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Robert Morrow responds to Jefferson Morley who thinks Lyndon Johnson had no role in the JFK assassination

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Folks, I can provide documentation for anything listed below. Also, there are about 100 other things about Lyndon Johnson I can add to this list. In other words, this is just a starter list on the psychopathy of LBJ and the material that links him to the JFK assassination and other heinous crimes.

Robert Morrow to Jefferson Morley, who thinks LBJ had no role in the JFK assassination and who “admires Lyndon Johnson:”

Hello, Jefferson Morley,

Do you know who once blew up a stray dog with a stick of dynamite in the Johnson City town square in 1926 when he was age 17/18? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who rigged the student elections in 1929 at Texas State Teachers' College in San Marcos? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who called that student election rigging his "first Hitlerized operation" and dictat. Lyndon Johnson (On a tape that Robert Caro has heard.)

Do you know who Robert Caro, sourcing an alumnus of San Marcos State Teachers College, was speaking of when he wrote a lot of people at San Marcos didn’t just dislike him, they despised him. Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who rigged the "Little Congress" elections when he was a congressional aide in the early 1930s? Lyndon Johnson

Do you know who was smoking 3 packs of cigarettes per day in the 1950s before his massive heart attack of July, 1955? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who biographer Robert Dallek called “overbearing, in need of constant attention, tyrannical, crude, abusive?” Lyndon Johnson. [“My search for Lyndon Johnson,” Robert Dallek, American Heritage, September, 1991] https://www.americanheritage.com/my-search-lyndon-johnson

What crooked 33-year-old politician was acclaimed biographer Robert Caro speaking of when he wrote, ”And by 1941, also the major patterns of his entire life are established and clear. In attaining this influence, he has displayed a genius for discerning a path to power, an utter ruthlessness in destroying obstacles in that pathe, and a seemingly bottomless capacity for deceit, deception and betrayal in moving it along.” Lyndon Johnson. [Robert Caro, The Years of Lyndon Johnson: the Path to Power, p. xx]

Do you know who murdered Sam Smithwick in prison in 1952 because he was writing Coke Stevenson and offering to go into detail on the voting fraud that gave LBJ the Democratic Senate nomination in summer 1948? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who got convicted murderer Mac Wallace NO TIME IN JAIL on a first degree murder conviction? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who Mac Wallace immediately said he was working for after he got arrested within 30 minutes of his murder of John Kinser on 10/22/1951 at the Butler Pitch and Putt golf course in Austin? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who murdered U.S. Agricultural official Henry Marshall on June 3, 1961 because Marshall was investigating LBJ's #1 cash cow Billie Sol Estes? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden reported to his superiors as a security threat to the life of John Kennedy after overhearing a volcanic argument between this man and the Kennedys in the Oval Office on June 29, 1961? The words "Billie Sol Estes" and "cotton allotments" were mentioned in this volcanic argument. Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who the Kennedy Administration was protecting when they covered up the 1961 murder of Henry Marshall? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who orchestrated with the Israelis to sink the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 and murder everyone on board so the heinous crime could be blamed on Egypt? Lyndon Johnson. (See Joan Mellen's book Blood in the Water and Peter Hounam's book Operation Cyanide and books by Phillip Nelson on this topic Remember the Liberty!

Do you know who stole 6 million troy ounces of gold from White Sands Missile Range in the 1960s? Lyndon Johnson. (Source: John Clarence Gold House trilogy of books).

Do you know who used sexual blackmail on JFK to force his way onto the 1960 Democratic ticket in July, 1960? Lyndon Johnson. (Sources Evelyn Lincoln, JFK aide Hy Raskin, Pierre Salinger).

Do you know who would regularly make private death threats against Robert Kennedy? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who on Election night 1960 after winning the Vice Presidency was the most unhappiest man that Dallas reporter (and former LBJ aide) Margaret Mayer had ever seen? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know whose aide Bobby Baker remarked to Don Reynolds on Inauguration Day 1961 that John Kennedy would not serve out his term and that he would die a violent death? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who was acutely aware of the Kennedys efforts to completely destroy him with coordinated national media exposes and a Senate Rules Committee investigation into his epic corruption? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know which crooked politician Don Reynolds was giving testimony about to GOP Republican minority counsel Burkett van Kirk at the exact moment JFK's head was exploding in Dallas? Lyndon Johnson

Who did J. Edgar Hoover tell Don Reynolds would murder him if he did not leave the country in the wake of the JFK assassination? Lyndon Johnson. (Don Reynolds' nephew will soon be publishing a book with this anecdote in it).

Do you know who immediately was the FIRST JFK assassination conspiracy theorist as he immediately blamed the JFK assassination on a "communist" in hard right wing Dallas at 1:20 to 1:26 PM. Lyndon Johnson (Mac Kilduff is source on this).

Do you know who drank half a fifth of Cutty Sark (10 drinks) (nervous, eh?) on the plane on the way back from Dallas? Lyndon Johnson (Doyle Whitehead source).

Do you know who called his investment advisor Waddy Bullion in the aftermath of the JFK assassination and told him he had to sell his "goddamn Halliburton stock?" Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who was so hysterical on Air Force One while saying an international conspiracy is going to kill us all that Gen. Godfrey McHugh had to slap him in the face to compose him? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who Jackie Kennedy, Evelyn Lincoln, Kennedy O'Donnell and Robert Kennedy IMMEDIATELY SUSPECTED IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who told his aide Cliff Carter to call Dallas and make them blame JFK's death solely on Oswald in the hours after the JFK assassination. Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who was neighbors with fellow Kennedy-hater J. Edgar Hoover for 19 years from 1943-1961 at Thirtieth Place in Washington, D.C.? Lyndon Johnson.

Who used to have J. Edgar Hoover over for Sunday brunch or dinner often when they were neighbors? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who called Will Fritz on Sunday Morning 11/24/63 and told him to QUIT INTERROGATING Oswald? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who called Dr. Charles Crenshaw at Parkland Hospital and demanded that he get a CONFESSION out of the accused assassin Oswald (but not ask who sent you)? Lyndon Johnson

Do you know who appointed his best friends and intelligence related people like LBJ, McCoy and Ford to the Warren Commission? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who Oswald's best friend George DeMohrenschildt was trying to PERSONALLY MEEET WITH in April, 1963? Lyndon Johnson (see correspondence between them.)

Do you know who was the first to announce that in April,1963 in Dallas that JFK would be coming to Texas later that year? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who the Kennedys pointedly left out of planning meetings for the 1964 election? Lyndon Johnson.

 Do you know who was convinced the Kennedys were going to drop him for the 1964 Democratic ticket? Lyndon Johnson. (Many sources on that.)

Do you know who told Madeleine Brown that "Dallas fat cats and renegade U.S. intelligence bastards" killed JFK? Lyndon Johnson. LBJ confirmed at being at Driskill Hotel in the enening of 12/31/63.

Do you know who was close friends with Dallas, TX oil and military contractor D.H. Byrd who owned the TSBD and who also made a TON OF MONEY OFF OF VIETNAM WAR CONTRACTS? Lyndon Johnson. (D.H. Byrd's massive stock buys into LTV stock in November, 1963 are confirmed).

Do you know who resurrected the career of Gen. Edward Lansdale (fired from the Kennedy Admin. military) who was identified 5 feet west of the Texas School Book Depository at 2:30PM on 11/22/63 by Col. Fletcher Prouty and Gen. Victor Krulak? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who often privately blamed the JFK assassination on Fidel Castro? Lyndon Johnson. (Many sources on that.)

Do you know who said the JFK assassination had something to do with the Diem assassination to two different people? Lyndon Johnson?

Do you know who accused the Kennedys of running "Murder, Inc." in the Carribean while he was running "Murder, Inc." in Texas? Lyndon Johnson

Do you know who blamed the CIA for the JFK assassination twice, once to Madeleine Brown on 12/31/63 and once to his chief of staff Marvin Watson in early April, 1967? Lyndon Johnson. (see April 1967 FBI Deke Deloach memo for the record. I was the one who told this to YOU Jefferson Morley years ago. You were so stunned to learn this.)

Do you know who the KGB concluded was behind the JFK assassination by September 1965? Lyndon Johnson. (see Hoover memo to Marvin Watson 12/1/1966).

 Do you know who Barry Goldwater ultimately concluded was behind the JFK assassination by 1973? Lyndon Johnson (my interview of Jeffrey Hoff of Arizona).

Do  you know who Richard Nixon thought was behind the JFK assassination? Lyndon Johnson (pathological liar Roger Stone is source for this).

Do you know who Richard Nixon referred to as a "goddamn animal?" Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who Robert Kennedy called an animal? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who British defence minister Dennis Healey referred to as a monster? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who Jackie Kennedy did not vote for in 1964, did not ever visit him in the White House despite multiple invitations, refused being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom from (twice) and refused the Ambassadorship of France from? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who Jackie Kennedy was speaking of in 1978 when she said to her teenage son JFK, Jr. and his girlfriend “I never liked or trusted him. Never mention is name again!” Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who barked at a top TV network executive during the 1964 Democratic convention, “Get your goddamn cameras off the niggers out front (Fannie Lou Hamer civil rights protesters from Mississippi) and back on the speaker’s stand inside, Goddamn it!” Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who press aide George Reedy wrote his memoir to "exorcise himself of?" Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who CIA operative E. Howard Hunt said was at the top of the pyramid on the JFK assassination? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know whose longtime mistress Madeleine Brown, who he had a son Steven with in 1950, said he murdered JFK? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know what crooked politician whose #1 source for bribes and kickbacks Billie Sol Estes says who murdered JFK? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who the Fort Worth police were convinced was behind the JFK assassination? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who many in Mexican intelligence were convinced was behind the JFK assassination? Lyndon Johnson. (see the book Passport to Assassination by Oleg Nechiporenko.)

When civil rights activist Whitney Young polled his inner circle friends on who was behind the JFK assassination, who did they immediately say who killed JFK? Lyndon Johnson.

Who did Warren Commission staffer Howard Willens (spoken to me) say "had the chops for killing JFK?" Lyndon Johnson

Who did Warren Commission staffer Howard Willens say that "everyone in Washington, D.C.." knew was at loggerheads with the Kennedys? Lyndon Johnson.

Who did Gen. Curtis LeMay in his 1971 oral history say was being treated horribly by the Kennedys and was obviously going to be dropped by them in the fall of 1963? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who inner cirlcle LBJ pal Ed Clark legal partner Barr McClellan pins the JFK assassination on? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who McGeorge Bundy privately in 1971 compared to Joseph Stalin while he was chatting with Arthur Schlesinger? Lyndon Johnson. (See Schlesinger Diaries.)

Do you know who both Bill Moyers and Richard Goodwin (and Dean Rusk) thought was severely mentally unstable in the White House? Lyndon Johnson.

What nutty old man asked to marry Doris Kearns? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know what unhinged old politician tried to screw his black secretary Gerri Whittington at the LBJ Ranch, mere days after signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Lyndon Johnson. Gerri refused his advances and later transferred to the Pentagon to get away from LBJ.

Do you know who tried in 1964 to screw at her apartment (not very sexy) reporter Mary McGrory, just because she was known as a Kennedy-partisan reporter and he wanted to control her? Lyndon Johnson.

Who said that he got more women by "accident" than John Kennedy got on purpose? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who, in the middle of a 1971 cardiac event, blamed Lady Bird Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover for the JFK assassination? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who told John Connally that he would never have RFK on the presidential ticket with him because he did not want someone who would "murder me?" Lyndon Johnson

Who did John Connally blame as the person who was really pushing hard for JFK to come down to Texas? Lyndon Johnson. (See Doug Thompson interview with Connally, 1982).

Do you know Charles DeGaulle said was the real face of America while JFK was only the mask on the face? Lyndon Johnson.


Do you know who had absolutely no pictures of JFK in his house at the LBJ ranch on the day of his death? Lyndon Johnson. (Source on this were the Secret Service agents who worked at the LBJ Ranch.)

Do you know who Secret Service agents said would be in a mental hospital if he were not the president of the USA? Lyndo  n Johnson.

Do you know who canceled an airplane to bring Boston's top brains surgeons to a dying Robert Kennedy? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who kept asking over and over about Robert Kennedy "Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet?" Lyndon Johnson.

Do you who initially totally opposed having RFK buried at Arlington but only relented when staffers told him of the political fallout that would occur if he blocked RFK's burial there? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who was pissed that the Washington Redskins football stadium was named after Robert Kennedy when he thought HIS NAME would be a better pick? Lyndon Johnson.

Do you know who lived his whole life with a dreadful fear of humiliation, exposure and embarrassment? Lyndon Johnson.


Robert Morrow



Edited by Ron Bulman
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Cui bono - who benefits? One of the most elemental questions asked in crime investigations. No one benefited more, and no one benefited quicker, from JFK's death than LBJ.

The conspirators sure got lucky that the new president was guiding and shaping the investigation and the resulting cover up from beginning to end.

I don't believe the conspirators relied on luck.

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I knew the late forensic psychiatrist, Dr. John MacDonald, who formulated the diagnostic concept known as the "MacDonald Triad" in 1963. 

MacDonald (from New Zealand) was an interesting character, very popular with homicide detectives here in Colorado, who spent his career studying and writing books about murderers and sociopaths.

He was a psychiatric version of Alfred Hitchcock-- obsessed with psychopathy.

One of the common characteristics of sociopathic murderers that MacDonald described in his "Triad" is a history cruelty to animals-- like LBJ killing a dog with a stick of dynamite.

I wonder if LBJ ever engaged in childhood arson.

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In general terms, I have come to accept M.Scott Peck’s definition (in People of the Lie)  evil in human relationships, that is, in my clumsy paraphrase, the drive to dominate and destroy the will of  others. And the cunning to cover their actions and motivation.

LBJ certainly demonstrated such psychopathology.

But he also kowtowed to people with money power, eg the Klebergs, the George and Herman Brown, Sid Richardson, Clint Murchison, Rockefellers, Jock Whitney come to mind. That made  him like your common garden variety of bully, and easy to manipulate for others’ wider aims.

The question then becomes, as it always has, who manipulated whom and who really benefitted from the violent end of the Kennedy Project.

And the answer has always been the Republican Establishment, of whom Robert Morrow’s fulminations leave unscathed.



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I am skeptical of Abraham Bolden’s claim about the June 29, 1961 argument between JFK and LBJ. JFK’s schedule makes no mention of a private meeting with LBJ on that day. JFK’s schedule does note other days when he specifically met LBJ.


LBJ’s schedule indicates that he returned to Washington from a multi-day trip at 2:00 PM and attended an NSC meeting at 3:00 PM. JFK’s schedule does note an NSC meeting late in the afternoon. But there would have been other NSC members present.


When did Bolden make this claim?

I also don’t agree that the USS Liberty attack was a scheme by Johnson as a pretext for entering the 1967 war against Egypt. LBJ did look the other way regarding the diversion of highly enriched uranium from NUMEC to Israel and there is evidence to believe his administration impeded the efforts of the Atomic Energy Commission, the FBI and the CIA to investigate the diversion. LBJ had his plate full with Vietnam by mid-1967 and Israel had no need for US intervention.

The LBJ administration most certainly covered up the inquiry into the (deliberate) USS Liberty attack which I believe is related to the uranium diversion.

I do agree that LBJ was a scumbag.

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9 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

Cui bono - who benefits? One of the most elemental questions asked in crime investigations. No one benefited more, and no one benefited quicker, from JFK's death than LBJ.

The conspirators sure got lucky that the new president was guiding and shaping the investigation and the resulting cover up from beginning to end.

I don't believe the conspirators relied on luck.

This is an important point, Denny.  The highest priority of the killers was making sure they got JFK, that he didn't escape alive.  So they established a lethal crossfire in the cramped spaces of Dealey Plaza.

But the second priority, also vital, was getting away with the murder.  Because the official story was so different than what actually happened, the coverup was especially important to them.  The new president was vital to making the coverup work.

The conspirators needed to be confident that Johnson would do what was necessary for a successful coverup, and not come after them(!), before they would be willing to go ahead with the plan.   This was not a suicide mission.

On top of that, they needed some assurance that Johnson would go along with some of the cold war policies JFK was blocking, that had motivated the murder in the first place.

Whatever form those assurances from Johnson took, he was essential to the success of the murder. He was a vital part of the plan.

Illegally snatching the body from Dr. Rose (which Jack Valenti, sitting with Johnson on AF1 in Dallas before takeoff, called Johnson's first decision as president), so the autopsy could be controlled in DC was at the beginning of the  coverup.  It shows a plan was ready and Johnson was already implementing it.


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1 hour ago, Kevin Balch said:

I am skeptical of Abraham Bolden’s claim about the June 29, 1961 argument between JFK and LBJ. JFK’s schedule makes no mention of a private meeting with LBJ on that day. JFK’s schedule does note other days when he specifically met LBJ.


LBJ’s schedule indicates that he returned to Washington from a multi-day trip at 2:00 PM and attended an NSC meeting at 3:00 PM. JFK’s schedule does note an NSC meeting late in the afternoon. But there would have been other NSC members present.


When did Bolden make this claim?

I also don’t agree that the USS Liberty attack was a scheme by Johnson as a pretext for entering the 1967 war against Egypt. LBJ did look the other way regarding the diversion of highly enriched uranium from NUMEC to Israel and there is evidence to believe his administration impeded the efforts of the Atomic Energy Commission, the FBI and the CIA to investigate the diversion. LBJ had his plate full with Vietnam by mid-1967 and Israel had no need for US intervention.

The LBJ administration most certainly covered up the inquiry into the (deliberate) USS Liberty attack which I believe is related to the uranium diversion.

I do agree that LBJ was a scumbag.

I know a bunch of JFK researchers who were/are EXTREMELY close to Abraham Bolden. Privately for YEARS Abraham Bolden told them about a VOLCANIC ARGUMENT that he witnessed between Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedys after hours in the White House on June 29, 1961. This argument occurred 26 days after the murder of U.S. Agricultural official Henry Marshall, who Lyndon Johnson murdered and who the Kennedy Administration (JFK and RFK) covered up said murder because they did not want an LBJ-related murder scandal infecting the new Kennedy Administration.

Bolden kept a lid on this blockbuster story until AFTER he had secured a pardon from President Biden. Notably this critical anecdote is NOT in his book published years ago that is called The Echo from Dealey Plaza.

JFK researchers and friends of Abraham Bolden Andrew Kreig, Gil Jesus, John Carmen, Phil Singer (very close to Abraham), Hubert Clark (very close to Abraham - and Hubie told me this story one month before he died) and Matt Armstrong were all told from Abraham Bolden personally about a VOLCANIC ARGUMENT that Bolden witnessed betwee LBJ and the Kennedys after hours on June 29, 1961. Bolden could hear the words "Billie Sol Estes" and "cotton" being mentioned.

Lyndon Johnson's behavior was SO OVER THE TOP ABUSIVE that Abraham Bolden reported VICE PRESIDENT LYNDON JOHNSON AS A SECURITY THREAT TO THE LIFE OF JOHN KENNEDY TO HIS SUPERIORS IN THE SECRET SERVICE, including Secret Service chief Urbanus Baughman. Bolden soon transferred from the White House detail back to Chicago after this incident. This, of course, is an extremely important anecdote for understanding the JFK assassination.

Andrew Kreig interview of Abraham Bolden who tells about a frightening and VOLCANIC ARGUMENT between Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedys on June 29, 1961 (Go to 22 minute mark) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz6KsqPhEEI Weblink works as of 3/7/2024

John Carman and David Zublick interview with Abraham Bolden on June 2, 2022. At the one hour 41 minute mark: https://rumble.com/v1715j7-dark-outpost-live-06.02.2022-the-echo-from-dealey-plaza.html Regarding A Volcanic Explosion by LBJ towards the Kennedys in Oval Office on June 29, 1961

Abraham Bolden Speaks out – posted Jan 2, 2023- Gil Jesus interview. Says in June, 1961 – Overhead volcanic argument between LBJ and JFK. After the door opened, LBJ was very very angry. He “You better stop f____g with me, you son of a bitch” and he exited the Oval Office.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtSjkbWt_XE Weblink works as of 3/7/2024

Phil Singer email to Robert Morrow on 5/30/2023 regarding his interview of Abraham Bolden – some corrections and clarifications of my email on the topic


 Hello Robert:

 Good afternoon.

Thanks for the e-mail shown below.

I hope that people enjoy the video of Abraham Bolden.

A few corrections:

 I knew Mark Lane and worked for his organization, The Citizens Commission of Inquiry [C.C.I.].  We were tryin’ to get the J.F.K. case reopened.  And we did play a part in that.  It became the H.S.C.A. in the late-‘70s.

 Hubert Clark, and the other Honor Guard guys, didn’t know if the Dallas casket was empty or not. They all thought that J.F.K. was in there. They had no reason to question it.

At my reunion events, where I brought ‘em all together after over fifty years and at my “Bethesda Seven” event, they learned that there were some legitimate questions about what was goin’ on that night of the autopsy. They had to rethink ev’rything basically.

 I don’t live in Chicago technically.  I live in a suburb of Chicago.  Abraham lives in Chicago.

 My agreement with Abraham was that I would not release the filmed interview of him while he was still alive, unless he gave me permission to do so.  I think that by tellin’ me the L.B.J. story several times and then agreein’ to let me have it filmed for history, it kinda gave him the confidence to come forward and go public with it, especially after he received the pardon from President Biden last year, which was holdin’ him [Abraham]  back, I think.

 Abraham worked for the Secret Service before  -  and after  -  the L.B.J. / Kennedy brothers incident in June of ’61. The day Kennedy died in Dallas, he was workin’ for the Secret Service in Chicago.  He only worked for the White House Secret Service detail in Washington, D.C. for one month.  Abraham first met President Kennedy in Chicago

In early 1961, where J.F.K.  -  at McCormick Place  -  asked Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden if he’d like to be the first Negro on the White House Secret Service detail.  And Abraham said, “Yes.”

 Thank you very much.

 -Phil Singer


 As of May 31, 2023, Abraham Bolden has given four videotaped interviews since March of 2020 in which he describes a VOLCANIC ARGUMENT that occurred on June 29, 1961 between Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedys (JFK and RFK) in the Oval Office

 Abraham Bolden, over the past 3 years, has given 4 videotaped interviews in which he describes a VOLCANIC ARGUMENT in the Oval Office that occurred on June 29, 1961 between Lyndon Johnson and JFK and RFK. LBJ's behavior was so explosive and so threatening that Agent Bolden at the time reported Lyndon Johnson as a security threat to the life of President Kennedy to Secret Service director Urbanus Baughman.

 1) The first videotaped interview on this topic of Bolden was by Phil Singer on March 7, 2020. It was supposed to be released after Bolden's death, but Bolden chose to come public with 3 videotaped interviews on this topic in the years 2022 and 2023. Singer's interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_XTAJOtAlI Weblink works as of 3/7/2024

 2) The second interview and first public one of Bolden telling this anecdote was by former Secret Service agent John Carman, who is a friend of Bolden, on June 2, 2022. It is on Rumble at the One hour 41 minute mark: https://rumble.com/v1715j7-dark-outpost-live-06.02.2022-the-echo-from-dealey-plaza.html Weblink works as of 3/7/2024

 3) The third interview was by Gil Jesus and it was posted on YouTube on Jan. 2, 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtSjkbWt_XE Weblink works as of 3/7/2024

 4) The fourth video interview of Bolden was by Andrew Kreig and it occurred on April 7, 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz6KsqPhEEI (Go to 22 minute mark) Weblink works as of 3/7/2024

 I should emphasize that other JFK researchers who are friends with Abraham Bolden have heard this story privately from him for years. I do not know why Bolden did not choose to include this blockbuster anecdote in his 2008 book the Echo From Dealey Plaza. I think one big reason is he did not want to endanger his chances of a pardon by revealing an anecdote that is so damaging to Lyndon Johnson.

 Furthermore, this anecdote is NEWS and it is not found in any book on the Kennedys, Lyndon Johnson, the Secret Service or the JFK assassination. Bolden literally did not publicly tell this anecdote until June, 2022 - which is 61 years after the event happened. Privately, Bolden had told this story to his friends for years.


 Robert Morrow

Robert Morrow interview with Abraham Bolden on Feb. 25, 2024, Sunday morning 11:15AM to 11:53AM

Abraham Bolden was born January 19, 1935 and is now 89 years old in 2024.

[Google says that the sun will set in Washington, D.C. on June 29, 2024 at 8:38PM, but in 2024 we are on Daylight Savings Time. I do not think Washington, D.C. was on Daylight Savings Time in 1961 so the sun would have gone down at 7:38PM on June 29, 1961. 

Abraham Bolden -says it was about 6:30 – 7PM, the sun had just gone down on June 29, 1961 (so it may have been later then 7PM if the sun was setting at 7:38PM) when LBJ came storming into the White House. It was “kind of dark outside” said Bolden and it was after working hours at the White House.

LBJ Passed Secret Service station – goes all the way end then takes a left and that will take you directly to the Oval Office. Lyndon Johnson opened the door to the Oval Office. Bolden thinks the Kennedys were expecting him.

Abraham Bolden thinks that Obama personally intervened with the Obama Administration behind the scenes to get him a pardon after columnist Mary Mitchell

Mary Mitchell of the Chicago Sun Times, wrote an article about Abraham Bolden striving for a pardon. Phil Singer contacted Mary Mitchell with information about Abraham Bolden. Abraham Bolden is convinced that behind the scenes, in response to the Mary Mitchell article that Barack Obama contacted the Biden Administration and got a presidential pardon moving for Bolden.

Mary Mitchell has a lot of pull in Chicago and is a well read and well-connected columnist for the Chicago Sun Times.

[Phil Singer, interviewed on 2/25/24 (12 noon to 12:50PM) says he is often in contact with Mary Mitchell. Abraham has lived in same house for over 60 years. Abraham is a native Chicagoan. Phil wants to honor Abraham in many ways.]

Abraham Bolden, first White House Black Secret Service agent, still trying at 86 to clear his name - Chicago Sun-Times (suntimes.com) Columnist Mary Mitchell of the Chicago Sun-Times (who is plugged into the Chicago black power structure) wrote “First White House Black Secret Service agent still trying to clear his name” on April 23, 2021. One year later on April 26, 2022, President Joe Biden pardoned Abraham Bolden: https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/casedetail.aspx?caseid=6250


Bolden was asked by Morrow why didn’t you tell this anecdote about Lyndon Johnson having a violent argument with the Kennedys in the Oval Office on June 29, 1961. Bolden’s reply:

“I was a young man and I was afraid of getting my head blown off and I had a family to take care of.” Bolden admitted in his later years he was still not publicly telling his LBJ-Kennedy blow up argument story because he did not want to do anything to jeopardize the presidential pardon he had been working decades to get.

Bolden told this LBJ-Kennedys story privately to people who he had confidence in. After LBJ stormed out of the Oval Office, he looked over at Bolden and said, “Who is this boy?”

When asked why didn’t you tell your LBJ-Kennedy violent argument in your 2008 book The Echo From Dealey Plaza, Bolden replied:

“My book was not written to be an expose. It was written about my life. How it [the JFK assassination, my going to jail] has affected me and his family.”

Abraham was in jail for 3 and ½ years in jail.

Abraham says he started about June 6th, 1961 at the White House for the Secret Service.

Started June 6th, 1961 at the Oval Office.

Abraham remembers LBJ yelling at the Kennedys “Are you trying to send me to prison over some goddamn cotton?”

[This is very likely related to the Billie Sol Estes scandal for LBJ and the June 3, 1961 murder of U.S. agricultural official Henry Marshall who was investigating LBJ’s top cash cow Billie Sol Estes over his abuse of the cotton allotments program.]

[Phil Singer – many conversations with Abraham Bolden. Singer thinks Bolden was scared, there would be very serious repercussions, even in 2008 he did not put it in his book because he still wanted to get a pardon. 20 years ago his wife Barbara died; his sister died and two of his children died around age 60 within one month of each other, very soon afterward Bolden had a stroke. Phil Singer has often tried to get PR in the media for Abraham.]

Abraham Bolden’s daughter Ahvia Maria Andricenia Bolden Reynolds passed away on October 2, 2020: https://memorials.cagememorial.com/ahvia-reynolds/4352523/obit.php?&printable=true

Abraham Bolden’s son Abraham Wendell Bolden, Jr. (1958-2020) passed away on August 22, 2020: https://www.thornridgefuneralhomes.com/obituary/abraham-bolden-jr#:~:text=Abraham%20Wendell%20Bolden%2C%20Jr.%2C,he%20excelled%20academically%20in%20school.

Abraham Bolden’s wife Barbara Louis Hardy Bolden (1935-2005) passed away on December 27, 2005: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/13115928/barbara-louise-bolden



Edited by Robert Morrow
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2 hours ago, David McLean said:

In general terms, I have come to accept M.Scott Peck’s definition (in People of the Lie)  evil in human relationships, that is, in my clumsy paraphrase, the drive to dominate and destroy the will of  others. And the cunning to cover their actions and motivation.

LBJ certainly demonstrated such psychopathology.

But he also kowtowed to people with money power, eg the Klebergs, the George and Herman Brown, Sid Richardson, Clint Murchison, Rockefellers, Jock Whitney come to mind. That made  him like your common garden variety of bully, and easy to manipulate for others’ wider aims.

The question then becomes, as it always has, who manipulated whom and who really benefitted from the violent end of the Kennedy Project.

And the answer has always been the Republican Establishment, of whom Robert Morrow’s fulminations leave unscathed.



Lyndon Johnson in November of 1963 was acutely aware he was within inches of being personally and politically destroyed by the Kennedys who were not merely going to drop LBJ from the 1964 ticket but set to douse LBJ with all his political corruption scandals and set him on fire with a match and kerosene.

Kleberg hated LBJ and was not involved in the JFK assassination. George Brown may have been and he certainly figured out LBJ did it. Sid Richardson was dead by 1959. Clint Murchison, Sr. may or may not have been involved in the JFK assassination. LBJ was very close to the Rockefellers but I don't think they were involved in the JFK assassination. I don't know much about the Jock Whitney-LBJ connection.

I do have D.H. Byrd involved in the JFK assassination: he was the owner of the TSBD and was friends with all the JFK haters in the Air Force which was a center of LBJ hatred.

LBJ top aide Horace Busby strongly implies that Lyndon Johnson was acutely aware by Nov. 4, 1963 that the Kennedys had sent a SWAT team of over **FORTY** national reporters to Texas to utterly destroy him  https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2020/07/lyndon-johnson-was-acutely-aware-by-nov.html  I wonder how LBJ would have reacted?

Burkett van Kirk (GOP Senate Rules Committee counsel) and James Wagenvoord (Life Magazine assistant editor) prove the Kennedys were out to destroy LBJ in November of 1963 http://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2021/08/senate-counsel-burkett-van-kirk-and.html

National Review’s Phil Brennan knew in real time all about the Kennedys’ ongoing plan to destroy LBJ with the media in fall of 1963: https://www.newsmax.com/Pre-2008/Some-Relevant-Facts-About/2003/11/18/id/677423/

Election Night 11/8/60 – VP-Elect Lyndon Johnson was the most UNHAPPY man that reporter Margaret Mayer had ever seen https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/election-night-1181960-lyndon-johnson.html

LBJ insiders Dallas investors D.H. Byrd and James Ling bought 132,000 shares of LTV stock at $16/share in November, 1963. By 1967 the military contractor was trading at a whopping $169/share https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2024/03/lyndon-johnsons-dallas-tx-insider-pals.html

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Robert Morrow— could you say

(1) source for LBJ “regularly made death threats against Robert Kennedy”? Is that the same as the finger across the throat story re RFK, or different? (A gesture of a finger across the throat could be argued to mean politically destroy someone, not a literal death threat, or do you have a source for an unmistakeable spoken death threat?) 

(2) source for LBJ “in the middle of a cardiac event, blamed Lady Bird Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover for the JFK assassination”?

(3) context for Willens saying LBJ “had the chops for killing JFK”? What did Willens mean by that? 

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1) Greg, why would John Connally not answer what Lyndon Johnson said about Robert Kennedy? I think I know why. The perpetual and nonstop death threats LBJ was making privately about Robert Kennedy:


 "I'll cut his throat if it's the last thing I do."

 Robert Caro describes the LBJ-RFK relationship post 1960 Democratic convention, where RFK had moved heaven and earth attempting to keep LBJ off the 1960 Democratic ticket. Caro:

 John Connally, who during long days of conversation with this author was willing to answer almost any question put to him, no matter how delicate the topic, wouldn't answer when asked what Johnson said about Robert Kennedy. When the author pressed him, he finally said flatly: "I am not going to tell you what he said about him." During the months after the convention, when Johnson was closeted alone back in Texas with an old ally he would sometimes be asked about Robert Kennedy. He would reply with a gesture. Raising his big right hand, he would draw the side of it across the neck in a slowing, slitting movement. Sometimes that gesture would be his only reply; sometimes, as during a meeting with Ed Clark in Austin, he would say, as his hand moved across his neck, "I'll cut his throat if it's the last thing I do."  [Robert Caro, The Passage of Power, p. 140]

2) Lyndon Johnson in hospital after a heart attack: “It wasn’t my fault [to murder JFK]. Lady Bird and Hoover came up with the original plan!”

Robert Burnside in JFK and the World Oligarchy, pp. 189-190:


          When I was working up north, a southerner flew up, and I had dinner with that person and two of that person’s closest friends. This source said that when Lyndon Johnson had a heart attack, he was flown to the Brooke Army hospital in San Antonio, Texas, and before Lyndon died, he expressed repentance. In the process, Lyndon said Lady Bird and J. Edgar Hoover were more responsible than he because they were the ones who came up with the original plan.

          After Lyndon’s death, military intelligence supposedly told everyone who was present that if anyone talked about what was said, they would be killed, as would their families. With good reason, the people who heard Lyndon’s confession have been quiet for thirty years. (This same tactic may have been used to silence the doctors at Parkland and Bethesda.)

          My source was not at the hospital with Lyndon, but this source was very close to someone who was present. Both this source and her friends, the couple we had dinner with, felt that Lady Bird was a vicious woman.

          The couple I had dinner with was Robert B. and Elizabeth Slobins, and their close friend, the former wife of the M.P. official who was in the room when Johnson gave repentance to the preacher. Supposedly, Lyndon’s words were, “It wasn’t my fault. Lady Bird and Hoover came up with the original plan!”

          At the time, Robert and I were doing a contract for Lincoln Financial in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Before our dinner, I had heard this story from Robert, who had recently finished a software contract at a Laredo bank.


[Robert Burnside, JFK and the World Oligarchy, pp. 189-190]

Robert Morrow telephone interview with Robert Burnside on July 30, 2023

The Slobins told Robert Burnside this anecdote sometime around 1998-1999 when Robert Burnside was doing contract work for IBM and Liberty Financial in Indianapolis, IN (it was during the Y2K period in the run up to the year 2000)

Then about a month later the lady came up and the lady told you the exact

Elizabeth Slobins studied to be a masseuse and she was friends with a woman who was a masseuse who was married to a Military Policeman who was stationed at Brooke. The military policeman who was stationed at Brooke Army Hospital in San Antonio told this anecdote to his wife, a masseuse, who was friends with Elizabeth Slobins who had studied massage with her friend from Texas.

It was when Robert Burnside, contracting for IBM, was doing contract working for Liberty Financial – this was in Indianapolis, Indiana where Liberty’s then headquarters.

Elizabeth flew up from Texas and her friend the masseuse flew up from Texas.

Elizabeth was very close friends with the wife of an M.P. who was stationed Brooke Army Medical Center

Robert Burnside 1/24/2024 follow up interview with Robert Morrow

When Burnside talked with the masseuse in circa 1999 she told him that her husband who was the MP (military policeman) at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio was threatened by the Secret Service to never repeat what a distraught Lyndon Johnson had said while he was in the hospital with a heart attack – and what LBJ had said was that Lady Bird and J. Edgar Hoover had the idea for the JFK assassination. LBJ had been brought into the hospital because he had had a heart attack or had heart attack symptoms. This was probably in spring of 1970.


Spring of 1970 - LBJ had heart attack and was sent to Brooke Army Medical Center. This is when LBJ, in a fit of deflection and delusion, blamed the JFK assassination on Lady Bird and J. Edgar Hoover – saying killing JFK was their idea!

 How We Remember Lyndon B. Johnson - The Atlantic

 ["The Divided Legacy of Lyndon B. Johnson," Doris Kearns, The Atlantic, 9-07-2018]


 For the more we talked, the more it seemed to me that he believed his life was drawing to a close. Indeed, I later found out that he had commissioned an actuarial table while still in the White House which statistically predicted, based on his family history of heart failure, that he would likely die at 64. Only a little more than a year into his retirement, in the spring of 1970, severe chest pains sent him to Brooke Army Medical Center, in San Antonio, where he was diagnosed with angina. He embarked on a strict regime of diet and exercise, but it was not long before he resumed eating rich foods, drinking Cutty Sark, and chain smoking. “I’m an old man, so what’s the difference?” he said. “I don’t want to linger the way Eisenhower did. When I go, I want to go fast.”

In april of 1972, johnson suffered a second massive heart attack while staying at the Virginia home of his daughter, Lynda. Against doctor’s orders, he insisted on returning to Texas to recuperate. Reprising his father’s dying wish, he wanted to return to a place where “people know when you’re sick and care when you die.” Though he managed to survive this second near-fatal heart attack, his remaining time was filled with pain. Mornings would begin fairly well, but by afternoons, he confided to friends, he often experienced “a series of sharp, jolting pains in the chest that left him scared and breathless.” A portable oxygen tank beside his bed provided only temporary relief.

Johnson was scheduled to speak at a civil-rights symposium at the LBJ Library on December 11, 1972. All the leaders of the civil-rights community would be present: Roy Wilkins, Clarence Mitchell, Hubert Humphrey, Julian Bond, Barbara Jordan, Vernon Jordan, and former Chief Justice Earl Warren, among many others. On the Sunday night before the symposium’s opening, however, a treacherous ice storm descended on Austin. It was unclear if the event would even proceed. “So cold and icy was it,” Library Director Harry Middleton recalled, “that we got word that the plane carrying many of the participants from Washington couldn’t land at the Austin airport, and they would have to come here by bus.”

“Lyndon had been quite sick the night before and up most of the night,” Lady Bird remembered. “The doctor insisted that he absolutely, positively could not go.” Nevertheless, wearing “a dark-blue presidential suit” and “flawlessly polished oxfords,” he headed out over the icy roads on the 70-mile trek to Austin. Though he had given up driving in recent months, he became so agitated by the driver’s slow pace that he took the wheel himself.

Those who watched the former president ascend the steps to the stage knew that determination alone drove him. He struggled noticeably to reach the lectern. The pains in his chest were such that he paused to place a nitroglycerine tablet in his mouth. If this effort was to cost him his life, so be it. He spoke haltingly, acknowledging that he no longer spoke in public “very often” or for “very long,” but, he emphasized, there were now things that he wanted to say.


 ["The Divided Legacy of Lyndon B. Johnson," Doris Kearns, The Atlantic, 9-07-2018]

3) I briefly interviewed Howard Willens twice over the years:

Robert Morrow interview of Warren Commission staffer Howard Willens at an SMU conference on the Warren Commission – 10/11/2013

I interviewed Howard Willens for a bit as he signed his book for me. 

Willens said that as part of his W.C. duties he went to the CIA in the company of Allen Dulles. Willens said at the CIA HQ "the place just oozed with affection and respect for him [Allen Dulles.]" Make note of that. Howard Willens interviewed by Robert Morrow 10/11/13. 

I asked who was most active on the Warren Commission. He answered Earl Warren. Then he added Gerald Ford was "very active." 

He said "Ford - very active."

I asked "Did you know at that time in 1963 that Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedys were at loggerheads, that they were having great difficulties?" Willens replied "Everyone in Washington, DC knew that." 

I said how could you trust what the FBI was giving you? After all LBJ and Hoover hated the Kennedys? 

He said "We went outside the FBI for our investigations" he mentioned the ballistics evidence. 

Willens told the crowd that Earl Warren saw the autopsy photos and x-rays. But apparently no other commission member or W.C. staffer saw any autopsy photos or x-rays.

[Robert Morrow conversation with Howard Willens at SMU conference on the Warren Commission, 10/11/2013]

Warren Commission staffer Howard Willens on Oct. 29, 2018 on the possibility of Lyndon Johnson being behind the JFK assassination: “Well, he [LBJ] certainly had the chops to do it.

Howard Willens and Robert Blakey had a conversation about the JFK assassination at the Sixth Floor Museum on October 29, 2018 from 7-9PM. Robert Morrow attended. After the talk I told Howard Willens that I thought Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assassination. His response to me was He [LBJ] certainly had the chops to do it.” Willens still indicts Oswald in the JFK assassination as a shooter, but I found it interesting that Willens was receptive to the idea of Lyndon Johnson murdering JFK. I think this is because I have previously asked Willens (in fall 2013) if at the time in the fall of 1963, did you know that Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedys were at loggerheads and Willens response was, “Everyone in Washington, DC knew that.”

 [Robert Morrow conversation with Howard Willens at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas, 10/29/2018]


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What I wrote was that LBJ was beholden to the Klegbergs and Browns particularly, and to Murchison and the Sid Richardson connection(Connolly, Bass) not that they were instrumental. Who knows, though.

By 1961, King Ranch was in receipt of $120m pa royalties from Humble/Esso, and had the ear of Dulles. David Rockefeller was personally known to Ed Clark, at least through the Australia America friendship association (pictured together).  Barr McClellan writes that a payoff of sorts to Clark came through Humble.

Benno Schmidt, a brilliant UT law graduate was Jock Whitney’s right hand man, and partner with David Rockefeller in a largeEsperance Western Australian  pastoral property(and bolthole after a nuclear holocaust).Schmidt’s son died in a car accident there when Clark was ambassador and was well known to them.Need I mention Freeport’s New Guinea prospect.

Esso, King Ranch, US intellligence interests, and John Connally personally WERE instrumental  in the destruction of the Whitlam Labor Party, beginning with the coup in 1975, culminating in the 1983 anointing of Bob Hawke.

 Note that Nixon is quoted as saying Connally was the only politico he was afraaid of, and Connally took the Treasury job on condition George H W Bush got a high position.

The moral of this story is even given Robert Morrows telling the movers and shakers were not Texas Hill country politicians.Lest we forget that California Governor Earl Warren was Thomas Dewey’s running mate in 1948. Etc, etc.








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Robert Morrow — thank you, answered the questions. That claimed confession is interesting, but how can one possibly verify a story like that 28 years later (maybe a little less if she told the story a little earlier) with no other corroboration is the problem. Is the ex-wife of that MP, the masseuse, still living? Could she be polygraphed? Did you try to find her? What about the MP himself? Any children of that MP he might have told? 

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13 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

Robert Morrow — thank you, answered the questions. That claimed confession is interesting, but how can one possibly verify a story like that 28 years later (maybe a little less if she told the story a little earlier) with no other corroboration is the problem. Is the ex-wife of that MP, the masseuse, still living? Could she be polygraphed? Did you try to find her? What about the MP himself? Any children of that MP he might have told? 

The story is hearsay. I am in the process of trying to locate the woman who told the story. She was married to a Military Policeman at Brooke Army Hospital in 1970. She is no longer married to that MP who I do not know if he is alive.

I have not contacted this lady yet but she told her story to both Slobins and Robert Burnside decades ago. (I've had too many irons in the fire lately.)

If you know anything about Lyndon Johnson (and I do) you would know he was mentally unstable, always blaming other people and never taking any responsibility for his actions. You would also know that LBJ was taking angina pills (nitroglycerine) since the late 1950s when he was about age 50 and he had a severely clogged up heart in 1955 (then age 46+ years) when he came within a few inches of dying of a major heart attack in July of that year.

So, yes, the story which sounds crazy is perfectly normal and plausible if you knew the kind of excrement that freely flowed from LBJ's mouth. LBJ blaming Lady Bird and J. Edgar Hoover for the JFK assassination while he was having a severe angina attack in 1970 SOUNDS JUST LIKE LYNDON JOHNSON to the experienced student of LBJ.

Another way of confirming LBJ quotes is to look for the use of the word "Goddamn" because that was one of LBJ's favorite words of all time.


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2 hours ago, David McLean said:

What I wrote was that LBJ was beholden to the Klegbergs and Browns particularly, and to Murchison and the Sid Richardson connection(Connolly, Bass) not that they were instrumental. Who knows, though.

By 1961, King Ranch was in receipt of $120m pa royalties from Humble/Esso, and had the ear of Dulles. David Rockefeller was personally known to Ed Clark, at least through the Australia America friendship association (pictured together).  Barr McClellan writes that a payoff of sorts to Clark came through Humble.

Benno Schmidt, a brilliant UT law graduate was Jock Whitney’s right hand man, and partner with David Rockefeller in a largeEsperance Western Australian  pastoral property(and bolthole after a nuclear holocaust).Schmidt’s son died in a car accident there when Clark was ambassador and was well known to them.Need I mention Freeport’s New Guinea prospect.

Esso, King Ranch, US intellligence interests, and John Connally personally WERE instrumental  in the destruction of the Whitlam Labor Party, beginning with the coup in 1975, culminating in the 1983 anointing of Bob Hawke.

 Note that Nixon is quoted as saying Connally was the only politico he was afraaid of, and Connally took the Treasury job on condition George H W Bush got a high position.

The moral of this story is even given Robert Morrows telling the movers and shakers were not Texas Hill country politicians.Lest we forget that California Governor Earl Warren was Thomas Dewey’s running mate in 1948. Etc, etc.








David McLean: there is a difference between who were high level movers and shakers in American politics AND powerful people who have a lot of evidence that indicts them for the JFK assassination.

Meaning: I don't think hardly anything indicts Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, Jock Whitney in the JFK assassination. Ditto John Connally.

Conversely, there is powerful evidence that indicts Lyndon Johnson, D.H. Byrd (LBJ insider who made a ton of money off of Vietnam War) and Ed Clark (his confession to Barr McClellan) in the JFK assassination. All of those men were Texans who hated the Kennedys and who were richly rewarded by the death of JFK.

You are familiar with CONG. ALBERT THOMAS - the man who was WINKING AT LBJ - just after LBJ was sworn in as president on Air Force One? One of Cong. Albert Thomas' extremely good friends was George Brown, LBJ's all time greatest sugar daddy (with his brother Herman) and who ROOMED IN COLLEGE at Rice University with George Brown (in the years after WWI), who went on to make a ton of money off of the Vietnam War as an executive at Kellogg Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton.

Cecil Stoughton on the infamous LBJ-Albert Thomas wink photo on Air Force One that was taken after LBJ was sworn in

 Stoughton told author Richard Trask that the photo could have been “innocent or sinister. I lean toward the latter.”

 [Richard Trask, That Day in Dallas, p. 47]

 Cong. Albert Thomas, just after WWI, was a college roommate with George R. Brown who later became with his brother Herman Brown, Lyndon Johnson’s #1 sugar daddy


A worthy endeavor: How Albert Thomas won Houston NASA's flagship center (houstonchronicle.com)  - Sept 15, 2013, Houston Chronicle


 The story begins almost 100 years ago in the dorms of Rice University. Shortly after World War I, Thomas roomed with, and befriended George R. Brown


 Albert Thomas Find-a-Grave Albert Thomas (1898-1966) - Find a Grave Memorial


 U.S. Congressman. During World War I, he served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. After the war, he graduated from Rice Institute, in 1920, the law department of the University of Texas, in 1926, was admitted to the bar in 1927 and began a law practice in Nacogdoches, Texas. He was attorney of Nacogdoches County, (1927-30), assistant U.S. District Attorney for the southern district of Texas, (1930-36). In 1937, he was elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-fifth and to the fourteen succeeding Congresses, serving until his death. At the time of his death, he was ranked eleventh in seniority in the U.S. House of Representatives. Also, his wife Lera Thomas was elected to complete his term and was the first woman to represent Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives.


 George R. Brown attended Rice University

 George R. Brown - Wikipedia


 Brown was born on May 12, 1898, in Belton and moved in 1904 to Temple; both communities are in Bell County. His older brother, Herman, left Rice University after spending less than a year there and started work in road paving. Herman's brother-in-law, Dan Root, loaned Herman money in 1919 and founded Brown & Root in 1919. George R. Brown studied at Rice University and the University of Texas at Austin before he graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in 1922 and joined his brother in the business.[3] The company paved roads and built bridges and other public works in Houston.


 There is a George R. Brown School of Engineering at Rice University and George Brown was very closely associated with that University

 About George R. Brown | School of Engineering | Rice University


 George Rufus Brown (1898-1983), after whom the School of Engineering at Rice University is named, was born in Belton, Texas. After studying at Rice, he graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in 1922 and joined the construction firm started by his brother, Herman Brown. The company later became Brown and Root, Inc. after Herman’s brother-in-law, Dan Root, a Central Texas cotton farmer, invested in the firm.

Brown and Root started in road building, constructed the Marshall Ford (now Mansfield) Dam on the Colorado River and, in 1940, won the $90 million contract to build the Naval Air Station at Corpus Christi. By the late 1950s, Brown and Root was among the largest engineering and construction companies in the world. Shortly before the U.S. entered World War II, the Browns went into the shipbuilding business. Their company employed some 10,000 people and built 359 ships. Brown is credited with aiding Lyndon B. Johnson in his rise from Texas congressman to president.

After the death of his brother in 1962, Brown became president of Brown and Root. That year, he sold the business to the Halliburton Company. Brown later served as a director of Halliburton, Armco Steel Corporation, Louisiana Land and Exploration Co., International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., Trans-World Airlines, Southland Paper Co., First City Bancorporation and Highland Oil Company. In 1951, Brown, his brother Herman and their wives founded the Brown Foundation, which has donated to Rice, Southwestern University and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, among other recipients. As of 2018, the Brown Foundation had given away some $1.6 billion.

Brown was also heavily involved in leadership at Rice. In 1943, he was elected to the Rice Board of Trustees and became chairman of the Board in 1950 — the first alumnus to receive this honor. Brown helped guide the university through its first major growth, including the construction of Fondren Library, Anderson Hall, Abercrombie Engineering Laboratory and the opening of a new 70,000-seat football stadium in 1950. He also helped guide the university toward a culture of excellence in teaching, scholarship and research and was chairman when the university established the Rice College system in 1957.

While his chairmanship of the Board ended in 1965, his service to Rice did not. He was the chairman of a $33 million capital fundraising campaign. Brown pledged the largest gift, $4.5 million, and traveled widely across the country to with alumni on behalf of the university. Brown continued to give generously for many years and is known as one of Rice’s great benefactors and leaders.


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Sorry Robert Morrow, but your monomania with LBJ, verges on a Lone Nut scenario, with no co-conspirators, only flunkies under LBJs control in a system LBJ with Hoovers help,  learned how  to manipulate. Assertions and the beliefs of the LBJ cohort have become facts, non sequitars, not amenable to nuance or adumbration.Don’t get me wrong…I admire your tenacity and care in substantiating sources. And the focus on LBJ as a factor in the assassintion of John,  but relevantly, not Robert Kennedy. So if LBJ was a killer of political enemies, he was not alone.

In October 1966, I was at the Manila Summit of Asian allies, a 21 year old with a Press pass. It was a hollow stage managed affair , a kind of photo opportunity, for the 1966 midterms that engaged but fooled no one.A year earlier about December 1965,  I had doorstopped Ed Clark at Adelaide Airport on his Ambassadorial fact-finding mission around the Outback.

By then, Degolyer and McNaughten, and Murchison’s Delhi already had control of Australia’s nascent natural gas resources, and Pine Gap was being negotiated and lied about.Texas and Texans truly had their tentacles Downunder. King Ranch was the country’s largest private landowner with 9 million acres. Connally personally had points in our first oil pipeline in Queensland.

But before them, Standard Oil of California and the Texas Company and Esso BHP had had for decades the bigger share of petrol exploration, refining and distribution.

Though I had long known of the Texans and their power to control and shape events, the JFKA was not on my radar until I read Peter Dale Scott’s essay in the Senator Gravel edition of the Pentagon Papers and received the Ellsberg defence team’s work up on Ambassador Marshall Green in about May 1973,  via Lenny Siegel at the Pacific Report and World Empire Telegram, for whom I had written about how Australia was a proxy for the US  in Indonesia.

Too cut this long and indulgent story short, it is my long considered belief that the assassination of the beloved President had more to do with JFKs approach to widespread crises in US power prognosis in the Far East over 1958-64 than the fortunes of a Texas Hill  country opportunist who would and did do the bidding of the others with a world to lose. 














Edited by David McLean
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