to murder JFK were very eager to shut down any bona fide public scrutiny-- and they also had their Oswald/Lone Nut narrative hit the press shortly after the murder.

None of this means there was a conspiracy to assassinate Trump. My guess is, dare I say, the 7/13/24 event was a lone nut case. As soon as I utter the words, a part of me feels remiss. 

So, I dare say, you agree with my initial comments about the case, then?

Are you willing to state without hesitation, and total conviction, that Thomas Crooks was only a "lone nut"?  

C'mon, Ben.  I said on Day One that Crooks seemed to fit the profile of many mass shooters in the U.S.-- a white male loner, bullied at school, from a conservative household with guns.  I also added a hypothesis that the kid was probably sufficiently intelligent to view Trump as a threat to the country and the planet.

That insight puts him in the top 50% of the U.S. population intellectually.

IMHO, an investigation into all possibilities is warranted. 

Sure, and we'll see if any of these Deep State MAGA conspiracy theories pan out.  A number of forum members are keeping us up-to-date.


You have your views, and I have mine. 

We are different pages on Jan. 6. That is fine. 

I thought this thread was about SS incompetence or complicity on 11/22/63 or 7/13/24---that is during assassination attempts, and then the public and Congressional aftermath. The cover-ups. 

You are the moderator, so if you believe Jan. 6 belongs in this thread, then it is so. 

The SS did in fact wash smartphones and who knows what else after Jan. 6. My sense is that they are hiding something, but not complicity with Trump. 

Speaking shorthand, the SS is part of the intel state. Murray had been the SS forever, far preceding Trump. A 30-year vet. 

Why would Murray have any fealty to Trump, widely regarded as one of the least likable figures in WH history? Trump appeared to alienate almost anyone who worked with or for him.

My guess would be Murray was protecting the SS, not Trump, when phones were washed. 

What was the SS doing on Jan. 6? Planning an insurrection with Trump? Murray, a 30-year vet, was planning an insurrection with Trump? Does not that strike you as farfetched? 

It strikes me a farfetched. But, just IMHO. 

Each to his own. 






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It looks like Thomas Matthew Crooks was a Lone Nutter on the JFK assassination and the NY Post who reported on Crooks is also a "Lone Nutter" media outlet on the JFK assassination:


Journalist Josh Christenson for the NY Post:


Oswald’s fatal shots at Kennedy’s motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963, were made from about 88 yards. Crooks was even farther away, about 130 yards — though still a shot that most practiced marksmen could make. 

As a Marine veteran, Oswald was a trained marksman and fired three shots, the last of which killed Kennedy.

He was also a known entity to both the FBI and CIA before the assassination.



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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I'm responding to your comments in red (below.)


Ben Cole wrote:


I understand your views on Jan. 6. I accept those are you views, and I do not denigrate them. They are different from my views, but that is what a forum is for, to see and appreciate many views. 

These aren't mere "views" about January 6th, Ben.  They are facts. 

If you disagree with the facts I posted about the Secret Service and J6, you're in territory that sounds like a river in Egypt.

And, for context, I posted these comments in direct response to your rather astonishing praise (above) for Trump's Secret Service Chief, James Murray, whom you just described as "highly respected."  Are you aware that Murray's Secret Service staff illegally deleted their J6 texts and Emails, after being told to preserve them?

If you want to set up a space inside the EF for a discussion on Jan. 6, perhaps we can have a debate there. 

The subject of the thread is Secret Service malfeasance.  I'm pointing out that those who are triumphantly denouncing Secret Service negligence in Butler, Pennsylvania should also engage in a little "retroactive recognition" of the far more egregious malfeasance of the Secret Service on J6.

IMHO, Jan. 6 has nothing to do with 11/22/63 or 7/13/24.  The director running the Secret Service on Jan. 6, James Murray, who was a 30-year vet of the agency, is long gone, having been replaced by Biden 2022, who installed Cheatle. Under US law, the President personally selects the SS director. 

Indeed.  And your allegedly "highly respected" Trump appointee, James Murray, presided over an agency that did nothing to protect U.S. government officials from an armed mob on J6-- despite knowing in advance that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers intended to use violence to help Trump remain in office.  They then claimed to "not recall" memos that had advised them about these threats of J6 violence, and they deleted their texts and Emails to obstruct an investigation.

In this thread, the topic is how the JFKA/RFK1A research communities raised public awareness enough that Cheatle has had to resign after the inexplicable Secret Service lapses on 7/13/24. 

No doubt, the Congressional clamor helped facilitate her resignation.

Also, the Congress evidently took an immediate bipartisan interest in the 7/13/24 event, and demanded answers from Cheatle.

Hip Hip Hooray!  A rare accomplishment for Mike Johnson's Do Nothing MAGA House.

How different from 11/22/63! That is what we are talking about in this tread. 

Yes, decidedly different.   The CIA and Vice President weren't involved in this assassination attempt.

The bipartisan committee released a statement (see my earlier post) that Cheatle either could not or refused to answer even basic questions. 

Did anything like that happen on, say, 12/5/63?

Ben, do you really think LBJ, Allen Dulles, Hoover, et.al., wanted public scrutiny of the Secret Service and Dealey Plaza after 11/22/63?

You're forgetting that the powerful people who conspired to murder JFK were very eager to shut down any bona fide public scrutiny-- and they also had their Oswald/Lone Nut narrative hit the press shortly after the murder.

None of this means there was a conspiracy to assassinate Trump. My guess is, dare I say, the 7/13/24 event was a lone nut case. As soon as I utter the words, a part of me feels remiss. 

So, I dare say, you agree with my initial comments about the case, then?

Are you willing to state without hesitation, and total conviction, that Thomas Crooks was only a "lone nut"?  

C'mon, Ben.  I said on Day One that Crooks seemed to fit the profile of many mass shooters in the U.S.-- a white male loner, bullied at school, from a conservative household with guns.  I also added a hypothesis that the kid was probably sufficiently intelligent to view Trump as a threat to the country and the planet.

That insight puts him in the top 50% of the U.S. population intellectually.

IMHO, an investigation into all possibilities is warranted. 

Sure, and we'll see if any of these Deep State MAGA conspiracy theories pan out.  A number of forum members are keeping us up-to-date.


Starting next week I am overloaded with writing assignments for the next year or so.  

You will be largely free of my wearisome comments. 

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