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Mr. Robert West

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In honor of the memory of Mr. Robert West, who was an outstanding gentleman and person, his memories and recollections of the WC re-enactment should be preserved.

Unfortunately, they constitute only what I can recall of our meetings and conversations as I took no notes and carried not tape recorders during my visits to his home on Turtle Creek Drive in Dallas.

When I first contacted Mr. West, I had no idea that he had kept copies of the various survey plats which he had generated. My contact was in regards to his survey notes which I knew would have been kept on his part.

Due to my position with an oil and gas company at the time, I was utililizing the survey services of another "West Survey" in Texas, and although there was apparantly no family connections, each of the two owners knew one another.

With this and the fact that I had taken survey many years prior, Mr. Robert West and I had some common ground.

In my initial contact and approach, I merely asked him general questions and then asked if he still had his survey notes. To this he replied in the affirmative and thereafter sent me a bundle of his notes.

In review of thes notes, I began to find survey notes which had reference to such items as "Time/Life"; SS; FBI; WC; etc.

At this point in time, my research efforts had centered around CE#399 and little thought and research had been given to other aspects of the assassination.

I was however fully familiar with the WC re-enactment, however had absolutely no knowledge or indications that three other surveys and re-enactments had been done.

With this information, I again contacted Mr. West who explained the various surveys. He thereafter asked if I would like to have copies of the survey plats which were generated for this work.

In this conversation, it also came to light that he had a full size copy of the WC survey plat which had been made directly from the original plat which the WC had utilized.

Mr. West thereafter provided all survey plats and survey notes which he could find, to me, with absolutely no charge.

Thereafter, additional review of the WC was conducted in order to attempt to see if mention of these other works were made.

What I found was that no mention was made other than on little sleight-of-hand entry of the SS survey plat.

With this, it was microscope time in examination of the WC Exhibits which represented these two surveys.

Being somewhat familiar with "sneaky", I quickly grasped that all was not on the up and up here, and when I found how the survey data block of Mr. West WC survey plat was entered into evidence, it was most assuredly a "RED FLAG" event.

This caused me to go back and compare the WC exhibit with the survey data block on that survey given to me by Mr. West.

Therein lies the story of how it was found.

After this, I made contact with Mr. West as regards this survey work.

In not knowing whether Mr. West was a part of this or not, questions were general and did not immediately address the problem.

In several conversations, I came to find that Mr. West was in no way involved in this little scam, and in fact Mr. West had little other than criticism for the WC re-enactment whom at the time he considered to be a bunch of unknowing lawyers and FBI Agents who understood nothing as regards survey work.

With this, it was now well worth my time to drive to Dallas and meet with Mr. West, which I did.

After conversations on multiples aspects, I presented the altered survey data to Mr. West, at his home, and he was quite astonished.

Not only at the fact that the data had been changed, but also the manner in which it had been admitted into evidence.

Thereafter, having full faith in the honor and integrity of Mr. West, I explained to him the ultimate and actual reason for the WC manipulation of the evidence.

Actually, I expected to see one of those "sure it is" type looks and attitude.

To my suprise, Mr. West literally broke out laughing and then stated to me that now it all made sense and that obviously the WC lawyers and FBI were nowhere near as inept as he had assumed.

With this, Mr. West thereafter informed me of many aspects of the WC re-enactment of which I was not aware, and which were completely reinforced by the information which I had given to Mr. West.

In fact, due to his wealth of knowledge as relates to the WC re-enactment of the assassination, and his relay of that information to me, there was little difficulty in knowning exactly where to look as well as what to look for in the WC obfuscation and lie.

On subsequent visits to the home of Mr. West we sat and he would tell things that went on during the WC re-enactment and we would both break out laughing at the stupidity of what these persons went through to present the lie that they have given to the american public.

And although I placed no stipulations on Mr. West, and could and would not have done so if I could, he apparantly never discussed or revealed anything related to my having been given the survey plats and data, or that information related to the alteration of this data by the WC, or of our enjoyable laughter at all that Specter & Company went through to obfuscate the simple facts.

When I found out that Mr. West had passed away, a sadness of knowing that one of the most honorable persons it will ever be my priviledge to meet was gone.

And, along with that passing went a tremendous amount of history as relates to the WC lie.

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In honor of the memory of Mr. Robert West, who was an outstanding gentleman and person, his memories and recollections of the WC re-enactment should be preserved.

Unfortunately, they constitute only what I can recall of our meetings and conversations as I took no notes and carried not tape recorders during my visits to his home on Turtle Creek Drive in Dallas.

When I first contacted Mr. West, I had no idea that he had kept copies of the various survey plats which he had generated.  My contact was in regards to his survey notes which I knew would have been kept on his part.

Due to my position with an oil and gas company at the time, I was utililizing the survey services of another "West Survey" in Texas, and although there was apparantly no family connections, each of the two owners knew one another.

With this and the fact that I had taken survey many years prior, Mr. Robert West and I had some common ground.

In my initial contact and approach, I merely asked him general questions and then asked if he still had his survey notes.  To this he replied in the affirmative and thereafter sent me a bundle of his notes.

In review of thes notes, I began to find survey notes which had reference to such items as "Time/Life";  SS; FBI;  WC; etc.

At this point in time, my research efforts had centered around CE#399 and little thought and research had been given to other aspects of the assassination.

I was however fully familiar with the WC re-enactment, however had absolutely no knowledge or indications that three other surveys and re-enactments had been done.

With this information, I again contacted Mr. West who explained the various surveys.  He thereafter asked if I would like to have copies of the survey plats which were generated for this work.

In this conversation, it also came to light that he had a full size copy of the WC survey plat which had been made directly from the original plat which the WC had utilized.

Mr. West thereafter provided all survey plats and survey notes which he could find, to me, with absolutely no charge.

Thereafter, additional review of the WC was conducted in order to attempt to see if mention of these other works were made.

What I found was that no mention was made other than on little sleight-of-hand entry of the SS survey plat.

With this, it was microscope time in examination of the WC Exhibits which represented these two surveys.

Being somewhat familiar with "sneaky", I quickly grasped that all was not on the up and up here, and when I found how the survey data block of Mr. We

st WC survey plat was entered into evidence, it was most assuredly a "RED FLAG" event.

This caused me to go back and compare the WC exhibit with the survey data block on that survey given to me by Mr. West.

Therein lies the story of how it was found.

After this, I made contact with Mr. West as regards this survey work.

In not knowing whether Mr. West was a part of this or not, questions were general and did not immediately address the problem.

In several conversations, I came to find that Mr. West was in no way involved in this little scam, and in fact Mr. West had little other than criticism for the WC re-enactment whom at the time he considered to be a bunch of unknowing lawyers and FBI Agents who understood nothing as regards survey work.

With this, it was now well worth my time to drive to Dallas and meet with Mr. West, which I did.

After conversations on multiples aspects, I presented the altered survey data to Mr. West, at his home, and he was quite astonished.

Not only at the fact that the data had been changed, but also the manner in which it had been admitted  into evidence.

Thereafter, having full faith in the honor and integrity of Mr. West, I explained to him the ultimate and actual reason for the WC manipulation of the evidence.

Actually, I expected to see one of those "sure it is" type looks and attitude.

To my suprise, Mr. West literally broke out laughing and then stated to me that now it all made sense and that obviously the WC lawyers and FBI were nowhere near as inept as he had assumed.

With this, Mr. West thereafter informed me of many aspects of the WC re-enactment of which I was not aware, and which were completely reinforced by the information which I had given to Mr. West.

In fact, due to his wealth of knowledge as relates to the WC re-enactment of the assassination, and his relay of that information to me, there was little difficulty in knowning exactly where to look as well as what to look for in the WC obfuscation and lie.

On subsequent visits to the home of Mr. West we sat and he would tell things that went on during the WC re-enactment and we would both break out laughing at the stupidity of what these persons went through to present the lie that they have given to the american public.

And although I placed no stipulations on Mr. West, and could and would not have done so if I could, he apparantly never discussed or revealed anything related to my having been given the survey plats and data, or that information related to the alteration of this data by the WC, or of our enjoyable laughter at all that Specter & Company went through to obfuscate the simple facts.

When I found out that Mr. West had passed away, a sadness of knowing that one of the most honorable persons it will ever be my priviledge to meet was gone.

And, along with that passing went a tremendous amount of history as relates to the WC lie.

Thanks for the background, Tom...

David Healy

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In honor of the memory of Mr. Robert West, who was an outstanding gentleman and person, his memories and recollections of the WC re-enactment should be preserved.

Unfortunately, they constitute only what I can recall of our meetings and conversations as I took no notes and carried not tape recorders during my visits to his home on Turtle Creek Drive in Dallas.

When I first contacted Mr. West, I had no idea that he had kept copies of the various survey plats which he had generated.  My contact was in regards to his survey notes which I knew would have been kept on his part.

Due to my position with an oil and gas company at the time, I was utililizing the survey services of another "West Survey" in Texas, and although there was apparantly no family connections, each of the two owners knew one another.

With this and the fact that I had taken survey many years prior, Mr. Robert West and I had some common ground.

In my initial contact and approach, I merely asked him general questions and then asked if he still had his survey notes.  To this he replied in the affirmative and thereafter sent me a bundle of his notes.

In review of thes notes, I began to find survey notes which had reference to such items as "Time/Life";  SS; FBI;  WC; etc.

At this point in time, my research efforts had centered around CE#399 and little thought and research had been given to other aspects of the assassination.

I was however fully familiar with the WC re-enactment, however had absolutely no knowledge or indications that three other surveys and re-enactments had been done.

With this information, I again contacted Mr. West who explained the various surveys.  He thereafter asked if I would like to have copies of the survey plats which were generated for this work.

In this conversation, it also came to light that he had a full size copy of the WC survey plat which had been made directly from the original plat which the WC had utilized.

Mr. West thereafter provided all survey plats and survey notes which he could find, to me, with absolutely no charge.

Thereafter, additional review of the WC was conducted in order to attempt to see if mention of these other works were made.

What I found was that no mention was made other than on little sleight-of-hand entry of the SS survey plat.

With this, it was microscope time in examination of the WC Exhibits which represented these two surveys.

Being somewhat familiar with "sneaky", I quickly grasped that all was not on the up and up here, and when I found how the survey data block of Mr. We

st WC survey plat was entered into evidence, it was most assuredly a "RED FLAG" event.

This caused me to go back and compare the WC exhibit with the survey data block on that survey given to me by Mr. West.

Therein lies the story of how it was found.

After this, I made contact with Mr. West as regards this survey work.

In not knowing whether Mr. West was a part of this or not, questions were general and did not immediately address the problem.

In several conversations, I came to find that Mr. West was in no way involved in this little scam, and in fact Mr. West had little other than criticism for the WC re-enactment whom at the time he considered to be a bunch of unknowing lawyers and FBI Agents who understood nothing as regards survey work.

With this, it was now well worth my time to drive to Dallas and meet with Mr. West, which I did.

After conversations on multiples aspects, I presented the altered survey data to Mr. West, at his home, and he was quite astonished.

Not only at the fact that the data had been changed, but also the manner in which it had been admitted  into evidence.

Thereafter, having full faith in the honor and integrity of Mr. West, I explained to him the ultimate and actual reason for the WC manipulation of the evidence.

Actually, I expected to see one of those "sure it is" type looks and attitude.

To my suprise, Mr. West literally broke out laughing and then stated to me that now it all made sense and that obviously the WC lawyers and FBI were nowhere near as inept as he had assumed.

With this, Mr. West thereafter informed me of many aspects of the WC re-enactment of which I was not aware, and which were completely reinforced by the information which I had given to Mr. West.

In fact, due to his wealth of knowledge as relates to the WC re-enactment of the assassination, and his relay of that information to me, there was little difficulty in knowning exactly where to look as well as what to look for in the WC obfuscation and lie.

On subsequent visits to the home of Mr. West we sat and he would tell things that went on during the WC re-enactment and we would both break out laughing at the stupidity of what these persons went through to present the lie that they have given to the american public.

And although I placed no stipulations on Mr. West, and could and would not have done so if I could, he apparantly never discussed or revealed anything related to my having been given the survey plats and data, or that information related to the alteration of this data by the WC, or of our enjoyable laughter at all that Specter & Company went through to obfuscate the simple facts.

When I found out that Mr. West had passed away, a sadness of knowing that one of the most honorable persons it will ever be my priviledge to meet was gone.

And, along with that passing went a tremendous amount of history as relates to the WC lie.

Thanks for the background, Tom...

David Healy

The conversations with Mr. West "enlightened" me and thereafter gave me the roadmap as to where to look for the answers to the WC lie.

Progressively, I will share some of these stories.


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