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Harry Dean: Memoirs

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Ernie Lazar's latest effort to dismiss the eye-witness account of Harry Dean was unsuccessful.

Harry Dean reports that he observed high-level members of the Southern California John Birch Society in September 1963 as they plotted against both JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald, to hopefully assassinate them both in Dallas in November 1963.

Harry Dean further reports that he told the Los Angeles FBI about this before and after the assassination of JFK.

That's the substance of Harry Dean's claim.

Instead of addressing these claims, Ernie Lazar launches a massive effort to discredit Harry Dean as a witness -- not based on contradictory FBI information -- but on INSULTS and SMEARS that he carefully cherry-picked from FBI materials that only he has read.

There is no reference at all of the material that Harry Dean mentions -- and for Ernie Lazar, this is some sort of FINAL PROOF that there are no FBI records about this material.

But actually, Ernie hasn't PROVED that at all. In fact, Ernie has only PROVED that one or two snotty FBI Agents liked to cast about INSULTS about American citizens who tried to offer them information.

As for my charges of Ernie's "bias" it has been amply demonstrated in dozens of posts in the past eight weeks on this very thread. There is no need to repeat all that again, ad nauseum.

Ernie blissfully believes anything the FBI says -- or doesn't say. Simply because the FBI has omitted any meeting between Harry Dean and Wesley Grapp, Ernie Lazar is 100% convinced that it never took place.


Ernie Lazar resembles nothing less than a shill for the FBI. Ernie is so proud of his knowledge of FBI procedure that he boasts about like a rooster crowing at sunrise. Ernie practically claims omniscience about the case of Harry Dean because of the little bit of data that the FBI has let researchers see to date.

The fact that the FBI still retains SECRET FILES about Lee Harvey Oswald does not cause Ernie Lazar to reflect very much at all.

The main thing we've learned about FBI Agent William McCauley was that he was snotty, arrogant and INSULTING. Other than that, he provides us with almost no information at all.

Also, it's no surprise that FBI Agents agree with each other and support each other with subjective opinions and so forth -- but providing independent confirmation has not been their strong suit so far.

Although it may be true that Harry Dean is not a man of many words, and must be coaxed into further details, that is no reason to quit the research of Harry's claims, as many JFK researchers have done. There is still plenty of material that merits research, especially the details about Ex-General Edwin Walker, mercenaries Loran Hall and Lawrence Howard, as well as the boistrous Guy "Gabby" Gabaldon whose book, "America Betrayed" bashes the Kennedys, homosexuals, and anybody else to the left of Robert Welch.

Furthermore, it makes no difference in the slightest that Harry Dean was -- as normal people are -- involved in youthful indiscretions going back to 1948. To raise the issue (as the FBI does) is merely misdirection. It changes the subject.

Again, I say, Ernie's latest effort does not impress me, nor should it impress any impartial reader or researcher into JFK assassination accomplices.

We have waited for weeks to learn about these Los Angeles FBI serials and files -- and the result has been a let-down. Nothing substantial has been revealed in them about Harry Dean's account of the JFK assassination.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Ernie Lazar's latest effort to dismiss the eye-witness account of Harry Dean was unsuccessful.

Paul, you do not seriously expect anybody to believe that you are open to any kind of evidence which would falsify Harry's story? As I pointed out, no matter what is presented, your reply will ALWAYS be "bias" and "secret files". The ONLY thing you would EVER accept, is a confession by Harry. You are joined with him at the hip and function solely and exclusively as an advocate for his assertions.

Harry Dean reports that he observed high-level members of the Southern California John Birch Society in September 1963 as they plotted against both JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald, to hopefully assassinate them both in Dallas in November 1963. Harry Dean further reports that he told the Los Angeles FBI about this before and after the assassination of JFK. That's the substance of Harry Dean's claim.

Any fiction writer can create any story they want. The complete absence of confirming documentary evidence or corroborating personal testimony by other persons, for Harry's story is what has become the most striking feature about Harry's story.

Instead of addressing these claims, Ernie Lazar launches a massive effort to discredit HarrY Dean as a witness - not based on contradictory FBI information, but on INSULTS and SMEARS that he carefully cherry-picked from FBI materials that only he has read.

How did I "cherry pick" anything? Be specific. I gave you a serial-by-serial summary of what his Los Angeles file contained. And please stop your childish whining about "FBI materials that only he has read", Both you and Harry could have read ALL of this material DECADES AGO if either of you had even a scintilla of intellectual curiosity. Nor have I launched a "massive effort to discredit Harry as a witness". I have merely done what YOU prefer NOT to do -- i.e. perform research, instead of just parroting everything Harry writes or says.

There is no reference at all the material that Harry Dean mentions -- and for Ernie Lazar, this is some sort of FINAL PROOF that there is no FBI records about this material.

But actually, Ernie hasn't PROVED that at all. In fact, Ernie has only PROVED that one or two snotty FBI Agents liked to cast about INSULTS about American citizens who tried to offer them informatino.

As for my charges of Ernie's "bias" it has been amply demonstrated in dozens of posts in the past eight weeks on this very thread. There is no need to repeat all that again, ad nauseum.

Ernie blissfully believes anything the FBI says -- or doesn't say. Simply because the FBI has omitted any meeting between Harry Dean and Wesley Grapp, Ernie Lazar is 100% convinced that it never took place.

No, Paul, you apparently do not even remember your own recent previous messages in this thread when you stated you were eager to discover what was contained in the Los Angeles file. You were pretending to be interested because you hoped there would be some kind of confirmation or at least some clues in that file to advance your argument. But once you found out that no such evidence exists, then you returned to form by claiming I believe anything the FBI says or doesn't say. But, again, if I HAD found something to support Harry;s story, then YOU would have "believed" the FBI -- right?


Ernie Lazar resembles nothing less than a shill for the FBI. Ernie is so proud of his knowledge of FBI procedure that he boasts about like a rooster crowing that the sun comes up because of him. Ernie practically claims omniscience about the case of Harry Dean because of the little bit of data that the FBI has let researchers see to date.

No -- this has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with MY knowledge about the FBI. This is simply a discussion about the complete lack of documentary evidence to support Harry's story -- which is why your own eBook contains not even ONE document, ONE bibliographic citation, ONE scanned copy of anything, ONE affidavit by somebody, In short, no verifiable factual evidence of any kind whatsoever. And you have the NERVE to describe me as "a shill for the FBI"?

The fact that the FBI still retains SECRET FILES about Lee Harvey Oswald does not cause Ernie Lazar to reflect very much at all.

There is no rational basis for believing that any remaining files have anything to support Harry's story about a JBS plot. Your constant reference to these "secret files" is just your wish or hope -- but you have never even had the intellectual curiosity to contact the ARRB to discover what type of documents might still exist. Everything you write is based upon your total contempt for facts.

The main thing we've learned about FBI Agent William McCauley was that he was snotty, arrogant and INSULTING. Other than that, he provides us with almost no information at all.

And the main thing we've learned about you, Paul, is that you have no capacity for critical thinking nor any serious research skills.

Also, it's no surprise that FBI Agents agree with each other and support each other with subjectiv opinions and so forth -- but providing independent confirmation has not been their strong suit so far.

You have no concept about what "independent confirmation" actually means. There is no "independent confirmation" in anything you have ever written.

Although it may be true that Harry Dean is not a man of many words, and must be coaxed into further details, that is no reason to quit the research of Harry's claims, as many JFK researchers have done. There is still plenty of material that merits research, especially the details about Ex-General Edwin Walker, mercenaries Loran Hall and Lawrence Howard, as well as the boistrous Guy "Gabby" Gabaldon whose book, "America Betrayed" bashes the Kennedy's, homosexuals, and anybody else to the left of Ghengis Khan.

I ask you again (for the third time). Since you have supposedly reviewed all of Walker's personal papers -- were there ANY references to Harry in those papers?

Furthermore, it makes no difference in the slightest that Harry Dean was -- as normal people are -- involved in youthful indiscretions going back to 1948. To raise the issue (as the FBI does) is merely misdirection. It changes the subject.

Again, I say, this latest effort does not impress me, nor should it impress any impartial reader or researcher into JFK assassination accomplices.

We have waited for weeks to learn about these Los Angeles FBI serials and files -- and the result has been a let-down. Nothing substantial has been revealed in them about Harry Dean's account of the JFK assassination.

You will never find anything "substantial" because nothing ever existed -- except in your fevered imagination.

Incidentally, are you familiar with former FBI Special Agent M. Wesley Swearingen?

He is a severe critic of the Warren Report and he is even more hostile toward Hoover. He also contends that LHO was not responsible for JFK's murder.

Swearingen has written two books about the murder of JFK:

(1) FBI Secrets: An Agent's Expose in 1995 and

(2) To Kill A President in 2008.

You can check out his website here: http://www.fbisecrets.com/cain-jfk/ and http://www.oswalddidnotkilljfk.com/

Here is my challenge to Paul (and all other admirers of Harry)

1. Contact Swearingen (his email is shown on his website)

2. Present a summary of your "theory" to him and specifically discuss Harry Dean, Galbadon, Rousselot, Walker, etc.

3. Ask Swearingen to evaluate YOUR "theory"

4. Let us know his reply

5. After Swearingen finishes laughing about your "theory" and he dismisses what you send him, then present your best case to falsify HIS theory. Let's see how skillful you are in disproving HIS evidence!

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo


Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Wes Swearingen and I knew many of the same people in Chicago and LA Bureau, his

books tell about operations as they really were. Mr. Swearingen and I have had several


"Several conversations" Harry??

And Swearingen knows the truth "about operations as they really were"??

And, yet, he does NOT mention you in either of his books, does he Harry?

In fact, he does NOT mention Galbadon or Walker either -- does he Harry?

Oh wait, I know!! Swearingen is "biased" AND there are "secret files" which he is not willing to discuss!



TO KILL A PRESIDENT re: John Birch Society


FBI SECRETS about Dean


FBI SECRETS about John Birch Society:


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I am going to make a comment here which Paul will not like -- because Paul has utterly no interest in any fact-based discussion.

1. There have been many studies done on why people become attracted to political extremist groups and causes.

2. There also have been many studies done on why people subsequently decide to reject the extremist groups and causes they initially supported.

3. There also have been some studies which have been done about why people decide to become informants (for local police or for federal government agencies).

For example, see:

Gary T. Marx (Harvard Center For Criminal Justice): "Thoughts on a Neglected Category of Social Movement Participant: The Agent Provocateur and The Informant" [American Journal of Sociology, 9/74, pp 402-442). Marx discusses in detail what scholarship has revealed about "the origins and motives of informants, their roles in radical groups..."

David J. Garrow (Pulitzer Prize winning historian): "FBI Political Harassment and FBI Historiography: Analyzing Informants and Measuring The Effects" [The Public Historian, Autumn 1988, pp 5-18] and

FBI monograph: "Reasons Why People Accept and Reject Communism" [December 1951, 309pp]

Serious students of this subject will instantly recognize that Harry Dean is NOT a unique personality. Harry's story matches what academic research has discovered regarding how and why people become attracted to radical movements and causes. Academic research also explains the reasons why some of those people then decide to turn on their former associates and become an informant for law enforcement or other entities.

Paul seems to be blissfully unaware of ANY of this research and I suspect Paul will go to his grave believing that Harry's story is accurate and truthful. But for anybody who DOES NOT consider themselves to be Harry's "#1 defender" (and is, therefore, not emotionally invested in Harry) I recommend acquainting yourself with the available literature before making any judgments about Harry's narrative.

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Ernie, you have not presented any FBI evidence at all that even MENTIONS Harry's story about the JFK assassination. You are delusional if you think you have resolved anything.

There is far more evidence than Harry Dean's word for these events that he witnessed in September 1963 regarding the JFK assassination conspiracy.

The personal papers of Edwin Walker offer evidence. FBI reports about Silvia Odio and Loran Hall offer evidence. Jack Ruby's naming of Edwin Walker is more evidence. ATF Agent Frank Ellsworth statement about Edwin Walker is more evidence. There is much more - and I've expressed it dozens of times in this thread -- and you just block it out. You're biased.

Harry's story doesn't have the character of fiction. The FBI would like to portray it as fiction. They probably hired W.R. Morris to make Harry's story sound like fiction. (And even the Spartacus Web Site today keeps posting W.R. Morris' fiction about Harry's story).

If Harry wanted to write fiction, he would have changed his story every so often to accomodate new information published by JFK researchers -- but he never did. Harry never changed his story from the first day he went public. He only told what he saw -- with all the power and limitations of that eye-witness account.

You want me to name what you "cherry picked" Ernie? Even before you gave your little summary of 60+ FBI serials, you prefaced it with the two remarks by FBI Agent William McCauley, giving his unprofessional, snotty and disrespectful opinion that Harry Dean is a "mental case."

You put that barb front and center, Ernie, and everybody here saw you do it. Is that specific enough for you?

As for your "massive effort to discredit Harry as a witness", you have had no other purpose on this EF thread since 2010.

I was very eager to know what was in the Los Angeles FBI files. I now have a choice -- I can believe the hatchet job you presented after one day of examining them, or I can wait until I see the documents with my own eyes. There is another choice -- I can accept your report without your bias, and surmise that the FBI absolutely refuses to release information about Lee Harvey Oswald to just anybody!

That makes the most sense to me. In which case, Ernie Lazar still resembles nothing less than a shill for the FBI, and reveals that he is seriously lacking in critical thinking skills.

Clearly the JFK research community has no choice but to wait until 2017, to see if the FBI has the honesty, integrity and patriotism to truly obey the JFK Act.

Ernie wishes to know whether there were any references to Harry Dean in any of Edwin Walker's personal papers stored at UT Austin. I've seen all 90 boxes worth, and I can say with certainty that there is no mention of Harry Dean by Edwin Walker himself (although Walker did obsessively collect newspaper articles about the JFK assassination, including articles by the Tattler, which do mention Harry Dean).

But that means little. Harry Dean never claimed to be a major player in the JFK conspiracy. On the contrary, Harry was a fund-raiser, a yes-man, a storage-man and a local driver -- a minor player. It is because Harry Dean had a trusted but low profile that he was in a position to hear things that are valuable for American History.

Ernie is 100% convinced that nothing ever existed in the FBI files that can confirm or deny what Harry Dean has claimed about the JFK assassination -- even though he has not yet seen all the FBI files that are available on the topic of Lee Harvey Oswald. Nobody has outside the FBI. But Ernie Lazar is still 100% certain. Obviously Ernie lacks critical thinking skills.

I repeat, we must wait until 2017 to know the full truth about the FBI and Harry Dean. I only hope Harry Dean can hang in there.

Finally -- it makes no difference to me at all that Harry Dean's name is among the least mentioned in the 400+ books about the JFK assassination that have appeared in the past fifty years. Those books have failed to solve the JFK murder mystery. The hatchet job done by W.R. Morris and perpetuated by Ernie Lazar and the Spartacus web site to this very day are ample evidence that the FBI stomped as hard as it could on the Confessions of Harry Dean, and so far they have been fairly successful.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Ernie, you have not presented any FBI evidence at all that even MENTIONS Harry's story about the JFK assassination. You are delusional if you think you have resolved anything.

How can there be "FBI evidence" about Harry's story when none exists?

There is far more evidence than Harry Dean's word for these events that he witnessed in September 1963 regarding the JFK assassination conspiracy.

The personal papers of Edwin Walker offer evidence. FBI reports about Silvia Odio and Loran Hall offer evidence. Jack Ruby's naming of Edwin Walker is more evidence. ATF Agent Frank Ellsworth statement about Edwin Walker is more evidence. There is much more - and I've expressed it dozens of times in this thread -- and you just block it out. You're biased.

What "evidence" exists in Walker's personal papers? Write something and document it with bibliographic citations which can be verified. What "evidence" did Ellsworth provide re: Harry Dean or Harry's story?

Harry's story doesn't have the character of fiction. The FBI would like to portray it as fiction. They probably hired W.R. Morris to make Harry's story soundlike fiction. (And even the Spartacus Web Site today keeps posting W.R. Morris' fiction about Harry's story).

What FBI files reveal is their TOTAL disinterest in Harry. For example, if you follow the progression in his L.A. file which I summarized yesterday, you will notice that the FBI was TOTALLY PASSIVE regarding Harry -- and they only became involved when OUTSIDE sources (mostly media) contacted the FBI and wanted to verify what Harry was claiming.

In fact, there are entire periods of MONTHS or YEARS that go by without ANY new serials being created because (contrary to your paranoid delusions), the FBI had no interest whatsoever in Harry or his story.

If Harry wanted to write fiction, he would have changed his story every so often to accomodate new information published by JFK researchers -- but he never did. Harry never changed his story from the first day he went public. He only told what he saw -- with all the power and limitations of that eye-witness account.

Straw man argument. Fiction writers rarely "change their story" -- they stick to their story-line unless somebody finds something which makes their recollections very suspect -- as has now happened here in EF.

Point of personal interest: You previously have written that the redacted (and short) version of Harry's 11/63 letter to Hoover (which Bill Kelly presented) was published in Harry's 1990 booklet, Crosstrails. So, I still want to know -- WHERE did that document originate? WHO redacted it? and WHY DID THEY REDACT IT?

You want me to name what you "cherry picked" Ernie? Even before you gave your little summary of 60+ FBI serials, you prefaced it with the two remarks by FBI Agent William McCauley, giving his unprofessional, snotty and disrespectful opinion that Harry Dean is a "mental case."You put that barb front and center, Ernie, and everybody here saw you do it. Is that specific enough for you?

Yes, thank you. But I did not "cherry pick" anything in my detailed summary of the documents Paul. I presented a complete and accurate summary. I used those examples in my first message simply to make you understand that the Los Angeles file was not going to provide you with anything which would support your story (or Harry).

EVEN IF we accept YOUR description of McCauley's comments -- it STILL does not change the more important FACT, that neither he nor anybody else in FBI-Los Angeles thought Harry was an informant or a valuable information source -- and, ultimately, THAT is why you PRETENDED to be interested in what the Los Angeles file would reveal.

As for your "massive effort to discredit Harry as a witness", you have had no other purpose on this EF thread since 2010.

Well, Paul, what do you expect to happen when somebody presents a FALSE story? The reverse is also accurate. YOU have had NO OTHER PURPOSE than to PROMOTE Harry's story (regardless of what contradictory evidence exists).

I was very eager to know what was in the Los Angeles FBI files. I now have a choice -- I can believe the hatchet job you presented after one day of examining them, or I can wait until I see the documents with my own eyes. There is another choice -- I can accept your report without your bias, and surmise that the FBI absolutely refuses to release information about Lee Harvey Oswald to just anybody!

None of your "choices" is rational. They reflect your bias and emotional commitment to believing a story which has NO supporting evidence. And, again (for the 100th time), you could have obtained ALL these documents (and many more) DECADES AGO -- if you were GENUINELY a competent researcher (which you are not).

That makes the most sense to me. In which case, Ernie Lazar still resembles nothing less than a shill for the FBI, and reveals that he is seriously lacking in critical thinking skills.

I am such a "shill for the FBI" that on almost a daily basis, I get messages from academics, students, and researchers from all over the world who want my assistance in finding or sharing CRITICAL documentary evidence about both Hoover and the FBI as an institution.

And, I am such a "shill for the FBI" that Ivan Greenberg cites the documentary evidence he obtained from me in his 2010 book, "The Dangers of Dissent: The FBI and Civil Liberties Since 1965" So, Paul, can you give us some examples of authors who have cited YOUR research in their books or articles?

Clearly the JFK research community has no choice but to wait until 2017, to see if the FBI has the honesty, integrity and patriotism to truly obey the JFK Act.

You already know the answer to that. You will NEVER acknowledge that your predicate was false to begin with. Instead, you will go to your grave talking about "secret files" that were destroyed or withheld.

Ernie wishes to know whether there were any references to Harry Dean in any of Edwin Walker's personal papers stored at UT Austin. I've seen all 90 boxes worth, and I can say with certainty that there is no mention of Harry Dean by Edwin Walker himself (although Walker did obsessively collect newspaper articles about the JFK assassination, including articles by the Tattler, which do mention Harry Dean). But that means little. Harry Dean never claimed to be a major player in the JFK conspiracy. On the contrary, Harry was a fund-raiser, a yes-man, a storage-man and a local driver -- a minor player. It is because Harry Dean had a trusted but low profile that he was in a position to hear things that are valuable for American History.

It means little? OK, do Walker's papers contain anything to support Harry's story about Galbabon and Rousselot? I presume you consider them to qualify as "major players"?

Ernie is 100% convinced that nothing ever existed in the FBI files that can confirm or deny what Harry Dean has claimed about the JFK assassination -- even though he has not yet seen all the FBI files that are available on the topic of Lee Harvey Oswald. Nobody has outside the FBI. But Ernie Lazar is still 100% certain. Obviously Ernie lacks critical thinking skills.

No, Paul, not "100% convinced" --- but about 95% convinced -- as I have previously stated.

And if you want us to accept your sinister innuendos at face value, those remaining "files" about Oswald will simply be "purged" or "lost" or "destroyed" -- so that you can continue to believe for the rest of your life in your phantom files.

I repeat, we must wait until 2017 to know the truth about the FBI and Harry Dean. I only hope Harry Dean can hang in there.

Why don't you contact the former Chairman of the ARRB and ask him to describe the type of documents about LHO which still remain unreleased and then let us know the result?

Finally -- it makes no difference to me at all that Harry Dean's name is among the least mentioned in the 400+ books about the JFK assassination that have appeared in the past fifty years. Those books have failed to solve the JFK murder mystery. The hatchet job done by W.R. Morris and perpetuated by Ernie Lazar and the Spartacus web site to this very day are ample evidence that the FBI stomped as hard as it could on the Confessions of Harry Dean, and so far they have been fairly successful.

Another of your paranoid delusions.

As the Los Angeles file clearly reveals to any rational person, the FBI had no interest of any kind in Harry which is why the file was administratively closed almost as soon as it was opened! And it was then re-opened ONLY when the FBI started getting inquiries about Harry because of Harry's relentless publicity-seeking activities.

Suppose that after Harry arrived in Los Angeles and he had his first contact with the FBI (August 1962), he devoted all of his energy to compiling all of the material which (at that time) he had accumulated as a result of his experiences in Chicago (regarding FPCC and J26M etc) AND suppose, further, that he started accumulating more material concerning his activities in southern California.

And then, suppose that once he allegedly became aware of the "JBS plot" to murder JFK (summer 1963 ---which presumably he recognized as historically significant) he started collecting or saving everything he could to document everything he was a "witness" to (including keeping a diary to summarize all his personal contacts with the FBI and with JBS members and Minutemen etc.).

THEN, after JFK was assassinated, suppose Harry did what MANY people like him did during that time period, i.e. he self-published something to document everything he had participated in or which he was aware of -- and he included photocopies. For example: if, as Harry claims, he was paid "expenses" by "intelligence agencies" - then they would have been required to send Harry some sort of annual form to report all monies paid to him so that he could accurately report the total amount on his income tax return (and he would attach their forms to his return).

If Harry had done what I just described -- the Los Angeles FBI file might not even exist -- because there would have been no basis to open a file on him...UNLESS, again, IF the FBI started getting multiple inquiries from people who read his publication who asked the FBI to verify whether or not Harry had ever been an FBI informant or source or undercover operative.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

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I received an email inquiring about what I meant by my comment in a previous message where I stated that the FBI used a different form to record all of its contacts from individuals who were actually FBI informants (or confidential sources).

Attached is a sample of FBI form FD-306. This particular example concerns an FBI informant who made a report in November 1961.


1. There is a field where the case agent would input the informant (or confidential source) name and symbol number

2. Next, the case agent would identify the "method of delivery" via which the information was received i.e. in person, by telephone, by mail, orally, by recording device, or written by informant

3. When an informant or source provided an oral report, the case agent entered the date(s) when the information was dictated, transcribed and then authenticated by the informant

4. A brief summary of the type of information received was entered in another field along with "remarks" about the quality of the information being provided. In this case, for example, the informant is described as having "furnished reliable information in the past" and the "sensitivity of this informant" required "the utmost care must be utilized to carefully paraphrase the information prior to dissemination".

Obviously, if Harry was providing high quality sensitive information, one would expect to find comparable documents about his reports in SOME file.

IN ADDITION: There were periodic required statistical reports which field offices and HQ prepared regarding the number and type of informants (racial, extremist, security, communist, ghetto, criminal, etc.) which they were using. And those statistical reports were also summarized and discussed in annual Inspection Reports prepared on every field office and on every HQ Division.

5. There is also a field which allowed a case agent to provide the specific file number which pertained to the subject matter of the informant's report

6. Lastly, the agent would enter the specific related files into which copies of the informant report would be placed. I have seen instances when an informant's report was filed into as many as 130+ different HQ and field office files!

7. As I have previously discussed, there are always clues which a researcher can find in any FBI file or on specific documents that enables a researcher to discover additional avenues for further research --- even if one or more specific main files have been destroyed or even if a file had originally been "classified".

For example: I mentioned that Harry's Los Angeles file contains copies of search slips which reveal other Los Angeles files that contain specific references to Harry. His HQ files also had such search slips. So I have requested those cross-reference serials.

In addition, I have pending requests for FBI files on FPCC (Chicago and New York City chapters) along with requests for files on specific individuals who were key figures within FPCC-Chicago.

Obviously, all of this requires some curiosity and willingness to make multiple requests over what could be a long period of time.

But, by process of elimination, a serious researcher can determine if there are ANY references anywhere to a specific person or subject.

Paul always brings up "secret files" which pertain to LHO -- but Harry's involvement with FPCC, JBS, Minutemen, Galbadon, Rousselot, Loran Hall, etc etc. began before LHO entered the picture -- which means that if Harry's story is accurate, there should be references to Harry (or someone matching his description) in many different HQ and field office files -- because of the cross-reference filing practices of the FBI. The attached form (for example) reveals that this one informant report was placed into 17 different files.

As an educated guess, it appears that Harry and Paul have identified something in the vicinity of 50-70 individuals, organizations, businesses, or events whose FBI files (HQ and field offices) could have references to Harry. So, as I said, by process of elimination, an interested researcher can methodically go about the task of requesting files (perhaps limited to specific time periods when Harry was involved to minimize cost and speed processing) -- just to find out how credible Harry's narrative is.

FD-306 FBI Informant Report.PDF

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Very interesting Paul, some of it familiar and some of it I might even have known at one time long ago and forgotten; I did spend a great deal of time on Hall, Howard et al and their California connections..

...If you have not investigated it, I suggest you look into Walker's time in Miami during the summer of 1963 and the contacts he made there...

-- Larry

Well, Larry, I'm actively pursuing your good advice, and further exploring Ex-General Edwin Walker and his right-wing activities in Miami, Florida. Walker was active in extreme right-wing activities throughout the South, coast to coast. Extreme right-wing activities in Miami evoke a 2012 tell-all by Korean War Veteran and former FBI Agent, Don Adams.

Encouraged by the recent book by former FBI Agent Wesley Swearingen (To Kill a President, 2010), Don Adams finally (2012) came out with his own criticism of the FBI role in feeding information to the Warren Commmission. (See www.adamsjfk.com ) In a nutshell, here's his story.

On 13 November 1963, Don Adams was assigned to investigate a man named Joseph Milteer regarding a plot to kill JFK. A covert phone tap had been recorded by Miami PD Intelligence Officers on 9 November 1963, in which right-wing extremist Joseph Milteer spoke with a Miami PD covert informant, William Somersett, about assassinating JFK. This tape is now well-known, but I'll type in few lines here, to orient the reader:

SOMERSETT: Well, how in the hell do you figure would be the best way to get him?

MILTEER: From an office building with a high powered rifle.

SOMERSETT: Are they gonna really try to kill him?

MILTEER: Oh, yes, it's in the works.

SOMERSETT: Boy, if that Kennedy gets shot we have to know where we're at; because you know that will be a real shake if they do that.

MILTEER: They wouldn't leave any stone unturned there -- no way. They will pick somebody up within hours afterwards, if anything like that would happen; just to throw the public off.

FBI Agent Don Adams worked day and night with the Miami PD and the Secret Service on this investigation, and submitted his FBI report on 15 November 1963. Adams fully expected that the Secret Service would stop the President from traveling to Dallas. They did not, and a week later JFK was apparently murdered "from a tall building with a high powered rifle" and somebody (Lee Harvey Oswald) was indeed "picked up within hours."

Devastated, Don Adams desperately set about to capture Joseph Milteer. Adams' FBI supervisor, SAC McMahon, warned him however, if Milteer is captured, there was only a handful of very specific questions that Adams was permitted to ask Milteer. Adams protested, because he had prepared dozens of questions -- but he was warned sternly not to disobey orders. So, Adams obeyed. On 27 November 1963 Milteer was in custody and submitted to a handful of questions by Milteer and fellow FBI Agent Ken Williams.

Milteer admitted being a member of the White Citizens' Council of Atlanta, Georgia. He denied ever making threats about JFK. He denied participation in the JFK assassination. He denied ever hearing anybody else making such threats. Since he was not under arrest, no fingerprints or mug shots were taken. Joseph Milteer was set free. Later, Milteer heard from his supervisor that Joseph Milteer had been "accounted for," and that he was "in Quitman, Georgia at the time of the JFK murder." So Don Adams forgot all about Joseph Milteer at this point.

In 1964 Don Adams was then transferred to the FBI in Dallas to support FBI research for the Warren Commission. Adams saw the Zapruder film, and when JFK reached for his throat with both hands, Adams exclaimed that JFK had been shot in the throat -- from the front -- and "the minute that you have a frontal shot, Oswald can't be the shooter!"

Other FBI Agents cautioned Don Adams, in effect, "Be careful what you say and how you say it, because the Warren Commission has already concluded that Oswald was the lone shooter, that there were no accomplices, and so all the shots had to come from behind JFK."

The FBI had already reported to the Warren Commission that three shots were fired -- but Don Adams counted eleven shots. When Don Adams exclaimed that nobody could shoot three shots with world-class precision from a bolt-action rifle in seven seconds, the FBI demanded that Don Adams keep his observations to himself.

So Don Adams dropped the matter -- perhaps the FBI had good reasons for their sloppy research, he concluded. He eventually lost interest in an investigation in which his sharpest skills of observation were unwelcome.

Thirty years after the JFK murder, Don Adams was suddenly reminded of it all again, while reading Robert Groden's book, High Treason (1990), where he saw a photograph showing Joseph Milteer in the crowd at Dealey Plaza, personally glaring at JFK while the JFK motorcade was passing by, just moments before JFK was murdered. Adams was stunned.

This began Adams' personal mission of research. At NARA, Adams, tells us today, many FBI files that he personally knew about "were missing or manipulated." His own report on Joseph Milteer from 1963, he says, is missing: "Everything that I had done was gone." However -- Adams uncovered other clues, e.g. soon after JFK was murdered, the Miami PD taped a further conversation between a jubilant Milteer and informant Somersett, as follows:

MILTEER: Everything ran true to form! I guess you thought I was kidding when I said he would be killed from a window with a high-powered rifle!

SOMERSETT: ...Were you just guessing when you said that...?

MILTEER: I don't do any guessing! Don't worry about Oswald...because he doesn't know anything. We're in the clear...The patriots outsmarted the Communists...this time."

Despite all of that, as former FBI Agent Don Adams reminds us, Joseph Milteer was never mentioned once in the Warren Report. When Hoover set up the FBI, he established a strict rule -- never embarrass the FBI. Hoover announced the "Lone Killer" theory on the evening the Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested. No FBI Agent would dare to embarrass J. Edgar Hoover by contradicting him in public. So, the lie keeps moving forward to this very day.

Now -- Harry Dean is not mentioned anywhere by Don Adams -- but that doesn't matter. Harry Dean saw his little part, and Don Adams saw his little part. What matters is that the radical right-wing in the USA was identified by both accounts as suspect number one.

What is topical for your advice to me, Larry, is that the Joseph Milteer drama takes place in Miami, Florida, where extreme right-winger Ex-General Edwin Walker was also an active participant.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Actually Paul, Stu and I spent a great deal of time tracing Milteer's connections and associates and you find a lot of that in The Awful Grace of God. Its a long story but the short of it is that Milteer's fundamental connections were to Stoner and the NSRP, as well as to the Swift/Gale organization and to a very covert NSRP networked effort which created and trained rifle teams in both California and Florida to attack JFK and a number of other senior government targets as well as a set of Jewish financial figures.

Miami was simply one of about four hubs of their network circa 62/63....however most of the clique was forced out of there over a series of terror bombing attacks they orchestrated circa 64.

I won't yammer on about it here but as I've said from the very beginning, hearing discussion in certain right wing circles of a plot against JFK in 63 would have been equivalent to hearing certain criminal figures talking about killing him. Both of those things were occurring. Indeed on the Texas Trip, a NSRP member was picked up by the SS in San Antonio talking about it. Its the same thing as hearing Oswald's name being tossed around in gossip, that occurred in Miami - in the Parrot Jungle incident among others.

The issue is that not all the gossip was at all related to the actual attack in Dallas; filtering what was is one of the major challenges. I've presented my views of that in SWHT and in NEXUS. Milteer and his key connections including the ones to the MLK assassination are dealt with at some length in AGOG. After two books on the subject of the JFK assassination, my conclusions on that are certainly on record so no reason to revisit them here.

-- Larry

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...Hearing discussion in certain right wing circles of a plot against JFK in 63 would have been equivalent to hearing certain criminal figures talking about killing him. Both of those things were occurring.

...The issue is that not all the gossip was at all related to the actual attack in Dallas...

-- Larry

Well, that's quite right, Larry. Just because somebody spoke about killing JFK in 1963 -- that's no proof that they did it.

As I've often said, there were so many plots to kill JFK -- millions of dollars probably changed hands in those days as this or that group promised to do the deed. But it was all talk.

This was Harry Dean's feeling in 1963, too, when he heard this same talk among the Minutemen in Southern California. The topic of killing JFK was a daily event -- but it was all talk -- letting off steam by cussing the President.

Gerry Patrick Hemming said he was regularly offered big money from right-wingers to kill JFK. Loran Hall told the National Enquirer and Jim Garrison in 1967 that right-wingers in Dallas offered him $50,000 on the spot if he'd do it.

We have evidence that Carlos Marcello put up a half-million dollar contract to kill JFK and/or RFK. We have evidence that Jimmy Hoffa spent lots of money underground for explosives to blow up the home of RFK.

So we know money changed hands -- but it was still all talk. There was lots of tough talk in 1963 -- how does one decide which one of the many, many plots out there was the successful one? We must ask because one and only one of those many plots was actually successful!

The answer must stand to reason, however, because only the plot that involved Lee Harvey Oswald as patsy was the successful plot. So we have a quick way to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak: was Oswald a part of the conversation or not?

Even in the case of Milteer, Oswald's name was not mentioned. However, the concept of a "patsy" (someone picked up within hours just to throw the public off) was certainly part of the Milteer plot -- so his plot is exceptionally suspicious. Further, the twin elements of (1) an office building; and (2) a high-powered rifle, are even more suspicious.

In the account of Harry Dean, however, Oswald was mentioned by name. To the best of my knowledge, this is a rare occurrence.

The common element of the Don Adams account and the Harry Dean account is the extreme right wing -- and the common figure in the extreme right-wing in El Monte, California and in Miami, Florida appears to be Ex-General Edwin Walker.

Further, we know that Walker lied to the Warren Commission when he said he never heard of Lee Harvey Oswald until the murder of JFK -- we know this from his personal papers, e.g. his letter to Senator Frank Church, in which he says he learned that Lee Harvey Oswald was his 10 April 1963 shooter "within days" of that incident. There is other evidence.

What makes Ex-General Edwin Walker a towering figure in the extreme right-wing in the USA, coast to coast, is his fame among the racist element for his role in the riots at Ole Miss University in late September, 1962, in which two were killed and hundreds were wounded (mostly Federal marshals).

Though most Americans thought Edwin Walker was nutty for starting that race riot, the extreme right-wing thought Walker was a hero and a true leader. The JBS defended Walker's actions as patriotic in a book dedicated entirely to the Ole Miss riots.

If the JBS defended Walker after those riots, we can be sure that the NSRP, the ANP and the KKK were all happy to offer their support to Ex-General Edwin Walker at all levels. Robert Allen Surrey, member and publisher for the ANP in Dallas hardly ever left Walker's side -- and he was with Walker at Ole Miss.

Gerry Patrick Hemming also offered his encouragement to Edwin Walker (as we find in Walker's personal papers). Loran Hall told Jim Garrison that he visited the home of Edwin Walker in Dallas. There is more.

I think that the accounts told by Don Adams and Harry Dean are harmonious in many ways. They are easily linked together by extreme right-wing personnel. This is the place to dig, IMHO. I will continue to dig in Miami, Larry.

I realize that you've done a lot of work on this, Larry, as your works take their place in the 400+ books on JFK assassination research in the past 50 years. Yet we all admit that the case is not yet solved. We hope that all answers will be given in 2017, but should we stop digging now? I'm going to keep digging.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul, I wouldn't discourage anyone from digging or from following their own path - that's why I mentioned Walker's trip to Miami. There's also the interesting thing about the post cards from Texas and the leaflet that was distributed in Miami both of which express wishes for something to happen to JFK and for Johnson to take over.

Each to his own, I've satisfied myself on the basics of the conspiracy and describe that in my books and a variety of other material - clearly there are lots of folks still digging to satisfy themselves and I wish everyone success on that score.

-- Larry

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Very interesting Paul, some of it familiar and some of it I might even have known at one time long ago and forgotten; I did spend a great deal of time on Hall, Howard et al and their California connections..

...If you have not investigated it, I suggest you look into Walker's time in Miami during the summer of 1963 and the contacts he made there...

-- Larry

Well, Larry, I'm actively pursuing your good advice, and further exploring Ex-General Edwin Walker and his right-wing activities in Miami, Florida. Walker was active in extreme right-wing activities throughout the South, coast to coast. Extreme right-wing activities in Miami evoke a 2012 tell-all by Korean War Veteran and former FBI Agent, Don Adams.

Encouraged by the recent book by former FBI Agent Wesley Swearingen (To Kill a President, 2010), Don Adams finally (2012) came out with his own criticism of the FBI role in feeding information to the Warren Commmission. (See www.adamsjfk.com ) In a nutshell, here's his story.

On 13 November 1963, Don Adams was assigned to investigate a man named Joseph Milteer regarding a plot to kill JFK. A covert phone tap had been recorded by Miami PD Intelligence Officers on 9 November 1963, in which right-wing extremist Joseph Milteer spoke with a Miami PD covert informant, William Somersett, about assassinating JFK. This tape is now well-known, but I'll type in few lines here, to orient the reader:

SOMERSETT: Well, how in the hell do you figure would be the best way to get him?

MILTEER: From an office building with a high powered rifle.

SOMERSETT: Are they gonna really try to kill him?

MILTEER: Oh, yes, it's in the works.

SOMERSETT: Boy, if that Kennedy gets shot we have to know where we're at; because you know that will be a real shake if they do that.

MILTEER: They wouldn't leave any stone unturned there -- no way. They will pick somebody up within hours afterwards, if anything like that would happen; just to throw the public off.

FBI Agent Don Adams worked day and night with the Miami PD and the Secret Service on this investigation, and submitted his FBI report on 15 November 1963. Adams fully expected that the Secret Service would stop the President from traveling to Dallas. They did not, and a week later JFK was apparently murdered "from a tall building with a high powered rifle" and somebody (Lee Harvey Oswald) was indeed "picked up within hours."

Devastated, Don Adams desperately set about to capture Joseph Milteer. Adams' FBI supervisor, SAC McMahon, warned him however, if Milteer is captured, there was only a handful of very specific questions that Adams was permitted to ask Milteer. Adams protested, because he had prepared dozens of questions -- but he was warned sternly not to disobey orders. So, Adams obeyed. On 27 November 1963 Milteer was in custody and submitted to a handful of questions by Milteer and fellow FBI Agent Ken Williams.

Milteer admitted being a member of the White Citizens' Council of Atlanta, Georgia. He denied ever making threats about JFK. He denied participation in the JFK assassination. He denied ever hearing anybody else making such threats. Since he was not under arrest, no fingerprints or mug shots were taken. Joseph Milteer was set free. Later, Milteer heard from his supervisor that Joseph Milteer had been "accounted for," and that he was "in Quitman, Georgia at the time of the JFK murder." So Don Adams forgot all about Joseph Milteer at this point.

In 1964 Don Adams was then transferred to the FBI in Dallas to support FBI research for the Warren Commission. Adams saw the Zapruder film, and when JFK reached for his throat with both hands, Adams exclaimed that JFK had been shot in the throat -- from the front -- and "the minute that you have a frontal shot, Oswald can't be the shooter!"

Other FBI Agents cautioned Don Adams, in effect, "Be careful what you say and how you say it, because the Warren Commission has already concluded that Oswald was the lone shooter, that there were no accomplices, and so all the shots had to come from behind JFK."

The FBI had already reported to the Warren Commission that three shots were fired -- but Don Adams counted eleven shots. When Don Adams exclaimed that nobody could shoot three shots with world-class precision from a bolt-action rifle in seven seconds, the FBI demanded that Don Adams keep his observations to himself.

So Don Adams dropped the matter -- perhaps the FBI had good reasons for their sloppy research, he concluded. He eventually lost interest in an investigation in which his sharpest skills of observation were unwelcome.

Thirty years after the JFK murder, Don Adams was suddenly reminded of it all again, while reading Robert Groden's book, High Treason (1990), where he saw a photograph showing Joseph Milteer in the crowd at Dealey Plaza, personally glaring at JFK while the JFK motorcade was passing by, just moments before JFK was murdered. Adams was stunned.

This began Adams' personal mission of research. At NARA, Adams, tells us today, many FBI files that he personally knew about "were missing or manipulated." His own report on Joseph Milteer from 1963, he says, is missing: "Everything that I had done was gone." However -- Adams uncovered other clues, e.g. soon after JFK was murdered, the Miami PD taped a further conversation between a jubilant Milteer and informant Somersett, as follows:

MILTEER: Everything ran true to form! I guess you thought I was kidding when I said he would be killed from a window with a high-powered rifle!

SOMERSETT: ...Were you just guessing when you said that...?

MILTEER: I don't do any guessing! Don't worry about Oswald...because he doesn't know anything. We're in the clear...The patriots outsmarted the Communists...this time."

Despite all of that, as former FBI Agent Don Adams reminds us, Joseph Milteer was never mentioned once in the Warren Report. When Hoover set up the FBI, he established a strict rule -- never embarrass the FBI. Hoover announced the "Lone Killer" theory on the evening the Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested. No FBI Agent would dare to embarrass J. Edgar Hoover by contradicting him in public. So, the lie keeps moving forward to this very day.

Now -- Harry Dean is not mentioned anywhere by Don Adams -- but that doesn't matter. Harry Dean saw his little part, and Don Adams saw his little part. What matters is that the radical right-wing in the USA was identified by both accounts as suspect number one.

What is topical for your advice to me, Larry, is that the Joseph Milteer drama takes place in Miami, Florida, where extreme right-winger Ex-General Edwin Walker was also an active participant.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Significantly, Wesley Swearingen dismisses Milteer's story. See: http://www.oswalddidnotkilljfk.com/Joseph-Milteer.html

Also: I would be interested in learning precisely which "reports" Adams claims are "missing". Although Atlanta and Miami field files on Milteer have now been destroyed, I received his Atlanta and HQ files back in 2000.

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Actually Paul, Stu and I spent a great deal of time tracing Milteer's connections and associates and you find a lot of that in The Awful Grace of God. Its a long story but the short of it is that Milteer's fundamental connections were to Stoner and the NSRP, as well as to the Swift/Gale organization and to a very covert NSRP networked effort which created and trained rifle teams in both California and Florida to attack JFK and a number of other senior government targets as well as a set of Jewish financial figures.

Miami was simply one of about four hubs of their network circa 62/63....however most of the clique was forced out of there over a series of terror bombing attacks they orchestrated circa 64.

I won't yammer on about it here but as I've said from the very beginning, hearing discussion in certain right wing circles of a plot against JFK in 63 would have been equivalent to hearing certain criminal figures talking about killing him. Both of those things were occurring. Indeed on the Texas Trip, a NSRP member was picked up by the SS in San Antonio talking about it. Its the same thing as hearing Oswald's name being tossed around in gossip, that occurred in Miami - in the Parrot Jungle incident among others.

The issue is that not all the gossip was at all related to the actual attack in Dallas; filtering what was is one of the major challenges. I've presented my views of that in SWHT and in NEXUS. Milteer and his key connections including the ones to the MLK assassination are dealt with at some length in AGOG. After two books on the subject of the JFK assassination, my conclusions on that are certainly on record so no reason to revisit them here.

-- Larry

Larry -- for what it's worth, a few months ago I made a new FOIA request to the FBI (HQ and 7 field offices) on William Potter Gale and many related subjects (such as Committee of the States, Ministry of Christ Church, Inc., Church of Jesus Christ Christian, California Rangers, U.S. Christian Posse Association, the Unorganized Militia, and newsletter Racial and National Identity). Back in 1998, I received a few thousand pages on Gale and related subjects but I decided to request all this again so that I could get everything from the FBI on a CD and then post everything online.

You mention all the various people who talked about murdering JFK -- so I imagine you are familiar with Gale's associate, George J. King Jr. King had been a JBS section leader and he also belonged to Christian Defense League. In June 1968, the San Diego Police Dept Intelligence Unit reported that King had been identified by one of their informants as a possible member of the American Nazi Party.

In August 1963, the Secret Service arrested King. King had been overheard discussing the possibility of murdering JFK and he was arrested that month for illegal sale of machine guns.

There is a bottomless pit of these types of stories. There is another guy (whose name escapes me at the moment) who lived in Chicago and his landlady contacted Chicago police because of his incessant rants about murdering JFK.

Many individuals connected to the 1950's version of the Constitution Party (not to be confused with the current re-incarnation by that name) made very violent denunciations of JFK. In 1957, Gale was Chairman of the Constitution Party in California when he ran for Governor. His campaign chairman was San Jacinto Capt (a Baptist minister and former Klan member and a co-founder of Christian Defense League). At one point, Gale declared that only Christians should be allowed to vote. (Not many people are aware of the role Capt played in the development of Christian Identity theology.)

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