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Harry Dean: Memoirs

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[1. No Paul, you are mistaken. I used John Simkin's description of Dean as having "infiltrated" the JBS and his answer to Simkin's question concerning the date when he started providing information to the FBI "about the John Birch Society" -- and Dean responded, "September 1963 as things heated up". I also relied upon Dean's amplification of his answer when he referred to himself reporting to the FBI "as requested" on "certain other" individuals and groups. I took that comment to mean, that IN ADDITION to reporting on the John Birch Society "as requested" by the FBI.

2. In addition, do you remember me making this comment to you?

Furthermore, your comment contradicts this explicit statement by Harry in his affadavit:

"I, Harry Dean, did operate in an undercover capacity for the Federal Bureau of Investigation within various subversive, and/or questionable organizations, and groups, during the years 1960 – 1965. Signed, Harry Dean Signature, Harry Dean"

So, again, Paul -- how does one "operate in an undercover capacity" WITHOUT being an infiltrator and informant?

3. Also there was this Harry Dean answer to a question where he described himself as "a spy"....


"Re; FBI they always denie associations with spys/informants for their protection and in my case because in 1965 I blabbed on TV, Radio and newspapers re; spying for the FBI in order to cut loose from that fearful existance of near five year involvement with them and the Cuba waste of life. My main task then was to openly expose the people that I knew, who hastened the death of President Kennedy."

So, Paul, why do you blame ME for making rather obvious conclusions from Harry's own comments?

Because, Ernie, you're clearly prejudiced and relentless. Harry Dean is not a high-school graduate, and yet you continue to hold his feet to the fire regarding official language. It is easy for a layman to misunderstand the official implications of the reserved term, "undercover agent," because by the strict English definition, it has many meanings. Harry may not be educated, but English is his mother-tongue, and his testimony is useful.

Yet you continue to harp on the point. The fact that the FBI also harped on this point -- including J. Edgar Hoover himself, causes me to think, "thou dost protest too much!"

It is easier for me to believe that J. Edgar Hoover had something to hide (especially after locking up FBI files about Lee Harvey Oswald for 75 years) than that Harry Dean was trying to pull a fast one. The mammoth effort to smear Harry Dean which started 50 years ago is still running strong!


--Paul Trejo

Paul -- it is YOU that keeps bringing up Harry's education. All I am saying is don't blame me for interpreting the plain-English-meaning of his own words

I am not "prejudiced" --- I am willing to listen to ANYTHING Harry wants to say -- but he refuses to answer obvious questions and he refuses to do obvious things like get all his FBI files released...so why blame me?

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Attached to this message is a copy of Harry Dean's June 1961 letter to President Kennedy. As even Harry admits, he called the FBI in Chicago and he offered them some information on FPCC but in June 1961, two Agents of the Chicago FBI office told him that they no longer wanted to receive any information from him because they discovered his background, i.e. "my past difficulty with the law" and "outstanding debts". Dean asks JFK if he could get some sort of "pardon" -- which, obviously, never occurred.

Do we really need to continue arguing about this??

Do you require MORE information?

Ernie, yes, we clearly need to continue arguing about this, because your prejudice against Harry Dean only increases with each post.

On the positive side, I'm delighted that you found the elusive "Letter to JFK" that Harry Dean wrote in June, 1961.

It confirms major parts of Harry Dean's story, and is valuable in the extreme.

It also shows Harry Dean's high moral character and his respect for the US government.

It also shows that Harry Dean felt betrayed when he realized that the Cuban Revolution was not a popular uprising as he thought, but a Communist tyranny -- and he felt terrible for his part in its success.

No doubt this was why Harry asked JFK for a pardon.

Regarding Harry's admitted "past difficulty with the law," that is unclear to me, unless it refers to the Cuban episode itself (or perhaps to Harry's juvenile record in Canada). In any case, it was nothing that the FBI or the Chicago police wished to deal with, as Harry was free to travel at will.

In my opinion, this letter to JFK is a confirmation that Harry Dean's story is honest and true, and I wish everybody would read Harry's new eBook before the 22 November 2013 anniverary of JFK's assassination. Harry's eBook (of which I'm the co-author) is available at Smashwords at this URL: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/367550


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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I am attaching three items which seem to concisely summarize Harry Dean's relationship with the FBI:

1. The first is a June 16, 1965 FBI memo from Cartha DeLoach (Assistant Director, FBI Crime Records Division) which refers to an article about Dean's interview with a LaPuente CA newspaper. DeLoach's memo summarizes the FBI's contacts with Dean. [No doubt Paul Trejo will tell us that this LaPuente newspaper ALSO misunderstood Dean and reported inaccurate information about his assertions.]

2. The second item is a letter from J. Edgar Hoover to then-California U.S. Senator George Murphy in reply to Murphy's inquiry about Dean's relationship with the FBI. Please read the "NOTE" section on the Bureau file copy of the Hoover reply since it also concisely summarizes Dean's "relationship" with the Bureau.

3. The third item is a 1976 memo from the FBI Director to the SAC of the Dallas and Memphis field offices. See second paragraph of page 2 for another concise summary of Dean's relationship with the FBI.

Ernie, these papers from the FBI are very valuable information about Harry Dean's case and the lengths that even J. Edgar Hoover was willing to reach to obscure our perception about Harry Dean. Thanks for sharing this information with the public.

The letter by DeLoach begins as a straightforward report of factual information that accurately portrays Harry Dean's position. About half-way through the DeLoach memo, he reports denials by the Chicago FBI that Harry Dean was a source of information about the FPCC -- and they attempted to smear Harry Dean by claiming that "he was a former mental patient and had a criminal record."

Knowing Harry Dean personally I can only laugh at such nonsense. It is my understanding that the FBI in Chicago initiated this smear campaign against Harry Dean to protect sensitive data they held, and to distract the information seeker (Bill Capps) away from Harry Dean. According to this hear-say memo, the Chicago FBI simply told Harry Dean that they "did not desire his assistance." In other words, 'get lost.'

That's a horrible practice, yet I suspect that the FBI was not above that sort of smear.

As for the report about the Los Angeles FBI contacting Dean and warning him "not to claim any past relationship with this Bureau," it flatly contradicts the Memo from the Los Angeles FBI that I provided above. I didn't make up that memo, I have it in my hands -- it's from the FBI.

As for the FBI correcting Harry's usage of the term, "undercover agent," that sounds plausible, because to a professional FBI agent it would have an official meaning, while to a layperson it could easily mean something less official.

Regarding the part in that memo about KTTV, that probably refers to Harry's appearance on The Joe Pyne Show, which the FBI directly warned Harry Dean to drop.

Regarding the 1966 memo by J. Edgar Hoover himself, Ernie, I offer my kudos for digging that up. Yet let us make very clear that J. Edgar Hoover made similar blunt denials to the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald was ever an informant for the FBI (even though Dallas DA Henry Wade produced his FBI number in early 1964). Hoover promptly made all of Lee Harvey Oswald's FBI files into classified Top Security status, as they remain today. So, Hoover was not above lying himself -- that should be clear.

As for the third FBI memo you found, Ernie, it is merely an emotional reponse to the sensationalized fiction of W.R. Morris, and the pulp fiction treatment that Morris gave to Harry Dean's story. As for the second page you refer to, it is merely a direct copy of the smear campaign from the first memo that you provided in this series.

I should point out that it was commonplace in the early 1960's to try to dismiss political opponents as "mental patients," and even JFK and RFK attempted to do this with the resigned General Edwin Walker. That strategy backfired on them, simply because it was a cheap shot.


--Paul Trejo

Paul --- there are so many non-sequitirs in your message that I hardly know where to begin.

First of all, a "professional FBI agent" would not have any different understanding about "undercover agent" than you or I - because the FBI never used that term. Their ONLY term was "informant" (and they sub-categorized them into racial, criminal, security, and ghetto informants). They also used phrases such as "confidential source" but that had a different context from what Harry claims he was.

Yes--- there were occasions when the FBI "smeared" people through use of friendly media etc. But INTERNAL FBI documents reported what they actually believed was accurate and truthful information and they were exceedingly paranoid about distributing any data outside the Bureau to other agencies or thru higher echelons of the Department of Justice or to the White House or Congress which might come back to embarrass them because it was inaccurate or flawed in any way. EXAMPLE: Hoover made a report to the Attorney General about Martin Luther King Jr. attending a "Communist school" (referring to Highlander Folk School in TN). Later, Hoover discovered that the characterization of HFS as "Communist" was NOT made from an FBI investigation but was merely the bigoted opinion of a Georgia state agency which was created to preserve segregated public schools. As a result, the Section Chief who was responsible for omitting that critical fact from his memo was severely reprimanded and a whole series of senior FBI employees were put on probation.

3. When you refer to Oswald's FBI number, please be specific. Are you referring to an "informant" code? If so, what was it according to the Dallas District Attorney? And how did he supposedly learn about it?


Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Ernie, we just saw the post by Paul B., asking Harry Dean to fill in the blanks for us. That is far more interesting and useful to the discussion at hand.

I'm very interested in Harry Dean's answer to Paul B.


--Paul Trejo

Don't bother -- because you can surmise from the other documents which I posted recently (including a 1961 letter from Harry to JFK), what his 1963 letter was about

You're contradicting yourself, Ernie. First you say you want Harry to produce an affidavit for FOIA request about his FBI records, and now you say you don't want to hear Harry's own words about his own memo which was HEAVILY REDACTED by the FBI?

Also, you want to draw conclusions based on a few FBI memos that smear Harry Dean? You're insincerity at finding the truth is obvious in this one-day switch.

Harry is here on this list. This is his thread. I, for one, would love to hear Harry Dean's response to Paul B.'s request to Harry to fill in the REDACTED blanks. That would be far more valuable than asking the FBI for further smears.


--Paul Trejo

You misunderstood my comment Paul because of YOUR bias against me. My "don't bother" comment was not some put-down of Harry Dean or any indication that I was not interested in whatever he wants to say. I referred to Harry's 1961 letter because it gave HIS reason for contacting Kennedy which was essentially the same reason he wrote to Hoover in 1963 -- which is why I posted a subsequent message with a copy of an FBI memo which quotes the beginning of Harry's letter. Harry was concerned about "being cleared" because, apparently, he feared having difficulties getting work if his name appeared in documents associating him with the FPCC -- which was widely regarded as a Communist-front.

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Attached to this message is a copy of Harry Dean's June 1961 letter to President Kennedy. As even Harry admits, he called the FBI in Chicago and he offered them some information on FPCC but in June 1961, two Agents of the Chicago FBI office told him that they no longer wanted to receive any information from him because they discovered his background, i.e. "my past difficulty with the law" and "outstanding debts". Dean asks JFK if he could get some sort of "pardon" -- which, obviously, never occurred.

Do we really need to continue arguing about this??

Do you require MORE information?

Ernie, yes, we clearly need to continue arguing about this, because your prejudice against Harry Dean only increases with each post.

On the positive side, I'm delighted that you found the elusive "Letter to JFK" that Harry Dean wrote in June, 1961.

It confirms major parts of Harry Dean's story, and is valuable in the extreme.

It also shows Harry Dean's high moral character and his respect for the US government.

It also shows that Harry Dean felt betrayed when he realized that the Cuban Revolution was not a popular uprising as he thought, but a Communist tyranny -- and he felt terrible for his part in its success.

No doubt this was why Harry asked JFK for a pardon.

Regarding Harry's admitted "past difficulty with the law," that is unclear to me, unless it refers to the Cuban episode itself (or perhaps to Harry's juvenile record in Canada). In any case, it was nothing that the FBI or the Chicago police wished to deal with, as Harry was free to travel at will.

In my opinion, this letter to JFK is CONFIRMATION that Harry Dean's story is honest and true, and I wish everybody would read Harry's new eBook before the 22 November 2013 anniverary of JFK's assassination. Harry's eBook (of which I'm the co-author) is available at Smashwords at this URL: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/367550


--Paul Trejo

Well, Paul, I understand that you want to function as an apologist for Harry. Good luck with your crusade.

I'll let the documents I posted speak for themselves and everyone can make up their own minds.

I am surprised that you express ignorance about Harry's "difficulties with the law". Seems like you would have asked him about that. Wouldn't that be relevant to an assessment of somebody's character and stability and credibility?

You can see the details on his rap sheet which I posted.and in the report by Detective Captain Edward Grabovac of the Whiting Indiana Police Dept.

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Attached to this message are miscellaneous FBI serials pertaining to Dean, including:

1. FBI memo which incluides a portion of Harry's 11-19-63 letter to Hoover (without redactions)

2. Harry's letter to the Director of the Joe Pyne Show, Channel 11, KTTV, Los Angeles

3. FBI memos indicating that Harry admitted falsely describing himself as an undercover agent for the FBI

4. Harry's rap sheet

Apparently, one page did not scan properly so I am attaching a new scan of Harry's 12-10-64 letter to the Director of the Joe Pyne Show.

12-10-64 Dean to Joe Pyne Show.PDF

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So, Paul, does Harry deny anything which appears on the following chronology?

August 1960
Dean called Chicago FBI field office and provided unsolicited information about FPCC without identifying himself
He called again and identified himself along with his employer information
September 1960
Detective Captain Edward Grabovac of Whiting Indiana Police Department contacted FBI to report information he had regarding Dean’s background including illegal activities.
December 1960
Dean re-contacted Chicago FBI field office by phone to advise he had been living in Detroit for previous 2 months but had just returned to Chicago – but Dean would not give his address
Unknown specific dates after 12/60
Dean re-contacted Chicago field office several times to report information on Cuban nationals associated with the July 26th Movement and persons involved with FPCC
June 7, 1961
Final contact with Dean by Chicago FBI agents when he was told that his assistance was not desired
June 28, 1961
Dean writes letter to President Kennedy reporting on his FPCC activities. He claims that he became Secretary of FPCC “in order to inform the FBI of its activities…” and the FBI “ask me to stay in and pass on all information” and he did so. Dean also reported that two FBI agents contacted him 6/28/61 and he was told that “I could no longer continue, as they had found out about my past difficulty with the law, but if I get my outstanding debts which are many, straightened out, they would be able to consider using me again…” Dean asked JFK “if it is possible to gain from you a pardon for my past mistakes? That I may continue in this urgent work.”
November 19, 1963
Dean wrote letter to J. Edgar Hoover about his relationship with Chicago FBI, i.e. providing information on FPCC from approximately July 22 1960 to July 14 1961. Dean acknowledges in his letter that Chicago-FBI advised him that they did not desire his assistance. Dean asked Hoover if the FBI could provide him with some sort of “clearance”.
December 10, 1963
Dean was interviewed by FBI (Los Angeles) and he provided photostats of documents pertaining to July 26th Movement and FPCC
Dean was advised that he was never an undercover agent for the FBI and he was never authorized to represent the FBI; he was also informed that the FBI did not provide “clearances”
December 10, 1964
Dean called Joe Pyne Show and he then sent letter to the Director of the Joe Pyne Show (Channel 11, KTTV, Los Angeles) to provide details of his FPCC and J25M activities. Dean claimed that FBI asked him to continue providing info about these subjects. Also claims that FBI described his reports as “best one man undercover informante [sic] job seen.
January 6, 1965
Dean contacted again at his home by FBI-Los Angeles and told to stop making false claims about his relationship with the FBI. Dean admitted that he had been describing himself as an “undercover agent” for FBI during his talks with television station KTTV in order to be selected for interview by Joe Pyne. Dean agreed to immediately notify station that he would not appear on 1/9/65 program nor would he claim FBI affiliation in future. [FBI contacted KTTV on 12/31/64 and they agreed to cancel Dean’s appearance.]
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Attached to this message are miscellaneous FBI serials pertaining to Dean, including:

1. FBI memo which incluides a portion of Harry's 11-19-63 letter to Hoover (without redactions)

2. Harry's letter to the Director of the Joe Pyne Show, Channel 11, KTTV, Los Angeles

3. FBI memos indicating that Harry admitted falsely describing himself as an undercover agent for the FBI

4. Harry's rap sheet

Ernie, let's take a closer look at this so-called "rap sheet" that you provided.

The first FBI memo you supplied has a date of 6 March 1964 -- three months later than the FBI memo I provided, which contradicts this FBI memo. (When the FBI contradicts itself, the reader should really be on the alert.)

This FBI memo continues: Indiana PD Captain, Ed Grabovac, believed that Harry Dean's real name was "Gordon Hunt," and he said that "Gordon Hunt" left town with a warrant against him for bad checks. Yet he didn't prove that Harry Dean was Gordon Hunt, so it seems this FBI writer was REACHING.

Ed Grabovac also alleged that Harry Dean had an FBI ID number of #4657880, and "had previously been committed as a mental patient in 1948 in Canada." He offers no details -- so far it's hear-say.

Ed Grabovac also alleged that Harry Dean in 1948 was sentenced to a year in prison for "breaking and entering" in Ontario. In the same year? Somebody is REACHING.

Evidently in the same year Harry Dean allegedly disturbed a religous meeting, and used indecent language, and was arrested for this by the Detroit Police Department. We presume he was charged, and we are not told if he was convicted, yet the FBI agent seems to compile a l-o-ong list and is REACHING to insinuate guilt. Yet the outcome of any trial is crucial, lest we presume guilt unfairly.

The FBI agent goes on to repeat his charge that Harry Dean called the Chicago FBI with information, and at first "refused" to divulge his address, but later divulged it. This minor fact occupied this FBI writer, because he stated this fact TWICE -- a possible sign of REACHING.

The FBI agent then repeats the story that the Chicago FBI told Harry Dean on 7 June 1961 that "his assistance was not desired." This was two weeks before Harry Dean's letter to JFK.

The third page of that report reveals an alleged "rap sheet". Let's take a closer look, because Harry Jay Dean is not a unqiue name, and we want to be sure that the FBI is keeping perfect records here.

First, we find Harry Dean enlisting in the US Army on 13 December 1945.

Next, a person with the same name was arrested in Oklahoma on 8 May 1946 for being AWOL. Was this the same person?

The same occurred in Texas on 22 May 1946.

Does anybody think that a person who allegedly goes AWOL from the Army during peacetime is a hardened criminal?

Let's continue. The next entry does not even have Harry Dean's name, and actually has an Army ENLISTMENT date of 8 March 1948. This is an entirely different person. So much for the perfection of FBI records.

Next, back in Canada, Harry J. Dean allegedly was arrested by the Windsor Police for stealing a radio. Yet the disposition was not stated. It could have been a false charge, a trumped-up charge, or a case of mistaken identity -- the FBI refuses to say.

Next, Harry J. Dean is said to have been AWOL again on 12 August 1949. Yet according to my notes, Harry was honorably discharged from the Army in 1948. How, then, could he be AWOL in 1949, one wonders. Could this be more 'perfect' record-keeping by the FBI? No wonder the disposition is still "pending" a dozen years later!

Next, Harry J. Dean was allegedly arrested by the Detroit police on 30 January 1955 on the charge of "Inv RA," whatever that means. (I looked this up and found nothing at all.) No disposition is offered, either. Sounds to me like somebody is INVENTING charges.

Finally, somebody named Harry Dean was arrested for obscene language on 5 December 1956 and sentenced to 90 days in jail. Well, this was 1956, and none of the judges in those days had cable TV.

So, the first page of this so-called "Rap Sheet" is full of holes, and far from indicating a hardened criminal, only indicates an ordinary bloke being painted as a scapegoat by a prejudiced FBI agent. Let's look at page two:

The key to all these allegations against Harry Dean is they every single one has an ASTERISK before it, and the notation admits that an ASTERISK indicates that the charges are NOT based on fingerprints -- but only "investigative leads as being possibly identical with subject of this record."

So this flimsy report is where the horrible charge originates that Harry Dean was a "mental patient," right there in the second line, which reads as follows: "As Harry J. Dean Chatham Ontario Canada Housebreaking by day Sec 458 (a) CC 10/22/48 Certified insane committed to Mental Institution Chg withdrawn PD #2290 2/2/50."

That's a strong allegation, but it has two weasel words in it, namely, "Chg withdrawn." It means "charge withdrawn." The charges were dropped. What's that all about? And should anybody claim that Harry Dean was "insane" based on a case in which the charges were DROPPED? Once again, the FBI agent who drew up this memo was REACHING.

Thou dost protest too much." The FBI insists so passionately that Harry Dean is unreliable that we should suspect the opposite of what they are saying. Somebody had something to hide about Harry Dean in early 1964, and it wasn't Harry Dean, who was coming forward and telling the FBI and anybody else who would listen about everything he'd witnessed in 1963.

What clues do we find in this so-called "rap sheet" to explain why the FBI would continue a smear campaign against Harry Dean for YEARS? I think the clue is obvious -- it is printed at the top of that same "rap-sheet" page. It reads, "General Edwin A. Walker and JFK Assassination."

WHAT?!? We'd better read that caption again.

Now let's keep reading this same page. The final paragraph clearly shows the FBI recording information from Harry Dean. They are not telling him to get lost. They are not telling him that "his assistance is not desired." Instead, the FBI records Harry's eye-witness account about Cuba, the 26th of July Movement, the Chicago FPCC, Joachin Freire, and various literature and photographs on this topic.

That paragraph harmonizes very well with the FBI memo that I supplied just a couple days ago.

Moving forward to the 7 January 1965 FBI memo by the SAC in Los Angeles, we immediately see an FBI agent who has been embarrased by Harry Dean who plans to appear on the Joe Pyne Show.

This sad SAC must admit to J. Edgar Hoover himself that he lost control of Harry Dean, and he promises (naively) that "KTTV was contacted about DEAN on 12/31/64, and his 1/9/65 appearance has been cancelled." Actually, Harry's KTTV appearance went very smoothly. So, we see a pitiful side of the FBI -- the bowing and scraping that the average SAC performed before the throne of the almighty J. Edgar Hoover.

As supporting documentation, this FBI agent encloses a memo citing a letter from Bob Hayward of KTTV saying that he would not use Harry Dean on his show if the FBI can prove that Harry was a "fraud" or "if his appearance is not desired by the Bureau." That turned out to be a joke, of course, because KTTV did show Harry Dean on its program, despite the fact that the FBI put up quite a fuss.

The FBI also tried to prove that Harry Dean was a "fraud" way back in December, 1964 (and remember the Warren Report was only eight weeks old at that time). The key here is the argument that they used: namely, that Harry Dean used the term, "undercover agent" in his description of the functions he believed he performed. These words suggest too many things to too many people, so the FBI hammered on these two words (and this practice continues even today).

Yet despite all the bluster and objections of the FBI, we should recognize that cooler minds prevailed.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Harry - could you fill in any details on what you wrote?

Yes, Harry, could you fill in the redactions for us so we know what type of info they don't want us to read?

I'd like to know why, if Harry's letters were unsolicited, why they would be redacted at all?

And i'm really surprised that J. E. Hoover and other high government officials would even bother to write up documents about Harry if he had no relationship with them at all.

I know how the FBI dealt with one of John O'Neil's undercover informants - who infiltrated an animal rights group - and how he kept things compartmentalized and didn't write up any official reports for the files - that I can find.

And then there's Henry Wade, the Dallas DA who had been an FBI agent who ran informants in Mexico and said that he knew how the FBI handled informants when he worked for them, how they were contacted, how they were controlled, how they were paid, and how there were virtually no records kept of their work.

So if Harry recognized that Oswald had a similar relationship to the government as he did - while in the Chicago FPCC, then why are we surprised that the top echelon of FBI deny any relationship with Harry or Oswald?


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Paul B & Bill & Paul T

Just compared letter to Hoover with copy in 1990 manuscript book,

they are exact in their REDACTION. My reason for using it and

other doc's, all since lost, was to show interested readers/researchers

the connections of that history.

It now seems to me that the FBI took that manuscript document from

my manuscript, because it was I who REDACTED it before publishing.

Also not now able to fill in the missing words,I think it's message

indicates what was transpiring in those days.

I suppose now that Hoover was receiving that letter about the time JFK

was dying in Dallas three days later and FPCC Oswald being hunted.


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Paul B & Bill & Paul T

Just compared letter to Hoover with copy in 1990 manuscript book,

they are exact in their REDACTION. My reason for using it and

other doc's, all since lost, was to show interested readers/researchers

the connections of that history.

It now seems to me that the FBI took that manuscript document from

my manuscript, because it was I who REDACTED it before publishing.

Also not now able to fill in the missing words,I think it's message

indicates what was transpiring in those days.

I suppose now that Hoover was receiving that letter about the time JFK

was dying in Dallas three days later and FPCC Oswald being hunted.


Harry, I need some clarification about this response. My question begins by comparing the letter that Bill Kelly typed in for us, and the letter that Ernie Lazar shared with the Forum in a PDF link (in message #270 above).

Ernie presented the link as an "FBI memo which incluides a portion of Harry's 11-19-63 letter to Hoover (without redactions)". Here is the comparison:

------------------ Begin letter that Bill Kelley typed in for us ----------------------

18109 Atina Dr.

La Puente Calif.

Nov. 19, 1963

Director J. E. Hoover


Washington D.C.

Dear Sir,

[REDACTED] 1960 [REDACTED] the Fair Play for Cuba Committee [REDACTED] information [REDACTED] local Chicago office of the Bureau. My present assignments [REDACTED] Los Angeles office [REDACTED] has this information.

[REDACTED] undercover [REDACTED] in Chicago [REDACTED] done in June 1961 because Eastland’s Committee was issuing subpoenas to hold hearing on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and the 26th of July Movement ([REDACTED] moved [REDACTED] Los Angeles [REDACTED] at this time [REDACTED] I associate with places my position here in urgent danger as the Eastland reports [REDACTED] released [REDACTED] making the rounds of anti-Communist [REDACTED] groups limiting my effectiveness.

[REDACTED] name appears in that Senate Sub-Committee’s report no.96465 part 2 pages 84 and 85 as one of the Fair Play for Cuba [REDACTED] is being overlooked at this level [REDACTED] contacting you directly [REDACTED] of straightening out this problem, or one day I will, I am sure live to regret this fact.

[REDACTED] that you will see to this urgent matter, [REDACTED]



Harry J. Dean

-------------- Begin FBI memo copy supplied by Ernie Lazar -------------

Harry Dean

18109 Atina Dr.

La Puente Calif.

Nov. 19, 1963

Director J.E. Hoover


Washington, DC

Dear Sir,

From approximately July 22, 1960 to July 14, 1961, I was a member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, and also an officer of same. During this time I gave a great deal of information to FBI Agents in Chicago Illinois...I used only the telephone method in all my dealings with Agents, only the near the end of my activities...did I meet with them...

At this time they began investigating me...Prior to hearings held on this front by the Senate Subcommittee in July, 1961, I was told to quit giving information to the FBI...The thing I would like to bring to your attention, with the hope of being cleared, is that, my name appears in the Senate Subcommittee Report No. 96465 Part No. 2 Pages 84 & 85 as an officer of the Red Front (Fair Play for Cuba Committee)...For our country, I would do any job, any kind, against all her enemies, foreign and domestic...

Harry Dean

--------------- END OF FBI Copy -------------

Now, there are points of identity, points of similarity, and points of difference between these two examples.

The date is the same, the addresses are the same, the sending party and the receiving party are the same. Many of the first few words are the same -- however, after the first two lines, there is a diversion that never returns to a similarity.

Are we to ask whether the FBI 'doctored' this letter that you sent to J. Edgar Hoover?

I ask because the caption at the top of the letter that Ernie Lazar shared reads, "general edwin a walker and jfk assassination".

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul it seems very likely this has been added from elsewhere than that

published in the manuscript/book and is mysterious to me. I'll try figuring

it out. It is a manipulation for sure.

Re: Lazar post mention of "general edwin walker and jfk assassination" is

that on here, if so I'll check and read it.

There was only one 19 Nov. 63 letter sent by me to Hoover.


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That's a lot to digest. Paul T - thanks for putting them adjacent like this, and thanks Bill and Ernie too. I am just a bystander here, as I have nothing to add. But I find the comparison interesting, and Harry's response less than enlightening.

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That's a lot to digest. Paul T - thanks for putting them adjacent like this, and thanks Bill and Ernie too. I am just a bystander here, as I have nothing to add. But I find the comparison interesting, and Harry's response less than enlightening.

Paul B., I think you may be missing the nuance. Harry Dean is saying that the words he wrote to J. Edgar Hoover on 19 November 1963 do not match the words that we see in the PDF file that Ernie Lazar obtained from the FBI under a FOIA request.

Further, I noted that the FBI memo that Ernie shared with us is marked, general edwin a walker and jfk assassination at the top, in all lower-case letters, in a different font -- it was not part of the original letter (obviously, since Harry wrote his letter to Hoover on 19 November 1963, and JFK was not assassinated until three days later).

The key issue today is that Harry disputes the FBI rendition of this memo. I wondered about the memo, because the average person does not write in this clerical manner, for example:

"...my name appears in the Senate Subcommittee Report No. 96465 Part No. 2 Pages 84 & 85..."

Also, I perceive multiple self-incriminating clauses in the FBI version of Harry's letter, and these correspond to the FBI smear campaign that we have seen regarding Harry Dean (as well as Lee Harvey Oswald, both connected to the FPCC). The first self-incriminating clause is this one:

"...I used only the telephone method in all my dealings with Agents. Only the near the end of my activities...did I meet with them...At this time they began investigating me..."

Please -- that sounds like the standard FBI smear campaign we see later. I might have missed this nuance myself, except for the general edwin a walker and jfk assassination caption at the top of the FBI memo. The second self-incriminating clause is this one:

"...I was told to quit giving information to the FBI..."

Please -- that also matches the later FBI smear against Harry. I point out that some FBI records about Harry don't repeat this smear -- and that is what gives the lie to the smear campaign. If these smears were really true (as Bill Kelly also suggested) then there should be no other FBI memos that interview Harry for anything else -- but there are. A third self-incriminating clause is this one:

"The thing I would like to bring to your attention, with the hope of being cleared, is that, my name appears in the Senate Subcommittee Report...as an officer of the Red Front."

In one sense this matches Harry's memo to JFK from 1961 -- when Harry asked JFK for a pardon. Yet in the context of this memo, the FBI seems to be suggesting that Harry is pestering the FBI who only want to get rid of him. Yet Harry persists, implies the FBI, because Harry feels guilty about having supported the Communists in his originally humanitarian concern about Cuba and their plight with the Mafia.

There is some truth in this clause, yet in the context of the smears above, it takes on a purely negative tone and implicitly accuses Harry of being nothing more than a gadfly for the FBI.

As Bill Kelly suggests -- if Harry Dean was really a waste of time for the FBI, then we should find nothing else in the FBI files about him. Yet we find much more.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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