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Who was imprisoned with Santos?

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Well, I'm tired of this. Ron Ecker cites him as "Santo":


Mark, have I made my point now that I know whereof I speak?

I am rather tired of your sarcastic remarks. It was such tactics, I recall, that caused me to once question your intelligence.

Let's debate more important things than the existence, or lack thereof, of an "s"!

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Edited by John Dolva
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Edited by John Dolva
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Tim, it was YOU who brought up the spelling of Trafficante's name...and then you took up SEVEN separate posts to add information which could have been posted in ONE [ever notice the "edit" feature?].

I question ALL general statements that are offered up as facts without citation or documentation; it is simply that you seem to use this technique moreso than any other on this forum. "Most scholars" begs the question...and so I asked it. And rather than simply answer the question, you took personal offense that I would have the audacity to question YOU, of all people. I wasn't questioning your knowledge, or how well-read you may or may not be; I was questioning how you concluded that most scholars determined anything, and why they were scholars rather than researchers, students [not all students qualify as scholars, you know], or some other group.

With seven separate posts that might have been combined as one, you have yet again attempted to take over the thread without actually addressing the question initially asked. At this point, I am no longer surprised by this.

So let's get this train of thought back on track...who were Trafficante's jailmates, and what significance can we draw from the list of names as it may pertain to JFK assination-related material?

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Well, Mark, you did say it in a sarcastic manner, but perhaps now that you have apparently recognized that I was correct on Santo perhaps I have worthwhile information on other topics as well.

One final point here: On the cuban-exile web-site there is a copy of a Bureau of Narcotics report, vintage 1961, on our friend Mr. Trafficate. It states that his father was Santo Sr and he is Santo, Jr. It lists several of his aliases, one being "Santos Trafficante, Jr." Now how is that for a clever alias? He sometimes used "Santos" as his last name. He did when he was arrested at the 1957 Appalachin crime conference.

* * * * * * * *

Back to the substance: one person in Trescornia with Trafficante was Loran Hall.

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I have read that when Rosselli testified before the Church Committee he was so terrified of Trafficante that he would not even use his name in the testimony.

An alternative theory is that even Rosselli did not know whether it was Santo or Santos.

I still like the idea of creating an "alias" by adding a single letter to your first name!

Edited by Tim Gratz
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A little more to the mire of Trescornia

Ruby apparently seen Trescornia detention ctr by John (Carlos) Wilson Hudson the Englishman turned Chilean intelligence agent, who FBI dumped as potential witness to Santo's visitor, Ruby. Summer '59.

I'll take a wack at the dead horse once more here (apology to equestrians) Hudson Wilson is another source who got away. He came volunteering info and was rejected by Hoover. Why?

Ruby seen at Clete Roberts interview with William Morgan. 1959? Same trip? Ruby was pitching US military surplus to Castro as story goes.

After revolution Hudson Wilson was busted for a Nicaraguan invasion plan interrupted with the arrest of some 200 participants out of Havana. This was supposed ruse conceived with key Nicaraguans in Cuba with Herter (export of Castro revolution?) as story was told me. Participants busted in a house I shared with revolutionaries turned counterrev. They were first taken to Jefetura, Trescornia must have been later transfer.

Wilson was with, among others, John Spiritto known to me as "Johnny Espiritus." Meckpless-Spirrito (different spellings used in NARA files) was once with CIA operation Artichoke/bluebird? per one journalist.

Spiritto made film for Cuba, shown to Gaitan's daughter that suggests CIA involved in Bogotazo slaying of Gaitan. Castro was in Colombia, per US docs., fomenting riots (US to implicate Castro in slaying in later hearing) Weberman site gives good overview, dox in archives have a bit more detail. Any more to this story much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought forum members might find this image interesting. That's Santo Trafficante apparently quite chummy with a couple of Cuban cops. This was after his arrest and just before he went into prison.

I get the feeling that he didn't do any real hard time.



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