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The Corporate Media Is Not Covering Trump's Lunacy

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A brief look at stuff Donald Trump has said lately

This is by no means exhaustive. It's just a short collection of some of the extremely presidential things Donald Trump has said recently. Needless to say, none of it is even remotely true.

  • "The transgender thing is an incredible thing. Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation."
  • "Hard to believe, they have some states passing legislation where you can execute the baby after birth. It’s crazy."
  • "Look at Kamala ... every place she has touched has turned to dooky!"
  • "Over the past 4 years, Kamala and Crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror, committing one economic atrocity after another."
  • "There will be no future under Comrade Kamala Harris, because she will take us into a Nuclear World War III!"
  • "The USA is not ready for a Communist President."
  • "MASSIVE SCANDAL! The Harris-Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating Job Statistics to hide the true extent of the Economic Ruin they have inflicted upon America."
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It looks like Jeff Bezos and his new Murdoch-esque WaPo management have gone over to the dark side.

I was expecting to see a major front-page WaPo story this morning about the new DOJ outing of Russian propaganda ops to influence the 2024 U.S. election.

There was nothing-- other than a low-level headline about Putin denying allegations of Russian propaganda ops in the U.S.!

This is starting to remind me of the well-documented corporate media shilling for Trump in 2016.

The media tycoons want those Trump tax cuts.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Finally: Top Journalist Erupts at Media for Ignoring Trump's Mental State


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September 5, 2024

For many months, media critics and liberal Democrats have insisted that Donald Trump’s mental unfitness for the presidency is—or should be treated as—a big and important news story in and of itself. If President Biden’s age merited extensive, focused coverage because his fitness for the job is naturally of interest to voters, goes this critique, then surely Trump’s visible incoherence, cognitive impairment, inability to cogently discuss the simplest public matters, and increasingly strange flights of fantasy also deserve equivalent treatment.

This argument has never received an even remotely serious hearing from newsroom leaders at big media organizations. But it might have just become a bit harder to ignore, now that a well-respected veteran journalist has—in a moment of striking candor—called out his colleagues for failing to take Trump’s mental state seriously as a story in its own right.

“We have a damaged, delusional, old man who again might get reelected to the presidency of the United States,” Mike Barnicle, who served as a longtime columnist for The Boston Globe and other newspapers, said on Morning Joe early Wednesday. Barnicle continued that Trump frequently says “deranged” things in public that “you wouldn’t repeat” on “American television” or “in front of your children.”

“How did we get here?” Barnicle asked. Then he pointed a finger at his media colleagues. “Donald Trump can say whatever crazy things he wants to say, about submarines, and sharks, and electric batteries,” Barnicle said. He noted that such things are “not really covered” as a window into “who the man is” or a sign that he’s “out of his mind.”

Edited by W. Niederhut
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The Denver Post today featured;

1) An article about an RFK, Jr. campaign "rally" in Denver yesterday.  (No evidence of a crowd in their photo.)

    Nothing about the RFK, Jr./Nuzzi affair scandal.

2) A complimentary story about Trump pledging to save Aurora, Colorado from immigrants.

      Nothing about Trump's lies about Haitians eating pets, or about low crime rates under Biden.

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‘Absolutely Insane!’ Joe Scarborough Slams Media For ‘False Equivalency’ — Ignoring ‘Crazy’ Trump Policy Answers To Attack Harris

September 23, 2024

Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough slammed the mainstream media for “false equivalency” and siding with the “anti-anti-Trumpers” by ignoring the “crazy things” former President Donald Trump says when questioned on policy and, instead, attacking Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris.

After a review of the polls following the opening of Monday morning’s show, Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski ran back clips of Harris answering a question on reducing living costs and comparing it with Trump’s “nonsensical” answer on child care assistance, talking about tariffs on foreign nations during an event with the National Association of Black Journalists.

Scarborough then attacked the mainstream media for its “false equivalency” in coverage of the candidates, lambasting the Wall Street Journal and New York Times columnist Bret Stephens for publishing a critical analysis of Harris’s policy-based responses to voters’ questions over the weekend.

People are trying to flatten, and it’s not just the anti-anti-trumpers. It’s also people in the mainstream media. They’re going, ‘Yes, Donald Trump, he’s saying all these crazy things,’ but did you see that? There were two. There were two people this weekend with significant columns going, ‘but did you see her answer to the local Philadelphia question?’ She actually gave a three-point answer, and she talked about $50,000 for start-up small businesses. She talked about tax breaks, $25,000 tax breaks for first-time homebuyers. She talked about a private investment partnership that would help create the building of 3 million new jobs. Those are specific answers to specific questions.

Yet, two people, one at the Wall Street Journal, one at The New York Times, they were like: ‘Did you hear her talking middle-class background? She never tells us anything about anything.’ Actually, that’s a lie. Absolute lie. It ignores what politicians have been doing for hundreds of years.

[…] Now, as we get into the homestretch, anti-anti-Trumpers who just can’t admit they are going to vote for a man who tried to overthrow American democracy, who did what they did on January 6th, they’re desperately trying to create the permission structure so they can vote for a man who said he was going to terminate the constitution, that the chairman of the joint chiefs should be executed.

He told his staff members that [former Vice President] Mike Pence deserved to be hanged. I could go down the list and do it for hours. Whose own lawyers said he could kill his political opponents using SEAL Team Six and could not be prosecuted for it. Could not be prosecuted while he was in the White House.

I could go down all of those lists, but they’re looking at an interview where Kamala Harris gives the answer. They just say: ‘Oh, but she told her life story at the beginning of the Philadelphia interview, like no politician has ever done.’ Did Ronald Reagan do that? Did Barack Obama? Yeah, damn straight they did. Did Bill Clinton tell stories? Yeah, damn straight. This is absolutely insane, the false equivalency. You see it from Bret Stephens. You see it at the Wall Street journal, the New York Times. The false equivalencies they are desperately pushing at the end of this campaign.

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So, now Trump is saying that Vice President Harris was "born mentally disabled," and that she should be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors."

Is this lying lunatic really the Republican nominee for the Presidency?


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Some coverage from the Washington Post about Trump's most recent speeches:

Trump mixes up words, swerves among subjects in off-topic speech

The Republican nominee appeared tired and complained about his heightened campaign schedule.


It's an interesting and disturbing read.

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